Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abo, Prince (character; Ise), 139
“Agemaki” (Genji), 57, 68, 70, 78, 82, 95; in matches, 95, 104; Motoori Norinaga on, 434, 482, 498; in obsequies, 199
“Akashi” (Genji), 43, 54–55, 157n.131, 536n.125, 571; Edo-period commentaries on, 409; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 519; in lists, 61, 75, 83; in matches, 87, 89, 127–28; Motoori Norinaga on, 424, 451, 452; in obsequies, 196
Akashi Empress (character; Genji): in apocrypha, 244, 252, 280, 282, 298, 323n.140, 330n.226; in lists, 67, 84; in matches, 107
Akashi lady (character; Genji), 25, 44, 59, 61; in apocrypha, 244, 246, 318n.95; early commentaries on, 172; Edo-period commentaries on, 394; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 519; in lists, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 80, 84; in matches, 87, 89, 107, 126–28, 140; medieval commentaries on, 361
Akashi Novice (character; Genji), 48, 80, 519
Akikonomu Empress (character; Genji): in lists, 71, 74; in matches, 96, 105; Motoori Norinaga on, 462, 473, 478, 533n.62; in Nameless Notebook, 45, 48, 59
Amayo danshō (Notes on the Rainy Night’s Discussion; Sōgi), 6, 352–58
Andō Tameakira, 2–3, 7, 384, 385, 392–411, 429, 540; on chronology, 532n.49; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 510, 513, 514; Motoori Norinaga on, 421, 489, 536n.114
“Aoi” (Genji): in apocrypha, 317n.88, 322n.131; Edo-period commentaries on, 405; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517, 518; in lists, 69, 73, 76, 79, 81, 84, 88; in matches, 92, 95, 99, 119–20; Motoori Norinaga on, 426, 456, 468, 469, 472–73; in Nameless Notebook, 43, 51, 52; in obsequies, 196
Aoi, Lady (character; Genji), 44, 45, 51; in apocrypha, 236, 322n.131; early commentaries on, 173; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517, 518; in lists, 70, 84; in matches, 95, 118–20, 140; medieval commentaries on, 355, 356; modern commentaries on, 556; Woolf on, 568
apocrypha, 207–336. See also specific titles
Ariwara no Narihira (Zai Chūjō; character; Ise), 22, 23, 62–63, 324n.148, 406; and apocrypha, 313n.31, 320n.106, 328n.193; early commentaries on, 172; in matches, 133, 134, 154n.111; medieval commentaries on, 347, 349; Motoori Norinaga on, 422
Asagao Princess (character; Genji), 45; Edo-period commentaries on, 394; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517; in matches, 92, 95, 104, 124–25, 140; Motoori Norinaga on, 452, 456–57, 468; Woolf on, 568
Ashiwake obune (Motoori Norinaga), 412
Aware ben (Motoori Norinaga), 413
Ben no Kimi (Ben no Omoto; character; Genji), 477, 492, 518
Bo Juyi (Haku Kyoi; Hakurakuten; Po Chü-i), 164–65, 353, 378n.30; Collected Works of, 28, 97, 147n.26, 164, 177, 230, 345; early commentaries on, 174; and Murasaki Shikibu, 397; and obsequies, 177, 181, 183, 188, 191, 202n.26
Book of Filial Piety (Xiaojing), 171
Buddhism: and apocrypha, 234, 236, 240–72, 325n.164, 328n.200; in early commentaries, 168, 172, 173–74; in Edo-period commentaries, 384, 385, 393, 410; Eight Schools of, 327n.192; expedient truths (hōben) in, 26, 181, 203n.32, 271, 384, 446–47, 448; and fiction, 26, 34, 418; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 514, 520, 522; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; in medieval commentaries, 337, 339, 343, 359; in modern commentaries, 540, 548; Motoori Norinaga on, 4, 7, 416, 427, 428, 431, 435, 446–53, 460–61, 484, 485–86, 488–89, 536n.118; and Murasaki Shikibu, 397, 398, 400, 402, 449; and obsequies, 177, 180–201; and poetry, 6, 411; Tendai, 234, 236, 353, 427, 449; for women, 142
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 547
Bungei hyōron (Masamune Hakuchō), 570
bushido (Way of the warrior), 551–54
“Cat, a Man, and Two Women, A” (Neko to Shōzo to futari no onna; Tanizaki Jun’ichirō), 577
Chinese language: Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 510, 512, 513, 525; and Japanese language, 542, 545; Motoori Norinaga on, 445, 453, 455; Murasaki Shikibu’s use of, 395
Chinese literature: and Edo-period commentaries, 388; fiction in, 12; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 511–12, 512–13, 514, 523; and Japanese, 8, 539–40; and medieval commentaries, 337, 339, 343, 344, 350–51, 357, 359, 360, 365; and modern commentaries, 547, 550, 553, 573; and modern translations, 558; Motoori Norinaga on, 428, 487, 489, 495–96, 500–501; and Murasaki Shikibu, 397, 400, 401; poetry, 174, 190, 236, 342, 344, 444–45, 553; vernacular, 510. See also specific authors and works
Chūnagon no Kimi (Senji; character; “Sumori”), 280
Chūōkōron (magazine), 570
Collected Poems of the Mother of Acting Middle Counselor Lord Saneki (Gon Chūnagon Saneki Kyō no haha shū), 185–86
Collection of Fujiwara no Takanobu (Fujiwara no Takanobu Ason shū), 187
Confucianism: and apocrypha, 213; in early commentaries, 171, 172–73; in Edo-period commentaries, 8, 384, 385, 393, 406, 410; in fiction, 418; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 510, 519; of Kumazawa Banzan, 386; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; in medieval commentaries, 339, 343, 359; in modern commentaries, 540, 548; Motoori Norinaga on, 4, 7, 416, 428, 429, 430, 431, 435, 447, 449–50, 451, 452, 453, 459, 463, 484, 485, 486, 488, 489, 501; and Murasaki Shikibu, 402; and obsequies, 189–90
Conversations with the Kyōgoku Middle Counselor (Kyōgoku Chūnagon sōgo; Fujiwara no Nagatsuna), 170–71
Critical Appraisal of Genji, A (Genji monogatari hyōshaku; Hagiwara Hiromichi), 509–29, 540, 555, 571
Dai Nihonshi (History of Great Japan), 392, 530n.16
Daihannya kyō (Hannyakyō), 410, 424
Daijōin jisha no zōjiki (Jinson), 238
Daini no Menoto (character; Genji), 131
Daring Adventures of Chivalrous Men (Kaikan kyōki kyōkakuden; Takizawa Bakin), 510
Dazai no Daini Nariakira, 422
Dedicatory Proclamation for The Tale of Genji (Genji ipponkyō; Chōken), 188–91, 234
Diary of Murasaki Shikibu, The (Murasaki Shikibu nikki), 11, 19, 28–32, 208; Andō Tameakira on, 392–411; Edo-period commentaries on, 384, 531n.20; Motoori Norinaga on, 421, 423–24, 425, 429, 449, 499
Diary of the Juntoku Retired Emperor (Juntoku-in gyoki), 168–69
Diary of the Sixteenth-Night Moon (Izayoi nikki; Abutsu), 140, 142
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 12
Dream of the Red Chamber (Hongloumeng; Cao Xueqin), 570, 571
Earlier Collected Poems of the Great Kamo Priestess (Dai Sai’in saki no gyoshū; Princess Senshi), 14–15
“Eawase” (Genji), 11, 18–23, 24, 48, 61; and apocrypha, 321n.111; in lists, 74; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; modern commentaries on, 571; Motoori Norinaga on, 420, 432; in obsequies, 196
Eiga monogatari (A Tale of Flowering Fortunes), 399, 400, 401; Edo-period commentaries on, 406, 410; Motoori Norinaga on, 420, 425, 502, 503
E’iri Genji monogatari, 283
Exemplars from Genji (Genji monotatoe), 66, 74–79
Fashionable Colonel, The (Imameki no chūjō), 16
Feelings of People in Genji: A Match (Genji hitobito kokoro kurabe): Awa no Kuni Bunko text of, 86–92; Suzuki manuscript of, 101–8
fiction (monogatari), 2–4; and Buddhism, 26, 34, 418; Chinese, 12, 510; and Confucianism, 8, 418; critical terms for, 510, 514, 525–29; criticisms of, 180–82; development of Japanese, 538–39; early discussions of, 11–38; Edo-period commentaries on, 385, 401, 404; and gender, 4–5, 7–8; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 510; in Meiji period, 581n.14; morality in, 418; Motoori Norinaga on, 416–21; Murasaki Shikibu on, 418–19; and obsequies, 177; and oral tradition, 12; and poetry, 3–4; pre-Genji, 11–18; purposes of, 548–50; and romances, 12, 417; terminology for, 12–13; vernacular, 7, 12, 172, 539, 540–41, 550, 552, 557, 578; and West, 12–13, 416–17, 547. See also novel; romances, old
First Princess (character; Genji), 435, 466
Fitful Slumbers (Utatane; Abutsu), 141
Fleeting Dreams (Asaki yume mishi; Yamato Waki), 9
Forty-Eight Exemplars from Genji (Genji shijū-hachi monotatoe no koto), 66–70
Fourth Prince (character; Genji), 330n.236
From Blossoms to Moonlight (Kagetsu zōshi; Matsudaira Sadanobu), 506–8
“Fuji no uraba” (Genji): Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 521; in lists, 67, 70, 75, 82; modern commentaries on, 561, 583n.45; in Nameless Notebook, 44, 49, 146n.20, 147n.22; in obsequies, 198
“Fujibakama” (Genji): and apocrypha, 226; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 523–24; in matches, 91, 155n.118; in obsequies, 197
Fujitsubo Empress (Usugumo Empress; character; Genji), 9, 43, 44; in apocrypha, 261, 262; early commentaries on, 172; Edo-period commentaries on, 384, 393, 394, 403, 404–5, 407; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 516, 518; in lists, 66, 69, 72, 73, 75, 79, 82; in matches, 90, 99, 107, 113, 139; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 507, 508; modern commentaries on, 572; Motoori Norinaga on, 450, 452, 459, 467, 473, 474, 478, 481, 489, 490, 491, 534n.94, 536n.114; son of, 7, 18, 19; Woolf on, 568
Fujiwara no Kintsune, 179
Fujiwara no Kiyosuke, 164, 165
Fujiwara (Sesonji) no Koreyuki, 225, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233; and apocrypha, 283; commentaries by, 222, 223, 236, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344; and medieval commentaries, 342, 347
Fujiwara no Michinaga, 11, 28–29, 31, 38n.37, 65, 206n.65, 396, 531n.25; and apocrypha, 224–25; Motoori Norinaga on, 502; and Murasaki Shikibu, 384, 395, 399, 410, 421, 533n.71
Fujiwara no Michinori (Shinzei), 188–89
Fujiwara no Nakatada (character; Utsuho), 17, 18, 37n.18
Fujiwara no Nobunori, 422
Fujiwara no Nobuzane, 179
Fujiwara no Norinaga, 164, 165
Fujiwara no Shunzei, 5, 6, 40–41, 159–65; and Abutsu, 140, 141; and apocrypha, 210, 211; daughter of, 41, 141, 167, 179; and Minamoto no Mitsuyuki, 165–67; Motoori Norinaga on, 425, 471, 474; and obsequies, 179; on poetry and Genji, 161, 162, 163, 164, 170, 339, 340
Fujiwara no Tadanobu, 17, 18
Fujiwara no Teika, 3, 5, 149n.42, 167, 169–71, 185; and Abutsu, 140, 141; and apocrypha, 237; and medieval commentaries, 340, 342, 343, 344, 347; Motoori Norinaga on, 425, 428; and Nameless Notebook, 40–41; and obsequies, 179; poem by, 152n.91
Fujiwara no Toshiyuki (character; Ise), 137
Fujiwara no Yoshikado, 422
Fujiwara no Yoshitsune, 162
Fujiwara Tomoko (Kii no Nii), 189
Full Moon Diary (Meigetsuki; Fujiwara no Teika), 169
Genchū shūi (Gleanings of Commentary on Genji; Keichū), 368, 383, 393, 429, 555
Genji (Hikaru Genji; The Shining Genji): death of, 234, 236, 240, 486, 521, 549; historical model for, 344, 353, 409, 424, 426; name of, 112, 118, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 354, 425–26, 516, 522
Genji: A Contest (Genji monoarasoi), 92–101
Genji, The Tale of (Genji monogatari; Murasaki Shikibu): adaptations of, 543, 554–55; authoritative text of, 340; authorship of, 561–63; canonization of, 2, 5, 9, 40, 158–76, 207–8, 211; chronology of, 398–400, 425; creative copying of, 208–9, 211, 337; digest versions of, 65, 109, 155n.119, 365, 551–52, 555, 576, 581n.20; earliest discussions of, 39–157; Edo-period commentaries on, 382–537; eroticism of, 8, 579; guides to, 143, 144; historicity of, 344–45, 353, 384, 386, 388, 392, 401, 426–27; lists from, 65–85; manga versions of, 9, 543; marginalia on, 211, 222, 283, 340–41, 342, 343, 351; matches from, 85–140; medieval commentaries on, 337–81, 384, 385, 416; modern adaptations of, 543; in modern period, 3, 8–9, 538–87; morality of, 3, 16, 172, 177, 180–81, 368, 384–85, 386, 387, 393, 401–2, 410, 416, 431–53, 471–94, 500–501; narrative devices in, 514, 525–29; old versus new commentaries on, 213, 339, 368–69, 382–84, 509, 511, 528, 578, 582n.25; oral performance of, 358, 360, 398, 566; politics of, 544, 545; precursors to, 11–18; purposes of, 29, 384–85, 387, 388, 393, 402, 404–8, 431–53; scholarship on, 39–40; title of, 425–26; translations of, 9, 370, 371–76, 541, 542, 544–46, 550, 557–63, 564–69, 570, 575–80, 582n.27, 586n.80; versions of, 29, 165, 209–11
Genji kokagami (Kasannoin Nagachika), 282
Genji Monogatari: The Most Celebrated of the Classical Japanese Romances (Suematsu Kenchō), 544–46
Genji monogatari emaki (Tale of Genji Illustrated Scrolls), 1, 189, 209
Genji monogatari kōwa (Shimazu Hisamoto), 579
Genji monogatari nenki kō (Motoori Norinaga), 414
Genji monogatari no ongaku (Music in The Tale of Genji; Yamada Yoshio), 586n.82
Genji monogatari shinobugusa (A Reminder of The Tale of Genji; Kitamura Koshun), 531n.29, 551, 555, 581n.20
Genji monogatari sōshaku, 578
Genji monogatari teiyō, 109
Gleanings of Commentary on Genji (Genchū shūi; Keichū), 368, 383, 393, 429, 555
Gleanings Old and New (Shūi kokin; Fujiwara no Norinaga), 164
GoFukakusa Retired Emperor, 142
Great Mirror, The (Ōkagami; Yotsugi’s Tale; Yotsugi), 65, 111
Great Mirror of Genji, The (Genji ōkagami), 3
Gunsho ichiran (Ozaki Masayoshi), 283
Gyokuei’s Collection (Gyokuei shū; Kaoku Gyokuei), 238, 359, 364–68
“Hahakigi” (Genji), 43, 45, 531n.26; Edo-period commentaries on, 394, 400, 401, 403, 406; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 514, 517; in lists, 67, 74; in matches, 131; medieval commentaries on, 339, 343, 345–46, 347–48, 349, 352–58, 370; Motoori Norinaga on, 414, 426, 456, 457, 461, 463, 467, 499, 502; in obsequies, 195; ranking-of-women scene in, 185–86, 339, 340–41, 358, 371–76, 394, 400, 401, 406, 514, 571, 585n.62; translations of, 582n.27
haikai (popular linked verse), 1, 7, 551, 555
Hakurakuten, Haku Kyoi. See Bo Juyi
Hamamatsu Chūnagon, The Tale of, 547
“Hana chiru sato” (Genji), 196
“Hana no en” (Genji), 43, 58, 164; and apocrypha, 326n.167; early commentaries on, 162, 163; Edo-period commentaries on, 385; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 519; in lists, 67, 79, 83; in matches, 86, 96, 97, 98, 121; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 507; medieval commentaries on, 355; modern commentaries on, 550; in obsequies, 196
Hannyakyō (Daihannya kyō), 410, 424
“Hashihime” (Genji), 147n.24, 199, 273, 521; in matches, 97, 98, 107; Motoori Norinaga on, 434, 477, 492, 498
Hatsukusa lady (character; Ise), 136, 139
“Hatsune” (Genji), 44, 61; in lists, 67, 72; in matches, 91, 130; Motoori Norinaga on, 413, 424, 497; in obsequies, 197
Heian period, 3, 5, 8, 178, 207, 209; court society of, 1, 180, 539, 552–54, 556, 563; language of, 205n.53, 214, 317n.82, 319n.98, 539, 557; poetry of, 6, 503, 504
Heiji uprising (1159), 188, 189
Helinyulou (Kakurin gyokuro), 406
“Hibarigo” (Genji apocrypha), 267
Hidari no Uma no Kami (character; Genji), 341, 376
Higekuro, Commandant (character; Genji), 46, 61, 537n.134; in apocrypha, 223, 224, 232, 233, 246, 278, 279, 322n.128; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 524; in lists, 68, 78; in matches, 88, 91, 95, 104, 139; medieval commentaries on, 363; modern commentaries on, 562
Hikaru Genji ichibu uta (The Complete Poems of the Shining Genji; Yūrin), 358
Himegimi (character; Genji), 279, 281
Hinazuru Genji (A Fledgling’s Tale of Genji), 555
History of Japanese Literature (Nihon bungakushi; Mikami Sanji and Takatsu Kuwasaburō), 539
History of the Han Dynasty (Hanshu), 351
Hitomotogiku (The Single Chrysanthemum), 365
Hōgen uprising (1156), 188
Horikawa Retired Emperor, 400
Horikawa Sadaijin Toshifusa text, 211
“Hotaru” (Genji), 11, 12, 24–27, 78, 145n.14; and apocrypha, 208, 223, 231; and Confucianism, 172; Edo-period commentaries on, 385, 404; in matches, 138; Motoori Norinaga on, 418–19, 433, 435–40, 447, 449, 462, 463, 466, 483, 505
Hotaru Hyōbukyō no Miya (character; Genji), 49, 147n.24, 524; in apocrypha, 223, 224, 228, 229, 232, 233, 246, 273, 274, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281; in lists, 76, 78; in matches, 91, 106
Ichijō Emperor, 11, 29, 31, 32, 158, 168, 531n.25; and apocrypha, 208; and Edo-period commentaries, 388, 423; and modern commentaries, 554
Ichijō Kanera (Kaneyoshi), 3, 168, 238, 344–45, 346, 347, 348, 351, 352, 582n.23
Illustrated Three Treasures, The (Sanbōe), 16–17
Inaga Keiji, 147n.24, 159, 209, 224, 225, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 275, 276, 283–84
Ise (character; Ise), 139
Ise monogatari (Tales of Ise), 22, 39, 154n.111, 168, 482, 535n.109; and Abutsu, 156n.130; and apocrypha, 311n.3, 313n.31, 320n.106, 328n.193; Edo-period commentaries on, 406, 407; in matches, 86, 109–40; medieval commentaries on, 378n.32; modern commentaries on, 550; Motoori Norinaga on, 419, 495–96; and Murasaki Shikibu, 400; Nameless Notebook on, 62–63, 149n.46; and National Learning, 213
Ise monogatari hirakotoba (Tales of Ise in Plain Language), 550, 552–53, 555
Isonokami sasamegoto (Motoori Norinaga), 413
Iyo no Suke (character; Genji), 130
Japanese language: and Chinese language, 542, 545; classical, 545, 549; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 512–13; of Heian period, 205n.53, 214, 317n.82, 319n.98, 539, 557; loanwords in, 542; in medieval commentaries, 359, 364, 369, 373, 380n.57; and modern commentaries, 572–73; and modern translations, 557–58; and nationalism, 538; and Sino-Japanese script (kanbun), 164, 171–74, 188; vernacular, 7, 12, 172, 539, 540–41, 550, 552, 557, 578; women’s script in, 445; written, 164, 171–74, 188, 191, 369, 373, 380n.57, 387, 422, 431, 445
Japanese literature: modern commentaries on, 570; modern versus classical, 541; and nationalism, 8, 9, 539–40, 541; as poetry, 4; secular, 177, 188; vernacular, 7, 12, 172, 539, 540–41, 550, 552, 557, 578. See also poetry; specific authors and works
Japanese Poems on Chinese Themes (Kudai waka), 175n.10
Japanese Poetry: The Uta (Waley), 564
Jōkyū Rebellion (1221), 168
Jōruri jūnidan (The Tale of Jōruri in Twelve Episodes; Ono no O-Tsū), 547, 581n.16
Jūjō Genji (A Genji in Ten Volumes; Nonoguchi Ryūho), 555, 582n.26
Jun’ichiro’s Translation of The Tale of Genji (Jun’ichirō yaku Genji monogatari; Tanizaki Jun’ichiro), 575
Kachō yosei (Ichijō Kanera), 168, 382, 555, 582n.23; and medieval commentaries, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 359, 363, 374, 379n.50, 379n.55; Motoori Norinaga on, 421, 428, 429, 430, 431, 463
“Kagerō” (Genji): in apocrypha, 323n.143, 326n.170, 331n.249, 333n.273, 334n.280, 334nn.292–93; in matches, 89, 103; in medieval commentaries, 367, 380n.67; Motoori Norinaga on, 435, 457; in obsequies, 199, 205n.62
Kagerō Diary (Kagerō nikki; Mother of Michitsuna), 12, 13–14
Kakaishō (Yotsutsuji Yoshinari), 382, 555, 582n.23; and Edo-period commentaries, 399, 409, 410; and medieval commentaries, 343–44, 345–46, 347, 348, 349, 350, 359, 363, 371, 373, 376, 379n.55; Motoori Norinaga on, 421, 422–23, 425, 428, 429, 430, 431, 466, 473
Kameyama Retired Emperor, 88
Kanpyō (Uda) Emperor, 126
kanshi (Sino-Japanese poetry), 171–74
Kaoku’s Gleanings (Kaokushō; Kaoku Gyokuei), 359, 360–64
Kaoru (character; Genji), 9, 34, 35; in apocrypha, 235, 251, 252, 257, 258, 261, 265, 266, 267–69, 272–73, 274, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 284, 321n.111, 323n.138, 324n.149, 324n.153, 326n.175, 327n.177, 327n.182, 331n.249; Edo-period commentaries on, 406, 407; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 516, 517, 518, 519, 521, 522; in lists, 66, 68, 70, 73, 76, 78, 80, 84; in matches, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 102, 104, 107; modern commentaries on, 558, 561, 583n.42; Motoori Norinaga on, 426, 435, 441, 475–76, 477, 479, 480, 492, 501; in Nameless Notebook, 47, 49, 50, 57, 60
Karasumaru Mitsuhiro, 383
Karin’en circle of poets, 189
“Kashiwagi” (Genji), 44, 55; and apocrypha, 227, 315n.47; in lists, 67, 68, 74, 83; in matches, 89, 123–24; modern commentaries on, 563; Motoori Norinaga on, 460, 474–75; in obsequies, 198
Kashiwagi (Yokobue; character; Genji), 9, 49, 55; in apocrypha, 233, 317n.82; Edo-period commentaries on, 405; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 518, 522; in lists, 67, 68, 69, 72, 75, 77, 82, 83, 151n.72; in matches, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 96, 99, 100, 102, 105, 123, 138; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; Motoori Norinaga on, 453, 475–76, 476–77, 479, 482, 483, 492
Kazan, Lady (character; Eiga monogatari), 406
Keikin (character; Genji apocrypha), 269–70
Kenreimon’in Ukyō no Daibu shū, 283
Ken’yūsha (Friends of the Inkstone), 585n.69
Ki no Natora (character; Ise), 139
“Kiritsubo” (Genji), 43, 51, 166; in apocrypha, 334n.296; Edo-period commentaries on, 385, 404–5, 410; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 520, 521; in lists, 68, 81; in matches, 86, 92, 101, 111, 112; medieval commentaries on, 341, 346, 356, 360, 361–63, 365, 366, 367; modern commentaries on, 550, 557, 583n.45; and modern translations, 558; Motoori Norinaga on, 414, 425–26, 441, 456, 457, 458, 472, 493, 496; in obsequies, 195; variant names for, 221–22
Kiritsubo Consort (character; Genji), 166; in apocrypha, 252, 280, 298, 323n.140; Edo-period commentaries on, 403; in lists, 68, 71, 74; in matches, 111–12, 113, 139; medieval commentaries on, 361, 366, 380n.66; Motoori Norinaga on, 472; in Nameless Notebook, 44, 50–51
Kiritsubo Emperor (character; Genji), 43, 81; in apocrypha, 209, 280, 334n.296; Edo-period commentaries on, 402–3; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 516, 519; medieval commentaries on, 344, 353, 356, 366; Motoori Norinaga on, 491
Kitamura Kigin, 7, 159, 191, 540, 550–51, 555, 581n.20; and Edo-period commentaries, 382; and medieval commentaries, 339; and Motoori Norinaga, 412
kobunjigaku (textualism), 213
Kogen shinan (Motoori Norinaga), 213
Kojijū (character; Genji), 68, 69, 78
Kojiki den (Motoori Norinaga), 413
Kokiden Consort (character; Genji), 19–23, 48; in apocrypha, 322n.127; Edo-period commentaries on, 403; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517; in matches, 100, 112, 121, 153n.96; medieval commentaries on, 348, 350; modern commentaries on, 556; Motoori Norinaga on, 452, 458–59, 482
Kokiden uwanariuchi (Chikamatsu Monzaemon), 556
Kokinshū, 63, 144, 227; in early commentaries, 161, 174n.5; in lists, 150n.51, 150nn.60–65, 151nn.66–67; in matches, 95, 108, 114, 115, 116, 124, 125–26, 129, 152n.86, 152n.93, 154n.107, 154n.112; in medieval commentaries, 341, 342, 346; in modern commentaries, 552, 555; Motoori Norinaga on, 423, 437, 454, 455, 504; and Murasaki Shikibu, 397, 400; and National Learning, 213; and obsequies, 205n.59; and poetry, 6, 175n.25, 176n.40; translations of, 550
kokubungaku (national literature), 8, 9
Kokubungaku zenshi: Heianchō-hen (Complete History of National Literature: Heian Literature; Fujioka Sakutarō), 8
kokugaku (National Learning), 2, 4, 7, 8, 213, 550; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 509–10, 510–11, 512, 585n.63; and modern commentaries, 551, 555, 556, 557, 561, 576
Korechika (Fujiwara no), 399
Koremitsu (character; Genji), 59, 69, 76, 88, 217; in apocrypha, 241, 317n.90; Edo-period commentaries on, 403; in matches, 88, 99, 116, 131, 132
Koreyuki shaku (Fujiwara [Sesonji] no Koreyuki), 340
Kozaishō (character; Genji), 262
Kumano, The Tale of, 27, 433
“Kumogakure” (Genji): in apocrypha, 280, 318n.96; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 520, 521, 523; modern commentaries on, 549; Motoori Norinaga on, 421
Kumoinokari (character; Genji), 46, 59, 60; and apocrypha, 228; in lists, 67, 69, 75, 82, 83; in matches, 103; Motoori Norinaga on, 459
Kurōdo no Shōshō (character; Genji), 322n.135
Kyōgoku Kita no Mandokoro, 345
Kyōgyoku Miyasundokoro (poet; Gosenshū), 406
Kyūshu mondō (Dialogue at Kyushu; Nijō Yoshimoto), 6
Lady of the Inner Chamber, The (Nakai no jijū), 16–17
Life of an Amorous Man (Kōshoku ichidai otoko; Ihara Saikaku), 7, 555, 573, 574, 585n.72
Life of an Amorous Woman (Kōshoku ichidai onna; Ihara Saikaku), 574
Lord Shunzei’s Memorial in Japanese Script (Shōji ninen Shunzei Kyō waji sōjō; Fujiwara no Shunzei), 164–65
Lotus Sutra, 42, 534n.89; in apocrypha, 318n.96, 320n.104, 322n.137, 328nn.194–96, 332n.255; early commentaries on, 173–74; in matches, 118; Motoori Norinaga on, 448; and obsequies, 178–79, 184, 186, 187, 188, 191, 194, 205n.56
Lu Zhonglian (Ro Chūren), 407
“Maboroshi” (Genji), 44, 56–57; in apocrypha, 235, 236, 280, 317n.86, 322n.131; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 520–21; in lists, 72, 76, 77, 82, 84, 85; in matches, 92, 101; in obsequies, 198
“Makibashira” (Genji): and apocrypha, 222, 223, 232; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 523–24; in lists, 68, 78, 79; in matches, 91, 104, 105, 106; Motoori Norinaga on, 433, 452, 459, 498; in obsequies, 197
Makibashira lady (character; Genji), 278, 279, 281
Manual of Style (Bunshō tokuhon; Tanizaki Jun’ichiro), 542–43
Man’yōshū, 6, 146n.16, 213, 392, 400, 585n.62; in matches, 154n.108; and modern commentaries, 553, 576; Motoori Norinaga on, 454, 504
Midaregami (Tangled Hair; Yosano Akiko), 541, 557
Minamoto no Chikakiyo, 185
Minamoto no Chikayuki, 140, 141, 165, 166, 311n.10, 582n.21; and apocrypha, 211, 236, 237; commentaries by, 340, 343
Minamoto no Suzushi (character; Utsuho), 17, 18, 37n.18
“Minori” (Genji), 44, 72, 150n.53, 198, 520; and apocrypha, 236, 321n.113, 324n.147; in matches, 92, 101, 118; Motoori Norinaga on, 462
“Miotsukushi” (Genji), 61; and apocrypha, 313n.26; Edo-period commentaries on, 405; in lists, 72, 73, 78; modern commentaries on, 550; Motoori Norinaga on, 489; in obsequies, 196, 204n.52
“Momiji no ga” (Genji), 43, 48, 531n.26; in apocrypha, 280; Edo-period commentaries on, 405; in lists, 67, 75, 76; in matches, 105, 113, 152n.90; medieval commentaries on, 354; Motoori Norinaga on, 426, 443, 457, 503; in obsequies, 195
Momozono, Prince (character; Genji), 125
mono no aware (sensitivity to emotion), 8, 541; modern commentaries on, 551, 553, 572; Motoori Norinaga on, 412–21, 453–71, 477, 484, 486
Monogatari nihyakuban utaawase (Fujiwara no Teika), 169, 282
Moonlit Lake Commentary, The (Kogetsushō; Kitamura Kigin), 7, 191, 339, 347, 368–76; and Edo-period commentaries, 382, 383, 509, 511, 534n.94; and modern commentaries, 540, 550–51, 555, 558, 578, 587n.88; Motoori Norinaga on, 412, 414, 415, 429, 430–31
morality: in fiction, 418; of Genji, 3, 16, 172, 177, 180–81, 368, 384–85, 386, 387, 393, 401–2, 410, 416, 431–53, 471–94, 500–501; and Japanese literature, 540; modern commentaries on, 547, 548–49, 550; Motoori Norinaga on, 471–94, 500–501
Motoori Norinaga, 3, 4, 7, 24, 393; apocrypha by, 212–21; commentaries by, 368, 369, 411–506, 509; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 510, 511, 515; and Matsudaira Sadanobu, 508, 536n.125; on medicine, 501–2; and medieval commentaries, 343, 351; and modern commentaries, 540, 548; on morality of Genji, 385, 471–94, 500–501; and old versus new commentaries, 382, 383; on social class, 502–3; translations by, 550
Murasaki, Lady (character; Genji): in apocrypha, 236, 244, 245, 247, 254, 255, 259, 317n.91; early commentaries on, 173; Edo-period commentaries on, 394, 395; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 516, 517, 520, 521; in lists, 66–85; in matches, 86, 87, 88, 92, 98, 100, 103, 107, 108, 122, 123, 128, 140; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; modern commentaries on, 558, 561, 562; Motoori Norinaga on, 423–24, 433, 452, 462, 463, 464, 465–66, 473, 534nn.96–97; in Nameless Notebook, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 53, 56, 60, 61; Woolf on, 568
Murasaki Shikibu, 1; Abutsu on, 143; and apocrypha, 226, 231, 235, 236, 240, 241, 272, 275, 276; and Buddhism, 42, 397, 398, 400, 402, 449; character of, 394–98, 402, 408; contemporaries of, 166; in early commentaries, 162; and Genji apocrypha, 210–11, 222, 224; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 510, 512, 514, 519; intent of, 5, 8, 29, 384–85, 388–92, 393, 402–4, 410, 418–19, 435–53; as “Lady Annals,” 31, 168, 397; medieval commentaries on, 341, 344, 349, 351, 353, 354, 355, 360, 363, 367, 374; modern commentaries on, 540, 542, 543, 545, 549–50, 557, 560, 562, 563, 572, 574; on monogatari, 11, 12, 24; Motoori Norinaga on, 421–24, 435–53, 466, 470–71, 477, 481, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 493, 496, 499, 503; Nameless Notebook on, 63, 64–65; obsequies for, 177–79, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190; poems on, 171; writing style of, 162, 171, 400–402. See also Diary of Murasaki Shikibu, The
Mushanokōji Saneatsu, 574
music, 16, 17, 36n.14; in Edo-period commentaries, 386, 390–91; in lists, 68, 81; in medieval commentaries, 341, 346; in modern commentaries, 548, 553, 586n.82; Motoori Norinaga on, 488; and Murasaki Shikibu, 397
Naishi no Kan (character; Genji apocrypha), 271
Nakanokimi (character; Genji), 68, 74, 76, 79; in apocrypha, 252, 253, 255, 273, 278, 281, 286, 310, 321n.111, 323n.145, 324n.149, 326n.174, 331n.253; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 522; in matches, 95, 100, 101, 104, 108; Motoori Norinaga on, 441, 481, 501
Nameless Notebook, A (Mumyōzōshi), 4, 5, 39–65, 145n.7, 201n.5; and apocrypha, 234, 273, 274, 276, 282, 283; in matches, 85, 86; and medieval commentaries, 338, 359, 380n.64
New Commentary (Shinshaku; Kamo no Mabuchi), 368, 429, 514
New Exegesis of The Tale of Genji, A (Shinshaku Genji monogatari; Sassa Seisetsu), 540, 550–56
New Imperial Collection of Poetry (Shinchokusen wakashū; Fujiwara no Muneie), 187–88, 411
New New Translation of The Tale of Genji, A (Shinshin’yaku Genji monogatari; Yosano Akiko), 9, 560–63
New Translation of The Tale of Genji, A (Shin’yaku Genji monogatari; Yosano Akiko), 9, 541
Newly Compiled Essence of Poetry (Shinsen zuinō; Fujiwara no Kintō), 28
Nezame (Yoru no nezame), 62, 190
Nihon gaishi (An Unofficial History of Japan; Rai Sanyō), 573, 585n.68
Nijō no Sotsu Korefusa text, 211
Niou (character; Genji), 46, 47, 50, 60; in apocrypha, 251, 252, 254, 272–73, 274, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 284, 299, 304, 323n.141, 323n.146, 324n.153, 326nn.174–75; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 516, 517, 518, 521, 522; in lists, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 82, 84; in matches, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 99, 100–101, 102, 103, 105, 108; Motoori Norinaga on, 441, 479, 480
“Niou Hyōbukyō” (Genji), 198
“Niou Miya” (Genji), 69, 84; in apocrypha, 222, 235, 236, 274, 275; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 521; in matches, 93, 102; modern commentaries on, 583n.42; Motoori Norinaga on, 426
Nise Murasaki inaka Genji (Fraudulent Murasaki’s Bumpkin Genji/Imposter Murasaki and a Rustic Genji; Ryūtei Tanehiko), 7, 548, 556
Nō Plays of Japan (Waley), 564
Nokiba no Ogi (character; Genji), 129, 403, 528
Nonaka no shimizu (Arakida Rei), 312n.21
“Nori no shi” (Genji apocrypha), 261
Notes on the Rainy Night’s Discussion (Amayo danshō; Sōgi), 6, 352–58
novel, 9, 582n.31; colloquial, 541; modern commentaries on, 547, 548–50, 554, 557; purposes of, 548–50; realistic, 8, 417; techniques of, 549–50
Nursemaid’s Book, The (Menoto no sōshi), 142
Nursemaid’s Letter, The (Menoto no fumi; Abutsu), 140–44, 359
Oborozukiyo (character; Genji), 44, 62; in early commentaries, 163, 164; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 519; in lists, 68, 70, 73, 77, 81; in matches, 86, 87, 96, 97, 121, 140; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; modern commentaries on, 556; Motoori Norinaga on, 450, 459, 467, 474, 478, 479, 489, 536n.114
Ochikubo monogatari (The Tale of the Lady in the Lower Room), 11, 190
Old Trickster, The (Iga no taome), 16
Ōmiya, Princess (character; Genji), 226, 356
Ōmyōbu (character; Genji), 72, 75, 79
“On Reading the Classics” (Koten o yonde; Masamune Hakuchō), 542, 569–74
“On the Defects of the Modern Colloquial Written Style” (Tanizaki Jun’ichiro), 542
“On The Tale of Genji” (Watsuji Tetsurō), 541–42
“On Translating The Tale of Genji into Modern Japanese” (Genji monogatari no gendaigoyaku ni tsuite; Tanizaki Jun’ichirō), 575–80
Ono Consort (Ichijō no Miyasudokoro; character; Genji), 84
Oral Transmissions of the Gotoba Retired Emperor (GoToba no In gokuden), 170
“Otome” (Genji), 45, 60, 72, 75; in apocrypha, 224, 228, 278, 279, 280; on Confucianism, 172; in matches, 95, 104; medieval commentaries on, 379n.56; modern commentaries on, 557; Motoori Norinaga on, 459, 499; in obsequies, 197
painting, 6, 7, 22, 159, 174n.7, 209, 358, 556; and obsequies, 188, 189
Pillow Book, The (Makura no sōshi; Sei Shōnagon), 5, 17–18, 24, 63, 85; modern commentaries on, 572; and National Learning, 213; Watsuji Tetsurō on, 541
“Pillowed upon His Arm” (Tamakura; Motoori Norinaga; Genji apocrypha), 207, 212–21
Poetic Words in the Genji (Genji utakotoba), 3
poetry, 1–4; and apocrypha, 210, 213; Buddhist, 6, 411; Chinese, 174, 190, 236, 342, 344, 444–45, 553; collections of, 63, 187–88; Edo-period commentaries on, 389–90, 404; and familial factionalism, 346; and fiction, 3–4; Fujiwara no Shunzei on, 161, 162, 163, 164, 170, 339, 340; haikai, 1, 7, 551, 555; in Heian period, 6, 503, 504; kanshi (Sino-Japanese), 171–74; and Kokinshū, 6, 175n.25, 176n.40; in medieval commentaries, 342, 344, 367; in modern commentaries, 551, 553, 555, 562, 563; Motoori Norinaga on, 4, 412–13, 419, 430, 442, 444–45, 471–72, 496–97, 498, 503–6, 536n.118; and Murasaki Shikibu, 397, 402; Myōjō school of, 541; and obsequies, 178, 179, 182; renga (classical linked verse), 1, 3, 6–7; “Six Principles” of, 174, 176n.38; Tsukubakai society for, 551; Woolf on, 565, 567. See also waka
Poetry Contest in Six Hundred Rounds (Roppyakuban utaawase; Fujiwara no Shunzei), 161–63, 174n.5, 339, 425
“Progress of Fiction” (Tsukurimonogatari no yukue; Ima kagami; Fujiwara no Tametsune), 180, 182–84
Progress of Romance, The (Clara Reeve), 417
Records of the Historian (Shiji; Sima Qian), 172, 326n.172, 401, 407; and apocrypha, 328n.204; Edo-period commentaries on, 410; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 512, 513, 514; in matches, 100; Motoori Norinaga on, 427; and Murasaki Shikibu, 397
Reizei Chūnagon Asataka text, 211
Reizei Emperor (character; Genji), 7, 18, 19, 46, 72; in apocrypha, 244, 248, 279; Edo-period commentaries on, 404, 405, 407; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 516, 518; in matches, 91, 107; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; medieval commentaries on, 344, 353; Motoori Norinaga on, 473, 489–91, 492–93, 494, 536n.114
renga (classical linked verse), 1, 3, 6–7
Renju gappekishū (Gathered Gems), 3
Rokujō Consort (character; Genji), 7, 19, 43, 45, 57; in apocrypha, 212–21, 313n.25, 317n.88; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517, 518, 523; in lists, 69, 73, 76, 79; in matches, 88, 92, 94, 95, 96, 103, 104, 105, 119, 151n.81; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; modern commentaries on, 556
romances, old (furu-monogatari, mukashi monogatari), 12–18, 24, 417–18, 420–21, 539; Motoori Norinaga on, 432–33, 434, 435, 436–37, 445, 494; and translations of Genji, 544
Saemon no Naishi, 31, 168
Saga no kayoi (Visits to Saga; Asukai Masaari), 140
Saikaku okimiyage (Things Saikaku Left Behind; Ihara Saikaku), 574, 586n.76
Sairyūshō (Sanjōnishi Sanetaka), 348, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 410, 535n.101, 555, 582n.23; Motoori Norinaga on, 429, 431
Saishō no Kimi (character; Genji), 231
“Sakaki” (Genji), 43, 49, 59; and apocrypha, 313n.25; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 518; in lists, 68, 69, 71, 73, 77, 80, 81, 82; in matches, 87, 91, 92, 94, 99, 103, 104, 153n.96; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 507; Motoori Norinaga on, 458, 459, 474, 478, 497; in Nameless Notebook, 149nn.39–40; in obsequies, 196
Sakanoue no Korenori, 353
Saneki, Lord, mother of, 185–86
Sanesuke, Lord (character; Eiga monogatari), 406
Sangen ichiran (Tominokōji Toshimichi), 363, 379n.55
Sanjōnishi Sanezumi (Saneki), 350–51
Sanmi (character; Genji apocrypha), 273, 277
“Sashigushi” (Genji apocrypha), 327n.179
Satomi and the Eight Dogs (Nansō satomi hakkenden; Kyokutei Bakin), 548, 585n.70
Second Princess (Ochiba; character; Genji), 49, 62, 69, 73, 77; and apocrypha, 322n.138, 325n.165; in apocrypha, 261; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 518; in matches, 103, 105, 123; Motoori Norinaga on, 464, 478, 494
Sei Shōnagon, 17–18, 37n.18, 39, 63, 64, 400; and apocrypha, 238; Edo-period commentaries on, 407; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 514; lists of, 65; in matches, 85; Motoori Norinaga on, 422; and Murasaki Shikibu, 401
Seidensticker, Edward, 543
Seken mune san’yō (Worldly Mental Calculations; Ihara Saikaku), 574, 586n.76
Senji (character; Genji apocrypha), 280
Shakespeare, William, 546, 577
Shibun yōryō (Essence of Murasaki Shikibu’s Writings; Motoori Norinaga), 4, 413, 414, 415, 419
Shichijō Empress Dowager, 126
“Shiigamoto” (Genji): in matches, 97, 98; Motoori Norinaga on, 460
Shikibukyō no Miya (character; Genji), 106
Shingaku (Learning of the Mind), 386
Shinsen zuinō (Newly Compiled Essence of Poetry; Fujiwara no Kintō), 28
Shinshaku (New Commentary; Kamo no Mabuchi), 368, 429, 514
shirabyōshi (female entertainer), 185
Shisō (Thought; journal), 541
Shōkyōden, Lady (character; Genji), 280
Shōnagon (character; Genji), 117
Shōshi, Empress (Jōtōmon’in), 64, 65, 206n.65, 238, 380n.64, 395, 531n.25, 532n.49; and apocrypha, 207, 208; in early commentaries, 28–29; Motoori Norinaga on, 422, 423, 424
Shōshō (nun; character; Genji apocrypha), 288, 310
Shūi gusō (Fujiwara no Teika), 152n.91
Shūi kokin (Gleanings Old and New; Fujiwara no Norinaga), 164
Shūishū, 28, 148n.37, 156n.129, 326n.174; in apocrypha, 233, 318n.96, 324n.152, 330n.224, 335n.303; and medieval commentaries, 346, 371
Sino-Japanese Poems on The Tale of the Shining Genji (Fu Hikaru Genji monogatari shi), preface to, 171–74
Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895), 8
Six “Hidden in Cloud” chapters (Kumogakure rokujō; Genji apocrypha), 207, 222, 233–72
Sochi no Miya (Prince Sochi; character; Genji), 280, 330n.236
Somedono Palace Attendant (character; Ise), 139
“Speechless” (Fugen fugo; Ozaki Kōyō), 573, 585n.69
Spring Love: A Plum Almanac (Shunshoku umegoyomi; Tamenaga Shunsui), 585n.70
Story of Obsequies for Genji, The (Genji kuyō sōshi; Seikaku), 191–201
Suetsumuhana (character; Genji), 45, 59, 90; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517; in lists, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 84; in matches, 90, 134–35, 140; medieval commentaries on, 374; Motoori Norinaga on, 432, 443; Woolf on, 568
“Suetsumuhana” (Genji), 48, 195; in lists, 71, 73, 76, 84; medieval commentaries on, 341; modern commentaries on, 572; Motoori Norinaga on, 463, 465, 469, 482; translations of, 582n.27
Sugawara no Takasue, Daughter of, 32, 584n.49
Suigenshō (Minamoto no Mitsuyuki), 343, 347, 555
“Suma” (Genji), 43, 52–53, 54, 148nn.30–31; and Abutsu, 157n.131; in apocrypha, 323n.145; Edo-period commentaries on, 409; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 519; in lists, 66, 68, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 85; in matches, 87, 94, 95, 97, 102, 118, 121–22; modern commentaries on, 552, 571; Motoori Norinaga on, 424, 451, 457, 458, 503; in obsequies, 196
Sumori (character; Genji apocrypha), 273, 276, 284
“Sumori” (Genji apocrypha), 147n.24, 207, 222, 223, 238, 249, 272–82, 283, 284, 326n.171. See also “Yamaji no tsuyu”
Sumori no Nakanokimi (character; Genji), 147n.24, 273
Suzaku Emperor (character; Genji), 18, 58, 201n.13; in apocrypha, 279, 318n.95, 320n.103, 325n.165; Edo-period commentaries on, 407; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 516; in lists, 71, 77, 85; in matches, 122, 140; medieval commentaries on, 344, 353; modern commentaries on, 561; Motoori Norinaga on, 458, 479
Tachibana no Toshimichi, 35
Taifu (character; Genji apocrypha), 281
Taifu no Myōbu (character; Genji), 67, 76
Takako, Princess (Sonshi), 16
“Takekawa” (Genji), 199, 206n.66; in apocrypha, 222, 275, 279, 282; medieval commentaries on, 360, 363, 365, 366–67; modern commentaries on, 562, 583n.44; Motoori Norinaga on, 426
Taketori monogatari (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter), 11, 21, 43, 397, 400, 420
Tale of Genji: A Little Jeweled Comb (Genji monogatari Tama no ogushi; Motoori Norinaga), 368, 369, 393, 411–506, 540, 548; and apocrypha, 213, 214; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 511, 515
“Tale of Genji: The First Volume of Mr. Arthur Waley’s Translation of a Great Japanese Novel by the Lady Murasaki” (Woolf), 564–69
tale-matching contest (monogatari awase), 533n.64
Tama no ogoto (A Little Jeweled Koto; Motoori Norinaga), 555, 582n.25
Tamakazura (character; Genji), 13, 24–27, 46, 49, 160, 534n.84, 537n.134; and Abutsu, 156n.128; in apocrypha, 223, 226, 232, 278, 279, 322n.128; Edo-period commentaries on, 394; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 519; in lists, 61, 70, 75, 76, 78, 81; in matches, 90, 91, 96, 106, 136–37, 140, 155n.119; Motoori Norinaga on, 427, 436–39, 440, 449
“Tamakazura” (Genji), 160, 223, 225; and apocrypha, 226; in lists, 70, 75, 81; in matches, 90, 136–37, 138; Motoori Norinaga on, 426; in obsequies, 197
Tangled Hair (Midaregami; Yosano Akiko), 541, 557
Teachings of the Courtyard (Niwa no oshie), 142
“Tenarai” (Genji): in apocrypha, 279, 326n.170, 327n.178, 330n.230, 334nn.287–91, 335n.300; in lists, 69, 80, 81, 84; Motoori Norinaga on, 435, 441, 498; in obsequies, 199, 205n.62
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 352, 573
Third Princess (character; Genji), 9, 167, 536n.114, 561; in apocrypha, 227, 287, 308, 317n.82; Edo-period commentaries on, 405; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 518, 527; in lists, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 83, 87; in matches, 87, 89, 90, 93, 96, 98, 100, 103, 105, 108, 123, 140; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; Motoori Norinaga on, 460, 474–75, 476, 483; in Nameless Notebook, 47, 48, 49, 55, 61, 62, 146n.16
Tō no Ben (character; Genji), 99, 100
Tō no Chūjō (character; Genji), 18–23, 48, 49, 52, 54, 61, 531n.26; in apocrypha, 230, 231, 278, 281, 322n.127; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517, 518, 519; in lists, 67, 73, 79, 81, 82; in matches, 93, 97, 98, 102, 105, 106; medieval commentaries on, 356, 357, 358, 371–76
Tō Shikibu no Jō (character; Genji), 343, 376, 499
Tokishige (character; Genji apocrypha), 267
Tokiwai (Hasegawa) Kazuko, 275
Tosa no otodo (The Tosa Minister), 16
Towazugatari (The Unrequested Tale; Lady Nijō), 142
Tsukubakai poetry society, 551
Uji chapters (Genji), 44; in apocrypha, 275, 283, 284; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 516, 521, 523; medieval commentaries on, 366–67; modern commentaries on, 561; Motoori Norinaga on, 421, 428; translations of, 558–60, 577–78
Uji Princesses (characters; Genji), 45, 46, 57, 60; in lists, 66, 68, 70, 80; in matches, 92, 95, 104. See also Nakanokimi; Ōigimi
Ukifune (character; Genji), 7, 34, 47, 50, 62; Abutsu on, 143; in apocrypha, 252–53, 259, 261, 264, 266, 275, 282, 293, 324n.151, 324nn.157–58, 327n.177, 327n.182; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 518, 519, 522; in lists, 67, 68, 69, 73, 79, 80, 81, 84; in matches, 88, 89, 92, 94, 96, 103, 105; modern commentaries on, 558, 559, 563; Motoori Norinaga on, 441, 479, 482, 536n.114
“Ukifune” (Genji): in apocrypha, 332n.257, 333n.271, 333n.279; in lists, 73, 79, 81; in matches, 89, 91, 92, 94, 96, 99, 102, 105; Motoori Norinaga on, 457, 479–81; in obsequies, 199
ukiyo-e (pictures of the floating world), 7
Ukon (character; Genji), 160; in apocrypha, 226, 231, 282, 298, 300–301, 302–7, 309; in lists, 72, 75, 81; in matches, 90, 133, 138
“Umegae” (Genji): in apocrypha, 222, 224, 228, 230, 273, 278, 279, 280; Motoori Norinaga on, 477; in obsequies, 197
Umetsubo Dame of Honor (character; Genji), 19–23
Unofficial History of Japan (Nihon gaishi; Rai Sanyō), 573, 585n.68
“Upon Finishing A New Translation of The Tale of Genji” (Shin’yaku Genji monogatari no nochi ni; Yosano Akiko), 557–60
“Usugumo” (Genji): in apocrypha, 320n.107; Edo-period commentaries on, 405; in lists, 72, 75; in matches, 107; Motoori Norinaga on, 452, 462, 473, 478, 489, 491, 492–93, 536n.114; in obsequies, 196
Utsuho monogatari (The Tale of the Hollow Tree), 11, 17–18, 21, 37n.18, 43, 209; Motoori Norinaga on, 420, 462–63, 469; and Murasaki Shikibu, 397
Utsusemi (character; Genji), 6, 45, 72, 160, 531n.26; in apocrypha, 209; Edo-period commentaries on, 395, 403; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517, 528; in matches, 91, 128, 129–30, 140; medieval commentaries on, 352–53; Motoori Norinaga on, 450, 457–58, 467, 474
waka (classical poetry), 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 28, 158–59, 175n.25, 203n.37; and Abutsu, 140; Edo-period commentaries on, 408; Kokinshū on, 176n.40; and National Learning, 213; and obsequies, 189, 190
Wakakusa Genji (A Young Sprout’s Tale of Genji), 555
“Wakamurasaki” (Genji), 58; in apocrypha, 317n.91; Edo-period commentaries on, 405; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 519, 527; in lists, 69, 71, 72, 75, 79; in matches, 107, 117, 118, 122; Motoori Norinaga on, 414, 423, 426; in obsequies, 195; translations of, 582n.27
“Wakana” chapters (Genji), 44, 49, 58, 146n.16, 166–67; in apocrypha, 280, 318n.95, 325n.165, 329n.211; Edo-period commentaries on, 405; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 527; in lists, 60, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 150n.53; in matches, 86, 87, 88, 91, 93, 95, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 151n.81; medieval commentaries on, 356, 361; modern commentaries on, 562, 563, 583n.41, 583n.45; Motoori Norinaga on, 413, 433, 455, 459, 478, 483, 501, 533n.62; in Nameless Notebook, 148n.35; in obsequies, 198
Waley, Arthur, 370, 371–76, 541, 542, 564–69, 570, 575, 576, 579, 586n.80
Wellspring Commentary (Suigenshō), 343
West: and Edo-period commentaries, 511; and Japanese literature, 12–13, 416–17, 539–40, 547; languages of, 564; literature of, 8, 544, 547, 548, 553–54, 564, 568, 569, 573; loanwords from, 542; and modern commentaries, 538, 546–47, 548, 553–54, 557, 569, 573; and translations of Genji, 544–46; Western influence on, 538; Woolf on, 565–66, 568
women, 1–8; and canonization of Genji, 158–59, 337; and Edo-period commentaries, 387–88, 394, 398, 403; education of, 3, 8, 142; as Genji scholars, 142–43; gossip of, 11, 39–40; in matches, 86, 109–40; and medieval commentaries, 359, 364–65; and modern commentaries, 572; Motoori Norinaga on, 481, 499, 501; and Murasaki Shikibu, 400, 401, 408; as readers, 2, 4–5, 11; and Western influence, 538; Woolf on, 565, 566–68
Women in Ise and Genji: A Match in Twelve Rounds (Ise Genji juniban onna awase), 109–40
“Yadorigi” (Genji), 61, 145n.15; in apocrypha, 235, 321n.111; in lists, 68, 74, 76, 79; in matches, 98, 100, 101, 108; Motoori Norinaga on, 434, 441, 498, 501; in obsequies, 199
Yamato, Tales of (Yamato monogatari), 62–63, 168
Yasutomi-ki (Nakahara Yasutomi), 378n.35
“Yatsuhashi” (Genji apocrypha), 269
Yokobue no Kimi (character; Genji), 151n.72
Yōmei no Suke (character; Genji), 132
“Yomogiu” (Genji), 69, 71, 83; and apocrypha, 332n.266; in matches, 134–35; Motoori Norinaga on, 432, 452, 465; in Nameless Notebook, 44, 45, 59, 145n.13; in obsequies, 196
Yorozu no fumihōgu (A Thousand Scraps; Ihara Saikaku), 574, 586n.76
Yoru no nezame (Nezame), 62, 190
Yoshikiyo (character; Genji), 519
You, Emperor (of Zhu), 406
Yūgao (character; Genji), 6, 24, 34, 46, 51, 62; in apocrypha, 224, 226, 230–31, 236, 298; Edo-period commentaries on, 403; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517, 518, 519, 523; in lists, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 86; in matches, 86, 89, 93, 94, 96, 97, 102, 103, 105, 131–33, 140; Motoori Norinaga on, 427, 497, 536n.118; Woolf on, 568
“Yūgao” (Genji), 4, 43, 51, 58, 154n.114, 174n.5; Abutsu on, 141; in apocrypha, 212, 231, 333n.276, 334n.294; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 517, 523; in lists, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 84; in matches, 86, 97, 102, 130; Motoori Norinaga on, 414, 457, 468, 482, 497, 503; in obsequies, 195; translations of, 582n.27
Yugei no Myōbu (character; Genji), 68, 112
Yūgiri (character; Genji), 45, 46, 49, 56, 59; in apocrypha, 228, 230, 244, 252, 322n.131; Confucian training of, 171; early commentaries on, 173; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 518; in lists, 67, 69, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79, 82, 149n.41; in matches, 98, 100, 103, 105, 107, 108; Matsudaira Sadanobu on, 508; Motoori Norinaga on, 459, 473, 477–78
“Yūgiri” (Genji), 61–62; in lists, 73, 83, 84; in matches, 103, 105, 106; modern commentaries on, 563; Motoori Norinaga on, 433, 457, 464, 465, 473, 477–78, 498; in obsequies, 198
“Yume no ukihashi” (Genji): in apocrypha, 274, 282, 331n.250, 333n.278, 334n.290; Hagiwara Hiromichi on, 521, 523; medieval commentaries on, 353; modern commentaries on, 583n.45; Motoori Norinaga on, 421, 435; in obsequies, 200
Yume no ukihashi (The Bridge of Dreams; Tanizaki Jun’ichirō), 9