aardvark 108
abbreviations 126
baby and toddler sizing guide 114
big bear hat 62
binding (casting) off 119
bluebird bib 19
hedgehog bootees 70
koala bootees 50
rabbit bootees 60
bumblebee outfit 38
casting on (cable method) 116
cat hairband 52
chick socks 64
chunky bunny hat 67
cow print bib 31
crochet techniques
crochet chain 122
crochet edging 122
knit or purl three together 121
knit two together 121
purl two together 121
purl two together through the back loops 121
slip, slip, knit 122
embroidery stitches
chain stitch 124
french knot 124
straight stitch124
f / g
fish cocoon and hat 98
fluffy bunny pillow 80
fox cub hat 54
fox sweater 25
frog onesie and hat 16
gauge (tension) 114
hanging birds 82
big bear hat 62
bumblebee outfit (with hat) 38
chunky bunny hat 67
fish cocoon and hat 98
fox cub hat 54
frog onesie and hat 16
panda shorts and hat 22
piglet hat 48
tiger outfit (with hat) 10
hedgehog bootees 70
holding needles 115
holding yarn 115
i-cord 124
increase on a knit row 120
increase on a purl row 120
make one stitch (m1) 121
kitten bag 28
knit stitch 117
knitting in different colors
intarsia 123
stranding 123
koala bootees 50
l / m
ladybug backpack 13
lamb snuggle blanket 89
lion pillow 95
little lamb mittens 73
making a slip knot 116
monkey rattle 106
mouse mittens 57
bumblebee outfit 38
frog onesie and hat 16
panda shorts and hat 22
tiger outfit 10
owl storage baskets 86
panda shorts and hat 22
penguin toy 92
picking up stitches 119
piglet hat 48
polar bear rug 101
puppy snuggle blanket 78
purl stitch 118
rabbit bootees 60
rabbit sweater 42
sewing in ends 126
sewing seams
flat stitch 126
mattress stitch 125
oversewing 126
slipping stitches 119
fox sweater 25
rabbit sweater 42
zebra striped cardigan 34
binding (casting) off 119
casting on (cable method) 116
crochet techniques 122
embroidery stitches 124
gauge (tension) 114
holding needles 115
holding yarn 115
i-cord 124
knit stitch Continental style 117
knit stitch US/UK style 117
knitting in different colors 123
making a slip knot 116
picking up stitches 119
purl stitch Continental style 118
purl stitch US/UK style 118
sewing in ends 126
slipping stitches 119
wrap and turn (WT) 126
tiger outfit 10
turtle rug 111
w / z
whale pillow 104
zebra striped cardigan 34