
Abbott Laboratories, 110

ABN AMRO, 113–116, 138

Abu Dhabi, global oil company meeting, 93–94

active engagement with future, xiii–xiv

Adams, James, Conceptual Blockbusting, 37, 38

Adams, John Quincy, 173

adaptive capacity, 6, 84–85

Additive Architecture, 155

Adelson, Edward H., 43


imagination of, 37

unlearning beliefs, 54

advertisers, 10

Ajeman, Robert, 3

Alice in Wonderland (Dodgson), 36

Alpe d’Huzes, 21–23

Alpert, Marc, 122

analogies, actionable, 215–217

anecdotal evidence, 79

anticipation, by long-lived companies, 6

Apple, 48–49, 79

Appreciative inquiry practice, 189–190, 193, 240

Aristotle, On Rhetoric, 25

Asian disease problem, 211–212

assumption bowling practice, 49, 237

assumptions, 38–39

of questions, 188

reframing, 49

authenticity, 173

vs. imitation, 160–161

leadership and, 152

and passion, 159–160

authority figure, acceptance of instruction from, 177–178

Avery, Gayle, 57

backtracking, 131

Balkenende, Peter, 115

Banaji, Mahzarin, 90

banks, 112–115

and economic crisis, 45

interbank lending market, 75

investment bankers’ focus on short- term, 8

Barclays Bank, 8, 113

Bargh, John, 90

Bateson, Gregory, 143

Bavaria Beer, 9

Bazerman, Max, Predictable Surprises, 120

beliefs, 147

challenge to, 45

clarity about, 159

Bell, Alexander Graham, 106

Ben and Jerry’s, 15

Bénard, André, 135

Bennis, Warren, 6, 14, 84–85, 163

On Becoming a Leader, 151

Bin Laden, Osama, 27

The Black Swan (Taleb), 76, 111

blind spots, 28

Blue Ocean Strategy, 53

Bos, Wouter, 115

bottom line, vision and, 58

brain, 38–39

damage, 34

neural networks, 47–48

break the pattern practice, 192, 240

Brochet, Francois, 9

Brown, Brené, 219

Bruner, Jerome, 218

Brusaw, Scott and Julie, 174–175, 182, 183

Burkan, Wayne, Wide Angle Visions, 101

Burrows, Lara, 90

Bush, George H.W., 3

Bushnell, Nolan, 87

business upside down practice, 50, 238

Campbell, Joseph

The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 217–218

The Hero’s Journey, 165

cancer experts, conference, 22–23

cancer fund-raising, 21–22

capitalism, 118

need to rethink, 7

car crash theory, 85–87

Carrefour, 189

Carroll, Paul, 46

categories, 176–177

creating new, 182

Central Bank of the Netherlands, 21

Chambers, John, 88

change, 74

direction of, 24

excitement of, 226

preparation for, 20

changing reality, 92–93

checkerboard image, 43–44

Chen, Mark, 90

childhood, reminders from, 89–90

children, fantasies of, 36–37

Christensen, Clayton, The Innovator’s Dilemma, 216

Cialdini, Robert, 117–118, 177, 210, 212

Cisco Systems, 87–89

clarity, on core beliefs, 171

closed questions, 186–187

Club of Rome, 94

cognitive dissonance, 45–47, 102, 220

coherence, in story, 110

coherence factor, 66

Collins, Jim, Good to Great, 201–203

Columbia Business School, 47

commercial corporations, life expectancies, 6

commitment, 178

company vision, vs. personal vision, 14–15

competitors, fringe, 101

computers, predictions on use, 83

Conceptual Blockbusting (Adams), 37, 38

confidence, of leaders, 145

confidence intervals, 123

connecting the dots, 63, 65–66, 79, 81, 109–147

Belgian tale, 112–115

frame blindness and, 120–122

irrationality, 118–120

overconfidence, 122–124

S. Jobs and, 109

tunnel vision, 47, 77, 117–118, 120, 141, 147

uncertainty in, 147

Wack and, 125–126

consistency, foolish, 180

Consistency Principle, 117–118, 178–181

Consortium, 113–114

contained emergence, 60–62

containerization, 60–62

context, 66

big picture vs. details, 67

scanning, 64

context sensitivity, 5–6

contextual intelligence, 98

Contrast Principle, 210–211

control neural network, 48, 201

conventional wisdom, 87

Copperfield, David, 42–43

core beliefs, clarity on, 171

core message, brevity of, 200–201

core purpose, 164

core values, 170

discovering, 160–167

corporate responsibility, 169

correctness, vs. precision, 123

costs, cutting, 220

Covey, Stephen, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 162

creativity, FuturePriming and, 105–107

credibility, 152–153

curiosity, 184–185

current visionary self practice, 67

customer satisfaction, 58–59

customers, and FutureFacts ideas, 101

cynicism, 201

Damone Group, 169–172

data, mind filtering of, 38

Day, George, 57

de Bono, Edward, 31, 50, 215, 245n

The Use of Lateral Thinking, 51

de Geus, Arie, 132

The Living Company, 6

debt bubble, 114

default neural network, 47

Denrell, Jerker, 66

Desai, Sreedhari, 89–90

detachment, and imagination, 48

detail, as focus vs. helicopter view, 77

developing countries, 35

developmental axes, 81

dictators, 27

Digital Equipment Corporation, 84

digital photography, Kodak and, 46–47

direction, of change, 24

discomfort zone, xix

Dodgson, C.L., Alice in Wonderland, 36

doubt, and intelligence, 147

Dubai, 16–17

Dutch Planning Bureau, 75–76

early signals, 63–65

earnings conference calls, 9

Eastman Kodak, 46–47

economic crash, 45

efficient market hypothesis, 119

Eiffel Tower, 157

Einstein, Albert, 36

Elevator pitch practice, 204, 241

Ellison, Larry, 80

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 190

emotion, 26

Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 160

emotional involvement, 24


and FutureFacts ideas, 101

reaction to leader’s vision, 58

energy from boss, 14

Enron, 27, 178

entrepreneurship, 78

errors, in vision, 4

eternal truths, 40–42

ethos, 25–27, 152, 217, 227

evaluation, 210

Everett, Edward, 204

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty (Hirschman), 167

expectations, outperforming, 218–219

Fad Surfing in the Boardroom (Shapiro), 69

family businesses, 9

fear factor, 4

Festinger, Leon, 45

financial crisis in 2008, 7

followers’ effect of vision, 24, 57

foolish consistency, 180

Fortis, 112, 114, 116

fall of, 135–139

groupthink dangers, 145–146

tunnel vision and, 117–118

Fortune, Most Admired Companies survey, 27

frames, 38–39

blindness, 120–122

breaking, 48–49

risk of inflexible, 42

see also categories

framework of visionary development, 78–82, 146

four-action framework, 53

framework of visionary development, deepening, 74–78

data point vs. model, 75–77

detail focus vs. helicopter view, 77

relevance vs. implication, 74–75

risk seeking vs. aversion, 77–78

Frankl, Viktor, Man’s Search for Meaning, 202

Fraser, Scott, 180

fraud, culture of, 178

fraudulent behavior, 27

Freedman, Jonathan, 180

Freud, Sigmund, On Narcissism, 80

fringe competitors, 101


anticipating, 34

creating memories of, 126–132

describing imagination for, 213

orientation to, 203

uncertainty of, 111–112

future engagement, survey of, xii–xv

Future Scenarios practice, 132, 239

FutureFacts, 92–97

guidelines, 104–105

sharing, 105

sources of ideas, 101–102

tracking votes on, 115–116

FutureFacts writing, 97–101

area between conventional and absurd, 99

event description, not trend, 100–101

excluding company from, 98–99

scope for relevance and time, 97–98

future-orientation of vision, 15

development framework, 62

future-oriented behavior, 89–90

FuturePriming, 91–92, 196, 224

creativity and, 105–107

golden rules, 97–101

potential for mindset change, 103–105

FuturePriming practice, 100, 238

gains, short-term vs. long-term, 7–8

Geeks and Geezers (Thomas), 84–85

George, Bill, 7, 9, 160

on transformation, 10

Gettysburg Address, 203–205

Gino, Francesca, 89–90

Gladiator (movie), 165–166

Gladwell, Malcolm, 76–77

Glenmark, 141–143

Godin, Seth, The Selfish Cynic, 72

Goleman, Daniel, Emotional Intelligence, 160

Good to Great (Collins), 201–203

Goodwin, Fred, 137, 250n

Greenspan, Alan, 45–46, 86, 114

Greenwald, Anthony, 90

Gretzky, Wayne, 83

groupthink, 137–139

consequences, 139–140

symptoms, 138

Grove, Andy, 216

guidance, 24

Gurdjieff, Georges, 125

halo effect, 40

Handy, Charles, 72

Harvard Business Review, 160, 194

hedge funds, Polman and, 8

The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 217–218

The Hero’s Journey (Campbell), 165

Hertz, 189

Herzberg, Frederick, 200

Hirschman, Albert O., Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, 167

Hitler, Adolf, 27

Hood, Phil, The Power of the 2x2 Matrix, 247n

hope, 201

hotels, 53–54

house prices, 41

humor, 50

hygiene factors, 200–203

in Gettysburg Address, 203–205

IKEA, 18, 153

illusion, 42–45

of control, 77, 123–124

The Image of the Future (Polak), 34–35, 213

imagination, 17, 33–34

defining concept, 35

and detachment, 48

vs. knowledge, 36

imitation, vs. authenticity, 160–161

In Their Time (May and Nohria), 5

incentives, 41

inconsistency, 179

Indian School of Business, 141–143

information overload, 74

information practices, 192–194

ingroups, 137

Inkster, James A., 117–118

The Innovator’s Dilemma (Christensen), 216

Inspire2Live, 22

Intel, 216

intelligence, and doubt, 147

interbank lending market, 75

interest rates, 45

Internet, 220

Microsoft and, 121

investment bankers, focus on short-term, 8

irrationality, 118–120

It Starts with Why practice, 159, 239

James, William, The Sentiment of Rationality, 185

Janis, Irving, 137

Jarvis, Jeff, 52

Jensen, Michael, 119

Jobs, Steve, 24, 48, 79, 80–81, 211

commencement speech, 109–110, 222

Johnson, Mark, 213

Johnson, Steven, Where Good Ideas Come From, 59–60

jokes, punch line, 49–50

Kahn, Herman, The Year 2000, 83–84

Kahn, Louis, 154

Kahneman, Daniel, 119–120, 194, 211–212, 245n

Kamprad, Ingvar, 18, 24, 64, 153

Kantabutra, Sooksan, 57

Kapitein, Peter, 21

Keen, Jim, 85

Kellogg School of Management, 47

Kennedy, John F., 17

Khris, Taïg, 157, 171, 184

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 204

“bank of justice,” 214

“I Have a Dream,” 212–213

Kipling, Rudyard, 208

Kloosterman, Lex, 138

knowledge, vs. imagination, 36

knowledge gap, 185

Knox, Robert E., 117–118

Kochhar, Chanda, 144

Kotter, John P., 4, 20, 24, 78, 152

Lakoff, George, 213

Langer, Ellen, 1, 69, 123–124, 175, 180


long-term, 8–9

pictorial, 213

power of, 205–208

verbs, 208–209

lateral thinking, 50–52

Lateral Thinking practice, 51, 238

leadership, 140–141

blind spots, 120

key factors for, 5

vs. managers, 19

narcissistic, 28

statistical findings on, 5–6

transformational, 19–21, 26

and vision, xii, 1–2, 14

Leadership: Theory and Practice (Northouse), 20

leading by questioning, 189–190

Learn to listen practice, 194–195, 241

learning, from mistakes, 189

Lego, 218–219

Lehman Brothers, 114

Lennon, John, 111

Let me tell you a story practice, 221, 242

life lessons, 221

Lincoln, Abraham, Gettysburg Address, 203–205

Lincoln at Gettysburg (Wills), 204

Lippens, Maurice, 112

The Living Company (de Geus), 6

Loewenstein, George, 185

Loftus, Elizabeth, 205–206

log of FutureFacts, 104

logic, straightening, 131

logos, 25–27, 217, 225–226

long-term language, 8–9

Look OUT! practice, 193, 240

loss, notions of, 210–212

Loumioti, Maria, 9

Lovallo, Dan, 194

Lowy, Alex, The Power of the 2x2 Matrix, 247n

Maccoby, Michael, 28, 80, 81

magic, illusion of, 42

al-Maktoum, Mohammed bin Rashid,My Vision, 16

Malcolm, Jack, 215

man on moon, 17

managers, vs. leaders, 19

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 202

Mariotte, Edme, 28

market transitions, 87–89

markets, regulation, 45

Mason, Malia, 47, 201

mastery, xvii–xix

route to, xviii

maturity, 37

Mayo, Anthony, In Their Time, 5

McKinsey & Co., 7

McLean, Malcolm, 60, 64, 65, 66, 182

McLean Trucking Company, 61

mediating reality, 167–169

memory, language and, 205–206, 207

metaphors, 213–215

Microsoft, 15, 121

Milgram, Stanley, 177–178

mindfulness, 201

developing, 191

mindfulness/mindlessness, 175–178, 181–184

MindPriming, 91

mindsets, 41, 144

future-oriented, 89–90


learning from, 189

in vision, 4

Moments of Truth, 224

content, 224–225

ethos, 227

logos, 225–226

pathos, 226

Moments of Truth practice, 241

motion sickness, experiment on, 183

motivation, 24

of employees, 58

Mui, Chunka, 46

Mulally, Alan, 64, 88, 159–160, 201

Mulder, Bas, 22

My Vision (al-Maktoum), 16

Naisbitt, John, 17

narcissism, faults of, 81

narcissistic distraction, 78–82

narcissistic leadership, 28

negative contrast, 211

negativism, 201

Netherlands, financial crisis, 75

Newsweek, 10

noble cause, connection to, 24

Nohria, Nitin, In Their Time, 5

Northern Rock, 139

liquidity crisis, 75–76

Northouse, Peter, 26

Leadership: Theory and Practice, 20

Obituary exercise practice, 162–163, 239

oil crisis (1973), Shell and, 134–135

Olsen, Ken, 83–84

On Becoming a Leader (Bennis), 151

On Narcissism (Freud), 80

On Rhetoric (Aristotle), 25

OPEC, 134

open-mindedness, 87, 141

opinion, vision as, 16

Opinion swap practice, 195–196, 241

optimism, vs. reality, 202–203

Oracle, 80

Orcel, Andrea, 113

overconfidence, 122–124

Palmer, John, 205–206

Pan-Atlantic, 62

paradigms, change in, 18

Parkin, Margaret, 217

passion, 158

and authenticity, 159–160

passive engagement with future, xiii

past, description, vs. envisioning future, 71

Pasteur, Louis, 224

pathos, 25–27, 152, 217, 226

Pausch, Randy, 222–223

Pearl, David, 165

perception, 29

flawed, 39

peripheral blindness, 121–122

permanent present, 33–34

personal anecdote, see stories

personal vision, 13–15

vs. company vision, 14–15

persuasion, 25, 152

pictorial language, 213

Picture is worth a thousand words practice, 213, 241

point of no return, 86

point of surprise, 85–86, 88

Polak, Fred, 13

The Image of the Future, 34–35, 213

political arguments, xi

Polman, Paul, 8, 10

positive attitude, 156, 201

The Power of the 2x2 Matrix (Lowy and Hood), 247n

Powerful questions practice, 192–193

practices, xviii, 237–242

Appreciative inquiry, 193, 240

Assumption bowling, 49, 237

Break the pattern, 192, 240

Business upside down, 50, 238

Current visionary self, 67

Elevator pitch, 204, 241

Future Scenarios, 132, 239

FuturePriming, 100, 238

It starts with why, 159, 239

Lateral thinking, 51, 238

Learn to listen, 194–195, 241

Let me tell you a story, 221, 242

Look OUT!, 193, 240

Moments of Truth, 241

Obituary exercise, 162–163, 239

Opinion swap, 195–196, 241

Picture is worth a thousand words, 213, 241

Powerful questions, 192–193

Radical exposure, 193, 240

Recategorizing, 191–192

So That What?, 165–167, 239

stories, 163–165

Story pace, 37, 237

Unblinding your blind spot, 193–194, 240

Verb-alize, 208, 241

WWGD (What Would Google Do), 52, 238

“Yes, and . . . ,” 191–192, 240

Your Current Visionary Self, 238

Your Stories, 239

precision, vs. correctness, 123

Predictable Surprises (Bazerman and Watkins), 120

predictions, overconfidence in, 124

priming phenomenon, 90–91

print industry, 10

productive narcissism, 80

Progressive Insurance, 15

provocation, 51

publishing industry, 10

QR (Quick Response) codes, xviii,see also practices

quarterly earnings, Polman and, 8

questions, 185–188

assumptions, 188

constructing, 186–188

leading by, 189–190

scope, 188

for Solar Roadways, 185–186

Radical exposure practice, 193, 240

Raiffa, Howard, 122

Random Entry Idea Generation Tool, 51

rationality, 118–120

rationalizing, 46


mediating, 167–169

vs. optimism, 202–203

Recategorizing practice, 191–192

Reich, Robert, 45

restaurants, rejuvenation, 31–33

Riboud, Antoine, 169

Riboud, Franck, 169–172


aversion, 79

aversion vs. seeking, 77–78, 212

taking, 27

Robinson, Ken, 4

Rockefeller, John D., The Second American Revolution, 180–181

Rohn, Jim, 193

rollerblades, 157

routine, power of, 178

Royal Dutch Shell, cash flow, 125–126

Russell, Bertrand, 109, 147

Russo, Edward, 124

Saldanha, Glenn, 141, 142–143

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 158

scenarios, 126–132, 184

scenarios creation

deriving implications, 132

inventory of uncertainties and certainties, 126–127

skeleton for, 127–131

straightening logic, 131

Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation (van der Heijden), 133

schemas, 38–39

Schoemaker, Paul, 57, 124

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 41

Schweitzer, Albert, 72

scope, of questions, 188

Sculley, John, 48

Sea-Land Industries, 62

The Second American Revolution (Rockefeller), 180–181

seeing things early, 63–65, 83–107

car crash theory, 85–87

creativity, 105–107

FutureFacts, 92–101

FuturePriming, 91–92

market transitions, 87–89

priming phenomenon, 90–91

reducing thoughtlessness, 83–84

signal and noise, 84–85

toys in boardroom, 89–90

self-generated insights, xiv

The Selfish Cynic (Godin), 72

senior leaders, role of, 145–146

The Sentiment of Rationality (James), 185

Serafeim, George, 9

7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 162

Shapiro, Eileen, Fad Surfing in the Boardroom, 69

shareholders, short-term gains goal, 7

Shell, scenario planning for, 132–135

Shiller, Robert, 124

short-termism, 7–8

battle against, 9–10

Sibony, Olivier, 194

Sinek, Simon, Start with Why, 140, 159

slow hunch, 60

So That What? practice, 165–167, 239

social responsibility, Danone and, 170

society, vitality of, 35

Solar Roadways, 174–175

questions, 185–186

Soviet Union, 17

Stalin, Josef, 27

Start with Why (Sinek), 140, 159

statistical findings, on leadership, 5–6

status quo, challenge to, 18

steady state, preference for, 183

stereotyped responses, 177

Stockdale Paradox, 201–203

stories, 163–165

creating, 37

as data with a soul, 219–222

S. Jobs use of, 222

sharing, 223–224

stories practice, 163–165

Story pace practice, 37, 237

storytelling, 217–219

Stowell, Frank, 189

strategic advantage, 86

strategic decision-making, and multiple futures, 144

strategic planning, vision and, 17

Strategic Questionnaire, 102, 229–231

stubbornness, 143

Stübe, Katarina, 155

suffering, response to, 202

Swinkels, Stijn, 9

Sydney Opera House, 153–157

Taleb, Nassim, The Black Swan, 76, 111

teamwork, 220–221

thinking, lateral, 50–52

Thomas, Robert, Geeks and Geezers, 84–85

thoughtlessness, 83–84

Tibbs, Hardin, 125

Time (magazine), 3


awareness of, 34

consumption of, xiv

timeline, for FutureFact, 98

timing, 66

toxins, mobilizing action against, 27–29

transformation, George on, 10

transformational leadership, 19–21, 26

trend analysis, 110, 131

trend descriptions, 92

trend hoppers, 69–70

trust, 26

tunnel vision, 42, 77, 120, 141, 147

Fortis and, 117–118

Tversky, Amos, 211–212

Unblinding your blind spot practice, 193–194, 240

uncertainty, 4, 15

concealment of, 122

in connecting the dots, 147

in Wack’s model, 125

uncertainty-certainty matrix, 128

unconventionality, 24

Understanding Life conference (Amsterdam, 2011), 22

Unilever, 8

unusual, fascination with, 66

The Use of Lateral Thinking (de Bono), 51

Utzon, Jørn, 153–157, 171, 182

value curve, 53

values, 153

getting clarity on, 168

list, 233–235

working with, 167

van Barthold, Bruce, 190

van der Heijden, Kees, 134–135

Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation, 133

Verb-alize practice, 208, 241

verbs, 208–209

vision, xii

core ingredients, 23–25

defining concept, 14

discussions on, 13

gradual development, 60

impact on followers, 57

importance of, 10

personal, 13–15

requirements for creating, 3

vision purpose

challenge to status quo, 18

guidance, 16–17

imagination and, 17

inspiration of others, 19

visionary, 72–74

defining term, 79, 81

increasing ability to be, 4

outlook of, 156

visionary behavior, 174

visionary capacity, 62

growing, 63, 110

visionary checklist, 223–228

visionary communication, xvii, 199

visionary content, xvi

visionary framework, see framework of visionary development

visionary leadership

lack of knowledge on, 2

responsible, 143–147, 227

visionary practices, xvi, see also practices

visionary self, xvii, 151–172

improving, xv

visioning matrix (2x2), 67–72, 247n

followers, 67–69

historians or cynics, 70–72

trend hoppers, 69–70

Votron, Jean-Paul, 112, 138

Vygotsky, L.S., 199

Wack, Pierre, 125, 132, 184

Walker, David, 8

Wall Street orientation, 7

Watkins, Michael, Predictable Surprises, 120

Waytz, Adam, 47, 201

website, xviii

Wellink, Nout, 115

West, Daune, 189

Western societies, negative image of future, 35

White, Miles, 110

Whyte, William H., Jr., 137

Wide Angle Visions (Burkan), 101

Wiener, Anthony J., The Year 2000, 83–84

Wills, Garry, Lincoln at Gettysburg, 204

World Future Society, 83

WWGD (What Would Google Do)practice, 52, 238

The Year 2000 (Wiener and Kahn), 83–84

“Yes, and . . .” practice, 191–192, 240

Your Current Visionary Self practice, 238

Your Stories practice, 239

YouTube video, of blind beggar, 206–207

Zaleznik, Abraham, 14, 19, 31, 33

Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique, 214