A-Army, 89

Afghanistan operations, 239, 240

aircraft: aerial attack impact on cavalry, 59; close-air support provided by, 276n23; value to cavalry, 80

Algerian guerrilla war, 32

American Army: horseback training program, 240; remount requirements, 258n50; support for horse cavalry in, 7576; technological superiority of, 23637

American automotive industry, 237

American Civil War: cavalry role in, 18, 31; railway interdiction in, 27; remount requirements of Union Army, 258n50; strategic “rides” in, 22; use of railroad in, 37

American 1st Cavalry Division, 3

anti-partisan warfare: in France, 34; in Russia, 157, 162, 18081, 19699, 200206

Ardennes: Battle of the, 13740; region of France, 13738

armored cars, 83, 110; in Russo-Polish War, 86

armored combat vehicles, 110. See also specific types

armored divisions, 12223

Army Field Wagon 1, 96

arquebus, 67

artillery: mobility of, 8; Prussian doctrine on, 24; Russian, 150. See also horseartillery

Asiaticus (pseudonym), 42

Asquith, Herbert, 5859

Auftragstaktik, 24041

Austrian Federal Army, 239

automotive industry: American, 237; German, 11920


Bach-Zelewski, Erich von dem, 176, 178, 200, 201

Balck, Wilhelm, 4344

Baldwin, Hanson W., 233

Balkans campaign, 207

Barb cavalry mount, 32

“Basics of Cavalry Leadership, The” (Harteneck), 229

bayonet, 7, 4344, 9192

Bazaine, Achille, 19

Bazentin-le-Petit, Battle of, 59

Beck, Ludwig, 119

Belgium, German advance through, 4950

Bernhardi, Friedrich von, 40, 43

bicycle M1939 Patria WKC, 150

Bicycle Reconnaissance Detachment, 17576, 182, 18687

bicycle troops, 130, 132, 135, 148, 151, 153, 163; mobility of, 79, 158; in SS Cavalry Brigade, 17576, 182, 18687, 269n12; supply requirements of, 150, 156; in WWI, 52, 82

Bismarck, Otto von, 17, 34, 62

Bismarck memorials, 257n7

Black, Jeremy, 78

Black Bands, 200

Blenheim, Battle of, 10

Bock, Fedor von, 185, 186

Boer War, 4041, 43

Book of Revelation, 12

Böselager, Georg von, 21112, 286n4

Brandy Station, Battle of, 18

Brauchitsch, Walther von, 119

breastplate, 21, 263n45

Bredow, Friedrich Wilhelm von, 24, 27, 35

British cavalry, 11011, 262n17

British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 53

British 2nd Cavalry Brigade, 53

British 7th Dragoon Guards, 59

British Tornado GR4 attack aircraft, 23940

British war production, 237

Brown Shirts, 279n13

Brusilov Offensive, 57

Budapest, siege of, 230, 23132

Budenney, Semyon, 76

Buford, John, 18

Buhle, Walter, 120

Bülow, Karl von, 54


Cambrai, Battle of, 78

Cannae, Battle of, 43

caracole, 78

cavalry and cavalrymen: cultural perceptions regarding, 1516; deemphasis of in German propaganda, 123; George Patton on, 7576; in motorized age, 16162; nobility in, 16970; post-WWII, 234; target profile of, 2829

cavalry equipment: bayonet, 4344, 9192; breastplate, 21; firearms, 87, 9295; heavy weapons, 9596; helmet, 92; lances, 87, 92; swords, 48, 70, 75, 9192

cavalry formations, 8788

cavalry gun, 95

Cavalry Journal, 75

cavalry leadership basics, 25154

cavalry modernization, 4041

cavalry mounts: aggressiveness of, 34; the Barb, 32; breeding programs, 5, 9, 45, 63, 96100; feed and fodder requirements for, 4546, 1045; French abuse of, 5455; recognized gaits of, 4849; remount services, 1026; rider's bond with, 1214; veterinary services, 1012. See also horse entries

cavalry officers, 8182

Cavalry School, 8384

cavalry spirit, 240

cavalry swords, 48, 70, 75, 9192

cavalry training, 8082, 87, 267n18

Cavalry Training Manual (British), 43

cavalry uniforms, 17, 92

chassepot rifle, 25

Chassuers d'Afrique, 32

chivalric ideal, 1516

chivalric virtues of the SS, 168, 172, 174, 175, 209

Citino, Robert M., 240

Combat Group Hannibal, 227

combined-arms doctrine, 27, 6970; cavalry role in, 79

Commissar Order, 146

conscription, army, 107, 115

Corap, Andre Georges, 138, 139

Cossacks, 61


Darré, Walther, 174

Death Ride at Mars-la-Tour, 2425, 27, 35, 127

Dnepr River, 201

Donck, Battle of, 5152

double column formation, 8788

draft horses, 100, 112

dragoons, 18, 100

Dreyse model MG 13, 9495

Dreyse needle gun, 25

Dziewanowski, M.K., 12728


East Prussian State Stud at Trakehnen, 9, 63, 9698

Eastern Front in WWI, 6068; distances as factor in, 6061; elements of race war in, 6162; German cavalry effectiveness on, 6465

Eastern Front in WWII. See Operation Barbarossa; SS entries

economic centralization, 11617

economic mobilization, 118

Èghezèe, Battle of, 52

8th Waffen-SS Cavalry Division. See SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer

Emmich, Otto von, 49

equestrian associations, 169

equine pack-animal units, 238

equitation, 8081, 87

Eylau, Battle of, 30


Falkenhayn, Erich von, 67

farriery schools, 102

Federal Armed Forces (Germany), 238

Fegelein, Hermann, 170, 171, 172, 178, 180, 188, 197, 204, 248

Fehrbellin, Battle of, 8384

Felbar, Hans-Gustav, 157

Feldt, Kurt, 125, 136, 147, 154, 155, 159, 160, 162, 215, 216, 229

First Battle of the Marne, 46

flanking role of cavalry, 4647; in WWI, 5556

Florian Geyer. See SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer

Foix, Gaston de, 6

formation riding, 8788

Fort Embourg (Belgium), 50

Four-Year Plan, 117

Franco-German Armistice, 135

François, Hermann von, 62

Franco-Prussian War, 11, 16; cavalry lessons learned in, 3537; Death Ride at Mars-la-Tour, 2425; French cavalry failures in, 19, 21, 2223; French withdrawal from Metz, 2325; German advance to the Moselle, 22; German infantry in, 2021; German reconnaissance in, 1920, 2122; logistics and supply in, 2930; partisan warfare in, 34; railroad transportation in, 26; siege of Paris in, 32, 36; strategic “rides” in, 3637

francs-tireurs, 34

Frank, August, 231

Frankowo, Battle of, 125

Frederick III of Brandenburg, 234

Frederick the Great of Prussia, 9, 97

Frederick William I of Prussia, 97

Freitag, Fritz, 191, 202, 204

French, John, 41

French cavalry, 110; abuse of mounts in, 5455; in the Ardennes, 13839; use of firearms by, 258n16

French Cavalry School, 75, 136

French Ninth Army, 138

French remount system, 30, 55

French Second Army, 137

Friesian, 274n53

Fritsche, Karl, 178

Froeschwiller, Battle of, 20, 21

Führung und Gefecht der Verbundenen Waffen manual, 108


gas warfare, 60

General Staff, 107

George II of Great Britain, 9899

Gercke, Rudolf, 11213

German A-Army, 89

German Alpine Army Corps, 283n18

German armed forces nomenclature, 107

German Army: cavalry divisions in, 78; de-modernization of, in WWII, 122; inter-war composition, 7778; inter-war conscription, 107, 115; inter-war expansion, 121; interwar reorganization of cavalry, 82; limitations imposed on, 84; motorization prior to WWII, 11921; professionalism of, 114

German army doctrinal manual, 10810

German army maneuvers, 8889

German Army of the Meuse, 49

German Army Service Regulations of 1923, 82

German Army Veterinary Academy, 102

German Army Veterinary Service, 101

German Cavalry Brigade Model, 211

German cavalry divisions, 78

German Cavalry School, 8384

German Cavalry Unit Böselager, 211

German Cuirassier Regiment Königin, 5152

German Defense Economy and Weapons Bureau, 116

German Federal Armed Forces, 238

German First Army, 53

German heraldic shields, 2

German II Cavalry Corps, 49

German Kultur, 17475

German 2nd Motorized Division, 129

German 2nd Panzer Group, 149, 154

German 2nd Reiter Regiment, 1st Cavalry Brigade, 124

German 22nd Reiter Regiment, 1st Cavalry Brigade, 130, 133, 134, 136

German 2nd SS Cavalry Regiment, 175

German 2nd SS Panzer Corps, 201

German Ninth Army, 67, 182, 185, 211

German 3rd Cavalry Brigade, 9th Uhlans, 5152

German 3rd Cavalry Division, 232

German 23rd Mountain Rifle Brigade, 238

German rearmament, 1068; economic inefficiencies of, 116; in European balance of power, 11415; Four-Year Plan for, 117; Hitler on primacy of, 115

German Sixth Army, 201

German SS. See SS entries

German 1st Cavalry Brigade: in invasion of Poland, 12430; units of, 124

German 1st Cavalry Corps, 65; armored attacks against, 22122; composition of, 21516; as defenders against Red Terror, 226; in defense of Budapest, 230; Hungarian division in, 21213, 214, 217, 218, 223; lack of mobility, 220; reestablishment of, 212; reorganization of, 22324, 22728; replacements for, 22223; surrender of, 233

German 1st Cavalry Division, 61, 62, 63, 64; conversion to panzer division, 15962; in France, 13335; in the Netherlands, 13033; in Operation Barbarossa, 145, 146, 147, 149, 151, 153, 156, 157

German 51st Fighter Wing Mölders, 149, 276n23

German 1st Panzer Division, 139

German 1st Reiter Regiment, 1st Cavalry Brigade, 124, 13435, 147, 164

German 21st Reiter Regiment, 1st Cavalry Brigade, 130, 133, 15253, 164

German 1st SS Cavalry Regiment, 171, 175

German 4th Cavalry Brigade, 217, 221

German 4th Cavalry Division, 232

German 69th Cavalry Replacement Detachment, 22223

German 12th Infantry Division, 125

German 17th Infantry Division, 149, 151

German 112th Infantry Division, 149

German 4th Panzer Division, 147, 220

German 7th Panzer Division, 139

German 6th Reconnaissance Battalion, 212

German Third Army, 125

German Third Cavalry Division, 88

German war production, 11415

German Weekly Newsreel, 123

German XIII Corps, 152, 157

German XXIII Corps, 187

German XXIV Panzer Corps, 146, 149

German XXXVIII Corps, 134

German XXXXIII Corps, 153

German XXXXVII Panzer Corps, 157

Geyer, Florian, 200

glanders, 148

Goebbels, Joseph, 167

Gomel, Battle of, 15153

Gomel Pocket, 277n29

Göring, Hermann, 117, 119

Gravelotte, Battle of, 35

Groener, Wilhelm, 90

Grolig, Oswin, 212

Gronau, Hans von, 54

Gumbinnen, Battle of, 6364

Guderian, Heinz, 12122, 129, 149, 184, 185, 236

gunpowder warfare: cavalry role in, 6, 910; cavalry use of firearms in, 79; combined-arms doctrine and, 27; effect on cavalry charge against infantry, 2526

Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, 8

gypsies, 191


Haelen, Battle of, 51, 53

Haflinger, 269n23

Haig, Douglas, 57, 58, 59, 60, 75

Halder, Franz, 240

Hanoverian State Stud at Celle, 9, 45, 84, 98100

Harnack, Adolf von, 62

Harteneck, Gustav, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228, 232; on cavalry leadership, 25154

heavy cavalry, 1617; role of, 18

Heer, 107

Heliand, The, 1, 15

Henderson, G.F.R., 43

Heye, Wilhelm, 88

Himmler, Heinrich, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 175, 177, 178, 184, 187, 191, 197, 207, 208

Hindenburg, Paul von, 65

Hitler, Adolph, 106, 170, 229, 230, 231, 232; consolidation of authority by, 113; economic centralization and, 11617; micro management by, 24041; Nazi symbolism and, 167; objectives of invasion of Soviet Union, 14546; Operation Barbarossa and, 181, 186; on primacy of rearmament, 115; reliance of on Himmler, 207; “stand or die” order, 228; on uses of cruelty, 198

Hitler Youth, 120

Hoffmann, Max, 6263

Hohberg, Anton von, 172

Hohenzollern, Friedrich Karl von, 1617, 37

horse breeding programs, 5, 9, 45, 96100

horse muster commission, 45

horse registration, 103

horse-artillery, 89, 10; in Barbarossa, 150; in Franco-Prussian War, 27, 28; in interwar reorganization of cavalry, 8283; in invasion of Poland, 124; principal tasks of, 258n29; in WWI, 48

Horseman's Badge, 81

horsemanship. See equitation

horses: army order concerning the sparing of, 24345; cultural perception of, 12; inter-war importance of, 7475; in Nazi cultural expression, 16667; panje, 1034, 151, 19495; standard daily rations, 1045; utility in WWI, 4445. See also cavalry mounts

horses' gaits, 4849

Howard, Michael, 32

HSSPF. See Senior SS and Police Command Center

“Hundred Guards” cuirassiers, 17

Hungarian Army, 213

Hungarian 3rd Hussar Regiment, 217

Hungarian 1st Royal Cavalry Division, 212, 214, 223

Huntzinger, Charles, 137, 138, 139

hussars, 21213


Indian Army, 3

industrial infrastructure, and cavalry operations, 40

infantry: in American Civil War, 18; German, in Franco-Prussian War, 2021; role in partisan warfare, 34

infantry phalanx, 4

Infantry Regulations (British), 43

infantry square, 7, 10, 17, 256n27

Interallied Military Control Commission, 89

Iraq, 240


Jäger zu Pferde, 4748

Japan, 42, 43

Jaroslawice, Battle of, 70

jeeps, 236, 237

Joffre, Joseph, 4950


Kabisch, Ernst, 90

Kaiserschlacht, 71

Kalinin Front, 18586

Komarow, Battle of, 77

Kavanagh, T.C. McM., 60

Keegan, John, 1516

Keitel, Wilhelm, 118

Kluck, Alexander von, 53, 54

Kluge, Günther von, 186, 211, 245

Konarmia I, 7677

Königgrätz, Battle of, 17, 26, 35

Korma Heights operation, 153

Kornwerderzand: Battle of, 132; fortifications, 132

Kosak, Georges, 139

Kosovo operations, 238

Kriegsmarine, 107, 115, 236

Krupp howitzer, 51

Küchler, Georg von, 125

Kursk, Battle of, 201, 202, 206


lances, 70, 87, 92

Langensalza, Battle of, 17

Lanrezac, Charles Louis Marie, 137

League of Nations, 106

Leaping Horseman insignia, 162, 165

Leboeuf, Edmond, 29

Leeb, Wilhelm Ritter von, 138

Leman, Gérard, 50, 51

Lesueur, Larry, 188

Liège, Battle of, 5051

light cavalry: French, in Algeria, 32; heavy cavalry and, 1617; role of, 18

light divisions, 7980

light infantry gun, 95

Lisle, H.B. de, 53

Lithuania, German offensive in, 66

Lodz, Battle of, 65

logistics and supply: French, in Franco-Prussian War, 2930; French remount system, 30, 55; in Operation Barbarossa, 15051, 15556, 199

Lombard, Gustav, 188

Louis XIV of France, 234

Luck, Hans von, 127

Ludendorff, Erich, 65, 68

Luftwaffe, 107, 115


machine guns, 9395, 268n4

Mackensen, August von, 67

Magyar horsemen, 21213

Malaparte, Curzio, 173

mange, 2034

Marne, Battle of the, 5455

Marshall, George C., 236

Marwitz, Georg von der, 71

Marwitz, Johannes Georg von der, 49

Mars-la-Tour, Battle of, 2425, 27, 35, 127

massed cavalry: versus dismounted cavalry role, 3132; French, in Franco-Prussian War, 30; massed infantry and, 44; support of infantry by, 35; vulnerabilities of, to firearms, 2829; in WWI, 72

Mastelarz, Kazimierz, 128

Masurian Lakes, Battle of the, 66

Materialschlacht, 7071

Mauser 98k carbine, 9293

Mauser M1898, 48

Mellenthin, F.W. von, 127, 273n46

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 242

Miracle of the Vistula, 77

mixed divisions: French, 13839; requirements for effectiveness, 7980

mobility: army doctrine on, 108; as basic cavalry doctrine, 253; as factor in inter-war planning, 8586; Operation Barbarossa and, 156; Russian roads as hindrance to, 19495

Model, Walther, 187, 210, 217

Moltke, Helmut von, the Elder, 49, 79, 127; memorandum of 1868, 1718, 25, 26, 31

Mons, Battle of, 53

Morgan, John Hunt, 36

Morsbronn, Battle of, 21, 51

motor vehicle 69, 9596

motorization: American, 23637; in defining cavalry's role, 7980, 80, 83; driver and mechanic training, 120; George Patton on, 75; incomplete, prior to WWII, 119; lack of standardization in, 120; “Lance Comparison” in, 122; in Operation Barbarossa, 15556

Motorized Transport Department, 12122

Mountain Pack Animal Company 230, 238

mounted infantry, 41, 261n8

mounted police, 3

mules, 4445


Nagybánya, Miklós Horthy de, 212

Napoleon I of France, 10, 28, 30

Napoleon III of France, 29

National Association of Breeding and Testing Of German Warm Bloods, 81

National Socialist Drivers Corps, 120

National Socialist Mounted Corps, 272n29

Nazi symbolism, 16668

Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, 129, 17475

Netherlands campaign, 13033

Night of the Long Knives, 172

North European Plain, 40


Occupied Germany, 23738

100,000-man Reichswehr, 77

Operation Barbarossa: anti-partisan warfare in, 18081, 19699, 200206; cavalry role in, 148, 150, 154, 155, 157, 160; drive on Gomel, 15152; German losses in, 150, 154, 163; horsemounted reconnaissance riders in, 155; horses' performance in, 15152, 154; logistics difficulties in, 15051, 156, 199; objectives of, 14546; rivers and marshes as factors in, 14142; Russian road conditions as factor in, 194; Russian tenacity in response to, 179; Soviet cavalry and, 145; Soviet counteroffensive to, 18588, 219; SS cavalry in, 172, 17585; SS “special assignments” in, 177, 178, 184, 19798; troop discipline in, 159

Operation Margarethe, 287n8

Operation Michael, 71

Operation Seydlitz, 2056

Operation Spring Awakening, 231, 232

Operation Typhoon, 181

Operations Weichsel I and II, 205, 24647

Ostend, Battle of, 5253

Ovid, 242


Pack Animal Mission and Training Center (PAMTC), 23839

Pallasch sword, 48

panje horse, 1034, 151, 19495

Panzergrenadiere, 122

Paris, siege of, 32, 36

Parrott, David A., 8

partisan warfare. See anti-partisan warfare

Patton, George, 7576

Patton sword, 75

Peasants' War, 200

Pétain, Henri-Philippe, 72

Petersberg Missions, 239

pikemen, 7

Pilsudski's Legion, 61

pistoleers, 7

platoon column formation, 87

Plettenberg (German commander), 222

Pliev, I.A., 214

Poland: German animosity toward, 85; German invasion of, 12430, 17475; war with Russia, 7677, 86, 93

police call-up, 17677, 281n39

Polish cavalry, 125; in alleged charges against tanks, 12729, 273n51

Polish Corridor, 85

Polish Pomorske Cavalry Brigade, 128, 129, 273n51

Polish 18th Lancer Regiment, 12829

population density, and cavalry operations, 40

Poseck, Maximilian von, 80, 81, 82, 83, 86

Pripet Marshes, 14142, 17879


rabies, 148

Race to the Sea, 5556, 127

racial composition of SS, 2078

racial warfare, 6162; on Eastern Front, 173

Raeder, Erich, 119

railroad transportation: in Franco-Prussian War, 26, 37; in German inter-war planning, 119; of infantry, 44; requirements for German corps, 4546; in Soviet Union, 143

railway interdiction, 2627

rearmament in Germany, 1068; economic inefficiencies of, 116; in European balance of power, 11415; Four-Year Plan for, 117; Hitler on primacy of, 115

reconnaissance and screening, 18; in American Civil War, 18; French, in Franco-Prussian War, 21, 2223; German, in Franco-Prussian War, 1920, 21, 27; German doctrine on, 109; strategic “rides” and, 22, 3637; in WWI, 54, 69

reconnaissance by fire, 139

reconnaissance detachments, 123

Reich Chancellery, 167

Reich Plenipotentiary for the Four-Year Plan, 117

Reichswehr, 107

Reinhardt, George-Hans, 225

remount depot, 97, 102

remount services: American requirements, 258n50; Austrian Federal Army, 239; French, 30, 55; German, 1026

Rennenkampf, Pavel, 62, 64

Riding and Driving Schools, 103

Riding School, SS Main, 170

river crossings: Loire, 136; Seine, 135

river-crossing exercises, 81

Roberts, Michael, 8

Röhm, Ernst, 279n13

Rojahn (German lieutenant colonel), 222

Rommel, Erwin, 139

Rossbach, Battle of, 9, 10, 30

Rumania, German offensive in, 6668

Rumanian Army, armored car use by, 83

Rupprecht of Bavaria, 57, 69

Russia: as German promised land, 17374; invasion of East Prussia by, 6265; railroads in, 143; Red Army cavalry expansion in, 145; rivers and marshes in, 14142; road conditions in, 194. See also Operation Barbarossa

Russian cavalry, 14445, 147, 214, 264n66

Russian Fifth Army, 65

Russian First Army, 62

Russian First Cavalry Army, 7677

Russian Imperial Guard Cavalry Corps, 6364

Russian Red Terror, 226

Russian 1st Cavalry Division, 64

Russian 4th Guards Cavalry Corps, 214

Russian 44th Mongolian Cavalry Division, 275n10

Russo-Japanese War, 42, 43

Russo-Polish War, 7677, 86, 93

Rzhev, Battle of, 188, 210


saber, 9192

Samsonov, Alexander, 64

Schellenbaum standard, 2

Schlieffen, Alfred von, 127

Schulze, Curt, 101

Sedan, Battle of, 19, 33

Seeckt, Hans von, 7879, 80, 82, 86, 87, 88, 94, 127

Senior SS and Police Command Center (HSSPF), 17677, 281n39

Seydlitz, Friedrich Wilhelm von, 9, 205

Sheridan, Philip, 27

Sherman, William T., 34

Signal magazine, 123

61st Cavalry (India), 3

Skinner, Robert P., 45

Slavic peoples, German attitude toward, 146

Somme, Battle of the, 5860

Sonnengott (cavalry mount), 16465

Sordet, J.F.A., 50

Soviet cavalry, 14445, 157

Soviet Union. See Russia

Spicheren, Battle of, 19

SS Bicycle Reconnaissance Detachment, 17576, 182, 18687

SS Cavalry Brigade, 124; assignment to front-line combat, 18485; assignment to HSSPF, 176; clearing operations in Pripet Marshes, 17879; components of, 17576; horse care in, 183; mission in Operation Barbarossa, 17778; nomenclature of, 175; in partisan warfare, 18081; purpose of, 176

SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer: antipartisan operations by, 19698, 200206; “cleansing” actions of, 193; composition of, 190; formation of, 18990; Hermann Fegelein's assumption of command of, 24850; horses of, 19192, 2034; naming of, 200; reorganization of, 2067; replacements for, 199200; Volksdeutsche in, 19091

SS cavalry formations, 130

SS Cavalry School, 191

SS Death's Head Division, 168, 177

SS Death's Head Horse Regiment, 171

SS Death's Head Units, 171

SS Kampfgruppe Nord, 17273

SS Main Riding School, 170

SS Mounted Company, 169

SS Mounted Regiments, 170, 175

SS Political Readiness Squad, 170

SS Polizei Division, 168

SS runes insignia, 16768

SS (Schutzstaffel): chivalric virtues of, 168, 172, 174, 175, 209; racial composition of members, 2078; recruitment of nobility by, 16970

SS Special Duties Troops, 17071

Stahlhelm, 92

Stalin, Joseph, 179, 275n10

Stalingrad, Battle of, 165, 201

Stallupönen, Battle of, 63

stand or die order, 228

State studs, 9, 45, 63

Steinmetz, Karl Friedrich von, 35

steppe warfare, 12, 4, 62

stirrup, 45

Storm Troopers, 169

Stosch, Albrecht von, 31

strategic “rides,” 22, 3637

swastika, 167

swords, 48, 70, 75, 9192


table of organization and equipment of 1919, 78, 82

tanks: as factor in cavalry role, 110; in large-scale maneuvers, 8889; Polish cavalry alleged engagement of, 12729; in WWI, 71

Tannenberg, Battle of, 64, 125

Thermal Airborne Laser Designator (TIALD) pod, 23940

Thomas, Georg, 116, 11718

Thorak, Josef, 167

Timoshenko, S.K., 145

Tirlemont, Battle of, 52

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918), 68

Treaty of Frankfurt (1871), 35

Treaty of Versailles (1919), 68; disarmament clause oversight, 89; on German army composition, 7778, 84; on horses and livestock, 7475

trench warfare, 4647, 56

Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 15

Truppenamt, 107

Truppenführung doctrinal manual, 10810

Tukhachevsky, Mikhail, 62


uhlan (term), 2, 19

Ukraine, 68

U.S. Army. See American Army

U.S. Constabulary, 238


Vattay (Hungarian general), 215, 216, 217, 218, 287n19

Verdun, Battle of, 57, 60

veterinary services, 1012

Victory Report (Marshall), 236

Vietnam War, 139

Volksdeutsche, 19091

Volkswagen, 11920

Vormann, Nikolaus von, 216


war economy, 118, 121

war production: American, 237; British, 237; German, 11415

Warsaw, siege of, 126

Waterloo, Battle of, 10

Wedemeyer, Albert C., 236

Wehrmacht, 107, 113, 119

Weiß, Walter, 214, 223

Werner, Anton von, 16

Western Front in WWI: Allied cavalry on, 57; cavalry forces on, 4748; German cavalry contribution on, 57, 7172; Race to the Sea action and, 5556

William of Prussia, 33

Wissembourg, Battle of, 19

Wilson, Henry, 44

Winter Battle of the Masurian Lakes, 66

World War I: Allied cavalry strength in, 47, 58; cavalry in, 11; German cavalry mission in, 6870; German cavalry strength in, 4748; horse mobilization in, 45; materiál as factor in, 7071; racial element in, 6162; urbanization's impact on cavalry operations, 144. See also Eastern Front in WWI; Western Front in WWI

World War II: cavalry retention in, 121; German motorization capability as factor in, 11921; German rearmament prior to, 1068; German surrender, 233; horses in active service during, 236. See also Operation Barbarossa

Wörth, Battle of, 20

Wrangel, Gustav, 42


Zamosc Ring, 77

Zeitzler, Kurt, 212

Ziethen, Hans Joachim von, 84, 200

Ziethen, Johan Joachim von, 9

Zorndorf, Battle of, 30