Week 3

Stinging Nettles and
Prickly Gifts


Urtica dioica

If you have accidentally encountered stinging nettles while walking near a creek, the concept of a gift may not have been at the forefront of your mind. And it is easy to bump into nettles; the plant is not showy. The flowers are the same color as the plant. They fall from the leaves in an almost-invisible cascade.

Stinging nettle leaves and stems are covered with tiny hairs that deliver a potent sting when you brush against them. One of the chemicals in the stinging nettle is formic acid, a chemical that is also present in a bee sting.

If a painful sting has been your only experience with nettles, you might wonder why a plant like that even exists. But nettles have been a boon to humans. They have been used for food and medicine for thousands of years. Once cooked, the leaves no longer sting. The plant is high in iron, phosphorus, potassium, and B vitamins. Herbalists have relied on nettle tea and tinctures to support kidney function, iron deficiency, and overall health. Nettles are also fibrous and have been used for fabric since the Bronze Age.

Nettles have provided much to humans, yet their sting presents a challenge. They remind us that the world is a complicated place. Things are not simply good or bad, even though the human brain loves to categorize things in this way. The world is more complex. Challenging situations and difficult people are not wholly good or evil. When we breathe in the gifts and reframe the challenges, we might see that the world is more nuanced than black and white. It seems trite to say that difficult situations make us stronger, but in many cases they do.

If you examine some of the past difficulties in your life, you might conclude that they also brought you gifts in some way. They may have contributed to your personal growth, understanding of the world, or wisdom. When you encounter a new prickly situation, whether internal or external, consciously tune in to nettle energy and be aware of gifts and hidden value.

Morning Attunement Questions

• What connections do I have with stinging nettles and prickly gifts?

• Where else in the green world or in my life do I observe prickly gifts?

• What does this correspondence feel like?

• How can I describe the energetic attribute of prickly gifts in words or pictures?

• Where does the concept of prickly gifts resonate most strongly in or around my body or in my life?

Daily Integration Questions

• In what ways is the world reflecting stinging nettles or prickly gifts back to me?

• What nuances and shades of meaning do I notice about stinging nettles and prickly gifts?

Evening Reflection Questions

• Where and how did I experience stinging nettles or prickly gifts today?

• How did I embrace the concept of prickly gifts today?

• What wisdom does the stinging nettle’s correspondence of prickly gifts bring to my life?
