Green World Explorations
One: Sensory Explorations
Two: Movement Explorations
Three: Creative Explorations
Four: Elemental Explorations
Five: Explorations of Connectedness
Six: Deeper Explorations
Plant Correspondences
as Mindful Focus
Week 1: Dandelion and Resilience
Week 2: Apple and Imagination
Week 3: Stinging Nettles and Prickly Gifts
Week 4: Rhubarb and Duality
Week 5: Marigold and Optimism
Week 6: Purple Coneflower and Boundaries
Week 7: Motherwort and Courage
Week 8: Amaranth and Grace
Week 9: Borage and Wildness
Week 10: Clover and Nurturing
Week 11: Garlic and Confidence
Week 12: Rose and Tradition
Week 13: Bindweed and Tenacity
Week 14: Crocus and Hope
Week 15: Rue and Warding Off
Week 16: Clary Sage and Clarity
Week 17: Lemon Balm and Renewal
Week 18: Rainbow Chard and Beauty
Week 19: Lavender and Kindness
Week 20: Bee Balm and Whimsy
Week 21: Radish and Accomplishment
Week 22: Iris and Transcendence
Week 23: Strawberry and Heart-Centeredness
Week 24: Flax and Serendipity
Week 25: Black-Eyed Susan and Justice
Week 26: Lady’s Mantle and Solitude
Week 27: Raspberry and Birth
Week 28: Mullein and Gentleness
Week 29: Sunchokes and Community
Week 30: Fennel and Illumination
Week 31: Daylily and Impermanence
Week 32: Collards and Dependability
Week 33: Pole Beans and Exploration
Week 34: Yarrow and Healing
Week 35: Beets and Balance
Week 36: Comfrey and Strength
Week 37: Fungi and Connectedness
Week 38: Mums and Transition
Week 39: Pumpkin and Abundance
Week 40: Tomato and Shape-Shifting
Week 41: Sage and Wisdom
Week 42: Rosemary and Ancestors
Week 43: Cosmos and Infinity
Week 44: Hops and Power
Week 45: Violet and Hidden Treasure
Week 46: Basil and Harmony
Week 47: Burdock and Purpose
Week 48: Sunflower and Guardians
Week 49: Butterfly Weed and Essentiality
Week 50: Calendula and Creativity
Week 51: Eggplant and Mystery
Week 52: Snapdragon and Joy
Moving Forward with Remembrance