Week 26

Lady’s Mantle
and Solitude


Alchemilla vulgaris

Lady’s mantle is a low-growing perennial with large, round-lobed leaves, resembling a cloak (or mantle). The drops of dew that collect on the leaves each morning were once thought to hold magical powers and were used in alchemical potions. Lady’s mantle has also been used for a variety of women’s health issues, but that is not where the name of the plant originates. In A Modern Herbal, Maude Grieve explains the plant was named for the cloak of Mary (mother of Jesus), so the “lady” in the name refers to a specific woman.27

When I look at lady’s mantle, I imagine the women in Jane Austen novels as they walked along the English moors wrapped in their cloaks. Cloaks and mantles provide protection from the elements, but also a kind of solitude, which is the energetic correspondence for this plant.

Solitude is a different energy than aloneness or loneliness. Solitude is a choice and willingness to spend time with ourselves. When we are constantly focusing outward, it is hard to know who we are and what we want. It may be difficult to make choices that align with our values or even to know what our values are. Solitude enriches our lives by creating a space for the new and original to grow and be nourished. It removes us from the fray so that we can take stock of our lives.

Solitude can be a challenge in today’s world; I am fairly certain that Jane Austen could walk along the moors in contemplation without running into throngs of other people. In contrast, my morning walk with my dog Luna is noisy and chaotic with cyclists, joggers with baby strollers, other dog owners, people talking on the phone, skateboarders, and clusters of jostling school children. Not only am I surrounded by others, I must be careful that my dog and I don’t get run over—and that is just the start of my day. The busy world has a way of encroaching on any planned alone time. Even when you are physically alone, you may have constant intrusions from electronic devices.

If you see the value of solitude, you can be intentional in carving out small amounts of time for yourself. It’s also possible to be in the world and not of the world, wrapping an imaginary cloak of solitude around yourself as you move through your day.

In contemplating this plant and its correspondence, notice when you allow yourself to be in solitude, if at all. Pay attention to the feeling of solitude and ask yourself if it feels burdensome, boring, nourishing, or something else.

Morning Attunement Questions

• What connections do I have with lady’s mantle and solitude?

• Where else in the green world or in my life do I observe solitude?

• What does this correspondence feel like?

• How can I describe this energetic attribute of solitude in words or pictures?

• Where does this correspondence of solitude resonate most strongly in or around my body or in my life?

Daily Integration Questions

• In what ways is the world reflecting lady’s mantle or solitude back to me?

• What nuances and shades of meaning do I notice about lady’s mantle and solitude?

Evening Reflection Questions

• Where and how did I experience lady’s mantle or solitude today?

• How did I embrace solitude today?

• What wisdom does lady’s mantle’s correspondence of solitude bring to my life?


27. Grieve, A Modern Herbal, vol. II, 463.