Fennel and Illumination
Foeniculum vulgare
Fennel offers up three licorice-tasting parts—the bulb, the leaves, and the seeds. The delicate, feathery leaves are beautiful in the garden and release a fragrance when brushed against. My favorite is bronze fennel, which, as the name implies, has a distinctive color. When harvesting the leaves and bulb, gardeners keep the plant trimmed and may miss the beauty of the plant flowering and going to seed. An unchecked fennel plant may reach four to five feet, throwing out many branches and an explosion of flower heads that resemble a starburst fireworks display.
Fennel is a perennial, but it doesn’t always survive my Denver winters. It grows easily from seed; allowing the seeds to fall from the plant will usually result in a host of fennel volunteers next season.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus gifted humans with fire by sneaking some coals into a fennel stalk. In the story, it changed the course of human history. Fire not only provided warmth and the ability to cook food, it provided a psychic illumination that transformed humans into more intelligent and inventive beings. The myth indicates that humans were not just without light and heat, they were in the dark about what they could do and be. With its starburst flowers and its mythic role in lighting up our minds, fennel has the energetic correspondence of illumination.
Illumination, of course, has multiple meanings. Illumination can simply be bringing light to an area. While holding an awareness of this week’s word, be conscious of your ability as a human being to produce light at will. For much of human history, our movements were governed by when the sun was shining. Now, we bring light to a room with the flick of a switch.
Illumination also has a more metaphysical meaning. In the Greek myth, Prometheus is credited with quickening the intelligence and growth of humans. He provided a doorway to understanding and possible enlightenment. Most of us can think of a time when we felt in the dark about something, big or small, and then were provided with information that illuminated our understanding—there is a noticeable shift in energy when that occurs.
In considering illumination, it’s good to remember that Prometheus did not bring humans a blazing torch. It was a few smoldering coals hidden away in the hollow of the fennel stalk. Those tiny sparks illuminated the whole world. As you hold this correspondence in mindful awareness, you might notice areas of your life that could benefit from illumination. There may be coals and embers hidden away that need to be fanned to spark increased light. Consider how to cultivate a starburst of beautiful fireworks and illumination in your life.
Morning Attunement Questions
• What connections do I have with fennel and illumination?
• Where else in the green world or in my life do I observe illumination?
• What does this correspondence feel like?
• How can I describe this energetic attribute of illumination in words or pictures?
• Where does this correspondence of illumination resonate most strongly in or around my body or in my life?
Daily Integration Questions
• In what ways is the world reflecting fennel or illumination back to me?
• What nuances and shades of meaning do I notice about fennel and illumination?
Evening Reflection Questions
• Where and how did I experience fennel or illumination?
• How did I embrace illumination today?
• What wisdom does fennel’s correspondence of illumination bring to my life?