
Tony Buzan, to whom this book is dedicated, convened regular meetings of his think tank, known as the Learning Methods Group, from 1975 to 1980. The meetings usually took place at Tony’s home in the London village of Hampstead or at a nearby Chinese restaurant in Golders Green and featured lively discussions and debates about the nature of mind, art, science, philosophy, and how to develop human potential. The group included a number of individuals who went on to become successful authors, artists, thought leaders, business consultants, and public speakers, including Peter Russell, Mark Brown, and Brian Weller.

In January 2020, after enjoying five days at the Alexander Technique retreat in California that I have attended annually since 1979, I went to Tiburon to spend a few days with friends before going on to teach at the Esalen Institute. On the way to Tiburon I received a telephone message, and although the number was unfamiliar, I immediately recognized the sonorous voice on my voice mail from forty years past: it was Brian Weller’s. As serendipity arranged, Brian wasn’t far from my friend’s place, and we enjoyed a reunion that proved to be much more than just a glorious festival of reminiscence; it also led to the renewal of our creative collaboration, manifesting directly in his amazing illustrations for this book. I’m grateful to the Universe for reconnecting us, and to Brian for his masterful contribution to this book.

I’m also grateful to:

My Alexander Technique colleagues, especially Beret Arcaya, Caren Bayer, Michael Frederick, and Stacy Siena.

Thought leaders in the fields of influence, sales, and linguistics, including Robert Cialdini, Tammy Gales, Steve Lishansky, Harvey Mackay, Jeremy Nicholson, Dan Pink, Steven Pinker, and Duane Sparks.

All the wonderful people who contributed to this book, including Ed Bassett, Vanda North, Jim D’Agostino, Joan and Sandy Gelb, Chris Hillmann, Peter Russell, and Eva Selhub.

The marvelous team at New World Library, including Jason Gardner, Kristen Cashman, Tona Pearce Myers, Tanya Fox, Mimi Kusch, and Monique Muhlenkamp.

The amazing, incomparable Deborah Domanski.