Shiitake mushroom and zasai sushi
This Chinese-inspired sushi uses zasai, a pickled vegetable with dark green, knobby skin and a crunchy texture. It can be found packaged in jars or cans in any Southeast Asian food shop.
MAKES 6 pieces | PREPARATION TIME 30 minutes, plus sushi rice and ingredient preparation
31⁄2oz (100g) pickled zasai root | 1⁄2 quantity sushi rice | 8 seasoned shiitake mushrooms, sliced
1 Soak the zasai in water for about 1 hour, then drain and cut into thin slices. Line the bottom of a wet sushi mold with the slices of zasai.
2 Fill the mold half-full with sushi rice, then add a layer of shiitake mushroom slices. Add the remaining rice to the mold, put the lid on, and press gently to compact the rice.
3 Unmold the zasai, mushroom, and rice block, and use a knife dipped in water to cut the block into 6 equal-sized pieces.
Left: Sea bass and perilla leaf sushi Right: Shiitake mushroom and zasai sushi