5.1 De Jure Autonomy and Scope of Authority of Latin American Courts as of 2009.
10.1 Diversity of Achievements: Highest Economic Freedom Scores Achieved by Latin American Countries and Year of Achievement.
10.2 Changes in Economic Freedom Index Scores from 2002 to 2011
10.3 Economic Freedom Scores in Self-Declared Leftist Governments in Latin America in the 2000s.
11.1 Change in Gini Coefficients for Latin America: 2000–2008.
11.2 Gini Coefficients for Countries Around the World.
11.3 Comparison of 90% Gini vs. Total Gini in Latin America.
11.4 The Education Gap.
11.5 Inequality in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Venezuela (Gini coefficients, rounded).
11.6 Annual Income Redistribution by Quintile (cumulative years in office starting in year 2).
11.7 Latin American Public Spending on Social Programs as Percentage of GDP (education, health, and transfers).
11.8 Redistributive Impact of Changes in Social Spending Budget Share by Quintile (change significant at *5% or **1% level).
11.9 Government Effectiveness by Political Regime Types (2000–2007).
11.10 Average Terms of Trade (2002–2006).
11.11 Change in Middle Class Size (proportion of population) between 1990 and 2005.
24.1 Trade Balance — Cross-Regional Trends
24.2 Trade Volume — Cross-Regional Trends
24.3 Composition of Latin American Trade
24.4 Debt Composition in Latin America (1970–2008).
30.1 A Typology of Research Designs
35.1 Periods of Instability or Rule Without Elections
35.2 Uncontested Elections
35.3 Contested Elections Continuously Won by Incumbents
35.4 Alternations by Year
35.5 Rule by Force in Latin America and in Europe
36.1 Traditional Party Decline. Source: Georgetown Electoral Systems for Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru; Luna (2010) citing www.elecciones.gov.cl for Chile; Luna (2007) citing Buquet 2005 for Uruguay Roberts (forthcoming) citing Consejo Nacional Electoral, Gobierno de Venezuela for Venezuela.