
Table A.1 Daily Drinking Water Requirements for Pigs and Other Domestic Animals

Animal Body Mass (kg) Water Intake (Liters/Day)
Weaning Pig 7–22 1–3.2
Growing Pig 23–36 3.2–4.5
Growing Pig 36–70 4.5–7.3
Growing Pig 70–110 7.3–10
Boar >100 13.6–17.2
Pregnant Sow >100 13.6–17.2
Lactating Sow >100 18.1–22.7
Feeder Lamb 27–50 3.6–5.2
Lactating Dairy Ewe 90 9.4–11.4
Feedlot Beef Cattle 350–650 27–55
Dairy Cowa 500–600 68–83
Medium-Sized 450 26–39

a Numbers are for cows producing 13.6 kg of milk per day.

Source: Data from the Ontario Ministry of Agricultural, Food, and Rural Affairs (Ward and McKague 2007).

Table A.2 Pigs as a Percentage of Major Livestock (Sheep, Goats, Cattle, and Pigs) in Mesopotamian and Syrian Cities, Organized by Time Period and Subregion

Archaeological Site or City Pigs (%) Region
Early Bronze Age, 3000–2000 BC
Eshnunna 37 Southern Mesopotamia
Uruk 33 Southern Mesopotamia
Lagash 22 Southern Mesopotamia
Tell Hamoukar 53 Northern Mesopotamia (Khabur)
Tell Leilan, Lower Town (Nonelite) 50 Northern Mesopotamia (Khabur)
Tell Leilan, Upper Town (Elite) 35 Northern Mesopotamia (Khabur)
Tell Arbid 44 Northern Mesopotamia (Khabur)
Tell Brak 25 Northern Mesopotamia (Khabur)
Tell Mozan 24 Northern Mesopotamia (Khabur)
Tell Beydar 2 Northern Mesopotamia (Khabur)
Tell Taya 28 Northern Mesopotamia (Northern Iraq)
Ebla 5 Northern Mesopotamian (W. Syria/Upper Euphrates)
Umm el Marra 3 Northern Mesopotamian (W. Syria/Upper Euphrates)
Titris 1 Northern Mesopotamian (W. Syria/Upper Euphrates)
Tell es-Sweyhat <1 Northern Mesopotamian (W. Syria/Upper Euphrates)
Tell Chuera <1 Northern Mesopotamian (W. Syria/Upper Euphrates)
Emar None Northern Mesopotamian (W. Syria/Upper Euphrates)
Middle Bronze Age, 2000–1600 BC
Mashkan-Shapir 40 Southern Mesopotamia
Sippar-Amnanum 40 Southern Mesopotamia
Uruk 32 Southern Mesopotamia
Nippur 23 Southern Mesopotamia
Isin 20 Southern Mesopotamia
Ur 18 Southern Mesopotamia
Tell Brak 40–45 Northern Mesopotamia (Khabur)
Kurd Qaburstan 29 Northern Mesopotamia (Northern Iraq)
Tell Mozan 17–28 Northern Mesopotamia (Khabur)
Umm el Marra (E&M) < 5 Northern Mesopotamian (W. Syria/Upper Euphrates)
Tell es-Sweyhat None Northern Mesopotamian (W. Syria/Upper Euphrates)
Emar None Northern Mesopotamian (W. Syria/Upper Euphrates)

Source: Data from Mashkan-Shapir, Old Babylonian (Brellas 2016; Redding 2015:330); Sippar-Amnanum, Old Babylonian (Bökönyi 1978a); Uruk, Post-Akkadian to Old Babylonian (Böck et al. 1993); Eshnunna, ED I-(post-)Akkadian (Hilzheimer 1941); Nippur, Old Babylonian (Boessneck 1978; Twiss 2017); Lagash, ED III (Mudar 1982); Ur, Isin-Larsa and Old Babylonian (Twiss, personal communication); Isin, Old Babylonian (Boessneck 1977; Twiss 2017); Tell Leilan, EJ II–V (fauna have not been fully published, but Zeder [2003] provides estimates of Upper and Lower Town assemblages; see also Rufolo 2011:525–530; Weiss et al. 1993:fn. 30; Zeder 1998a); Tell Hamoukar, EJ III–V (Grossman 2013); Tell Arbid, EJ II–V (Piątkowska-Małecka and Smogorzewska 2010; Piątkowska-Małecka and Smogorzewska 2013); Tell Brak, EJ III–MBA (Weber in Dobney et al. 2003; Schwartz et al. 2017; Weber 2001); Tell Mozan, EJ III–OJ III (Doll 2010); Tell Beydar, EJ III–IV (Van Neer and De Cupere 2000); Tell Taya, Levels IX–VI, EJ III–V (Bökönyi in Reade 1973:184–185); Kurd Qaburstan, Old Babylonian (Weber in Schwartz et al. 2017); Ebla, EB III–MB II (Minniti 2013; Minniti and Peyronel 2005); Umm el Marra, EB IV–MB II (Weber 2006:260); Titriş Höyük, EB III–IV (Greenfield 2002; Trella 2010); Tell Chuera, EJ II–V (Vila 1995, 2010); Tell es-Sweyhat, Period VI–IV, EB III–IV (Buitenhuis 1985); Emar EB IV–MBA (EB IV is a temple area and MB deposits from Upper Town only; Gündem 2010).

Table A.3 Pigs at Iron I Sites in the Levant

Archaeological Site Pigs (%)a Site Type Cultural Affiliation
Ashdod (E) 11 Urban Philistine
Tel es-Safi (E&L) 13 Urban Philistine
Ashkelon (E&L) 2–14 Urban Philistine
Miqne-Ekron (E&L) 7–20 Urban Philistine
Qabur el-Waleyide (E) None Nonurban Philistineb
Qasile (E or L) 1 Nonurban Philistine
Aphek (L) <1 Nonurban Philistine
Khirbet Qeyafa (L) None Nonurban Israelite?c
Tel Massos (E) None Nonurban Israelite
Mount Ebal (E) None Nonurban /Ritual Israelite
Beersheba (L) None Nonurban Israelite
Shiloh (E) <1 Nonurban Israelite
Khirbet Raddana (L) <1 Nonurban Israelite
Izbet Sartah (E) 1 Nonurban Israelite
Tel Dan (E&L) None Urban Canaanite
Bet Shemesh (E&L) <1 Urban Canaanite?
Tel Rehov (L) 1 Urban Canaanite
Megiddo (E&L) 1–2 Urban Canaanite
Tel Dor (E&L) 1–2 Urban Sikil (Sea Peoples)

Note: “E” indicates bones dating to Early Iron I (1200–1050 BC); “L” indicates bones dating to late Iron I (1050–950 BC). Values represent the proportion of pigs among the total number of identified livestock specimens (NISP).

a Sapir-Hen et al. (2013) include equids in their tally of livestock NISPs, which departs from my general calculation of pigs as a percentage of the combined total of sheep, goats, cattle, and pigs. However, the relative numbers of equid remains are very small; they do not alter the percentage of pigs by more than a few tenths of a percent.

b Pig remains from the Iron I Philistine village at Qabur el-Waleyide are unpublished but reported by Sapir-Hen et al (2013:fn. 32) as a personal communication from the site’s excavator, G. Lehmann, in 2012.

c Kh. Qeyafa is generally understood to be Israelite, but Garfinkel (2017) has questioned this designation.

Source: Data from Sapir-Hen et al. (2013), with additional data from Hesse and Fulton (forthcoming) and Lev-Tov (2012).

Table A.4 Pigs at Iron II Sites Within the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel

Archaeological Site Pigs (%)a Political Affiliation
Iron IIA (950–780 BC)
Hazor 3 Kingdom of Israel
Tel Yoqneam 1–2 Kingdom of Israel
Megiddo 1 Kingdom of Israel
Lachish <1 Kingdom of Judah
Beersheba 0–1 Kingdom of Judah
Iron IIB (780–680 BC)b
Bet Shean 8 Kingdom of Israel
Megiddo 8 Kingdom of Israel
Tel Yoqneam 5 Kingdom of Israel
Hazor 3 Kingdom of Israel
Lachish 1 Kingdom of Judah
Beersheba <1 Kingdom of Judah
Jerusalem <1 Kingdom of Judah
Mosa <1 Kingdom of Judah
Tel Halif None Kingdom of Judah

a Sapir-Hen et al. (2013) include equids, although they make up a small proportion of the faunal remains and do not significantly impact the percentage of pigs.

b Kingdom of Israel invaded by Assyria in 732 BC; fully conquered in 722 BC.

Source: Data from Sapir-Hen et al. 2013.

Table A.5 Pigs at Classical Period Sites in the Southern Levant Organized by Period and Settlement Type

Archaeological Site Pigs (%) Site Type
Hellenistic (4th–2nd Century BC)
Tel Dor 18 Urban
Maresha 11 Urban
Tell Jemmeh 1 Urban
Tel Michal (Strata XIV–XII) None Urban
Tel Anafa 13 Military
Shaar Haamakim 6 Military
Roman (1st Century BC–3rd Century AD)
Umm Qais (Gadara) 70 Urban
Caesarea 58 Urban
Tel Hesban 6 Urban
Sepphoris 5 Urban
Petra 3 Urban
Jerusalem None Urban
Tel Anafa 22 Rural
Horvat Rimmon 1 Rural
Qumran None Rural
Lejjun 3 Military
Byzantine (4th–7th Century AD)
Caesarea 51 Urban
Pella 11–39 Urban
Petra 28 Urban
Sepphoris 28 Urban
Tell Hesban 10 Urban
Bab el Hawa 7 Rural
Horvat Rimmon <1 Rural
Dajaniya 17 Military
Upper Zohar 13 Military
Lejjun 4 Military

Source: Data from summaries published by Horwitz and Studer (2005) and Perry-Gal et al. (2015a).