
For the benefit of digital users, indexed terms that span two pages (e.g., 52–53) may, on occasion, appear on only one of those pages.

‘Ain Ghazal, 55–56

‘Ain Mallaha, 31–32

‘Apiru, 119–20

4.2ka Event, 69, 76–77

Aelian, 135

Akitu festival, 134

Akrotiri-Aetokremnos, 37

Alevi Muslims, 189–90

Alexander, 142, 155

Amarna, 80–82

Amazigh, 178

Amsterdam, 190

Animal Rights, 21–22, 136, 182–83

Anthony, Saint, 170–71

Antiochus IV, 155


Early history, 172

Origins of Islam, 172

Arslantepe, 57

Arsur, 177–78

Ashkelon, 125–26

Asiab, Teppeh, 39

Assyria, 134

Augustine of Hippo, 168

Ayios Konstantinos, 148

Baal, 87

Benedictions of Labarna, The, 84

Bet Yerah, Tel, 73–74

Beth Shean, 127

Beydar, Tell, 152


Writing of, 117, 118–19, 122, 130–33


Hate crimes involving pork, 6, 135–36, 160–61, 163, 168

Against Jews, 99, 168, 186

Judensau, 186

Against Muslims, 163–64, 186, 188

Trump, Donald, 163–64

Against Christians, 185–89

Book of the Dead, 88–89

Brak, Tell, 69

Caesarea, 157, 158, 159

Caledonian Boar, 149–50

Carthage, 136

Çatalhöyük, 55–56

Cattle, 64–65, 77

Çayönü Tepesi, 43–44, 52

Chalcolithic, 56

Chassidic, 162

Choga Mami, 55–56

Christianity, 158–59, 164–68

Pig–keeping and, 177

Chthonic rituals, 85–86, 101–2

Circumcision, 129, 164, 165, 173–74, 188


Development of, 56–58

Pig–keeping and, 69–70, 72, 75–76, 106–7, 124, 151–52, 166

Record–keeping and, 77–78

Archaeological bias and, 82

Taboos and, 106–7, 112–13

Columella, 146–47

Comana, 135–36, 160–61

Commensalism, 18–20, 36

As pathway to domestication, 41

Complex societies, 48–49, 56–57

Crusades, 172–73, 177–78

Cyprus, 37

Dendara, 72

Dental calculus, 53

Diaspora, 123–24, 131–32, 135

Diener, Paul, 106–7

Disgust, 92–93, 100, 109–10, 189–90

DNA, see “Genetics”

Dogs, 27–28, 32, 36, 84, 85, 87, 89–90, 169


Definition, 16

Features of domestic animals, 17–18, 34

Pig domestication, 18–19, 34–35, 41–42

China, 19–20

Zooarchaeological study of, 20, 43–44

Appearance of first domestic pigs, 44–45

Domuztepe, 55–56

Douglas, Mary, 103–4

Ebla, 75

Egalitarianism, 48–49, 55, 120–21

Ekron (Tel Miqne), 125–26

Elephantine, 123–24

Elephants, 150–51

Eloquent Peasant, The, 78–79

Elunum (festival), 83

Ephesus, 151–52

Epistle of Barnabas, 167

Equids, 65

Eros, 148

Erotic symbolism, 84

Erymanthian Boar, 149–50


Archaeological detection of, 125

Ethnogenesis, 108, 119

In Judah, 122, 128

Eumaeus, 148–49

Europe, 51

Feasting, 38–39, 55, 56–57, 83

Fertility rituals, 84, 148

Thesmophoria, 85–86, 148, 152

Frazer’s theories of pigs and, 101–2

Finkelstein, Israel, 119

Foodways, 125–26, 129

Frazer, James, 92, 101, 104

Freud, Sigmund, 95

Game Management, 19, 36, 37

Gath (Tell es–Safi), 125–26

Genetics, 51–52, 137–39

Gerasene demoniac, 160, 169

Göbekli Tepe, 39–40

Gordion Tepe, 124, 152–53

Greek culture, 142

Pig husbandry in, 145

Pig sacrifice in, 148

Relation to Judaism, 154–55, 156–57

Greek Magical Papyri, 135

Gritille Höyük, 177

Hallan Çemi, 35–37, 39

Hammurabi’s Code, 66

Hamoukar, Tell, 69

Harris, Marvin, 76–78

Hasmonean dynasty, 156

Hatra, 152

Hazor, Tel, 127

Herod, 157–58

Herodotus, 98, 135

Hisn al–Bab, 177

History of, 180–81

Homo erectus, 28

Hui Muslims, 190

Hunting of boar

Elites and, 56, 157

Masculinity and, 29, 50–51, 87, 148–49, 183

Modern–day, 183–84

Hyksos, 89

Hypoplasias, 44, 53, 153–54

Ibn Khaldun, 63

Iliad, The, 149–50

Informal economy, 71, 179–81


Definition of, 62–63

Uses of livestock, 64–66

Uses of pigs, 69–70

Instrumentalism, see Ethnogenesis

Isotopes, 154


Pig husbandry, 182–83

Controversies about pork, 181–82

Settlements and wild boar, 184

Israelites, 116–17,

Origins of, 119–21

Pig taboo among, 126–27, 128–29

Jerusalem, 121–22, 123

Josephus, 154, 155, 157

Kagemni, Tomb of, 83

Kom al Ahmar, 151

Lagash, 78

Lamashtu, 87

Lard, 79–80

Larson, Greger, 137

Late Bronze Age

Pig husbandry in, 80–82

Collapse, 116

Leilan, Tell, 69

Lidar Höyük, 137–38

Lower Paleolithic, 28

Maccabees, 156, 160–61

Maimonides, 99–100

Majdal Yaba, 178

Manichaeism, 142–43

Marj Rabba, 73–74

Meat, symbolic importance of, 38–39, 94–95

Megiddo, 127

Meiri, Meirav, 138–39

Methen, Tomb of, 78

Mezraa–Teleilat, 53–54

Middle Paleolithic, 28–29

Milgrom, Jacob, 102

Mishnah, see Talmud

Mozan, Tell, 69, 85–86, 102, 152

Muslim–Christian Relations, 175–76, 185–86

Muslim–Jewish Relations, 173–74; 175–76, 185

Natufian, 31–32

Naukratis, 124

Nazareth, 178

Neanderthals, 27

Neolithic, traits of, 33

New Guinea, 22, 35, 45–46, 93, 100

Odyssey, The, 29, 148–49

Ohalo II, 31

Orthodoxy, 143, 165

Orthopraxy, 141, 143, 173

Palestinians, 178, 184

Parthian Empire, 142–43, 152

Pastoralism, 109–10

Paul of Tarsus, 165–66

Pella, 177

Pergamon, 151

Persia, 117–18, 123–24, 155

Petronius, 99

Philistines, 125

Pig husbandry and, 125–26

Genetic turnover in pigs and, 138–39

Philo, 99, 143, 161, 165

Phoenicians, 136

Pig Husbandry

Industrial, 21–22

Intensive, 21, 45–46, 52–53, 152–54

Extensive, 22–23, 52, 78

Environmental conditions and, 50, 51, 66, 76–77, 105

Pig principles, 24–25, 96, 126

Pliny, 150–51

Poggio Colla, 145

Pollan, Michael, 191

Pollution, 89–90

Porphyry of Tyre, 136

Prey pathway, 41

Primordialism, see Ethnogenesis

Prodigal Son, Parable of the, 169

Qasile, 125–26

Qiryat Ata, 73–74

Quran, 173–76

Rabbinic Judaism, 164

Redding, Richard, 110–11

Reform Movement (in Judaism), 192

Robkin, Eugene, 106–7

Roman culture, 142–43

Pig husbandry in, 145, 146–47

Pork as delicacy in, 145–46

Pigs as wealth in, 147

Roman–Jewish relations, 98–99, 154–59

Pigs and, 159–64

Rosenblum, Jordan, 161, 163

Sacrifices of pigs, 83–84

Sagalassos, 153

Saqqara, 83–84

Sassanian Empire, 142–43, 152, 172

Scott, James, 66

Sea Peoples, 116

Secondary products

Definition of, 49

Revolution, 59

Wool, 59, 65, 75

Traction, 59, 64

Schwartz, Seth, 88

Sheep and goats, 50, 59, 65

Silberman, Neil Asher, 119

Simoons, Frederick, 107–8, 109–10

Skhul, 28–29

Soap, 79–80

Soler, Jean, 107–8

Strabo, 135–36

Substitution (in ritual), 86–87, 148, 169

Suidae, 13

Suovetaurilia, 148

Sus scrofa

Evolution, 13–14

Intelligence, 14

Reproductive Behavior, 14–15

Diet, 15

Water Requirements, 15

Sus strozzi, 13–14, 28

Swans, 114–15

Swine Flu, H1N1, 1

Sykes, Naomi, 114–15


Etymology, 92

Definition, 92–93

Radioactivity metaphor for, 93

Gender and, 93

Liminality and, 93

Meat and, 94–95

Composition of biblical, 122

Archaeological detection of, 126–27

Tacitus, 98–99, 104, 107–8

Talmud, 156–57, 160, 164

Thesmophoria, see Fertility rituals

Traction, see Secondary products

Tradition, 71, 73, 113

Transgression, 95, 189–93

Tribal ideal, 120, 130–31

Trichinosis, 100

Troy, 72

Tsaf, Tel, 55

Üçağızlı Cave, 29

Ugarit, 87

Upper Paleolithic, 30–31

Urbanism, 62, 69, 82

Pig husbandry and, 69, 127, 145, 177–78

Uruk, 78

Varro, 146, 148

Warfare, 65, 150–51

Wisdom literature, Babylonian, 124, 127, 130, 134

Wool, see “Secondary products”

Yiftahel, 73–74

Younger Dryas, 27–28


2009 pig cull, 1–2, 180–81

Pig husbandry, 180, 181

History of, 180–81

Zeder, Melinda, 33, 41

Ziyaret Tepe, 124

Zooarchaeology, 4–5

Feasting, 39

Domestication at Çayönü Tepesi, 43–44

Pig husbandry strategies, 52–54

Zoroastrianism, 142–43