
  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Notice
  3. Dedication
  4. Before Summer
  5. Who Am I?
  6. Why Are You So Fat?
  7. Moving
  8. Since Leaving New York
  9. Rabbi’s Office
  10. Grown-Up Talk
  11. School over the Bridge
  12. I Will Fight You
  13. First Friend
  14. Dolan Avenue House
  15. The First Time I Meet Lisa
  16. Pencil Space
  17. Shadow Father
  18. Her Hands
  19. Marzipan Potato
  20. What Happened on the Bike Path
  21. Manhood
  22. How to Appear Less Fat
  23. Elevate, Arise, Walk Home
  24. June
  25. Clothes Like Spider-Man
  26. Who Am I?
  27. The Nursery
  28. Inside
  29. Digging in the Dirt
  30. Trolls
  31. Sunday Drive
  32. A Talk in the Car
  33. Fat at the Beach
  34. The Game
  35. Pizza
  36. When You Are Fat …
  37. Something Finally Happened
  38. Doctor
  39. Apartment Doctor
  40. Another Kind of Doctor
  41. Broken Promise
  42. The Answer?
  43. We Need to Get Lisa
  44. On Our Way
  45. Twenty-Three Steps
  46. Silly
  47. A Tour
  48. Breakfast
  49. Before the Opening
  50. The Opening
  51. Night in the Nursery
  52. Before Picture
  53. Level 1 Induction
  54. The Kid Who Draws at the Beach
  55. Loch Ness Monster
  56. Ketosis
  57. There Is a Space
  58. How Many Pounds?
  59. Studio Days
  60. Shore Break
  61. Jorge
  62. Sometimes My Father Comes
  63. Shopping
  64. Maps
  65. See You July Fourth
  66. The Walk
  67. Elysium at the Beach
  68. Jorge’s House
  69. Saint George
  70. 10 Pounds
  71. Mitzvot
  72. My Father Comes
  73. July
  74. Promises
  75. Then He Left
  76. July Fourth
  77. Bigfoot Versus Yeti
  78. Pick
  79. She Doesn’t See It
  80. Long, Good Days
  81. Baby Huey
  82. Robots
  83. cO-lec-tOrs
  84. Two Champagne Bottles
  85. After Champagne
  86. Closing the Gallery
  87. Lisa’s House
  88. Fight the Corn Chip
  89. Gretchen
  90. Glow-in-the-Dark Stars
  91. A Different Kind of Morning
  92. Across the Golden Gate
  93. Level 2: Ongoing Weight Loss
  94. Old Photo
  95. Stuck in the City
  96. Sardines
  97. Atari
  98. No Eyes on Me
  99. Grandma’s Letter
  100. What If?
  101. Middle of Level 2
  102. Indiscretion
  103. Post-its
  104. The Visit
  105. When I Get Home
  106. The Truth
  107. Calling Lisa
  108. Gretchen
  109. August
  110. Level 3
  111. Mysterious World
  112. 31
  113. The Heaviest Water Is My Father
  114. Calling My Father
  115. I Pack
  116. A Date
  117. Missed
  118. The House Call
  119. Finally
  120. Homecoming
  121. Settling (Back) In
  122. Giant Salamander
  123. The Surprise
  124. Not Dealing
  125. Only Child
  126. Boogie Boarding
  127. A Drive
  128. Plans
  129. The Mothers Talk
  130. Tools for the Journey
  131. Not Telling
  132. Packing List
  133. Fog Storm
  134. Up the Trail
  135. Outdoor Conversations
  136. Campsite
  137. Roasted Hot Dogs
  138. Crush
  139. Prayers
  140. Visitors
  141. Hypothermia
  142. Things That Exist
  143. Mikveh
  144. Resting Place
  145. The Way Back
  146. End of Summer
  147. The Return
  148. The Painting
  149. Sorry
  150. Something Takes Over
  151. What Happens Next
  152. The Kiss
  153. That Part, Right Before Falling Asleep
  154. Quiet
  155. The Revolution Inside
  156. The Game?
  157. The Bruise Is Gone
  158. New Beginning
  159. One More Hike
  160. After Picture
  161. A Last Look
  162. Dropping Lisa Off
  163. After Summer
  164. Gretchen
  165. Tallit
  166. First Day of School
  167. Friends No Matter What
  168. The Phone Call
  169. Home
  170. Acknowledgments
  171. Praise for All of Me
  172. About the Author
  173. Copyright