‘Abbasid Caliphate, of Baghdad: capital of, 41

culture of, Hellenic influence on, 86

establishment of, 284

overthrow of, 5 , 17 , 30 ; see also ARAB CALIPHATE.

‘Abbasid Caliphate, of Cairo, as ghost of Baghdad Caliphate, 6 .

‘Abd-al-Hamid II, 186 , 227 .

‘Abd-al-Malik, 46 .

Abraham, 89 , 117 .

Abyssinia, Portuguese, relations with, 217 .

Achaean League, 27 .

Achaeans, the, 122 , 134 , 136 , 137 , 141 , 142 .

Achaemenes, 40 .

Achaemenian Empire: administrative policy in, 22

Alexander the Great’s conquest of, 150 , 200 , 213

as Syriac universal state, 20 , 40 , 172

Babylonia, relations with, 16 , 20 ,40, 206

capital cities of, 40 , 48

colonization policy of, 27

communications, system of, 22 , 48

culture of, 209

currency of, 61

educational policy of, 70

establishment of, 206

expansion of, 206 , 207

feudal system in, 28

frontiers of, 207 , 213

geographical range of, 206

Greeks, relations with, 205 , 206 , 208 , 212 –14, 238

Imperial household, 70

Jews, position of, 28 , 206

languages and scripts in, 48 , 49

military system, 64

Phoenicians, relations with, 206

religions in, 16 , 88

revolts against, 206 , 207

successor-states of, 17 , 20 , 40 .

Acoka Maurya, Emperor, 49 .

Actium, Battle of (31 B.C. ), 42 .

Adonis, worship of, 88 .

Adrianople, Battle of (A.D. 378), 274 .

Aerial communications, development of, 23 .

Aëtius, Roman general, 130 .

Afghanistan, 170 , 207 ; see also ANGLO -AFGHAN WARS.


challenge to, from Western Civilization, 295 .

circumnavigation of, 168 .

North-West: French conquests, 168 , 169

Rīfī highlanders’ war, 127 .

opening up of, 167 , 168 .

‘Poor Whites’, 315 –16.

South: culture of, 229

Dutch Nationalism, 229

law, system of, 52

racial policy, 229 , 230

Union, establishment of, 229 .

Tropical, white settlement in, impossibility of, 318 .

Agamemnon, 136 .

Agriculture, 280 , 281 , 289 , 298 .

Aidôs, 134 –6.

Akbar, the Timurid Emperor, 25 , 165 .

Akkadian language, the, 48 , 49 .

Albanians, the, 28 , 157 .

Alboin, King of the Lombards, 142 .

Alcuin of York, 252 .

Alexander the Great: colonizing policy of, 27 –28, 202

conquests of, 213

Hellespont, crossing of, 150

vandalism of, 136 ; see also SELEUCUS I.

Alexandria, Jews in, 231 .

Alexius I Comnenus, Emperor, 194 .

Algeria, 229 .

‘Alī b. Abi Tālib, Caliph, 90 .

Alphabet, Aramaic, 49 .

Alsace Lorraine, 308 .

Amalungs, the, 5 .

Amānallāh, King of Afghanistan, 170 .

Ambrose, Saint, 73 , 83 .

America: discovery of, 150

North, Indians: horses, use of, 125 , 126

— religion of, 179 , 180 ; see also UNITED STATES.

Amon-Re, worship of, 73 .

Anastasius, Roman Emperor, 5 .

Anchorites, origin of term, 110 .

Andean Civilization: breakdown of, 312

re-emergence of, possible, 180

Western Civilization, absorption into, 179

— —contact with, 109 , 179 .

Anglo-Afghan Wars, 168 –9, 207 .

Anglo-Catholicism, 279 .

Anglo-Wazīrī War (A.D. 1919–23), 127 , 128 .

Anna Comnena, 194 , 197 , 251

quoted, 197 –9.

Anthropology, science of, 266 .

Anthropomorphism, 100 , 262 .

Antimenidas, brother of Alcaeus, 205 .

Antioch, 190 .

Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 277 , 278 .

Antony of Egypt, Saint, 81 .

Anwal, Spanish defeat at, 127 .

Arab Caliphate: aggression of, 214

as ‘melting pot’, 31 –33

as reintegration of Achaemenian Empire, 17 , 22

as Syriac universal state, 20 , 22 , 213

barbarians, pressure of, 64

break-up of, 52

colonization policy of. 31, 33

conductivity of, 13

establishment of, 40 , 41 , 213

geographical range of, 213

Islam, relation to, 144

law, system of, 53 –54

military system, 64

nomads, relation with, 84

non-Muslim subjects, position of, 51 , 53 ; see also ’ABBASID CALIPHATE, OF BAGHDAD; UMAYYAD CALIPHATE.

Arab States, 168 –71, 177 .

Arabic language, 46 , 151 .

Arabic Muslim Civilization: breakdown of probable, 304 , 312

culture of, 21 , 167

geographical range of, 167

Hindu Civilization, contact with, 165

intermingling of communities in, 172 –3

Syriac Civilization, affiliation to, 82 , 172

Western Civilization, contact with, 167 , 168 , 304 .

Arabs: as victims, 177 –8

conquests of, 4 i, S2–53, 156 , 172 , 174 , 189 , 191 , 213 , 214 , 259

—Maghribi, 189

eruption of, 121

êthos of, 135

Hellenism ejected, 172 , 173

social background of, 53 .

Aramaic language, the, 48 , 49 .

Archaism: apparentation and affiliation in relation to, 242

in Modern Western World, 152

in universal states, 11

religious, 93

self-defeat of, 11 -12

Western architecture of, 193

Zealotism of, 236 .

Architecture, 193 , 255 -7.

Arian Christianity, 123 , 173 .

Aristeides, P. Aelius: In Romam , quoted, 7 , 13 .

Aristotelian philosophy, the, 78 , 86 , 151 , 248 , 252 .

Armies, 64 , 129 –30, 205 –6, 213 ; see also under BARBARIANS





Arnold, Dr., of Rugby, 72 .

Arnold, Matthew, 260 .

Artaxerxes I, 44 .

Arts, visual, 199 , 241 , 255 –7; see also under ARCHITECTURE


BUDDHISM —Mahayana.

Aryas, the, 123 , 230 .

Ashtoreth, worship of, 279 .

Asia: Europe—dividing lines, 238 –9

— Hellenic theory of feud with, 212

South-Eastern, industrialization of, 223

Western Civilization, encounter with, 316 , 317 .

Asshurbanipal, King of Assyria, 250 .

Assyria: art of, 250

deportation policy of, 216

downfall of, 205

militarism of, 173 , 204 .

Astrology, 57 .

Astronomy, science of, 97 , 100 , 293 .

Ataturk, Mustafā Kemāl: régime of, 188

Westernizing policy, 170 , 227 .

Athanasius, St., 83 .

Atheno-Peloponnesian War, the (431–404 B.C. ), 96 , 208 , 292 .

Athens: citizen-body, assembly of, 109

defeat of, 96

economic revolution, 274 , 275

Olympieum, Hadrian’s, 293

Parthenon, date of construction, 293

public services in, 110

religious fanaticism in, 96 .

Atlantic Charter, the, 343 .

Atomic science, change caused by, 24 , 262 , 304 , 320 , 323 , 325 –8.

Attila, the Hun war-lord, 124 .

Attis, worship of, 88 .

Augustine, St., Bishop of Hippo, 26 , 263 .

Augustus (C. Iulius Octavianus), Emperor, 22 , 36 , 68 , 69 , 337 .

Australia, 178 .

Average, law of, 268 –9.

Awrangzib, Timurid Emperor, 6 .

Ba’al, worship of, 279 .

Babylon, as capital city, 40 .

Babylonia: culture of, 20

deportation, policy of, 28 , 33 , 43 , 216

New Empire of: —alien religions in, 16 ;

—as Babylonic universal state, 16 ;

—êthos of, 28

—Greek mercenaries in, 205

—Judah, relations with, 206

—overthrow of, 17 , 20 ;

—successor-states of, 16 ; see also HAMMURABI.

Babylonic Civilization, the: breakdown of, 88 , 312

dissolution of, 9

genesis of, 9

Hellenic Civilization, contact with, 201 , 213

proletariat, internal, 16

Sumeric Civilization, affiliation to, 141

Syriac Civilization—absorption into, 19 –20, 88 ;

—contact with, 172 , 216 , 218

time, measurement of, 55 .

Bacon, Francis: The Advancement of Learning , quoted, 347 .

Bacteriological warfare, 304 .

Bactrian Greek Empire: militarism of, 210

successor-states of, 202 .

Baghdad, sack of (A.D. 1258), 5 .

Balance of Power, 148 , 270 –1.

Baltic Barons, the, 152 .

Baluchīs, the, 124 .

Barbarians: adolescent characteristics of, 132 –3

alien cultural tinge, 2 , 131 –2, 139

army training, 124 –9

as founders of universal states, 38 , 40 –41

as heroes without a future, 19

assimilation of, by civilizations, 141

seqq.; break-through by, 19 , 121 –4, 131

seqq.; capital cities pillaged by, 43

culture of, 229 –31, 295

poetry produced by, 139

psychological struggle of, 122 , 123 , 133

religions of, 5 , 123

settlement of, 29

universal states, survival of, 41 , 127 ; see under ARAB CALIPHATE










Barnes, E. W.: The Rise of Christianity , quoted, 82 n .

Barrages, operation of, 121 –4, 130 .

Basil I, East Roman Emperor, 245 .

Bassett-Lowke, J. W., and Holland, G.: Ships and Men , quoted, 296 .

Bayeux Tapestry, 294 .

Behistan, inscription at, 48 .

Belloc, H.: Electric Light , quoted, 99 .

Benedict, St., 115 .

Benedictine Rule, the, 52 , 85 , 115 , 190 .

Bentham, Jeremy, 68 .

Beowulf, 133 .

Berchtesgaden, 243 .

Bergson, Henri: Les Deux Sources de la Morale et de la Religion , quoted, 105 –6.

Bible, origin of word, 110 .

Bible Christians, 98 , 260 .

Biology, science of, 100 .

Blake, William, 300 .

Boeke, Dr. J. H.: De Economische Theorie der Dualistische Samenleving ,. quoted, 224 .

Boëthius, A. M. S., 253 .

Bologna, law school at, 52 , 246 .

Boniface, St., 244 .

Boniface VIII, 247 .

Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne: quoted, 11

Discours sur l’Histoire Universelle , cited, 263 -5.

Bridges, Robert: The Testament of Beauty , quoted, 137 .

British Association for the Advancement of Science, 346 .

British Commonwealth, transformation of British Empire into, 308 , 317 .

British East India Company, the, 38 , 71 –72, 163 , 337 .

Brunhild (legendary), 142 .

Bruno, Giordano, 249 .

Buddhism: Hīnayāna—birthplace of, 145

—language used by, 50

—Mahāyāna, relation to, 86

—personality, denial of, 89

Hinduism, relation to, 18

Mahāyāna —art of, 203

—as chrysalis, 82

—birthplace of, 144 , 145

Christianity, relation to, 26 , 89

—Confucianism, relations with, 247 –8

—cultural influence of, 86

—decline of, 113

—genesis of, 16 , 89 , 95 , 98 , 142 , 145 , 203 , 218

—gestative phase of, 84

—Han Empire, relations with, 17

—propagation of, 25 , 31 , 44 , 210

—routes followed by, to Far East, 25 , 31

—spiritual mission of, 85 –86

—success of, 84

—Tantric Sect, 16 , 44 , 217

—zenith of, 113 .

Bulgaria, 157 , 158 .

Burkitt, F. C: Early Eastern Christianity , quoted, 82 .

Bury, J. B.: Appendix from The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in edition of Gibbon, quoted, 244 –5.

Butterfield, Herbert: Christianity and History , quoted, 266

The Origins of Modern Science , quoted, 249 .

Buwayhids, the, 5 .

Caesar-worship, 80 , 91 , 315 .

Caetani, L.: Studi di Storia Orientate , quoted, 121 .

Cain and Abel, struggle between, 305 .

Calchedon, Council of, 37 .

Calendars, 55 , 57 . 58, 59 .

Caliph, depreciation of usage of title, 6 .

Caliphate, the, Western misconception of, 6 .

Calvinism, 279 .

Cambyses II, Egypt, conquest of, 206 .

Canaanite language, the, 49 , 54 .

Canada, social harmony, approach to, 339 .

Cantemir, Demetrius, Prince of Moldavia, 155 .

Capital cities, 21 , 37 –44; see under all empires.

Capraia, monks on, 76 .

Carolingian Empire: system of, 245

successor-states of, 232 ; see under CHARLEMAGNE.

Cartesian philosophy, the, 107 .

Carthaginian Empire: destruction of, by Romans, 208 , 213

Greeks, relations with, 206 , 208 –9.

Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius, 73 .

Caste, institution of, 160 , 165 , 230 –1, 233 . 316, 318 .

Castilian language, the, 228 .

Catholic Church, the: anchorites, 81 , 110

as chrysalis, 82 –83

‘dual citizenship’ in, 75

ecclesiastical and territorial organization of, 36 –37, 73 , 109 –10

Iconoclastic Decree, 259

influence of Roman institutions on, 66 –67

liturgy, features of, 110 -11

monasticism, 85 , 110 , 115

two aspects of God, views on, 300 –1.

Catullus, Q. Valerius: couplet quoted, 187 .

Cellini, Benvenuto: Autobiography , quoted, 256 .

Celsus, author, 76 , 77 .

Central American Civilization: disintegration, 179 –80

Western Civilization, absorption by, 20 , 180 .

Chadwick, H. M.: The Heroic Age , quoted, 132 .

Chain-reactions, psychological and physical, 212 seqq .

Challenge and Response: cultural radiation, 232

encounters between civilizations, 214 –18

exile and dispersion, 172

identical challenges, 287

internal and external challenges, 236

spiritual challenges, 298

successive challenges, 287 , 297

unpredictability of issue, 307 .

Charlemagne: as Roman Emperor, 243

death of, 136

failure of, 189 , 310

religious policy, 259 .

Cherusci, the, 127 .

Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 182 .

Ch’ien Lung, Emperor, 250 .

China: bourgeoisie , 185

Boxer Rising, the, 10

capital cities of, 39 , 44

Christianity, attitude towards, 9 , 26 , 181 –3

civil service, 69 –73

communications, system of, 22

Communism in, 183 –5, 316

Confucian philosophy, 247 –8

contending states, 34 , 35 , 45 , 292

currency, 62

dynasties: Chou, 44

Han, 44 , 69 , 210

T’ang, 62

feudal system in, 34

Great Wall, the, 122

India, communications with, 210

Kuomintang, the, 182 , 324

languages and scripts in, 45 , 49 , 199

population of, 317 , 342

prospects for, 184

religions of, 16 –18, 23 , 44

T’aip’ing movement, 9

Three Kingdoms, the, 274

U.S.S.R., relations with, 21 , 316 , 317

Western World, relations with, 9 , 20 –21, 179 –85, 251 –2, 317

Xenophobia in, 9 .

Christ: birth, date of, 56

divinity of, 106 , 108

imitation of, 108

ministry of, 118

Passion of, 118

prototypes of, 93 –94.

Christianity: as climax of spiritual importance, 88 , 117

Caesar-worship, conflict with, 91

conceptive phase, 83

Creeds, 97

essence of, 25 –26, 80 –81

Eucharist, the, in, 279

genesis of, 88 , 109 , 142 , 203

Judaism, relation to, 174 , 176 , 257 –60

persecution of, 18 , 19 , 33 , 66 , 91 , 110 , 181 , 348

prospects of, 91 , 94 , 238

reason and revelation, contest of, 96 –97

Sabbath, 260

scriptures of, 244 –5, 258 ; see also ARIAN







Cistercian Order, the, 85 .

Civil services, 21 , 67 -74, 337 ; see under all empires.

Civilizations: absorption, 11 , 20

apparentation and affiliation, 1 , 141 , 146 , 242

as intelligible fields of study, 1 , 2 , 144

as regressions from higher religions, 111 seqq .

breakdowns of —as overtures to higher religions, 76 –81

—fratricidal warfare, 15 , 312 , 332

—slavery, 314

disintegrations of —challenge and response, 286 –7

—external proletariat, 120 –4, 140

—rhythm of, 271 –5, 287

—schism of the body social, 1 , 220 , 241 , 292

—schism in the soul, 319

embryonic, 145 –6

encounters —acceleration of, 295 , 320

—concatenation of, 212 –14

—Herodian theory of, 212

—cultural dichotomy, 231

—points of contact of higher religions, 144 –5

—psychological effects of, 227 –38

reactions to aggression, types of, 214 –18

—Herodianism, 226 –7, 231 –6

—Zealotism, 226 –7, 231 –6

—time-scale of, 150 –1, 284 , 293

fossils of, 82 –83, 217

generations of, 111 –13, 140 –1, 147 , 210 –11, 307 –8

geneses of —churches’ role, 82 seqq ., 87 , 109

—mimesis role, 107 , 237

regressions of, causes, 114 –17

rout-rally-relapse of, 2 , 6 ;

Times of Troubles of, 2 , 6 , 8 , 11 , 27 –29. 76, 83 , 328 , 332 seqq.; see also SOCIETIES, PRIMITIVE; under names of civilizations.

Class conflict, as disintegration symptom, 15 , 292 , 332 -3.

Claudius I, Emperor, 71 .

Clement of Rome, 66 .

Cleric, history of word, 109 -10.

Clovis I, the Merovingian, 5 .

Collingwood, R. G.: The Idea of History , quoted, 263 -4.

Collingwood, R. G., and Myres, J. N. L.: Roman Britain and the English Settlements , quoted, 130 .

Colonies, 21 , 27 –30; see under all empires.

Columbus, Christopher, 150 .

Communism, Marxian: as a religion, 184 , 216 , 315 , 339 , 340

Christianity, relation to, 148

êthos of, 339

propaganda, use of, 216

Western, origin of, 148 , 153 .

Confucianism, 34 , 35 , 70 , 72 , 247 -8, 250 .

Confucius, 96 .

Constantine I, the Great, Emperor, 18 , 283 .

Constantine V, Emperor, 244 .

Constantinople, 42 , 44 , 154 , 167 , 191 , 194 n., 246 , 257 , 293 .

Conversion, significance of word, 112 .

Copernican theory, 249 .

Corinth, 32 .

Cornwallis, C. C, Marquess, 163 , 164 , 165 .

Coronation, rite of, 244 .

Cossacks, the, 168 .

Crete, 155 , 190 , 213 .

Croats, the, 47 .

Croesus, King of Lydia, 207 .

Crusades, the, 188 –200.

Culture, 19 –20, 120 –2, 170 , 220 –9, 236 –8; see under ARTS








Cumae, Battle of (474 B.C.), 208 .

Cybele, worship of, 16 , 18 , 90 , 218 .

Cyclic theory, the, 55 –56, 186 , 262 –3, 269 –72, 280 –1, 284 , 289 , 334 .

Cyprian, Saint (Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus), 67 .

Cyprus, 6 .

Cyrus II, the Achaemenid, the Great, 20 , 40 , 206 , 207 , 208 .

Czechoslovakia, 97 .

Darius I, the Achaemenid, 48 , 208 , 213 .

Dark Ages, the, 137 seqq ., 186 .

Darwin, Charles Robert, 266 .

Dating, systems of, 56 , 57 .

David, King of Judah and Israel, 244 , 262 .

Davies, C. C: The Problem of the North-West Frontier , quoted, 124 –5.

Dawes, E., and Baynes, N. H.: Three Byzantine Saints , quoted, 81 .

Dawson, Christopher: Religion and the Rise of Western Culture , quoted, 245 –6, 248 –9.

Daylamis, the, 5 .

Decimal system, the, 59 –60.

Delhi, 6 , 38 –39.

Democracy, 165 , 166 , 222 , 243 , 309 , 313 , 314 , 341 see also NATIONALISM


Déracinés , 217 .

Diaconus, Leo, 251 .

Diasporás, 217 -18.

Diocletian, Emperor, 65 , 69 , 70 .

Druses, the, 144 .

East Roman Empire, the: as ghost of Roman Empire, 6 , 85 , 156 , 189 , 199 , 243

autocracy in, 199 –200

breakup of, 190

Crusaders, encounter with, 188 , 191 , 194 , 195 , 214

expansion of, 189 –91

Holy Roman Empire, relations with, 195 seqq.;

Iconoclasm in, 194 , 259

law, Mosaic, 52 , 244

Phanariots’ dream, 156 , 161

relationships, 194

stability of, 189 , 200

Zealotism and Herodianism, in, 233 .

Ecclesia , change in meaning of word, 109 .

Economics, world crisis in A.D. 1929, 184 .

Egypt: France, invasion by, 169

Great Britain, occupation by, 6

languages and scripts, 45 , 49

mercenaries, 205 , 206

Middle Empire —as Egyptiac universal state, 16 ;

—Osirian church, 16 , 17

—Sumer and Akkad, relations with, 210

New Empire, —as restored Egyptiac universal state, 9

—barbarians, 64

—break-up of, 89 , 118

—Hittites, 145

—military system, 64

Westernization of, 227

Xenophobia in, 9 .

Egyptiac Civilization: alien intrusion, 9

breakdown of, 210 , 312

culture, 255

Sumeric influence, 210

duration of, 20

expansion of, 41

Hellenic Civilization, encounter with, 213 , 277

religion, syncretism, 73

Sumeric Civilization, 145

Syriac Civilization, 20

time-span of, 55 .

Egyptian language, the, 45 .

Einstein, Albert, 266 .

Elamite language, the, 48 .

Elias, N.: Uber den Prozess der Zivilisation , quoted, 286 .

Elvira, Council of, 259 .

England: Jews, relations with, 175

Norman conquest, 233 .

English language, the, 46 .

‘English-speaking peoples, the’, 230 .

Enoch, son of Cain, 305 .

Epicureanism, 300 .

Eras, 56 , 57 , 200 .

Esquimaux, the, 305 .

Ests, the, 191 .

Etherialization, 111 .

Etruscan language, the, 48 .

Etruscans, the, 204 , 209 .

Europa, daughter of Agénôr, 212 .

Europe: Facts and Fancies, 238 –40

native ideals of, 77 –78

unification of, 309

Western, —war, aspects of, 323

—Welfare State, 340 .

Evil, 300 .

Ewing, Sir Alfred, quoted, 346 –7.

Far Eastern Civilization (main body): alien intrusion, 9

culture, 20 , 151 , 250 –1

disintegration, 304

petrifaction of, 9

religions, 85

Sinic Civilization, affiliation to, 82

Western Civilization, contact with, 9 –10, 20 , 149 –50, 179 –85, 234 .

Far Eastern Civilization (Japanese branch): breakdown of, 312

disintegration, 304

Time of Trouble, 14

Western Civilization, contact with, 179 –85, 217 , 234 –5.

Finlay, George: A History of Greece B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 , quoted, 154 .

Fisher, H. A. L.: A History of Europe , quoted, 267 .

Fitzgerald, C. P.: China, A Short Cultural History , quoted, 62 .

Flood, myth of the, 237 .

Florence, Council of (A.D. 1438–9), 154 .

Ford, Henry, 265 .

France: bourgeoisie —as heirs of monarchy, 186

—reversion to Catholicism, 283

calendar reform of, 57 , 59

Catholic ecclesiastical unity, struggle, 279

colonial empire, 229 , 243

ecclesiastical map, 37

fall of (June 1940), 229

First Republic, era of, 56

Free Church Movement, 229

Great Power, status of, 270

Italy, relations with, 271

law system of, 50

race-feeling, absence of, 229 –30

revolutions, 243 , 294

Vichy Government in. 229

weights and measures in, 57 , 59

see also AFRICA, N.W.

Francis Xavier, Saint, 25 .

Franks, the: Salian guardians, 132 : see also CAROLINGIAN EMPIRE;


Frazer, Sir J. G., 79 –81

The Golden Bough , quoted, 77 -78.

Fredegund, the Merovingian, 142 .

Frederick II Hohenstaufen (Stupor Mundi), Emperor, 112 , 200 , 243 .

Freedom: conditions of, 288

Justice, relation to, 340 seqq .

law of God in relation to, 263 , 299 –301.

Friends, the Society of, 226 .

Furnivall, J. S.: Progress and Welfare in South-East Asia , quoted, 224 .

Futurism, manifestations of, Herodianism, 236 .

Galileo, Galilei, 97 , 249 .

Gandhi, Mahatma, 166 , 226 , 235 , 236 , 309 .

Gautama, Siddhārtha, the Buddha, teachings of, 49 , 89 , 98 .

Genoa, colonies, 167 .

Genseric, King of the Vandals, 136 .

Geography, patterns of, 238 –40.

Gepidae, the, 142 .

German language, the, 47 .

Germany: Allied occupation of, 321

bourgeoisie , views of, 308

defeat of in 1945, 148 , 321

Great Power, status of, 270

Jews, treatment of, 177

militarism of, 313

National Socialism: —barbarism, 140

—militarism of, 313

—occupied countries, treatment of, 329

—regime of, 188

—Third Reich, 321

—trade unions, 335

Western Powers, relations with, 321 .

Gibbon, Edward, 77 , 309 .

Gilson, E.: The Spirit of Mediaeval Philosophy , quoted, 107 .

Global areas, for battle, 323 .

God: as Father, 262

as Love, 91 , 108 , 299 –301

as Saviour, 89

Commonwealth of, 105 , 109

Creativity of, 92 , 102 , 300

dying, 108

evil, in relation to, 300

incarnation of, 16 , 91 , 108 , 279

jealous, 91

Kingdom of, 119

Law of, 261 -3, 299 –301

man’s encounters, 237 , 292 , 300 –1

man’s personal communion with, 78 –81, 100 , 104 –8

omnipotence of, 107

revelation of, 89 , 91

suffering, 210

unity of, 89 , 90 , 105

will of, 105 , 115 .

Goths, the, 4 , 137 see also OSTROGOTHS


Governments, raison d’être of, 55 .

Gratian, encyclopaedia of, Decretum , 246 .

Great Britain: bourgeoisie , 307 , 308 , 335

calendar changes, 59

civil service in, 68 –69

class changes, 283

educational system in, 72

General Election, 1945, 335

industrial revolutions, 269 , 275 , 309 , 319

Trade Unions, 334 –5

weights and measures, 60 .

Great Mother, the, worship of, 77 , 90 , 210 see also CYBELE




Great Powers, the, 270 –1, 321 , 326 see also BALANCE OF POWER.

Greece, ancient: city states, warfare in, 208 –9

colonization, 204 , 208 , 212

currency, 61

militarization of, 208

Phoenicians, relations with, 204 –6, 212

political unity, 41 , 275

population, 204 , 207

Scythians, relations with, 205

sea-power of, 204 –5

trade of, 205 , 206 , 213 .

Greece, modern: middle class, development of, 185

Ottoman Empire, revolt against, 154 –9, 162

taxation, evasion of, 110

Western World, relations with, 155 –6

Westernization of, 185 .

Greek language, the, 47 –49, 110 –11, 199 , 240 .

Gregory I, Pope, 73 , 83 , 115 .

Gregory XIII, Pope, 58 .

Grönbech, V.: The Culture of the Teutons , quoted, 136 .

Gupta Empire, the, 18 , 20 , 56 .

Haberler, G.: Prosperity and Depression , quoted, 281 .

Hadrian I, Pope, 259 .

Haileybury College, 72 .

Hamlin, Cyrus, 257 .

Hammond, J. L. and Barbara: The Rise of Modern Industry , quoted, 68 –69.

Hammurabi, Emperor, 51 , 52 , 54 .

Han Empire, administration of, 35

break-up of, 210 , 274 , 312

capital city of, 44

civil service, 35 , 69

religions in, 17 ; see under LIU PANG


Hannibal, 27 .

Hapsburg Monarchy (Danubian): break-up of, 309

frontiers of, 221

Germans, position of, 157

languages, 47

Ottoman Empire, relations with, 155 , 156

successor-states of, 321 .

Hapsburg-Valois ‘Italian wars’, 271 . Haring, C. H.: The Spanish Empire in America , quoted, 29 .

Hastings, Battle of, 233 .

Hatshepsut, Pharoah (female), 297 .

Headlam-Morley, Sir James: The Cultural Unity of Western Europe , quoted, 309 -10.

Hebrew language, the, 49 .

Hebrew legislation, 54 .

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 26 .

Helen of Troy, 142 , 212 .

Hellenic Civilization: aggressiveness of, 201 , 202 , 206 , 208 , 210 , 213 .

as overture to Christianity, 109 –11, 313 .

as universal state, 273 .

barbarians, 229 .

breakdown of, 9 , 79 , 88 , 174 .

culture —architecture, 151

—art, literature, 202 , 209 , 241 –2, 251 , 255

—Egyptiac influence on, 9

—philosophy, 202 , 203 , 262

—preservation of, in Syria, 192 –3

—propagation of, by military conquest, 202

—radiation of, post-Alexandrine, 200 –2, 218 , 231 –2

pre-Alexandrine, 209 .

disintegration of, 77 –81, 84 .

dominant minority in, 232 .

encounters with contemporaries: concatenation of, 212 –14

Alexandrine, 144 , 150 , 151 , 200 –9.

expansion of, 231 seqq ., 277 .

genesis of, 135 .

Indic Civilization, contact with, 210 .

Minoan Civilization, affiliation to, 140 .

minorities, privileged, 8 .

political unity, 85 .

régime of, 275 .

religions of: alien religions, attitude towards, 201

fanaticism, 231

mysteries, 100

Olympian Pantheon, 201

Oriental influence, 203 , 218 .

Syriac Civilization: encounters with, 150 , 203 –9

Syriac reactions against, 232 .

Time of Troubles, 8 , 27 , 118 .

War and Peace cycles, 284 .

Henry IV, King of France, 283 .

Hêraklês, myth of, 133 , 258 .

Herod the Great, 231 .

Herodianism, 231 –7, 296 .

Herodotus of Halicarnassus, 40

concatenations of encounters, theory of, 212 –13.

Heroic Ages: an intelligible field of study, 2

futility of, 136 seqq .

genesis of, 121

myths of, 134

standards of conduct in, 133 segg.

women, ascendancy of, 142 –3.

Herzl, Theodor, 177 .

Hesiod of Ascra: on races of men, 137 , 139 –40

Works and Days , quoted, 135 , 137 , 138 .

Heyerdahl, Thor (Kon-Tiki ), quoted, 327 .

Hideyoshi the Shogun, 14 , 181 , 225 .

Hilm , 134 –6.

Hindu Civilization: cultural background, 162 –3

disintegration of, 304 , 312

êthos of, 163

Indic Civilization, affiliation to, 82

Iranic Civilization, contact with, 159 , 233

prospects of, 185 –6

Western Civilization: —absorption by, 21

—encounters with, 159 , 167 , 179 .

Hinduism: as chrysalises, 82

birthplace of, 145

Christianity and Islam, relation to, 26 , 163

ethos of, 84

genesis of, 141 -2, 203

Indic philosophy in relation to, 95 , 100

propagation of, 18

spiritual mission of, 89 .

Hindus, 228 .

Hindustani language, the, 47 .

History: data of, 268 –9

end of, Western assumption, 307 –8, 312

intelligible fields of study of, 2

Judaistic views of, 263

law and freedom, relation to, 299

Laws of Nature, 265 –8, 279

meaning and value of, 106 –7

Western views of, 263 ,264–5.

Hitler, Adolf, 243 .

Hittite Civilization: culture, dissolution of, 204

extinction of, 9 , 312

genesis of, 9

Sumeric Civilization, affiliation to, 140 .

Hohenzollern, House of, 309 .

Holy Roman Empire: as ghost of Roman Empire, 6

Muslims, relations with, 190

Papacy, rival of, 246

revival of, 244 .

Horace (Q. Horatius Flaccus): quoted, 4 , 7 .

Housman, A. E., quoted, 299 .

Hsiang Yü, 35 .

Hulagu, Il-Khan, 5 .

Human Affairs: amenability of, to laws of nature, 265 –93 passim

definition of, 261 , 265 , 280

statistical patterns, 268 .

Hungary: Protestants, relations with, 155 .

Huns, the: Western —downfall of, 136

—fraternization of, 124 .

Huxley, Julian: Evolutionary Ethics (printed in Evolution and Ethics 1893–1943 ), quoted, 301 .

Hyksos, the, Egypt, relations with, 210 .

Hypsilandi, Prince Alexander, 157 .

Ibn Khaldūn al-Hadramī, 263 .

Idolatry, nature of, 116 .

Idrisism, 98 .

Ikhnaton, 26 .

Images, 285 –6.

Inca Empire

capital city of, 39

communications system of, 22

educational policy of, 70

Imperial House, hold in, 70

languages, 49

script, absence of, 45 .

India: Banya caste, 160

Brahman caste, 85 , 160

British Raj: —administrative policy of, 33 , 160 –1, 165

—as reintegrated Hindu universal state, 160

as successive state of Mughal Empire, 207

barbarians, 124 –5, 127 , 128

—capital cities of, 38

—citizenship in, 74

—civil service of, 68 , 71 , 72 , 163 , 165 , 166 , 337

—economic system of, 160 –6, 226

educational system, 160 , 163

—establishment of, 160 –1, 163 , 186

expansion of, 38 , 163 –4

—Muslims, position of, 161

Mutiny (1857–8), 6

—partition of, 162 , 223

—political unity in, 161

—political unrest, 186

—race feeling in, 231

—successor states of, 21 , 162

—transfer to Crown, 72

caste system, 160 , 165

industrialization of, 226

intelligentsia in, 160 –1, 163 , 185 , 186 , 218

languages used in, 46 , 49 , 160

Macedonian invasion of, 200

N.W. Frontier of, 124 –5, 127

population, 165 –7, 317 . 342

religions, 18 , 25

Westernization of, 186 , 317 , 319

Zealotism and Herodianism, 233 .

Indian Union, the, 161 –7, 223 .

Indic Civilization: breakdown of, 312

fossils of, 82 , 145 , 217

genesis of, 142

Indus culture, 140

philosophies of, 262

proletariat, internal, 141

religion of, 95

Sinic Civilization, contact with, 145 , 210

Syriac Civilization, contact with, 145

tolerant êthos of, 18 , 91

universal state, recurrence of, 19 .

Individuals, creative, 107 .

Indo-China, encounter with Western Community, 317 .

Indonesia, Arab influence, 167 .

Indus culture, extinction of, 9

Sumeric Civilization, 140 , 147 .

Industrial revolutions, 256 , 275 , 313 .

Industrialism: ‘drive’ imparted by, 215 –16

impact of, on non-Western World, 223 –4

increased power, 320 –38, 348 .

Innocent III, Pope, 246 .

Innocent IV, Pope, 247 .

Institutions: as carriers, 54

churches as, 116

nature of, 119 ; see also POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS.

Insurance, 268 –9, 289 .

Intelligentsias: alien cultures in, 218

genesis of, 185 –6

revolt of, against dominant minority, 185 –8

spiritual malaise of, 163 .

Io, Hellenic goddess, 212 .

Iranic Muslim Civilization: breakdown of, 304 , 312

geographical range of, 167 –8

Orthodox Christian Civilization, contact with, 233

Orthodox Christian Civilization (Russian branch), contact with, 168

position of, at end of 15th century, 167

Syriac Civilization, affiliation to, 82

Time of Trouble, 173 .

‘Irāq, irrigation system in, 171 .

Irenaeus, Saint, 23 , 33 , 300 –1.

Ishtar, worship of, 26 , 88 , 211 .

Isis, worship of, 16 , 26 , 88 , 90 , 210 , 218 .

Islam: aniconism of, 259

as barbarians’ heresy, 144

as chrysalis, 82

Christianity, relation to, 189

conversions to: —Greek, 156

—Hindus, 163 , 233

—mass, 51 , 191 –2

Monophysite and Nestorian Christians, 191

disintegration in a Syriac world, 84

die-hard spirit of, 98

exclusiveness of, 228

fetish worship, 90

genesis of, 142 , 203

Greek philosophy, presentation in terms of, 95

liturgical language of, 49

Monotheism of, 89 , 259 , 279

myths of, 84

political purposes, diversion to, 232

polytheistic tendencies, 279

propaganda of, 18 , 25

race-feeling, absence of, 228 , 230 –1

religious appeal of, 57

Shari’ah, the, 54

spiritual merits of, 30 –31

spiritual message of, 89

Sunnah and Shi‘ah, feud between, 228

tolerant spirit of, 192 , 228 .

Islamic Civilization: competition in 20th century, 170 –1

intelligentsia in, 185

position of in 20th century, 171

Western Civilization, contact with, 167 seqq ., 214 .

Israel: kingdom of, 88 , 172

establishment of, 223

Jewish diaspora, 178

Jewish title to, 235

prospects of, 179

war with Arab States (1948–9), 177 .

Israelites, 28 .

Italy: as education of Western Europe, 150 , 200 , 241 –2

autocracy in, 112

balance of power of, 200

Crusades, participation in, 190

Fascism: —as substitute for Christianity, 148

—Communist influence on, 188

—establishment of regime, 98

—foundation of Rome, 56

Florence, 154

Jews, treatment of, 175

law, systems of, 52

Lombards, conquest of, 52

political ability, lack of, 188

neo-paganism in, 79

Iuppiter Dolichênus, worship of, 31 .

Ivan IV, ‘the Terrible’, Tsar of Muscovy, 168 .

Japan: aggression by, 184

capital cities of, 42 –43

Christianity, attitude towards, 18 , 181 , 234

colonization policy, 184

defeat of in 1945, 182 , 184

Dutch relations with, 234

Imperial House, the, 235

intelligentsia, 185 –6

Meiji Revolution, 234

militarism of, 182

population, pressure of, 183

Portuguese, relation to, 181 –2, 217

position of, after Second World War, 183 –4

rearmament of, 316

Shintoism in, 417

United States, relations with, 182

Western World, relations with, 168 , 179 –84, 217 , 225 , 234 –5

Westernization in 19th century, 20

Xenophobia in, 181

Zealotism and Herodianism in, 234 –6; see under TOKUGAWA SHOGUNATE.

Japanese language, 45 .

Jerome, Saint, 4 .

Jerusalem: as temple-state, 44 , 206

Crusaders’ Kingdom of, 190

Hellenization of, attempted, 277

siege of, 206 .

Jesuits: in China, 44

in India, 24 n., 25 , 26 , 44

in Russian Orthodox Christendom, 151 .

Jevons, W. Stanley, 280 .

Jewishness, nature of, 178 –9.

Jews: the, as a peculiar people, 235 , 259 –60

as God’s chosen people, 258

as fossil of Syriac Society, 82 , 171 –2

assimilation of, to Gentiles, 176 –8

Babylonian captivity, 28 , 33 , 43 , 206 , 216 –17

causes of ill-treatment of, in Western World, 174 –5

diaspora, 172 seqq ., 178 , 186 , 217 , 222 , 232 , 260

Hellenization of, 231 –2

Herodians, 231 -2

Judaea, returns to, 28 , 56 , 206 , 235

Law, Mosaic, 52 , 54 , 178 , 245 , 260

militancy of, 65 –66

millet system, 173

Rome, relations with, 18 , 28 , 63 , 65 , 172 , 232 , 238

Seleucid Monarchy, relations with, 56 , 63 , 65 , 277

social coherence of, 172 , 178 , 259 –60

Western World, relation with, 171 –9, 186

Zealots, 18 , 231 –2

Zionist movement, 169 , 177 –8, 235 .

Johanan ben Zakkai, Rabbi, 232 .

John, Patriarch of Alexandria (‘the Almsgiver’), 81 .

John of Salisbury, 248 .

Joseph II, Hapsburg Emperor,47,157.

Joseph, legend of, 290 .

Joshua-Jason, Jewish High Priest, 232 .

Judah, Kingdom of, 28 , 88 , 172 .

Judaism: aniconism of, 62

birthplace of, 144

essential truths of, 263

exclusiveness of, 89

genesis of, 16 ,88, 218

monotheistic conception, 258 , 279

prophets, 262

renaissances of, 257 –9

Romans’ tolerant attitude towards, 18

scripture and liturgy, 245 , 258

Yahweh, as a jealous God, 91 .

Juggernaut, worship of, 285 .

Jugoslavia, U.S.S.R., relations with, 158 .

Julius Caesar: calendar adopted by, 58

colonization policy of, 27

ship for Atlantic, observed, 297 .

Justice: social, 340 -1.

Justinian I, Emperor, codification of laws by, 51 , 52 , 245 , 246 .

Ka’bah, the, 90 .

Kaiser Wilhelm II, 316 .

K’ang Hsi, Manchu Emperor, 250 .

Kantorowicz, E.: Frederick the Second , quoted, 112 .

Karadžic, Vuk, Serb man of letters, 156 .

Kashmir, Indian-Pakistani dispute, 162 .

Kassites, the, 52 .

Kerensky, Alexander Feodorovich, 187 .

Knowles, Dom, quoted, 115 .

Kon-Tiki , voyage of, 327 .

Koraïs, Adhamāndios, Greek man of letters, 156 .

Korean War (1950–3), 317 .

Kriemhild, legendary heroine, 142 .

Kushan Empire, 202 , 210 .

Lactantius, L., 65 .

Laity, origin of term, 110 .

Lammens, Père H., S.J., Études sur la Règne du Calife Omaiyade Mo’-âvia Ier , quoted, 135 .

Lampert, E.: The Apocalypse of History , quoted, 299 .

Languages: lingua franca , 45 , 47 , 49

official, in universal states, 21 , 44 –50

renaissances of, 45 , 250 –5.

Latin language: administrative use of, 47 –48

Christian church’s use of, 109 seqq .

Law, juridical, 50 –54, 244 –7, 261 –2.

Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 107 .

Leisure, 345 –7.

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, 153 , 187 , 188 , 235 , 236 .

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, 341 .

Life: evolution of, 295

expectation of racial, 94 , 107 , 289

in Death, 8 –10

laws governing question of, 262

manifestations of, 83

mechanization as means of economizing energy, 348

nature of, 119

origin of, 149 –50, 300 .

Light, invisible, 94 .

Limen, the, 120 , 131 .

Limes, the, 121 –4, 129 –34.

Literature, 48 –82, 241 , 250 –4; see also POETRY.

Liu Pang, Han Emperor, 34 -36, 61 , 69 ,70,74, 337 ; see also HAN EMPIRE.

Liutprand, Bishop of Cremona, 195 seqq .

Relatio de Legatione Constantinopolitand , quoted, 196 .

Livy (T. Livius), on immortality of Rome, 4 .

Love, as essential element in higher religions, 80 –81.

Loyang, religious role of, 44 .

Loyd, S. J. (Lord Overstone), 269 .

Luther, Martin, 259 .

Lydian Empire, 206 –9.

Lyons (Lugdunum), Roman colony at, 32 .

Macartney, George, Earl, 182 .

Macaulay, Lord: History , quoted, 83 .

Maccabaean Kingdom, the, 231 .

Macedon: independence of Greek city states abolished by, 208

colonies founded by, 202 .

Macedonians: cultural plasticity of, 34

economic exploitation of conquered countries by, 202

exhilaration produced by conquests, 200

Hellenic culture acquired by, 202

objectives of, 202

plunderers, 43 .

Magnesia, Battle of (190 B.C.), 58 .

Magyars, the, 190 .

Mahdism, Sudanese, 98 .

Mahsūds, the, 127 –8.

Majorian, Emperor, 294 .

Malthus, Thomas Robert, 342 , 344 .

Mamlüks, the, 313 .

Man: conflict, head and heart, 94 seqq ., 103 –8

environment, 99 , 100 –2, 288 , 298 , 320 , 333

evolution of, 285 , 291 , 294 , 295 . 320

relationship, fellow men, 99 , 101 –2, 104 –5. 341. 344

freewill of, 104 , 261 , 391

goal of endeavours of, 203 , 292

intellect of, 99 ,102,261–2, 265 –7

ignorance of, 201

nature of, 119

primitive, 79 , 237 , 304 –5

religion as essential faculty of, 98 , 106

social unity, 104 seqq.; spiritual perceptions of, 100

transcendence of Space and Time, 106 –8

true end of, 348 –9; see also GOD




Manchu Empire: as Far Eastern universal state, 180

Cossacks, relations with, 168

establishment of, 181

population problem, 342 –4

revolts against, 9

Western World, contact with, 180 .

Manchu language, the, 49 .

Mansür, ‘Abbasid Caliph, 41 .

Manuel I Comnenus, Emperor, 194 .

Marāthā, successor state of Mughals, 161 .

Marāthās, the, 215 .

Marcion of Pontus, 300 .

Marco Polo, 191 .

Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony), son of Creticus, 41 .

Marcus Aurelius Antonius, Emperor, quoted, 8 .

Ma’rib, dam of, 121 .

Maronites, Monothelete Christianity of, 144 .

Mary, Virgin, cult of, 90 , 279 .

Maurya Empire, the, 49 –50, 113 , 210 .

Maxwell, Sir Herbert, Sixty Years a Queen , 308 .

Mayan Civilization, 55 –56, 141 , 312 .

Medea, daughter of Aeëtes, King of Colchis, 212 .

Mediterranean Sea, the, 42 , 189 seqq. , 203 –5, 214 , 239 .

Medo-Persian language, the, 48 .

Mehmed ‘Ali Pasha, of Kavala: as Pasha of Egypt, 5

educational policy of, 227

Herodianism and Zealotism of, 227

military reforms of, 227

Ottoman Imperial Government, relations with, 5

Westernization of, 170 .

Mehmed II, ’Osmanli (the Conqueror), Sultan, 70 , 214 .

Merovingian Empire, the, 142 .

Messapian dialect of the Illyrian language, the, 48 .

Mexic Civilization: Mayan Civilization, affiliation to, 141 , breakdown of, 312 .

Mexico, 20 –21.

Migrating hordes, recklessness of, 222 .

Military virtues, the, 325 .

Millet systems, 223 .

Mills, F. C., 269 .

Milton, John: Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity , quoted, 17 .

Mimesis: as social drill, 107

creativity of interplay with attraction, 120

dangers of, 107 –8

orientation of, 104 , 107 –8, 237

reversal of direction, 130

selective, by barbarians, 123 .

Ming Empire: currency policy of, 62

decline of, 181

overthrow of, 9 , 181 .

Minoan Civilization: breakdown of, 312

culture, 141

extinction of, 9 , 312

external proletariat, 140 .

Minorities: leisure, 345 , 346 , 347

dominant —barbarians, relation with, 120 –42

—change of heart of, 28

—inhumanity of, 227

—position of, in universal states, 15 ,30, 74

—proletariat, alienation from, 108 , 220

—schools of philosophy created by, 1 , 15

—universal states, created by, 2 , 11 , 19 .

Minos, thalassocracy of: limes of, 121 –2

scripts used in, 46 .

Mitchell, W. C., 269 , 290 .

Mithraism: genesis of, 218

worship of, 16 .

Mithras, 90 .

Moldavia, 155 .

Monarchy, enlightened, 156 , 157 , 161 , 223 , 341 .

Monasticism, 115 –16.

Money, 21 , 60 –64.

Mongol Empire, the: administrative policy of, 199

as Far Eastern universal state, 9

capital cities of, 39

geographical range of, 16

law system of, 50

missions to, from Western Europe, 44 , 191

Pax Nomadica under, 16

religions of, 16 , 18 .

Mongols: as paramount nomad community, 39

Christianity, potential conversion to, 191

Crusades, potential participation in, 191 .

Monophysite Christianity: as a fossil of the Syriac Civilization, 172 , 191

as a reaction against Hellenism, 202

Hellenic influence on, 232

liturgical script and languages of, 49 .

Monothelete Christianity, birthplace of, 144 –5.

Moorman, J. R. H.: Church Life in England in the Thirteenth Century , quoted, 115 –16.

Morea: chronicle of the, 199

Muslim minority, position of, 157

Ottoman conquest of in 15th century, 167

revolt in (1821), 157 .

Morgan, J. de, 51 .

Moscow, as ‘the Third Rome’, 42 ,152.

Mosaic root of Judaic Christianity, 88 .

Moses, leader of the Exodus, 117 .

Mu‘āwīyāh I, Umayyad Caliph: Hilm , practice of, 135

Hind, regard for, 142 .

Mughal Empire, the: as Hindu universal state, 38 , 159

break-up of, 71

decline of, 6 , 160 , 161

establishment of, 38 , 160

Hindu subjects, relations with, 159 –160, 218 , 233

interregnum following, 207

languages used in, 46

Marāthās, relations with, 215

militarism of, 161

revolts against, 218 ,233

Sikhs, relations with, 187 , 215

social life of, 233

Western World, relations with, 159 –64.

Muhammad, the Prophet, 31 , 53 , 84 .

Murād Bey, Egyptian Mamluk warlord, 169 .

Murād II, ’Osmanli Sultan, 70 .

Murray, Gilbert (G. G. A.): The Rise of the Greek Epic , quoted, 134 .

Muscovite Empire, the, 151 , 152 , 168 .

Mycalê, Battle of (479 B.C.), 208 .

Napoleon: First and Second, 243

Third, 270 .

Napoleonic Empire, the, 50 .

Nationalism: linguistic, 222

operation of, 157 , 177 , 184 , 222 –3.

‘Natives’: humanity of, denied by colonizers, 230

Western attitude towards, 148 , 163 –5, 230 .

Navigation, art of, 167 –8.

Nebuchadnezzar, Neo-Babylonian Emperor, 33 , 43 , 205 .

Negroes, the, race-feeling in relation to, 171 .

Nehemiah, Jewish statesman, 44 .

Nemesis, 134 –6.

Neoplatonism, 9 , 26 .

Nero, L. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Roman Emperor, 71 .

Nestorian Christianity, 24 n., 44 , 49 , 172 , 191 , 193 , 232 , 278 .

Netherlands, 52 , 176 , 181 , 186 , 229 .

New Spain, 20 , 125 .

Newton, Sir Isaac, 266 .

Nikiphóros II Phokas, Emperor, 196 seqq .

Nomads: from Steppe: —climatic cycles of, 280

—Primitive Muslim Arabs, 121

—Huns, 124

forests, defeat by, 126

horses, use of, 125 –6;

sedentary peoples, relations with, 230 .

Normans, the, 190 –4, 197 –200, 232 –3, 294 .

Numerals, Arabic, 46 .

Obrenovic, Milos, Serb patriot, 156 .

Oil, deposits of, in Islamic World, 171 .

‘Old Believers’, the, 152 .

‘Old Slavonic’ liturgical language, 158 .

Olney, Richard, dispatch from, quoted, 330 –1.

Olympias, daughter of King Neoptolemus, wife of King Philip II of Macedon, mother of Alexander the Great, 142 .

Olympic: games, 56 , 110

temple, 293 .

Orestes the Pannonian, father of Emperor Romulus ‘Augustus’, 124 .

Origen of Alexandria, 26 , 65 .

Orthodox Christian Church, Eastern (Greek)

asceticism in, 81

canon law of, 54

dating system of, 56

ecclesiastical factions, struggle between, 194 , 195

hierarchy, position of, 156

images, question of, 194 , 259

language, 45

missionary work of, 24 –25

position of, in 20th century, 37

Roman Catholic Church: —doctrine, questions of, 194 –5

—hostility, persistence of, 154

Russian Orthodox Church, relations with, 195

Zealotism in, 233 .

Orthodox Christian Church, Eastern (Russian): position of, 151

Roman Catholic Church, relations with, 151 , 154 , 233 .

Orthodox Christian Civilization, main body: breakdown of, 312

culture, 199 , 255 –6

disintegration, 304

ecclesiastics, political activities of, 189

êthos of, 193 –4

Hellenic Civilization, affiliation to, 82 , 141 , 193 –4

prospects (13th century), 189

Scandinavians, relations with, 190

Syriac Civilization, encounters with, 213 , weakness of, 190

Western Civilization: encounters with—concatenations of, 213 , 214

—in Middle Ages, 188 –90

—in Modern Ages, 153 –9, 201 , 235

Zealotism and Herodianism, 233 : see also OTTOMAN EMPIRE.

Orthodox Christian Civilization, Russian Branch: cultural individuality of, 224

Hellenic Civilization, affiliation to, 82

Western Civilization, encounters with —in Middle Ages, 148 , 151 , 188

—in Modern Age, 151 –4, 235

Zealotism and Herodianism, 233 .

Oscan language, the, 48 .

Oscans, the, 209 .

Osiris, worship of, 16 , 17 , 88 , 210 .

Ostrogoths, the, 5 .

Otto: I, 294

II, 195

III, 243 .

Ottoman Empire: as Orthodox Christian universal state, 39 , 154 , 159 –60

territories in, 155 , 157

bourgeoisie in, 186

break-up of, 157 seqq ., 169

capital cities of, 39

civil service of, 67

colonization policy of, 28

culture of, 159 –60, 233

decline of, 5 , 155

education in, 70 –71

establishment of, 153 –4, 157 –8, 159 . 167. 173. 191, 214

expansion of, 167 , 214

intelligentsia in, 187 , 218

languages used in, 47 , 155

Mamluks, 313

military system of —reforms, 169 , 186 , 215 , 227

—Western imitation of, 215

millet system, 162 , 173 , 223 , 233

Mughal Empire, comparison with, 159 –62

nationalism, effect of, 156 , 162 , 223

Navy of, 156

‘New ‘Osmanlis’, the, 170

Orthodox Christian population: —as ‘native Christians’, 230

—relations of, 154 –9, 173 , 218 , 233

—relations with West, 159 , 160 , 161

—response of, to challenge of being uprooted, 173

peasants, militarization of, 323 –4

Phanariots, the, 155 , 156 , 157 , 160 , 161

revolts against, 157 , 186 , 215 , 218

Russian Empire, relations with, 151 , 158 –9, 169

self-complacency of, 169

Slave-Household, the Pādishāh’s, 47 , 70 , 71 , 156 , 187

successor-states of, 5

Western World, encounters with, 71 , 153 –9, 161 , 214 , 215

Westernization of, 153 –4, 169 –70, 186 , 227

Zealotism and Herodianism in, 233 .

Oxus-Jaxartes Basin, the, 144 seqq .

Painting: Byzantine, 257

pre-Raphaelite, 257 .

Pakistan: establishment of, 161 , 223 ;

heritage of, from British Raj, 72 , 127 ,

Palestine: Arabs as victims, 177 –8

Jews, aggression by, 177 –8

partition of, after Second World War, 223

population, composition of, 179

Russian policy regarding, 179

U.S. policy regarding, 179 .

Panjab, the, 171 .

Papacy, the: conservatism of, 26

ecclesiastical domain of, 36 , 37

legacy, vested interests, 93

Orthodox Christian attitude towards, 194 –5

Respublica Christiana : —as response to challenge of anarchy, 275

—benefits offered by, 85

—downfall of, 247

—eruption of modern Western secular civilization, 85 -86, 112 , 113

—rival of, 246 .

Paper, 13 , 62 .

Paris, son of Priam, 142 .

Parliamentary Government, 186 –7.

Parsees, the, 83 , 164 , 172 .

Pathans, the, 124 –5.

Patriarchate: —Oecumenical, 44 , 156

—of Alexandria, 36

—of Antioch, 36

—of Jerusalem, 36 , 154

—of Constantinople, 36

—of Moscow, 152 .

Paul of Tarsus, Saint, 22 , 24 , 26 , 32 , 53 , 66 , 238 , 260 .

Peasantry, 165 , 173 , 183 –5, 186 , 189 .

Pehlevi language, the, 46 , 49 .

Peking, 39 , 44 .

Pepin, son of Charles Martel, 244 .

Perry, Commodore M. C, 182 .

Perseus, myth of, 133 .

Persia, 171 .

Persian language, the, 46 –47, 48 .

Peru, 228 .

Peter, Saint, 44 .

Peter I Romanov, the Great, Emperor of Russia, 42 , 68 , 70 , 152 –3, 154 , 156 , 160 , 169 , 170 , 185 , 186 , 187 , 191 , 215 , 227 .

Philip II, son of Amyntas, King of Macedon, 213 .

Philip II, King of Spain, 271 .

Philippine Islands, the, 181 , 228 .

Philistines, the, 172 .

Philosophies: as expression of dominant minority, 1 , 15

renaissance of, 248

science, relation to, 101

theology, relation to, 101 : see also ARISTOTELIANISM









Phoenicians, the, 204 –6, 212 .

Pigou.A. C, 280 , 281 .

Pilate, Pontius, 63 .

Plataea, Battle of (479 B.C. ), 208 .

Plato, on stability of Egyptiac culture, 9 .

Platonism, 304 –5.

Pliny the Elder, 13 .

Pliny the Younger, 150 .

Poetry: heroic —Arabic, 123

—as distinctive achievement of barbarians, 19 , 121 , 123

—fascination of, 139 –40

—French, 233

—Greek medieval and modern, 199

—Hellenic, 139 –41, 143

—historical fact in relation to, 136 , 139 , 141

—Teutonic, 133 , 139 –40, 141 .

Poland, 175 , 177 , 222 –3.

Poland-Lithuania, 151 , 176 , 222 –3.

Poles, the, 190 .

Police and intelligence systems in universal states, 22 .

Political institutions, 242 –5.

Population, 28 , 29 , 166 ; see also PEASANTRY.

Porphyrogenitus, Constantine, 250 .

Portugal, 167 –8, 174 –6, 200 , 217 , 228 .

Postal systems in universal states, 22 seqq .

Pride, sin of, 104 .

Printing, invention of, 25 , 62 .

Proletariats, external and internal, 1 , 11 , 15 , 16 , 19 , 120 –4, 128 , 130 , 139 seqq ., 221 .

Promiscuity, sense of, 12 .

Protestant churches, 37 , 175 –6, 178 , 182 , 230 –1, 283 ; see also BIBLE CHRISTIANS



Protestant Reformation, 37 , 116 , 175 .

Provinces, function of, in universal states, 33 –37.

Prussia, 313 .

Prussians, the, 191 .

Psammetichus I, Pharoah, 205 .

Psychic energy, 122 , 163 .

Psychology, science of, 100 , 101 , 285 –8.

Ptolemy, astronomer, 97 .

Pydna, Battle of (168 B.C. ), 58 .

Qāra George, Serb patriot, 156 .

Qaraqorum, religious role of, 44 .

Qūbilāy, Mongol Khāqān, 39 .

Quebec, 295 .

Quichuan language, the, 49 .

Race-feeling, 230 –1; see also ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH


Radio communication, 23 .

Railways, construction of, 23 .

Rationalism, 95 seqq .

Reckoning, systems of, 59 –60.

Religions: fancy, 15

geneses of, 11 , 15 seqq .

Higher: anti-social nature of, 76 seqq.;

as beneficiaries, 16 –19, 23 , 24 –26, 30 –33, 36 –37, 43 , 44 , 49 , 54 . 58–59. 64–67, 73 –74, 75

as chrysalises, 81 –86, 87 , 117 , 140 –2

as intelligible fields of study, 2 , 146

birthplaces of, 144 –5

Church and State, relations between, 85 seqq ., 91

seqq. ,112–13

conceptive phase of, 83 , 84

degeneration of, 99

diversion of, to political purposes, 232

diversity, need for, 91 –92, 118 –19

encounters between, 25 , 26 , 203

essence of, 25 , 81 , 90 , 94 seqq. , 104

exclusiveness, problem of, 89 seqq.;

geneses of, 54 , 76 , 88 , 111 , 140 –2, 144 , 202 –4, 218 ;

gestative phase of, 83 –84

ideologies as substitutes for, 98

institutional aspect of, 114

intellectin relation to, 100 , 101

languages used by, 49 –50

monotheism and polytheism, struggle between, 279

parochial states as, 90 ;

philosophies in relation to, 95 , 100 , 101

primitive elements in, 79 , 93 . 94. 96, 100 , 104

propagation of, 15 seqq.;

prophets, part played by, 96 , 97

prospects of, 90

seqq. ,94, 98

seqq. ,117

seqq.; psychological types in relation to, 92 , 118

raison d’être of, 114 ;

renaissances of, 257 -60

rudimentary, 88 , 111 , 141 , 203 , 211 ;

social and spiritual relations to, 115 , 117 , 118

time-span of, 103 –4

universality of, potential, 228 ;

Western technology, effect of, 24 –26.

Oriental, 77 , 78 , 79 , 203 .

Renaissances: apparentation and affiliation, 146

as regression, 113

Italian, 194

Languages and Literature, 250 –5

Law, 244 –7

Orthodox Christian, 86

Philosophies, 247 –9

Political Ideas and Institutions, 242 –4

Religious Ideals and Institutions, 257 –60

Visual Arts, 255 –7.

Revolutions, 187 , 236 –8.

Ricci, Father Matteo, S.J., 25 .

Rīfīs, the, 127 , 128 .

Rivers, importance of, in universal states, 22 .

Roads, 22 –23, 40 .

Robert of Sorbonne, theologian, 248 .

Roman Catholic Church: as carapace, 117 n.

Augustine, Saint, influence of, 263

Canon Law, 54 , 247

Communism, attitude towards, 117 n.

institutional aspect of, 116

intolerance of, 33

missionary work of, 16 , 23 , 26 , 37 , 44 , 49 , 151 , 152 , 163 , 179 , 180 , 182

Modernists, the, 93 , 98

monasticism, 190

Ottoman Empire, relations with, 156

race-feeling, absence of, 228

reforms, 114 , 190

science, attitude towards, 97

universality of, potential, 228 ; see also PAPACY.

Roman Empire, the: administration, 12 , 22 , 348

annexations policy, 33

Antonines, age of, 77

Arabs, relations with, 213

as federation of city states, 58

as framework of higher religions, 16 , 22 , 144

as Hellenic universal state, 4

as ‘melting pot’, 30 , 33

autocracy in, 199 , 243

barbarians, 19 , 28 –29, 66 , 121 , 123 , 124 , 126 , 130 , 133 , 136 , 173 –4, 190 , 192 , 229

break-up of, 6 , 36 –37, 52 , 64 , 66 , 84 , 114 –15, 195

capital cities of, 41 –42, 44

citizenship policy, 27 , 51 , 74 –75

city states in, 12 , 28 , 29 , 36 , 109

civil service, 67 , 68 , 69 , 71 , 73 , 74 , 113

colonization policy, 27 –33, 132

decline of, 77 –78

Emperors, household of, 70 , 71

expansion of, 28 , 32 , 41 , 202 , 209

frontiers of, 27 , 122 , 126

Hellenization, policy of, 28 , 202 , 209

Herodianism in, 232

immortality, illusion of, 4 , 7

law, 51 , 52 , 54 , 77 –78, 174

military system of, 28 , 30 –32. 47. 64–67, 129 –30

prestige of, 6 –7, 64

provinces, administration of, 33 , 36 , 37 , 47

religions, 79 , 80 , 90

paganism, 4 , 76 , 77 , 84

state-worship, 77 –78, 90

Senatorial Order, 68 , 69

successor-states, 5 , 174 , 213

Zealotism and Herodianism in, 232 .

Roman State, the: as march-state, 42

campaigning season for, 58

city states, restoration of, 27

colonization policy of, 27

dating system of, 56

Equestrian Order, 71

expansion of, 27 , 33

Hellenization of, 209

languages used in, 48

official years current in, 57

piracy, 22

Praetor Urbanus, 51

religious persecution, 18 , 77 –78

slave insurrection, 232 .

Romano-Macedonian Wars, 58 .

Romano-Punic War, 206 .

Romano-Seleucid war, 58 .

Rome: as capital of universal state, 43 , 44

foundation of, 56

geographical situation of, 42

religious role of, 23 , 43 –44

sack of, 4 , 137 .

Romulus Augustulus, Roman Emperor, 124 .

Roosevelt, President, 343 .

Rosamund, daughter of Cunimund, 142 .

Rosenberg, Alfred, 79 .

Rumelia, Eastern, 5 .

Russia: belief in own destiny, 152 –3

capital cities of, 42

endurance of people, 324

‘European’ and ‘Asiatic’, 238 –40

independence, will to, 152 seqq.;

intelligentsia in, 185 –8

Old Believers, the, 152

responses of, to challenge from the West, 152

Scandinavian regime in, 190 , 233

Western aggression against, 151 –4

Zealotism and Herodianism, 235 –6.

Russian Empire (Petrine): aristocracy in, 68

bourgeoisie in, 185 , 187

cultural influence on Western, 151 —3

Decembrists’ revolt in, 186 , 227

decline of, 42 –43

educational policy, 70

‘enlightenment’, Western, effects of, 223

Jews in, 176

non-Russian Orthodox Christians, relation with, 156

Panslav movement, 159

parliamentary government, failure of, 187

regime, 148 , 152 , 169

revolutions, 186 , 187 , 227 , 324

Serbia, relations with, 158

Sweden, relations with, 215

technological race with the West, 215

Westernization of, 42 –43, 68 , 148 , 152 , 159 , 160 , 169 , 185 –6, 215 , 227 .

Russian language, the, 45 .

Russians, White, the, 151 .

Russo-Japanese War (1904–5), 184 , 324 .

Russo-Swedish War, 42 , 270 .

Russo-Turkish War (1768–74), 169 , 170 , 186 .

Russo-Turkish War (1877–8), 158 .

Rutilius Namatianus, Claudius, 4 , 76 ;

De Reditu Suo , quoted, 76 –77.

Rycaut, Sir Paul: The Present State of the Ottoman Empire , quoted, 155 .

Sacrament, origin of the word, 111 .

Sadduces, the, 118 .

Safawī Empire, Qyzylbash fraternity, 187 .

Sainthood, 81 , 106 –8.

Saladin, 214 .

Salamis, Battle of, 208 .

Saljüqs, the, Syria invasion of, 192 , 193 .

Salonica, Jews in, 174 .

Samaritans, the, 144 .

Sansom, Sir George (G. B.): Japan: A Short Cultural History , quoted, 14 .

Sanüsās, the, 98 .

Sarmatians, the, 29 .

Sasanian Empire, the, 73 , 202 .

Saxons, the medieval continental, 196 .

Scandinavian countries, social democracy, 340 .

Scandinavians: colonization by, 232 –3

culture of, 232 –3

Italian renaissance’s influence on, 295

raids by, into Western Europe, 125 , 190 , 252

religion, conversion to Christianity, 190 , 232 –3

Westernization of, 190 , 295 .

Schism: in the Body Social, 1 –2, 242 .

Schmalkald, League of Protestant princes, 272 .

Schumpeter, J. A.: Business Cycles , quoted, 338 .

Science: Medieval Western, 193 , 249

Modern Western —empirical methods of, 101

— history in relation to, 265

— intellectual heroes of, 266

— intellectual honesty in relation to, 100

— moral issue raised by, 99 –100

— provinces of knowledge captured by, 98 –100, 265 –6

— study of, prohibited in Japan under Tokugawa Shogunate, 234

theological bases of, 84 –85.

Scripts: Akkadian, 48 , 49

Arabic, 46

Brahmi, 49

Chinese, 45

Elamite, 48

Greek, 45

in universal states, 45 –49

KharoshthI, 49 , 50

Medo-Persian, 48

Minoan, 46

Pehlevi, 46

Slavonic, 45 .

Sculpture, 241 , 255 , 257 .

Scyths (Scythians), the, 205 .

Seleucid Monarchy, the, 17 , 39 , 40 , 42 , 56 , 277 –8.

Seleucus I Nîcâtôr, 39 –40, 42 , 56 .

Selim I, ‘Osmanli, 156 .

Selim III, ‘Osmanli, 170 .

Sellar, W. C: 1066 and All That , quoted, 308 .

Sennacherib, King of Assyria, 205 .

Serbia: successor-state of Ottoman Empire, 157

territorial aspirations of, 158 .

Serbs, the, relations to Western World, 154 , 155 , 158 .

Severus, Marcus Aurelius Alexander, Emperor, 25 .

Shang culture, the, Sinic Civilization, relation to, 147 .

Shepherds, as symbolizing the recuperating power of society, 305 .

Shi‘ism: birthplace of, 144

Druse form of, 144 .

Ships: risks to, diminution of, 289

Man’s control of laws of nature in sailing of, 293

Modern Western, 23 .

Si Ngan, Confucian classics engraved on stone at, 250 .

Sicily: Carthaginian attack, 208

Greek colonies in, 208 –9

Hellenization of, 208 –9, 233

Phoenician settlements in, 208 .

Siegfried, myth of, 133 .

Sikhism: Khalsa militancy in, 187

persecution of, by Mughal Raj, 215 .

Sikhs, as successor-state of Mughal Empire, 161 .

Sin, original, 117 , 119 , 171 .

Sinic Civilization: barbarians, relations with, 34 , 229

breakdown of, 312

culture of: literature, revolt against in China, 199

philosophy, 16 , 34

disintegration of, 84 , 113

parochial states, 34

public services, 337

Time of Troubles, 45

war and peace cycles, 284 .

Skinner, Martyn: Letters to Malaya , quoted, 101 –2, 304 .

Slavery: abolition of, 295 , 314

in New World, 171

Primitive Christian attitude towards, 65 .

Slavonic languages, the, 45 .

Social changes, 294 , 295 , 320 .

Societies, human: as successive types of, 141 , 303

‘closed’ and ‘open’, 105

potential universality of, 105

serial order of, 87 –88, 141 .

Societies, primitive: achievements, 99

civilizations —impact of, 214

discipline of, 131

‘drive’, absence of, 92

family, worship of, 344

Western impact on, 148 .

Society, nature of, 79 –80, 119

Socrates, 96 , 100 .

Sothic astronomical cycle, the, 55 .

Spain, Christian marchmen, barbarism of, 179 –80

colonial policy of, 29

Iberian peninsular, 190 –2

Jews, treatment of, 174 .

Spanish Empire, New World: capital cities of, 39

citizenship of, 74

city states in, 29

colonizing policy, 29 , 179 –80

economic policy, 179 –80

effect of conquests on Western economy, 43

expansion, 181

race-feeling, absence of, 228

religious policy of, 179 –80, 228 .

Spartan expansion, 274 .

Spear, T. G. P.: The Nabobs , quoted, 164 -5.

Spengler, Oswald, 261 , 277 , 311 .

Sse-ma Ts’ien, Sinic historian, 34 .

States: buffer-, 132 .

low place of in hierarchy of human institutions, 11 .

parochial—, 15 , 19 , 83 , 292 , 312 –13

totalitarian—, 91 .

universal —as intelligible fields of study, 2

as means to ends beyond themselves, 2

as ‘melting pots’, 30

as parts of a larger whole, 2

as phase in process of disintegration, 2 , 3 , 11 , 33

beneficiaries, 11 , 21 , 22 –26, 36 –37, 43 –44. 49. 51–54. 62–64, 72 –74, 75 , 76

co-existence, 326

conductivity of, 11 –14

conquests of, by alien ‘civilized’ conquerors, 19 –21

craving for life displayed by, 3 , 4

endings, diverse types of, 2 –3

establishment of, 12 , 15

founders of, 37 , 38 –41, 159 –60;

— loss of zest by, 30

— march-men, 38 , 41 –42

— metropolitan, 38

— motives of, 37 –38

— receptivity, 13

— relations of with dominant minority, 15

frustration of subject peoples under, 83

geneses of, 1 –2, 15 , 74 , 83 , 274

ghosts of, 6

immortality, illusion of, 4 , 8 , 10

Indian Summers of, 2 , 8

institutions of, 21 –75

intolerant spirit, 17

legitimization of de facto rulers by, 85

military system of, 27 , 29 –30, 64 –67

negativeness of, 2

parochial states —heritage from, 50 ;

— relation to, 33

prestige of, 6 –7

psychological disarmament in, 15 , 19

raison d’étre of, 11 , 15 , 19 , 33

sense of unity expressed in, 7

successor-states, barbarian, 130 –2

legacies to, 72

tolerant spirit in, 15 –18.

Steppes: conductivity of, 13 , 22 , 145

conquest of, 126

Eurasian —range of, 39

— role of, 204 , 205 .

Stilicho, Vandal, 130 .

Straits of Dardanelles, Bosphorus, and Kerch, as barrier between Europe and Asia, 239 , 240 .

Subconscious Psyche, the: aesthetic faculties in relation to, 102

conscious personality, relation to, 102 –3, 287 , 288

harmony with God, 102 , 103 , 104

idolization of, 102

racial, 285

spiritual character of, 102 –3

time-scale of, 344

Western rediscovery of, 102 .

Subman, sociality of, 99 .

Suffering, 88 , 177 –8, 300 .

Sui Empire: as ghost of Han Empire, 6 , 85

political achievement of, 113 .

Suleymān I, ‘Osmanli, Sultan, 156 .

Sumer and Akkad, Empire of: as Sumeric universal state, 210

Babylonian restoration of, 52

communications, system in, 22

culture, literature, 250 –1

geographical range of, 145

languages of, 48

postal services in, 22

successor-states of, 54 .

Sumerian ianguage, 48 , 49 .

Sumeric Civilization: apparentation to other civilizations, 9 , 147

disintegration of, 89 , 312

dissolution of, 9

proletariat, external, 140

religion of, 210 , 211

weights and measures, metric system, 59 –60.

Sun Yat-sen, Madame, 182 .

Sung Empire: currency, 62

Mongol conquest of, 39 .

Susa, history of, 40 .

Swift, Jonathan, 254 .

Symeon Stylites, Saint, 81 .

Symmachus, Q. Aurelius, 91 .

Syria, as meeting ground for civilizations, 144 –5.

Syriac Civilization: Assyrian impact on, 173

breakdown of, 312

communal structure of society, 173 , 191

culture —Hellenic influence on, 193 , 202 , 203

— Indic influence on, 193

— radiation of, 216

disintegration of, 84 , 88

encounters —concatenations of, 212 –13

fossils of, 82 , 172

genesis of, 9 , 54 , 141

Hellenic intrusion on, 17 , 20 , 144 , 150 , 180

universal state: re-establishment of indigenous, 19

Western Civilization, contact with, 191 , 214 , 215

Syriac language, the, 202 .

T’ai Tsung, T’ang Emperor, educational policy of, 72 .

Taillefer, 233 .

Tammuz, worship of, 26 , 88 , 211 .

T’ang Empire: as ghost of Han Empire, 6

civil service of, 72

currency policy of, 62

religion under, 44 , 85

renaissance of, 85

revival of, 113 .

Taoism: position of, in Han Empire, 17

Sinic proletarian religion, 16

tenets of, 247 –8.

Telegraphs and telephones, 22 , 23 .

Television, 347 .

Tennyson, Alfred, Baron: In Memoriam , quoted, 299 .

Tertullian, 65 .

Teutoburger Wald, Roman defeat in (A.D. 9), 126 , 127 .

Teutonic Order of Knighthood, the, 191 .

Teutons, the: as ‘reservoir’ barbarians, 122

religion of, 123 .

Theology: as an accommodation between Religion and Philosophy, 95

as an attempt to reconcile two kinds of Truth, 97 .

Thompson, J. M.: The French Revolution , quoted, 57 .

Thorp, W. L., 269 .

Tibullus, Albius: Carmina , quoted, 4 .

Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria, 313 .

Tithonus, 8 .

Tokugawa Shogunate: as Japanese Far Eastern universal state, 13 , 180

cultural homogeneity of, 14

economic position under, 14

insecurity of, in its early days, 181

overthrow of, 182 –3

zealotism of, 234 .

Torrigiani, Pietro, 256 .

Toynbee, Arnold Joseph: visit to Troy, N.Y., 281 –3

works: A Study of History: how it came to be written, 350 –4

The Legacy of Greece , contribution to, quoted, 13 .

Toynbee, Jocelyn M. C.: Roman Medallions , quoted, 63 –64.

Trajan (M. Ulpius Traianus), Roman Emperor: Pliny the Younger, correspondence with, 150

religious policy of, 150 .

Transfiguration, 238 , 279 .

Trent, Council of, 117 n.

Trojan War, the, 212 , 238 –9.

Troubadours, the, 192 , 193 .

Truth, two kinds of, 97 , 102 .

Ts’in Empire (221–207 B.C. ): administrative policy of, 34

as Sinic universal state, 34

communications, system of, 22

language and script used in, 45

law, system of, 50

overthrow of, 34

police system in, 22

revolts against, 34 .

Ts’in She Hwang-ti: administrative policy of, 34 , 35

as first founder of Sinic universal state, 22 , 34

commercial system developed by, 22

language, solution by, 45

law, parallels of, 50 , 51

salvaging of his work by Han Liu Pang, 69 .

Turkey: as land power, 240

totalitarianism in, 188

Westernization of, 170 , 188 , 304 .

Ukrainians, 223 .

Umayyad Caliphate, the: Hilm , practice of, 135 , 136

Jews, position of, 174

military system in, 30

scripts and languages used in, 46

social structure of, 174 , 284

tolerant spirit of, 192 –3

Western World, relations with, 192 –3.

Umayyad Caliphate in Andalusia: Atlantic seaboard of, 167

Christians, relations with: —subjects of Caliphate, 193

— trans-frontier, 189 –90, 192

collapse of, 174

culture of, 256

Granada as last surviving successor-state of, 191 .

Umbrian language, the, 48 .

Uniate churches, the, 151 , 193 .

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the: aspolitical heir of Petrine Russian Empire, 148

as centre of communications, 171 , as ‘sated’ power, 321

class elimination, 339

Communism, role of, 148 –9, 153 , 187 , 316

Communist propaganda, use of: 215–16

competition with West, 153 , 187 –8, 215 –16, 303 , 326

establishment of, 42 , 187

industrialization of, 187 , 215 , 216

non-Russian Orthodox Christian peoples, relations with, 157 –8

oil needs, 170 –1

oil fields, 171

peasantry submissiveness, 323

policy of, 166 –7

political structure of, 187 –8

population trend in, 317

regimentation, 335

reparations policy, 330

Satellite States, 158

trade unions in, 335

Ukrainians in, 151

U.S.A., relations with: —competition for world power, 148 –9, 322

— isolation made impossible, 340

— political propaganda, 216

— psychological considerations, 323

— wars of religion analogy, 326

ideological differences, 148 –9

Marshall Aid, 330

partition of World between two powers, 326 , 329

Western World, relations with, 153 , 170 –1, 321 .

United Nations Organization, the, 162 , 177 –8, 292 , 328 , 329 .

United States of America: as ‘sated’ power, 321

Civil War (1861–5), 325

democracy, word, 341

economic depression, 302

effect of World Wars on, 321 , 322 , 325

generosity of, 329

idealism of, 339

immigration policy, 221

Jews in, 179

Marshall Plan, 330

militarism, absence of, 324 –5

Munro Doctrine, 321

oil, 171

‘Poor Whites’, 316

protectorates of, 321

standard of living in, 339

Truman Doctrine, 304

World Government, 328 seqq .

Unity, sense of in universal state, 7 , 13 .

Universe, as a work of God’s power, 262 ; see also under WORLD.

Universities, Western, origin of, 86 .

Urdu language, the, 47 .

Valery, Paul, 310 .

Vandals, the, 136 .

Venetian dialect of Illyrian, the, 48 .

Venice: colonial control, 155

Papal missions, 190 , 191 .

Vienna, Ottoman sieges of, in A.D. 1682–3, 148 .

Virgil: Aeneid , quoted, 4 .

Visigothia: Arab conquest of, 213

coronation rite in, 244

Jews, treatment of, 173 –6, 222 .

Visigoths, the Christianity of, 174 seqq .

legislation of, 174 .

Vision, the Beatific, 92 , 102 , 116 , 118 , 262 .

Volney, C. F., 351 .

Wahhābīs, the: Westernization, opposition to, 98 .

Wall Street, New York: economic blizzard, 1929, 184

typists’ strike on, 336 .

War: abolition of, 326

art of, radiation of, 124 –5

as cancer of civilization, 314

cult of, 313

differences in attitude towards, 129

idealogical, or ‘cold’, 215 –16

technology, effects of, 215 .

Wars: Hellenic: Atheno-Peloponnesian War (431–404 B.C. ), 208 , 292 .

of Religion, 98 , 265 , 326 .

Western: General (A.D. 1792–1815), 308

Hapsburg-Valois ‘Italian wars’, 271 .

World: First (A.D. 1914–18), 169 , 222 –3, 270 , 324

Second (A.D. 1939–45). 148. 151. 184, 229

Third: avoidance of, 188

danger of, 304

outcome of, possible, 326 seqq .

Weights and measures, 21 , 57 , 59 –60.

Wellesley.R. C, Marquess, Governor-General of India, 38 .

Western Civilization:

absolutism, Hellenic: revival of, 112 –13, 199 –200

first attempt at, by Saxon Emperors, rejected, 243 .

advertisement, use of, 216 .

aggressiveness of, 188 , 190 –1, 200 –1, 214 .

Arabs, relations with, 189 .

barbarians, surviving in postmodern World, 126 .

birthplace of, 174 .

bourgeoisie , the: intelligentsia, relation to, 185

Jews, relation to, 173 –7, 186 .

centre of gravity of, 271 .

challenges presented to, 275 seqq .

Christian origin of, 111 .

city state cosmos, abortive: autocracy in, 200

differentiation of, from main body of Western Christendom, 191

‘modern’ character of, 185 .

communications, system of, 23 .

cultural changes, tempo of, 293 –4.

culture: arts: Ancient and Modern, contest between, 254

architecture, 193

arts, visual, 255 –7

Byzantine influence on, 199

Far Eastern influence on, 181

Hellenic influence on, 82 , 193 , 199 , 201 , 241 , 255

literature, 250 –4

low level of in 10th century, 189

medieval, 193

philosophy, 247 –9

radiation of, 156 , 201 , 221 –2, 225 –7, 233

secularization, 163 , 201 , 216 , 226

Syriac influence, 193 , 256 .

ecclesiastical terminology, 112 .

economic system: founded by monastic orders, 85 , 115

in Middle Ages, 189

techniques, diffusion of, 223 –4, 226

trade cycles, 269 .

egocentric illusions of, 148 .

encounters, concatenations of, in Middle Ages, 188 –200, 213 –14

in Modern Age, 148 –50, 151 –88, 201 , 202 –3.

‘enlightenment’, age of, 155 , 161 , 223 , 265 .

êthos of, 194 .

expansion of, overland, 188 , 190 , 191 , 214

overseas, 38 , 147 , 149 –50, 167 –8, 179 seqq. ,184, 230

world-wide range of, 105 , 118 , 188 , 214 , 304 , 316 , 317 , 319 , 321 , 323 .

genesis of, 82 , 84 , 201 , 222 .

geographical range of, in Modern Age, 200 , 239 .

‘Golden Age’ of, 309 .

Hellenic Civilization: affiliation to, 82 , 141 , 191

relation to, 238 –40.

history of, not illuminating, 202 –3, 263 –4

unparalleled features, 319 –20.

homogeneity, social, ideal of, 173 , 174 , 222 .

Italianization of, 150 , 200 .

Jews, relations with, 171 –9.

Law of God, 263 .

Liberalism in, 148 , 153 , 177 .

Middle Ages, differentiation of Modern Age from, 149 , 150 .

militarism in, 323 –5.

military system in, 215 .

‘Modern Age’, opening of, 111 , 112 , 149 –51. 173, 185 , 200 .

nadir of, 188 –90.

Neobarbarism in, 140 .

Ocean, conquest of, 147 , 150 , 167 –8, 179 , 200 , 214 , 228 , 296 –8.

parochial states, 85 , 173 , 246 , 312 .

physical environment, control of, 320 .

political ideas, diffusion of, 222 , 226 .

population, 342 –4.

power of, 148 , 200 , 321 –3.

proletariat, 316

external, 24 , 315

internal, 99 , 180 , 221 , 315

religious creativity, 203 .

prospects of, 302 –8

capitalism v . Communism, 326

— essence of, 338

communication system, 23

Gibbon’s observations, 309

in 10th and nth centuries, 189 –90

peaceful change, British examples of, 340

metamorphosis of middle class, 337 –8

uncertainty of, 20 , 23 , 90 , 105 , 119 , 150 , 203

Valery’s views on, 310

World government, 328 .

race-feeling in, 171 , 230 –1, 318 .

religion: Christianity, influence of, 85 , 226 , 238 , 318

competition between rival faiths, 90

fanaticism, 180 , 192 , 201

ideological substitute for, 148

new faiths, emergence of, 150

spiritual vacuum, 216 .

shipbuilding and navigation, 296 .

social reforms in Middle Ages, 190

social welfare, 318 –20.

technology of, 23 , 99 , 105 , 126 , 127 , 152 –3, 166 , 180 , 181 , 188 , 215 , 226 , 261 –2.

trade unions, 334 , 335 .

unification of, 23 –24, 90 , 105 , 318 –19, 326 –7.

urbanization of, 173 , 185 –6.

war and peace cycles of, 271 –3, 284 .

Wight, Martin: comments by: on Christian conservatism, 93 –94

on Roman Catholic Church’s prospects, 116 n,–117 n.

William I, King of England, 233 .

Women, position of in Heroic Ages, 142 –3.

World: coalescence of, 322

contraction in scale of, 322 –3

creation of, 56 –57

material resources, 333 ; see also UNIVERSE.

World Order: economics for, 332 , 333 , 338

federal union in relation to, 328 –30

future for, 320 ,326

leisure, employment of, 332 , 345 –7

Western need of, 341 , 345 .

Wuti, Han Emperor, 70 .

Xerxes, the Achaemenid, Greece, expedition against, 213 –14.

Yahweh, worship of, 16 , 91 , 279 .

Yin and Yang, n, 104 , 107 , 345 .

Yucatec, 312 .

Yulan, Fung: A Short History of Chinese Philosophy , quoted, 248 .

Yung Lo, Emperor, 250 ,251.

Zacharias, 244 .

Zealotism, 225 , 227 , 231 –7.

Zoroastrianism, 16 , 17 , 49 –50, 73 , 88 , 171 , 172 , 218 , 228 , 232 .

Zosimus, Greek historian: Historiae , quoted, 129 .