Underscored page references indicate charts and tables.


Acclimatization, 128, 130

Achilles tendinitis, 84, 134, 140–41

ACSM, 159

Acute injuries, 135

Adaptations, physiological, 12, 82

Adrenaline, 23

Aerobic energy, 7

Aerobic fitness, 53, 94

Agder College’s Institute for Sport, 23


FIRST training program and, 24–25

goal finish times and, 21

injuries and, 24

marathon and, 25

men’s BQ training plan

18 to 34, 209, 210–11

35 to 39, 212, 213–14

40 to 44, 215, 216–17

45 to 49, 218, 219–20

50 to 54, 221, 222–23

55 to 59, 227, 228–29

60 to 64, 233, 234–35

65 to 69, 239, 240–41

70 to 74, 242, 243–44

75 to 79, 245, 246–47

80 and over, 248, 249–50

performance and, 21–22

time prediction tables and, 19, 263–64, 265–66

training phases and, 120

women’s BQ training plan

18 to 34, 224, 225–26

35 to 39, 227, 228–29

40 to 44, 230, 231–32

45 to 49, 233, 234–35

50 to 54, 236, 237–38

55 to 59, 239, 240–41

60 to 64, 242, 243–44

65 to 69, 245, 246–47

70 to 74, 248, 249–50

75 to 79, 251, 252–53

80 and over, 254, 255–56

Alder, Thomas, 30

American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 137

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 159

Amino acids, 148

Anaerobic metabolism, 53

Anatomical problem, 136–37

Ankle, rolled, 199


Barefoot running, 179

Beginner runners. See New runners

Bicycling. See Cycling

Biomechanical problem, 136–37

Blomme, Emily J., 132

Body weight, ideal runner’s, 150

Boston Marathon

advice on qualifying for, 205–6

goals for, realistic, 206

hill training for, 84

men’s BQ training plan

3:05, 209, 210–11

3:10, 212, 213–14

3:15, 215, 216–17

3:25, 218, 219–20

3:30, 221, 222–23

3:40, 227, 228–29

3:55, 233, 234–35

4:10, 239, 240–41

4:25, 242, 243–44

4:40, 245, 246–47

4:55, 248, 249–50

time prediction for, 206

women’s BQ training plan

3:35, 224, 225–26

3:40, 227, 228–29

3:45, 230, 231–32

3:55, 233, 234–35

4:00, 236, 237–38

4:10, 239, 240–41

4:25, 242, 243–44

4:40, 245, 246–47

4:55, 248, 249–50

5:10, 251, 252–53

5:25, 254, 255–56

Breathing during strength training exercises, 160

Burfoot, Amby, 3



cycling, 95

stride, 98

Calf tears, chronic, 142–43

Caloric intake, 150–52

Carbohydrate loading, 151–52

Carbohydrates, 146–47, 152

Carbohydrate synthesis, 152

Cardiovascular fitness, 53, 94

Clothing for cold weather, 131

Clubs, running, 5, 35

Coach’s Report, 33

Colangelo, Aaron, 3–4

Cold weather issues

acclimatization, 128

clothing, 131

cycling, 95–96

essentials, 129

hydration, 131

performance, 20, 127–28

Q and A, 129–32

risks of running in cold, 87, 130

running strategies, 131–32

Competition. See specific race

Complex carbohydrates, 146

Connective tissue, 24, 84

Consistency in training, 25


importance of, 82

long run, 57

tempo run, 56

track repeats, 55

Course profile, 20

Cross-Fit, 100

Cross-training. See also specific mode

benefits of, 8, 44, 95

essentials, 94–95

FIRST training program and, 93–94

frequency of, 98–99

in injury prevention, 95

intensity of, 99

length of sessions, 99


best for runners, 99–100

cycling, 95–96, 199

deep water running, 97–98, 98

elliptical machines, 101

jumping rope, 100

spinning classes, 100

strength training, 101

swimming, 96–97, 97

yoga, 101

Q and A, 98–101

running on same day and, 99

tapering and, 101

3plus2 training program and, 43–44, 94

for trail races, 199

variation principle and, 101–2


cycling, 104, 104, 106, 106–7

overview, 102–3

rowing, 105, 105, 108, 108–9

swimming, 105, 105, 108, 108–9


benefits of, 95

cadence, 95

in cold weather, 95–96

indoor, 96

for marathon, 106, 106–7

as mode of cross-training, 95–96, 199

outdoor, 95–96

spinning classes, 100

as triathlon component, 201


for 5K, 104, 104

for half-marathon, 106, 106–7

for 10K, 104, 104


Deep water running (DWR)

as mode of cross-training, 97–98, 98

tips, 98

Diet. See Nutrition

Differences, individual, 12, 14

Diminishing returns, law of, 14


fitness improvement and, 83–84

goal finish times and, 19

marathon training program and, 85

Donald, Shirley, 123

DWR. See Deep water running


Economy, running, 53, 84

Elevation, 20, 88

Elliptical machines, 101

Endurance performance, 44

Energy, 7–8, 152

Environmental conditions, 20. See also Cold weather issues; Elevation; Hot weather issues; Wind


cold weather issues, 129

cross-training, 94–95

defining, 5

FIRST training program, 45

flexibility, 177

goal finish times, 18

hot weather issues, 129

injuries, 135

nutrition, 146–47

rest and recovery, 113

strength training, 158

three quality runs, 54

year-round training, 119


in FIRST training program, benefits of, 5

form drills

Butt Kicks, 181, 181

High Knees, 182, 182

overview, 54, 176, 179–80

strength training

Advanced Bird Dog, 169, 169

Bird Dog, 168, 168

Box Step-Ups, 164, 164

breathing during, 160

Clamshell, 171, 171

Curl to Press, 167, 167

lower-body, 159

Lunges, 163, 163

Monster (Sumo Wrestler) Walk, 165, 165

One-Arm, One-Leg Bent-Over Row, 166, 166

order of, 159

recommended, 159

Single-Leg Bridges, 170, 170

Single Leg Squat, 162, 162

Squat, 161, 161


Glutes/Piriformis, 186, 186

Hip Abduction/Iliotibial Band, 191, 191

Hip Flexors, 187, 187

Iliotibial Band (Foam Roller), 188, 188

Low Back, 190, 190

Lying Hamstring, 185, 185

overview, 176, 183

Quadriceps/Hip Flexor, 184, 184

Spinal Rotation, 189, 189

Standing Calf, 183, 183


Fat calories, 146

Fat energy, 8

Fatigue, muscular, 7, 32, 53

Finish times. See Goals

FIRST (Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training) training program. See also 3plus2 training program

age and, 24–25

Burfoot and, 3

cross-training and, 93–94

design of, 5, 43

effectiveness of, 9–10

essentials, 45

exercises in, benefits of, 5

GPS watches and, 82, 88–89

heart-rate monitors and, 86–87

improved performance and, 10

injury prevention and, 5–6, 143–44

new runners and, 31–32, 34–35

nutrition in, benefits of, 5

pace and, 43

philosophy of, 6–7, 44

plan, 121–22

principles of

diminishing returns law, 14

individual differences, 4, 12, 14

progressive overload, 12

reversibility, 14

specificity, 12

running clubs and, 5

running less and, 7, 44

starting, 80–81

strength training in, 157–58

studies on, 10, 11

success of, 4–5, 112

12-week schedules of, 34

typical running program versus, 7–8

weight loss and, 34

year-round, 14


aerobic/cardiovascular, 53, 94

distance and improved, 83–84

5K and, determining, 46

intensity and improved, 83–84

metabolic, 53, 87

swimming and, 96


cycling workout for, 104, 104

fitness level, determining, 46

Garmin speed zone settings for, 90

goal finish times, 45–46

new runners and

intermediate training program for, 37, 37

novice training program for, 36, 36

recommendations for running, 32, 35

pace, determining, 87–88

pace tables, 267–87

race time, importance of, 47

Road Age Factors (WMA 2010) and, 265–66

Road Age Standards (WMA 2010) and, 263–64

rowing workout for, 105, 105

swimming workout for, 105, 105

time prediction tables, 26, 26–29, 36

time of year to focus on, 118

training program

summary for, 48

three quality runs, 59, 59

Flexibility. See also Stretching

benefits of, 178

defining, 178

essentials, 177

form and, 175–76

improving, 178

knee joint, 95

limited, 178

program, developing, 193

Q and A, 178–79

stretching and, 178, 193

Fluid intake, 129–31, 148–49

Food diary, 145

Form, running

correcting, 193


Butt Kicks, 181, 181

High Knees, 182, 182

overview, 54, 176, 179–80

flexibility and, 175–76

good, 176–77, 193

Q and A, 178–79

range of motion and, 175

Foster, Nancy, 115–16

Fractures, stress, 140

Frequency of running, 82–83

Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training. See FIRST training program


Garmin Forerunner watch, 88–90, 90, 260–61

Gatowski, Maura, 38

Glover, Bob, 22

Glycemic index, 147–48, 152

Glycogen resynthesis, 152

Glycogen stores, 7–8, 22–23, 151

Goals. See also Time prediction

for Boston Marathon, realistic, 206

finish times

age and, 21

course profile and, 20

determining, 17–18, 45

disappointments with, 16–17

distance and, 19

elevation and, 20

environmental conditions and, 20

essentials, 18

5K, 45–46

marathon, 16, 18

metric equivalents of, 45

performance and, 18

Q and A, 18–22

redefining, 18

10K, 45–46

training pace and, 81

unrealistic, 17

low training mileage and, 83

science of, 22–24 3plus2

training program and, 6

GPS watches, 82, 88–89

Grant, Will, 144

Groups, running, 5, 35



cycling workout for, 106, 106–7

Garmin speed zone settings for, 90

pace, determining, 87

pace tables, 267–87

postrace rest and recovery guidelines, 114–15

as predictor of marathon performance, 206

Road Age Factors (WMA 2010) and, 265–66

Road Age Standards (WMA 2010) and, 263–64

rowing workout for, 108, 108–9

swimming workout for, 108, 108–9

time prediction tables, 26, 26–29

training program

summary for, 48

three quality runs, 61, 61–62

Harshman, Eric, 204

Hawkins, Steven, 25

Heart-rate monitors, 86–87

Heart rate, 53, 86–87

Heat. See Hot weather issues

Heat cramps, 130

Heat disorders, 130

Heat exhaustion, 130

Heatstroke, 130

Heel pads, 141–42

Hill, Butch, 88

Hill training, 84

“Hitting the wall,” 22–23

Hot weather issues

acclimatization, 128, 130

essentials, 129

heat disorders, 130

hot environment and, defining, 129

humidity, 128

hydration, 129–30

long run, 130

pace, 127

performance, 20, 127–28

Q and A, 129–32

running strategies, 130

tempo run, 130

track repeats, 130

Humidity. See Hot weather issues

Hydration, 129–31, 148–49

Hyponatremia, 149


Ice treatment

for iliotibial band syndrome, 139

for plantar fasciitis, 142

for runner’s knee, 138

for shin splints, 139

Ideal body weight for runner, 150

Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), 138–39

Individual differences, 4, 12, 14

Infanger, Scott, 3–4


acute, 135

age and, 24

ankle, rolled, 199

barefoot running and, 179

biomechanical versus anatomical problem, 136–37


Achilles tendinitis, 140–41

calf tears, chronic, 142–43

iliotibial band syndrome, 138–39

plantar fasciitis, 141–42

rolled ankle, 199

runner’s knee, 137–38

shin splints, 139

stress fractures, 140

cross-training in preventing, 95

denial of, 133

essentials, 135

excessive running and, 136

FIRST training program in preventing, 5–6, 143–44

hill training and, 84

limited flexibility and, 178

listening to body and, 134

motivation and, loss of, 24

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories and, 137, 139

orthotics and, 137, 141–42

overuse, 135–36

overweight and, 137

prehab versus rehab and, 134

preventing, 5–6, 95, 134, 143–44, 175

Q and A, 135–37

running less and, 134

“running through,” 133

trail races and, 199

training intensity and, 136

Institute for Sport (Agder College), 23


of cross-training, 99

fitness improvement and, 83–84

injuries and training, 136

performance and, 25, 51

of three quality runs, 53–54

training at appropriate, 47

Ironman-distance triathlon, 203–4

ITBS, 138–39


Johnsrud, Mark, 192

Jumping rope, 100


Kasture, Vaishali, 49

Key Run #1. See Track repeats

Key Run #2. See Tempo run

Key Run #3. See Long run

Koerner, Hal, 197–99

Kolata, Gina, 25

Kostouros, Christina, 13


Lactate, 53

Lactate metabolism, 7

Lactate threshold (LT), 6, 10, 53

Lewis, Xavier, 91

Lipp, Daniel, 50

Listening to body, 112, 134

Long-term training plan, 122

Long run

cooldown, 57

examples, 57–58

Garmin speed zone settings for, 90

in hot weather, 130

men’s BQ training plan

3:05, 209, 210–11

3:10, 212, 213–14

3:15, 215, 216–17

3:25, 218, 219–20

3:30, 221, 222–23

3:40, 227, 228–29

3:55, 233, 234–35

4:10, 239, 240–41

4:25, 242, 243–44

4:40, 245, 246–47

4:55, 248, 249–50

overview, 57

paces, 76–80

three quality runs training program

5K, 59, 59

half-marathon, 61, 61–62

marathon, 64, 64–65

novice marathon, 62, 62–63

10K, 60, 60

warmup, 57

women’s BQ training plan

3:35, 224, 225–26

3:40, 227, 228–29

3:45, 230, 231–32

3:55, 233, 234–35

4:00, 236, 237–38

4:10, 239, 240–41

4:25, 242, 243–44

4:40, 245, 246–47

4:55, 248, 249–50

5:10, 251, 252–53

5:25, 254, 255–56

Loperfido, Dennis, 39

Lore of Running, The (Noakes), 22

LT, 6, 10, 53


Marathon. See also Boston Marathon

age and, 25

allure of, 15–16

back to back, 120–21

cycling workout for, 106, 106–7

Garmin speed zone settings for, 90

goal finish times and, 16, 18

half-marathon as predictor of performance in, 206

new runners and, 31–32

pace, determining, 87

pace tables, 267–87

performance in, variables affecting, 16

postrace rest and recovery guidelines, 115

racing schedule and, 118–19

rest and recovery between, 118

Road Age Factors (WMA 2010) and, 265–66

Road Age Standards (WMA 2010) and, 263–64

rowing workout for, 108, 108–9

swimming workout for, 108, 108–9

time prediction, 15

time prediction tables, 26, 26–29

time of year to focus on, 118

training program

distance versus pace, 85

novice, 62, 62–63

summary for, 48

thoughts on, 206–8

three quality runs, 62, 62–63, 64, 64–65

training run, longest, 84–85

Marthaler, Justin, 91


for calf tears, chronic, 142

for plantar fasciitis, 142

Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2), 10, 52–53

Meat sources of protein, 148

Meier, Cathy, 143

Metabolic fitness, 53, 87

Metabolism, 53

Metric equivalents, 45

Midfoot strikers, 179

Mineral supplements, 149–50

Molnar Human Performance Laboratory, 3

Moss, Ray, 22

Motivation, injuries and loss of, 24

Murr, Scott, 94, 200, 207

Muscular fatigue, 7, 32, 53


New runners

fatigue and, muscular, 32

FIRST training program and, 31–32, 34–35

5K and

intermediate training program, 37, 37

novice training program, 36, 36

recommendations for running, 32, 35

marathon and, 31–32

overweight and, 32, 34

place for running and, best, 34

Q and A, 33–35

shoes for, 34

steps for, first, 32–33

3plus2 program and, 35

threshold of training and, 32

time for running and, best, 34

Night splints, 142

Noakes, Tim, 22

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, 137, 139

Novice marathon training program, 62, 62–63

Novice runners. See New runners


caloric intake and, daily, 150

carbohydrate loading and, 151–52

carbohydrates and, 146–47

competition and, 151–52

energy and, 152

essentials, 146–47

fat calories and, 146

in FIRST training program, benefits of, 5

fluid intake and, 148–49

food diary and, 145

glycemic index and, 147–48, 152

ideal body weight for runner and, 150

information about, 145–46, 152

mineral supplements and, 149–50

optimal weight for training and, 146

performance and, 145, 148

polyunsaturated fats and, 148

“portion distortion” and, 146

postrace, 152

prerace, 151–52

protein and, 146, 148

Q and A, 147–52

during race, 152

saturated fats and, 148

serving sizes, 146

trans-fatty acids and, 146, 148

variety and, 157

vitamin supplements and, 149–50


Optimal weight for training, 146

Orthotics, 137, 141–42


progressive, 12

training, 111–12

Overtraining, 112, 119

Overuse injuries, 135–36


injuries and, 137

new runners and, 32, 34


P90X, 100

Pace. See also Speed

adjusting, 81, 88

adrenaline and, 23

calculating, 259–61

early fast, 22–23

FIRST training program and, 43

5K, determining, 87–88

with Garmin Forerunner watch, 260–61

goal finish times and training, 81

“hitting the wall” and, 22–23

hot weather and, 127

long run, 76–80

marathon, determining, 87

marathon training program and, 85

miles to metric conversion, 259–60, 260

race, determining, 87–88

sticking to prescribed, 81

tables, 267–87

tempo run, 71–75

treadmill, 260–61

Painter, Frankie, 33

Partner, running/training, 35, 207

Peak VO2, 10


age and, 21–22

cold weather and, 20, 127–28

endurance, 44

first half versus second half of race, 23–24

FIRST training program and improved, 10

goal finish times and, 18

hot weather and, 20, 127–28

intensity and, 25, 51

in marathon, variables affecting, 16

nutrition and, 145, 148

pace and, early fast, 22

protein and, 148

race schedule and, 117

training and improved, 18–19

undermining own, 17

variables affecting race, 15–16

volume and, 25, 51

weather issues and, 127–28

wind and, 20

Physical therapy

for Achilles tendinitis, 141

for plantar fasciitis, 142

Places for running, best, 34, 82

Plantar fasciitis, 84, 134, 141–42

Plant sources of protein, 148

Polyunsaturated fats, 148

“Portion distortion,” 146

Postrace strategies

nutrition, 152

rest and recovery, 114–15

Prediction tables. See Time prediction

Prehab, 134

Prerace strategies

caloric intake, 151–52

nutrition, 151–52

rest and recovery, 114

Progressive overload, 12

Protein, 146, 148


Q and As

cold weather issues, 129–32

cross-training, 98–101

flexibility, 178–79

form, running, 178–79

goal finish times, 18–22

hot weather issues, 129–32

injuries, 135–37

new runners, 33–35

nutrition, 147–52

rest and recovery, 113–15

strength training, 158–60

3plus2 training program, 80–88

Training with Purpose program, 80–88

year-round training, 119–22


Racing. See specific race Racing schedule, 117–19

Range of motion, 175. See also Flexibility

Real Runner Reports

Alder, Thomas, 30

Blomme, Emily J., 132

Donald, Shirley, 123

Foster, Nancy, 115–16

Gatowski, Maura, 38

Grant, Will, 144

Harshman, Eric, 204

Johnsrud, Mark, 192

Kasture, Vaishali, 49

Kostouros, Christina, 13

Lewis, Xavier, 91

Lipp, Daniel, 50

Loperfido, Dennis, 39

Marthaler, Justin, 91

Meier, Cathy, 143

Sage, Bob, 110

Skole, Stacey, 173

Slyman, Keith, 203

Vieira, Rod, 153–54

Rearfoot strikers, 179

Recovery. See Rest and recovery

Rehab, 134

Rest and recovery

enhancing, 113

essentials, 113

importance of, 113

in injury treatment

Achilles tendinitis, 141

iliotibial band syndrome, 139

plantar fasciitis, 142

stress fractures, 140

intervals, 81–82

listening to body and, 112

between marathons, 118

overload and, training, 111–12

overtraining and, 112

postrace, 114–15

prerace, 114

Q and A, 113–15

Reversibility, 14

Road Age Factors (WMA 2010), 21–22, 25, 265–66

Road Age Standards (WMA 2010), 21, 25, 263–64

Rolled ankle, 199


as mode of cross-training, 98


for 5K, 105, 105

for half-marathon, 108, 108–9

for marathon, 108, 108–9

for 10K, 105, 105

Runner’s knee, 137–38

Running clubs, 5

Running economy, 53, 84

Running form. See Form

Running groups, 5, 35

Running partners, 35, 207

“Running through” injuries, 133


Sage, Bob, 110

Saturated fats, 148

Schuder, Pete, 22


of goals, 22–24

of strength training, 172

of three quality runs, 52–53

Serving sizes, 146

Shin splints, 139


Achilles tendinitis and, 141

midfoot strikers and, 179

for new runners, 34

orthotics and, 137, 141–42

rearfoot strikers and, 179

for trail races, 199

Short-term training plan, 122

Skole, Stacey, 173

Slyman, Keith, 203

Specificity, 12, 101

Speed, 10

Spinning classes, 100

Splints, night, 142

Steroid injections, 142

Strength training

caution about, 159

essentials, 158


Advanced Bird Dog, 169, 169

Bird Dog, 168, 168

Box Step-Ups, 164, 164

breathing during, 160

Clamshell, 171, 171

Curl to Press, 167, 167

lower-body, 159

Lunges, 163, 163

Monster (Sumo Wrestler) Walk, 165, 165

One-Arm, One-Leg Bent-Over Row, 166, 166

order of, 159

recommended, 159

Single-Leg Bridges, 170, 171

Single Leg Squat, 162, 162

Squat, 161, 161

in FIRST training program, 157–58

liabilities of, 159

as mode of cross-training, 101

Q and A, 158–60

reasons for, 158–59

science of, 172

year-round, 160

Stress fractures, 140

Stress tolerance, crossing, 111–12

Stretching. See also Flexibility

benefits of, 175, 178

debate about, 176


Glutes/Piriformis, 186, 186

Hip Abduction/Iliotibial Band, 191, 191

Hip Flexors, 187, 187

Iliotibial Band (Foam Roller), 188, 188

Low Back, 190, 190

Lying Hamstring, 185, 185

overview, 176, 183

Quadriceps/Hip Flexor, 184, 184

Spinal Rotation, 189, 189

Standing Calf, 183, 183

flexibility and, 178, 193

in injury prevention, 175

in injury treatment

calf tears, chronic, 142

plantar fasciitis, 142

runner’s knee, 138

shin splints, 139

runners who perform, 175

sequence of, 178

Stride cadence, 98

Supplements, 149–50

Surgery for Achilles tendinitis, 141


benefits of, 96

fitness and, 96

form, 96

as mode of cross-training, 96–97, 97

tips, 97

training plan, 96–97

as triathlon component, 200


for 5K, 105, 105

for half-marathon, 108, 108–9

for marathon, 108, 108–9

for 10K, 105, 105


Tanaka, Hirofumi, 24–25

Tapering, 101

Temperature for running, ideal, 20. See also Cold weather issues; Hot weather issues

Tempo run

cooldown, 56

examples, 56–57

Garmin speed zone settings for, 90

in hot weather, 130

men’s BQ training plan

3:05, 209, 210–11

3:10, 212, 213–14

3:15, 215, 216–17

3:25, 218, 219–20

3:30, 221, 222–23

3:40, 227, 228–29

3:55, 233, 234–35

4:10, 239, 240–41

4:25, 242, 243–44

4:40, 245, 246–47

4:55, 248, 249–50

overview, 56

paces, 71–75

three quality runs training program

5K, 59, 59

half-marathon, 61, 61–62

marathon, 64, 64–65

novice marathon, 62, 62–63

overview, 58

10K, 60, 60

treadmills and, 87

warmup, 56

women’s BQ training plan

3:35, 224, 225–26

3:40, 227, 228–29

3:45, 230, 231–32

3:55, 233, 234–35

4:00, 236, 237–38

4:10, 239, 240–41

4:25, 242, 243–44

4:40, 245, 246–47

4:55, 248, 249–50

5:10, 251, 252–53

5:25, 254, 255–56


cycling workout for, 104, 104

Garmin speed zone settings for, 90

goal finish times, 45–46

pace, determining, 88

pace tables, 267–87

postrace rest and recovery guidelines, 114–15

Road Age Factors (WMA 2010) and, 265–66

Road Age Standards (WMA 2010) and, 263–64

rowing workout for, 105, 105

swimming workout for, 105, 105

time prediction tables, 26, 26–29

time of year to focus on, 118

training program

summary for, 48

three quality runs, 60, 60

Tendinitis, 84, 134, 140–41

TFAs, 146, 148

3plus2 training program. See also Cross-training; FIRST (Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training) training program; Three quality runs

bad training run and, 86

Colangelo and, 3–4

components of, 6–8

creation of, 112

cross-training and, 43–44, 94

design of, 82

evaluating, 8–10

goals and, 6

hill training and, 84

Infanger and, 3–4

mileage, total, 83

missing workouts and, 86

new runners and, 35

Q and A, 80–88

racing while training and, 85–86

runners who benefit from, 10, 11

skepticism about, 51

smart training and, 44–45

strategies to benefit from, 43

studies, 10, 11

success of, 10

training mileage and, 83

for triathlon, 200

weekly schedule, 47, 47

year-round training and, 120–21

Three quality runs

benefits of, 6

essentials, 54

fitness base and, 51–52

improvement and, fitness and race times, 51

intensity of, 53–54

long run, 57–58

overview, 52

science of, 52–53

tempo run, 56–57

track repeats, 54–56

training programs

5K, 59, 59

half-marathon, 61, 61–62

marathon, 64, 64–65

novice marathon, 62, 62–63

overview, 58

10K, 60, 60

year-round training and, 120

Threshold of training, 32

Time prediction. See also Goals, finish times

for Boston Marathon, 206

marathon, 15


accuracy of, 19

age and, 19, 263–64, 265–66

elevation changes and, 20

5K, 26, 26–29, 36

gender differences and, 19

half-marathon, 26, 26–29

marathon, 26, 26–29

10K, 26, 26–29

variety of, 22

Time for running, best, 34

Track repeats

caution about, 55

cooldown, 55

examples, 55–56

Garmin speed zone settings for, 90

in hot weather, 130

men’s BQ training plan

3:05, 209, 210–11

3:10, 212, 213–14

3:15, 215, 216–17

3:25, 218, 219–20

3:30, 221, 222–23

3:40, 227, 228–29

3:55, 233, 234–35

4:10, 239, 240–41

4:25, 242, 243–44

4:40, 245, 246–47

4:55, 248, 249–50

overview, 55

places for, 82

target times, 52, 66–70

three quality runs training program

5K, 59, 59

half-marathon, 61, 61–62

marathon, 64, 64–65

novice marathon, 62, 62–63

overview, 58

10K, 60, 60

treadmills and, 87

warmup, 54

women’s BQ training plan

3:35, 224, 225–26

3:40, 227, 228–29

3:45, 230, 231–32

3:55, 233, 234–35

4:00, 236, 237–38

4:10, 239, 240–41

4:25, 242, 243–44

4:40, 245, 246–47

4:55, 248, 249–50

5:10, 251, 252–53

5:25, 254, 255–56

Trail races

cross-training for, 199

injuries and, 199

physical requirements of, 198

shoes for, 199

training advice about, 197–98

training program for, 198–99

Training plan, 96–97, 121–22

Training with Purpose program. See also FIRST (Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training) training program

basis of, 4

design of, 4

evaluating, 8–10

philosophy of, 7

Qand A, 80–88

specific targets and, 10

Training runs, 84–86

Trans-fatty acids (TFAs), 146, 148

Treadmills, 87, 260–61


cycling component of, 201

Ironman-distance, 203–4

swimming component of, 200 3plus2

training program for, 200

time of year for, typical, 201

training advice about, 197–98

training program for, 200–204, 201, 202

Typical running program, 7–8


Ultra races

training advice about, 197–98

training program for, 198–99


Variation, principle of, 101–2

Vieira, Rod, 153–54

Vitamin supplements, 149–50

VO2 max, 10, 52–53

Volume, performance and, 25, 51



importance of, 82

long run, 57

tempo run, 56

track repeats, 54

Weather issues. See also Cold weather issues; Hot weather issues

performance and, 127–28

wind, 20

Weight lifting. See Strength training

Wind, 20

WMA, 21

Workouts. See also Exercises

cycling, 104, 104, 106, 106–7

overview, 102–3

rowing, 105, 105, 108, 108–9

swimming, 105, 105, 108, 108–9

World Masters Athletics (WMA), 21


Year-round training

essentials, 119

FIRST training program and, 14

phases, 120

Q and A, 119–22

strategies, 119

strength training, 160

3plus2 training program and, 120–21

three quality runs and, 120

Yoga, 101