
Cover    1

Title Page    2

Copyright Page    3

Endorsements    4

Dedication    5

List of Illustrations    9

Foreword    11

Preface    15

Acknowledgments    19

Map: The Luthers’ Locations    22

Introduction: The Story of an Unlikely Life    25

1. To the Cloister School    31

2. A Nun without a Choice    46

3. A Family Rift    56

4. The Good Monk    68

5. The Road to Damascus and a Nail in the Door    83

6. Hear This, O Pope!    96

7. The Risks of Freedom    106

8. Escape    124

9. Marriage Makeover    136

10. Tying the Knot    149

11. Backlash    162

12. Hausfrau Extraordinaire    175

13. Two Pigtails on the Pillow    192

14. A Family Affair    213

15. The Noblest, Most Precious Work    224

16. In the Valley of the Shadow of Death    235

17. ’Til Death Did Them Part    246

18. A Chancy Thing    269

Appendix    275

Notes    283

Selected Bibliography   311

About the Author    317

Back Ads    319

Back Cover    322