Chapter Thirteen


The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.


When filling in forms these days, have you noticed where you are invited to place a cross in the box that corresponds with your age, this is edging closer to the highest figures? Does this worry you? Is it galling to be bracketed as old? If you want to check how you rate, here’s Raymond Brigg’s ‘Notes from the Sofa’, which appeared in The Oldie (February 2013):


  1. Rigid in adhering to routines of daily life? Can’t answer that now – four minutes past five! Late for tea.
  2. Are your thoughts tinged with pessimism? Don’t know about ‘tinged’…
  3. Difficulties with decision making? Not sure whether to answer that or not…
  4. Unable to think of, or do, two things at once? I thought I had a cup of tea somewhere… I did make it, didn’t I?
  5. Blunting of feeling? Apathy, Indifference? Who cares about the tea? Who cares the world is getting hotter? I’ll be gone soon…
  6. Resistant to change? Who wants change? Things can only get worse.
  7. Lack of spontaneity? Yes, thank goodness. Lack of spontaneity has kept me out of all sorts of trouble.
  8. Greater caution? Definitely. It’s being cautious that stops that life-threatening spontaneity.
  9. Increased anxiety? He who is not anxious has no imagination.
  10. Distrust of the unfamiliar? Well, of course. You don’t know where they’ve been.

Whether or not you concur with the responses to these questions, it is never too late to do the best you can to stay healthy and fit during retirement. The choices you make about how well you are going to age don’t just involve diet and exercise. Mind, emotions and sleep also play a big part. Learning simple healthy ageing secrets can add years to your life. You don’t have to move to Okinawa in Japan, Sardinia or the Greek Island of Ikaria – though if you do happen to live in one of these places you are likely to live to beyond 100. According to Ikarians, you shouldn’t eat processed food, smoke, get stressed or worry about death. Research has shown that a good healthy diet, sensible exercise, afternoon naps, frequent socializing with friends and family and drinking moderate amounts of wine are key. Although we are all likely to get ill at some stage, maintaining a good quality of life helps ward off diseases for a number of years.

So, if you are approaching retirement, or are in your early 60s, now’s the time to assess your lifestyle strategy should you have one. Exercise is most important if you are to keep healthy, whatever age you are. You can exercise anywhere and there are a number of ways to keep fit even without realizing you are doing it: by walking, gardening and housework. It makes sense for all of us over-55s to look after ourselves and not take our health for granted.

Keep fit

There are limitless opportunities to take up every type of keep fit activity at any age, but it is particularly important for older people, including those with disabilities. Information on where you can find classes in your area is available online, in your local newspaper or library. The following organizations may also be able to help you:


    Fitness League:

    Keep Fit Association:

    Medau Movement:


Pilates is an invigorating form of exercise for your mind and body that can improve your strength, flexibility and overall mobility. It helps restore your body to balance; as a result your posture will change and you will move more efficiently.

    Pilates Foundation:


Yoga is popular with all ages and is a means of improving fitness and helping relaxation. Classes are available nationwide and there are a number of specialist organizations:

    British Wheel of Yoga:

    Iyengar Yoga Institute:

    Yoga for Health and Education Trust (YHET):

    Yoga Village UK:

Sensible eating

Most of us over-55s are aware of healthy eating guidelines, but often fail to put our knowledge into practice. A survey by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) found that almost a quarter of people in this age group agreed strongly with the statement that ‘life’s too short to worry about what I eat’.

And more than a third concurred wholeheartedly with the sentiment, ‘I’ve always eaten this way and it’s done me no harm.’ The survey results were published at the same time as the FSA’s new leaflet The Good Life, which gives practical advice to help the over-50s improve their diets and ward off heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. To read, order or download a copy, see; or

Should you be considering a change in diet or eating habits, sometimes kick-starting your new regime is the way forward. Whether you get a health check from your GP, take out a subscription to a health magazine, join a slimming club or book a short stay at a spa, whatever you choose should help you towards a healthier lifestyle. One organization, whose balanced approach to weight loss, whatever your age, emphasizes the importance of making small, lifetime changes that can be maintained for the long term is Weight Watchers:

Keeping healthy in the heat

Despite prolonged winters and cold weather, the older we get the more conscious we should be of the effects of the sun (when it eventually starts shining). The NHS warns that anyone over the age of 65 is in the ‘high-risk’ category for heat-related illness. Too much sun or getting overheated can induce sunstroke and dehydration, while also exacerbating existing health problems, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. These guidelines should help you keep your cool:

Food safety

Food poisoning can happen at any age but older people are more at risk because of associated health complications. Medication such as antibiotics taken by elderly people also increases the risk of food poisoning. People who have long-term chronic illnesses and health problems are also more susceptible. There are a few ways that food poisoning can occur; one of the most common is by consuming food that is past its use-by date. Elderly people who are afflicted by food poisoning will suffer much more severe symptoms than younger people. Dehydration can become a serious factor and can lead to decreased blood pressure. There are a number of precautions that should be taken to reduce the risk of food poisoning. These include:


Retirement is no reason for giving up pleasures. In moderate quantities alcohol can be an effective nightcap and can also help to stimulate a sluggish appetite. However, bear in mind that alcoholism is the third greatest killer after heart disease and cancer. Whereas most people are sensible and can control the habit themselves, others may need help. The family doctor will be the first person to check with for medical advice. But additionally, for those who need moral support, the following self-help groups may be the answer:

    Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire:

    Alcohol Concern:

    Alcoholics Anonymous:


If you are a smoker and would like to cut down or give up altogether, apart from willpower, the ban on smoking in restaurants, bars and pubs and other designated areas should have an impact. Any age is a good time to stop smoking, since smokers are 20 times more likely to contract lung cancer. They are also at more serious risk of suffering from heart disease, chronic bronchitis and other ailments. Dozens of organizations concerned with health have information on giving up smoking. The following are helpful:

    NCSCT (National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training):



    Smokeline (Scotland only):

    Stop Smoking UK:

Accident prevention

One of the most common causes of mishap is an accident in the home. In particular this is due to falling and incidents involving faulty electrical wiring. The vast majority of these could be avoided by taking normal common-sense precautions, such as repairing or replacing worn carpets and installing better lighting near staircases. For a list of practical suggestions, see ‘Safety in the home’, in Chapter 8, Your home. ROSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) has some excellent advice on this subject: see safety.

If you are unlucky enough to be injured in an accident, whether in the street or elsewhere, the Law Society offers a free service called the Accident Line to help you decide whether you can make a claim. You will be entitled to a free consultation with a local solicitor specializing in personal injury claims:

    Accident Line:

    National Accident Helpline:

Aches, pains and other abnormalities

Age itself has nothing to do with the vast majority of ailments. Many people ignore the warning signs when something is wrong, yet treatment when a condition is still in its infancy can often cure it altogether, or at least help to delay its advance. The following should always be investigated by a doctor:

Health insurance

In a recent survey of 1,000 UK adults commissioned by Private Medical Insurance provider CS Healthcare, almost a fifth of over-55s are saving for medical provision, despite being one of the groups hit hardest by the recession. However, nearly 60 per cent admitted they were confused when buying health insurance cover due to the number and variety of health insurance products on offer. A fifth said they became so confused by the entire process they found it impossible to compare like for like. PMI can be a low cost route to peace of mind when it comes to medical treatment, but policy holders often get a nasty shock when they reach retirement age, when their premiums start to rocket – just at the point when their income has reduced. However, switching to a cheaper scheme gets more difficult as we get older. Pre-existing medical conditions, including associated complaints, will normally be excluded when you take out a new policy.

The NHS has, generally, an excellent record in dealing with urgent conditions and accidents. However, it sometimes has a lengthy waiting list for the less urgent and more routine operations. By using health insurance to pay for private medical care you will probably get faster treatment, as well as greater comfort and privacy in hospital. Here are some organizations that provide cover:

    AXA PPP Healthcare:


    Exeter Family Friendly Society:

    Saga Services Ltd:


Help with choosing a scheme

With so many plans on the market, selecting the one that best suits your needs can be quite a problem. An Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) or specialist insurance broker could advise you.

    Association of Medical Insurance Intermediaries (AMII):


    The Private Health Partnership:

Private patients – without insurance cover

If you do not have private medical insurance but want to go into hospital in the UK as a private patient, there is nothing to stop you, provided your doctor is willing and you are able to pay the bills. The choice if you opt for self-pay lies between the private wings of NHS hospitals or hospitals run by charitable or non-profit-making organizations, such as:

    BMI Healthcare:

    Nuffield Health:

Medical tourism

A Medical Tourist is a person who travels abroad for specific medical treatment or alternative therapy to restore their health and at the same time experience local culture. This is often heralded as a new industry, but in fact is nothing of the kind, dating back to the ancient Greeks, who travelled to Epidauria for healing. It became popular in England in the 18th century when the spa towns sprang up, and people travelled across the country in search of healing mineral waters. The majority of people in the UK who choose medical tourism go abroad for dental treatment and cosmetic surgery. The avoidance of waiting times is the leading factor for doing so. More than 75,000 people last year sought faster or cheaper alternatives elsewhere. You can save over 50 per cent on the fees that you would pay for private treatment in the UK. Within the EU some treatments are available on the NHS, as long as you can prove that you are facing ‘undue delay’. To find out more, here are a few websites:

    Health Tourism Show:

    Medical Tourist Company:

    Travel Health.Co.Uk:

    Treatment Abroad:

Long-term care insurance (LTCI)

Long-term care insurance covers the care and support you may need in later life due to frailty or disability. This care helps you carry out normal daily activities which you may have difficulty with such as helping you get out of bed, get dressed or go shopping. The government does provide some state support to help you with the costs of long-term care. However, this support is means-tested and you will be assessed on what personal savings, property and other assets you may own. Once this assessment is done, you will be told whether or not you qualify for state support. If you don’t qualify for state support, the insurance industry offers a range of financial products and solutions to help you pay for your long-term care costs. You should discuss your options with a qualified adviser to get more information. A useful booklet A Brief Guide to Long Term Care Insurance, Choosing the right option for you is available from Association of British Insurers (ABI):

A possible alternative to a conventional long-term care policy is critical illness insurance, which pays a lump sum if you are unfortunate enough to suffer from cancer or have a stroke. Another option that has been growing in popularity is to buy a care fee annuity as and when the need arises. An advantage is that you buy a care plan only at the time it would actually be useful. If contemplating this option, it is wise to ask your IFA to recommend what would be your best choice. All LTCI products and services now come under the compulsory jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. If you choose to seek the advice of an IFA, refer to Chapter 6, Financial advisers, where there is more information.

Hospital care cash plans

These are inexpensive insurance policies that provide cover for everyday health-care costs. Claims are made after the customer has paid for the treatment and are reimbursed within a week. See British Health Care Association:

Permanent health insurance (PHI)

PHI should not be confused with other types of health insurance. It is a replacement-of-earnings policy for people who are still in work and who, because of illness, are unable to continue with their normal occupation for a prolonged period and in consequence suffer loss of earnings. While highly recommended for the self-employed, many employees have some protection under an employer’s policy. Either way, if you are close to retirement, PHI is unlikely to feature on your priority list.

Health screening

Health screening is a wise precaution. Most provident associations offer a diagnostic screening service to check general health and to provide advice on diet, drinking and smoking if these are problem areas. Screening services normally recommend a check-up every two years, and centres are usually available to members of insurance schemes and others alike.

    BMI Healthcare:


    National Health Service:

National Health Service

Choosing a GP

If you move to a new area, the best way to choose your new GP is to ask for a recommendation. Otherwise your local primary care trust or strategic health authority can assist, or you can search the NHS website:

Points you may want to consider are: how close the doctor is to your home; whether there is an appointments system; and whether it is a group practice and, if so, how this is organized. All GPs must have practice leaflets, available at their premises, with details about their service. Having selected a doctor, you should take your medical card to the receptionist to have your name registered. This is not automatic as there is a limit to the number of patients any one doctor can accept. Also, some doctors prefer to meet potential patients before accepting them on their list. If you do not have a medical card, you will need to fill in a simple form.

Changing your GP

If you want to change your GP, you go about it in exactly the same way. If you know of a doctor whose list you would like to be on, you can simply turn up at his or her surgery and ask to be registered; or you can ask your local primary care trust, or health board in Scotland, to give you a copy of its directory before making a choice. You do not need to give a reason for wanting to change, and you do not need to ask anyone’s permission.

NHS Direct

If you need medical advice when you are on holiday or at some other time when it may not be possible to contact your doctor, NHS Direct offers a 24-hour free health advice service, staffed by trained nurses. See website:

An alternative to dialling 999

Last year trials of a three-digit telephone number for those needing non-emergency medical care were launched in North East England.

NHS County Durham and Darlington Primary Care Trusts piloted the free 111 number, to act as an alternative to 999, followed by Nottingham, Lincolnshire and Luton. This government service has not initially replaced NHS Direct, but may do so in the longer term if successful. If so, it will be available nationwide:

People calling 111 will be able to get health advice and also information about local services such as out-of-hours GPs, walk-in centres, emergency dentists and 24-hour pharmacies. It is hoped it will take the pressure off 999 calls, amid estimates suggesting that up to half of these calls do not need an emergency response. But anyone calling the number with an emergency will have an ambulance despatched without the need for the call to be transferred.

Help with NHS costs

If you or your partner are in receipt of Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or the Pension Credit Guarantee Credit, you are both entitled to help with NHS costs. For full information and advice see NHS Choices: England/healthcosts.

If you live in Scotland, see:


Both men and women aged 60 and over are entitled to free NHS prescriptions. Certain other groups are also entitled to free prescriptions, including those on low income. If you are not sure if you qualify, you should pay for your prescription and ask the pharmacist for an NHS receipt form FP57, which tells you how to claim a refund. For further information, see leaflet HC11, ‘Help with health costs’, obtainable from some pharmacies and GP surgeries.

People who do not qualify but who require a lot of prescriptions could save money by purchasing a prescription prepayment certificate. A prepayment certificate will work out cheaper if you are likely to need more than four prescription items in three months, or more than 14 items in 12 months, as there is no further charge regardless of how many prescription items you require. See website: or, if you live in Scotland,

Going into hospital

Many patients are unaware that they can ask their GP to refer them to a consultant at a different NHS trust or even, in certain cases, help make arrangements for them to be treated overseas. Before you can become a patient at another hospital, your GP will need to agree to your being referred. Those likely to need help on leaving hospital should speak to the hospital social worker, who will help make any necessary arrangements. Help is sometimes available to assist patients with their travel costs to and from hospital.

If you go into hospital you will continue to receive your pension as normal. Your pension – as well as Employment and Support Allowance, Severe Disablement Allowance, Income Support and Pension Credit Guarantee Credit – will continue to be paid in full, without any reductions, for the duration of your stay. For further information, see leaflet GL12, ‘Going into hospital?’, obtainable from your GP, social security or Jobcentre Plus offices and NHS hospitals.


If you wish to make a complaint about an NHS organization, you should contact them directly first. If you’re not sure where to start or how to get in touch with an NHS body or independent regulator, here are some suggestions. The first stage is known as local resolution. If you are not satisfied with this, you can ask the NHS trust or strategic health authority for an independent review. The complaints manager will be able to tell you whom to contact about arranging this. If you are still dissatisfied after the independent review, then the Health Service Ombudsman (formerly known as the Health Service Commissioner) may be able to help.

    NHS Choices:

    Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for England:

    Public Services Ombudsman for Wales:

    Scottish Public Services Ombudsman:

An alternative approach is to contact the independent advice centre that offers guidance to patients in the event of a problem with the health service:

    Patients Association:

Complementary and alternative medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) includes a group of diverse medical and health-care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine. Complementary medicine is generally regarded as a complementary treatment that is used alongside conventional medicine, whereas alternative medicine is regarded as a treatment used in place of conventional medicine. Here are some of the better known organizations:

    British Acupuncture Council (BacC):

    British Chiropractic Association:

    British Homeopathic Association:

    British Hypnotherapy Association:

    General Osteopathic Council:

    International Nature Cure Society:

    National Institute of Medical Herbalists:


It is advisable to have your eyes tested at least every two years. Regular sight tests can pick up many conditions and detect signs of other diseases, so it is a sensible precaution to do this. You will qualify for a free NHS sight test if you are aged 60 and over; you live in Scotland; you or your partner receive Income Support, Family Credit, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit and are entitled to or named on a valid NHS Tax Credit exemption certificate or are named on a valid HC2 certificate. People with mobility problems who are unable to get to an optician can ask for a domiciliary visit to have their eyes examined at home. The going rate for private sight tests if you do have to pay is about £25. There is a voucher system for helping with the purchase of glasses or contact lenses for those on low incomes. People who are registered blind are entitled to a special tax allowance each year. For 2013/14 it is £2,160.

All the main banks will provide statements in Braille; several institutions offer large-print chequebooks or templates for chequebooks, as well as other facilities such as a taped version of their annual report. There is no extra charge for these services.

Here are some useful organizations for matters relating to sight:

    Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB):

    International Glaucoma Association:

    Partially Sighted Society:


    British Wireless for the Blind:

    Calibre Audio Library:


Many people forget about their feet until they begin to give trouble. Podiatry is available on the National Health Service without referral from a doctor being necessary, but facilities tend to be very oversubscribed, so in many areas it is only the very elderly or those with a real problem who can get appointments. The professional association for registered chiropodists and podiatrists has a list of over 10,000 private practitioners.

    Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists:


In the UK alone there are 10 million people living with a hearing loss; and only 2 million of them are wearing hearing aids, even though many more could benefit from them. Being able to hear properly is important for a number of reasons: safety and awareness; conversation and interaction; enjoyment and entertainment. Because hearing works ‘invisibly’ it isn’t always given as much attention as it should. Changes happen so gradually, hearing loss can often go undetected. Signs to look out for are:

If you have noticed any of these, talk to your GP, who may refer you to an audiologist or hearing care professional. Friends and family can do a great deal to help those who are deaf or hard of hearing. One of the essentials is not to shout but to speak slowly and distinctly. You should always face the person, so he or she can see your lips, and avoid speaking with your hand over your mouth or when smoking. Learning British Sign Language is another option. In case of real difficulty, write down your message. There are other specialist organizations that can give you a lot of help on hearing aids and on other matters:

    Action on Hearing Loss:

    British Deaf Association (BDA):

    British Tinnitus Association (BTA):

    Hearing Link:


People in their 50s, 60s and 70s look much younger these days thanks to advances in medicine and a healthier diet and lifestyle. But one thing that can let the older generation down is discoloured or misshapen teeth. Everyone knows the importance of having regular dental check-ups. Dentistry is one of the treatments for which you have to pay under the NHS, unless you are on a very low income. If you or your partner is in receipt of Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or Pension Credit, you are entitled to free NHS dental treatment. You may also receive some help if you are in receipt of the Working Tax Credit; for details, see leaflet HC11. To avoid any nasty surprises when the bill comes along, it is important to confirm possible costs with your dentist before he or she treats you, and to check that you are being treated under the NHS. This also applies to the hygienist, should you need to see one. To find a dentist in your area, search NHS Choices:

Prevention is always better than cure. If you want free, independent and impartial advice on all aspects of oral health and free literature on a wide range of topics, including patients’ rights, finding a dentist and dental care for older people, see British Dental Health Foundation:

For those who like to be able to budget ahead for any dental bills, best advice is to take out a dental health plan. One of the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist has over 6,500 member dentists and approximately 1.8 million patients across the UK – Denplan:

Personal relationships

Retirement, for couples, involves a major lifestyle change, since one partner may be retiring earlier or later than the other. If they retire at the same time, couples will need to adjust to spending longer together. Sadly some people feel as the years have rolled by that they have less in common than they once had. However, statistics show that the over-hyped rise in ‘silver-surfer’ divorces is due to an increase in the age at which couples marry, not higher divorce rates. Should couples find it difficult to resolve differences once retired, there are a number of organizations that offer help and guidance:

    Albany Trust:

    Marriage Care:

    Scottish Marriage Care:


    Relationships Scotland:

Help for grandparents

Regular contact with grandparents has been shown to be of great benefit to grandchildren from birth onwards. Sadly it is difficult for grandparents to maintain close contact with their grandchildren should adult children divorce. While some divorcing parents work hard to avoid this happening, others deny grandparents access and sometimes sever the relationship completely. There are a number of organizations that have experience of advising grandparents and offer practical help and support should this be of concern to you.

    Grandparents’ Association:

    Grandparents Plus:



Depression in later life is a widely under-recognized and under-treated medical condition. Up until recently many health professionals – including GPs – failed to identify depression, seeing it as an inevitable feature of ageing and so have not offered the treatments and support available to other age groups. Most forms of depression can be treated, regardless of the person’s age, using medication, talking treatments or other interventions.

It is can be difficult to diagnose depression in older people because it often occurs alongside other mental and physical illnesses, such as dementia and chronic illnesses such as stroke, diabetes and cancer. In addition many older people do not seek help from their GP. It is important to seek help as early as possible. Here are some useful websites:

    Depression Alliance:




Some common disorders

The rest of this chapter deals with some of the more common disorders, such as back pain and heart disease. If you are unfortunate enough to be affected, or have a member of your family who is, here are some organizations that provide information and support.


This condition makes it hard to speak, read or understand language, and affects individuals who have suffered a stroke, a head injury or other neurological damage. The national charity that can help is: Speakability:

Arthritis and rheumatism

Although arthritis is often thought of as an older person’s complaint, it accounts for the loss of an estimated 70 million working days a year in Britain, and 10 million people suffer from it. You don’t have to put up with the pain of arthritis as there are a number of organizations that can help:

    Arthritic Association:

    Arthritis Care:

    Arthritis Research UK:

Back pain

Four out of five people suffer from back pain at some stage of their lives. While there are many different causes, doctors agree that much of the trouble could be avoided through correct posture, care in lifting heavy articles, a firm mattress, and chairs that provide support in the right places.

For further information, see BackCare:

Blood pressure

High blood pressure can be symptomless yet it is the leading cause of strokes in the UK and can lead to heart attack and heart failure. One in three adults has high blood pressure but a third of those will be completely unaware of it. Anyone over the age of 50 should keep a check on their blood pressure as it tends to rise with age. Post-menopausal women also see an increase in their blood pressure. The good news is that blood pressure can be successfully managed with medication and some simple lifestyle changes, such as:

For further information see The Blood Pressure Association:


With continuing research and improved treatments more people suffering from cancer today can be expected to make a complete recovery. Early diagnosis can make a vital difference and if you are offered the opportunity for screening or testing it is advisable to take advantage of it. It also goes without saying that anyone with a lump or swelling, however small, should waste no time in having it investigated by a doctor.

There are now over 300 cancer charities in existence, each researching or focusing on a particular variant of the disease. Here are a few, but to find a list of all of them consult

    Bowel Cancer UK:

    Breast Cancer Care:

    Cancer Research UK:

    Macmillan Cancer Support:

Chest and heart diseases

The earlier sections on smoking, diet, drink and exercise list some of the most pertinent ‘dos and don’ts’ that can help prevent heart disease. Statistics reveal that UK death rates from coronary heart disease are among the highest in the world, killing almost 120,000 people a year, and coronary heart disease is responsible for one in five of all deaths. Although people tend to think of heart attacks as particularly affecting men, over four times as many women die from heart disease as from breast cancer. The following charity plays a leading role in the fight against diseases of the heart and circulation:

    British Heart Foundation:


Diabetes occurs when the amount of glucose in the blood is too high for the body to use properly. It can sometimes be treated by diet alone; sometimes pills or insulin may also be needed. Diabetes can be diagnosed at any age, although it is common in the elderly and especially among individuals who are overweight. For further information see:

    Diabetes UK:

    Independent Diabetes Trust:


Migraine affects over 10 million people in the UK. It can involve severe head pains, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances and in some cases temporary paralysis. The leading UK charity that funds and promotes research, holds international symposia and runs an extensive support service is the Migraine Trust:

Osteoporosis and menopause problems

Bone is a living tissue which needs to be kept healthy. It changes throughout our lifetime, with new bone constantly replacing old bone. From the age of 35 our bones begin to weaken gradually. This can lead to osteoporosis: a condition in which bones become so fragile that they can break very easily. The most common injuries from falls affect the spine, hip and wrist. One in two women (and one in five men) suffer from osteoporosis. Following the menopause, women’s levels of the hormone oestrogen naturally decrease.

AgeUK compiled a list of ways to boost bone health:

The following websites may be useful:

    Menopause Exchange:

    National Osteoporosis Society:

    Women’s Health Concern:


A stroke is a brain injury caused by the sudden interruption of blood flow. Over 130,000 people suffer a stroke every year in England and Wales. It is unpredictable in its effects, which may include muscular paralysis or weakness on one side, loss of speech or loss of understanding or language, visual problems or incontinence. Prevention is similar to the prevention of heart disease. A stroke has a greater disability impact than any other medical condition. The Stroke Association is the only UK-wide charity solely concerned with combating stroke in people of all ages. See Stroke Association:


Disability is covered in Chapter 15, Caring for Elderly Parents, so if you or someone in your family has a problem not mentioned here, you may find the answer you need there.