
01    Are you looking forward to retirement?

            Pre-retirement courses

            New focus for the retired

02    Money in general

            Doing the sums

            Possible ways of boosting your retirement income

            Money – if you are made redundant

            Money left unclaimed

            Extra income

03    Pensions

            The state pension

            How your state pension is worked out

            Private pensions


            Becoming self-employed

            Questions on your pension scheme

            Protection for pension scheme members

            Pension rights if you continue to work after retirement age

            Divorce, separation and bereavement

04    Tax

            Income tax

            Tax allowances

            Tax relief

            Tax-free income

            Income tax on savings and investments

            Mistakes by HMRC

            Tax credits

            Tax rebates

            Capital gains tax (CGT)

            Inheritance tax (IHT)

            Independent taxation


            Retiring abroad

05    Investment

            Sources of investable funds

            General investment strategy


            National Savings & Investments (NS&I)

            Variable interest accounts

            Fixed interest securities


            Long-term lock-ups

            Investor protection

06    Financial advisers

            Choosing an adviser



            Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)

            Insurance brokers

            Occupational pension advice



            Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

07    Scams and complaints

          Allan Esler Smith

            Some common scams

            Keeping safe from telephone cold calls and e-mail scammers

            Keeping your investments and savings safe

            Complaints and ‘how to complain’

            Further reading

08    Your home

            Staying put

            Moving to a new home

            Retirement housing and sheltered accommodation

            How green is your house?

            Tips for reducing your energy bills

            Improvement and repair

            Safety in the home

            Home security

            Personal safety


            Raising money on your home – equity release

            Using your home to earn money

            Holiday lets

            Benefits and taxes

09    Leisure activities

            Adult education



            Computing and IT


            Creative writing

            Dance/keep fit


            Gardens and gardening




            Nature and conservation

            Public library service

            Sciences and other related subjects

            Special interests


            For people with disabilities

            Women’s organizations

10    Starting your own business

          Allan Esler Smith

            Yes, you can!

            Some of the differences between starting a small business and employment

            Why bother with a plan?

            What goes into a plan?

            Practical and emotional tips

            Keep on top of the paperwork

            Paying tax and national insurance

            Marketing tips to fill your diary

            Trading formats

            Alternative ways of getting started

            Operational and other issues


            Property investment

            Further help, advice and training

            Case studies

            Starting and running a business – checklist

11    Looking for paid work

            Financial considerations

            Age discrimination and equality

            Assessing your abilities

            Training opportunities

            Help with finding a job

            CV writing

            Interview technique

            Part-time openings

            Employment ideas

            Caring for other people

            Cashing in on your home interests

            Agencies and other useful organizations

12    Voluntary work

            Types of work

            Choosing the right voluntary work




            Children and young people


            The elderly

            The family

            Health and disability

            Heritage and the arts

            The needy

            Offenders and the victims of crime


            Service personnel and veterans

            Work after work

            Long-term volunteering

13    Health

            Keep fit

            Sensible eating

            Keeping healthy in the heat

            Food safety



            Accident prevention

            Aches, pains and other abnormalities

            Health insurance

            Long-term care insurance (LTCI)

            Permanent health insurance (PHI)

            Health screening

            National Health Service

            Complementary and alternative medicine





            Personal relationships


            Some common disorders


14    Holidays

            Art and cultural appreciation

            Arts and crafts

            Coach holidays

            Historical holidays

            Language courses

            Other people’s homes

            Overseas travel


            Rail holidays


            Self-catering and other low-budget holidays

            Special interest holidays


            Wine tasting

            Working holidays

            Golden gappers

            Holidays for singles

            Holidays for those needing special care

            Touring in the UK

            Long-haul travel


            Travel and other concessions

            Tips for safe travelling

15    Caring for elderly parents

            Ways of adapting a home

            Alarm systems

            Main local authority services

            Key voluntary organizations



            Power of Attorney

            Living-in help

            Flexible care arrangements

            Emergency care for pets

            Practical help for carers

            Benefits and allowances

            Financial assistance

            Special accommodation

            Community Care

            Care homes

            Costs of care

            Some special problems

16    No one is immortal


            Provision for dependent adult children

            Money and other worries – and how to minimize them

            Funeral plans

            State benefits and tax

            Organizations that can help

            Directory of useful organizations and contacts
