If you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet, they’re about to announce the lottery numbers.
According to recent research by Primetime Retirement (www.primetimeretirement.co.uk), the number of people working past the age of 65 could hit 2 million within the next decade. Increasing longevity and the need to boost retirement income means an increasing number of older people in Britain are working past the current pension age. Between 2008 and 2010 the number of over-65s in the workforce increased by nearly 20 per cent, and this growth can only continue as changes in employment law and state pensions mean more will have the opportunity to stay in work. One of the reasons for the increased number of post-retirement age workers is the tough economic climate, but it is good news that many older people who wish to continue working are not being locked out of the job market because of their age. However, for some older workers the picture is not so rosy – 45 per cent of unemployed people aged 50–64 have been out of work for more than a year. This is significantly higher than any other age group, so it is vitally important that employers do not overlook the skills and experience older workers have to offer. So how difficult is it to find paid work in your 60s? Would you be willing to work into your 70s and beyond?
Top tips: Motivators for continuing to work in your 60s and beyond
Should you be considering remaining in employment beyond retirement age, there are a number of options available. You could continue to work full time, should your employer wish to keep you on. With years of experience and useful skills, this is something of value to employers. You might prefer to work part-time or flexible hours. Some people wish to have a complete change and set up in business for themselves (see Chapter 10). If you are looking for employment you could contact previous employers, if you have enjoyed working for them. They might consider you for any vacancies they have. Many employers do welcome older workers, as they are viewed to be reliable and have good workplace experience. Over the course of your working life you will have picked up many skills – some of which are transferable and could be utilized in a whole host of jobs. Be ready to show potential employers how keen you are to learn. Be able to demonstrate that taking on new training and learning new skills and working methods are not a problem to you.
You may have to be prepared to work for less money than you previously earned, and show your potential employer that you are more than willing to pass on some of your skills to other less experienced colleagues. However, one of the older workers’ trump cards is reliability, and this can be reinforced by references from previous employers. Provided you come across well at interview, potential employers are likely to value your stability. Whatever your reason, enjoy your job hunting.
Since the abolition of the earnings rule, no matter what age you are or how much you earn there is no longer any forfeit to your state pension, although of course you may have to pay tax on your additional income. If you are working close to a full-time week and/or have enough money to live on, there could be an advantage in asking the DWP to defer your pension, as this will entitle you to a bigger one in the future. Each year of deferral earns an increment of about 10.4 per cent of the pension.
Another advantage is that, if you choose to defer your pension by at least a year, you will have the option of taking the money as a taxable lump sum instead of in higher weekly pension payments. For other information concerning your pension, tax, and working for yourself refer to Chapters 3, 4 and 10.
Age discrimination and equality
Age discrimination legislation came into force in October 2006, and The Equality Act was enshrined in 2010. These laws make it illegal for employers to discriminate against older candidates on account of age as regards recruitment, training and promotion. In particular, provided individuals are still physically and mentally capable of doing their job, an employer can no longer oblige them to retire at a ‘default’ retirement age. Employers also now have a duty to consider requests by employees who want to postpone their retirement and will need to give those they want to retire at least six months’ written notice of their decision. The government scrapped 65 as the UK’s default retirement age, with effect from April 2011.
Knowing what you have to offer a potential employer is an essential first step. Make a list of everything you have done, in both your formal career and ordinary life, including your outside interests. In particular, consider adding any practical or other skills, knowledge or contacts that you have acquired over the years. These could now prove especially useful. If, for example, you have done a lot of public speaking, fundraising, committee work or conference organization, these would be excellent transferable skills that would make you attractive to a prospective employer. As a result of writing everything down, most people find that they have far more to offer than they originally realized. In addition to work skills, you should include your personal attributes and any special assets that would attract an employer. The list might include health, organizing ability, a good telephone manner, communication skills, the ability to work well with other people, use of a car and willingness to do flexible hours. Maturity can also be a positive asset.
If you spend some time working on your personal branding, how to market yourself and to whom, you will become much more focused. It will help you form a clearer idea of the sorts of jobs that would suit you. As a general rule when job hunting, the more accurate and targeted you can be in the application process, the more likely you are to succeed. If you intend to do something completely different do your research carefully. Talking to other people helps. Friends, family, work colleagues or business acquaintances may have useful information. It could also be sensible to consult outside experts who specialize in adult career counselling. Whatever you decide to do, remember that with age and experience comes wisdom. You have the power to negotiate and you have the power to decide what you want to do next. Make sure you take a job that is right for you.
Job counselling
This is usually a mixture of helping you to identify your talents in a vocational sense combined with practical advice on successful job-hunting techniques. Counsellors can assist with such essentials as writing a CV, preparing for an interview and locating job vacancies. They can also advise you of suitable training courses. There are numerous companies offering this service; a search on the internet will reveal them. Best advice is to ask for recommendations from other people before signing up with a company. If you want to make really certain they can help, you could ask to speak to one or two of their former clients to find out whether they found the service useful.
Knowing what you want to do is one thing, but before starting a new job you may want to brush up existing skills or possibly acquire new ones. Most professional bodies have a full programme of training events, ranging from one-day seminars to courses lasting a week or longer. Additionally, adult education institutes run a vast range of courses or, if you are still in your present job, a more practical solution might be to investigate open and flexible learning, which you can do from home.
Open and flexible learning
Open and flexible learning is successfully helping to provide a greater range and flexibility of vocational education and training opportunities for individuals of all ages. In particular, it is designed to increase the scope for participants to learn at a time, place and pace best suited to their own particular circumstances.
The following organizations offer advice and an excellent range of courses:
Adult Education Finder: www.adulteducationfinder.co.uk.
Home Learning College: www.homelearningcollege.com.
Home Learning Courses: www.homelearningcourses.com.
Learn Direct: www.learndirect.co.uk.
National Extension College: www.nec.ac.uk.
National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE): www.niace.org.uk.
Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODLQC): www.odlqc.org.uk.
Open University (OU): www.open.ac.uk.
IT skills
If you are considering a change in direction, some new qualifications may be advantageous. IT skills are essential, so if you are not confident about your computer literacy and don’t have much IT experience or specialist knowledge, here are some websites to look at:
Affordable Training: www.affordabletraining.co.uk.
Computeach: www.computeach.co.uk.
Home and Learn: www.homeandlearn.co.uk.
National Skills Academy: www.itskillsacademy.ac.uk.
If you plan to work in retirement, the best way is to start looking while you still have a job. Prospective employers may prefer applicants who are busy and actively working rather than those who have had a period of non-employment for whatever reason. However, whether you are hoping to go straight from one job to another, or have had an enforced period of not working, this should not affect the way you approach your job search. If you have been retired for some time and want to return to work, you might consider doing some voluntary work in the meantime (see Chapter 12, Voluntary work). This would provide a ready answer to the inevitable interview question ‘What have you been doing?’
When starting to look for work, make sure you tell your friends and acquaintances that you are in the market for work, and include your present or recent employer. Some firms encourage consultancy links with former executives, or at least are prepared to respond to a good idea. A greater number are more than happy to take on previous employees over a rush period or during the holiday season. If you are a member of a professional institute, talk to them and tell them of your availability. Many institutes keep a register of members wanting work and, encouragingly, receive a fair number of enquiries from firms seeking qualified people for projects, part-time or temporary work, interim management or sometimes even permanent employment. Any clubs to which you belong could provide useful leads, as well as any committees you sit on, or any other group with which you are involved. Often someone you know will be the perfect link between you and your next employer.
With so many vacancies being advertised online, it pays to have a CV and covering letter ready for submission straight away. Sign on to a select number of sites that will keep you posted about work opportunities. Check out where there are skills shortages and see if any of your transferable skills would help plug that gap. When applying for jobs, remember that enthusiasm counts. Keep in regular contact, by telephone, e-mail or personal visit. Sometimes being on the spot and available at the right time are the keys to success. A direct approach to likely employers is another possible option. Ask your colleagues, contacts and friends for their advice on which organizations might be interested in employing someone with your abilities. If someone you know can prepare the ground in advance by way of introduction, and act as referrer, this is far more likely to get you noticed.
The following websites may be useful:
Laterlife: www.laterlife.com.
Really Caring 60+ Recruitment Co: www.applegate.co.uk.
Redundancy Expert: www.redundancyexpert.co.uk.
TAEN (Experts in Age & Employment): www.taen.org.uk.
Wise Owls: www.wiseowls.co.uk.
Regardless of whether you use contacts, advertisements or agencies – or preferably all three – a prime requirement will be to have a well-presented Curriculum Vitae. This is your personal sales document and it will be helpful if it can be e-mailed to prospective employers. It should contain:
Your CV should be no longer than two pages of A4. It should be targeted to the job on offer, emphasizing those elements of your experience and skills that are relevant. There are plenty of websites where CV templates can be downloaded for free, with tutorials explaining the entire process. A well set out CV can make all the difference when it comes to catching an employer’s interest. Older workers should concentrate on their main employment skills and employers when updating a CV. See:
CV Library: www.cv-library.co.uk.
If you have worked for the same employer for a number of years, your interview skills may be a little rusty. It is a good idea to list all the questions you expect to be asked (including those you hope won’t be brought up) and then get a friend to rehearse you in your answers. In addition to questions about your previous job, have answers prepared for the following: what you have done since leaving employment; whether your health is good; why you are interested in working for this particular employer; and, given the job requirements, what you think you have of special value to offer. You may also be asked what you know about the organization, so do your research. Obvious mistakes to avoid are claiming skills or knowledge that you do not possess; giving the impression that you have a series of stock answers to problems; and criticizing your former employer. Be prepared to have an answer to the question: how much money would you expect? With the economy still struggling, you may have to strike a balance between what you would like and what is realistic in the current market. Here are some websites that have some useful advice about how to prepare for interviews.
CV Tips: www.cvtips.com.
Fish4Jobs: www.fish4.co.uk.
Job Search News: www.job-hunt.org.
Useful reading
Preparing the Perfect CV (5th edition), Preparing the Perfect Job Application (5th edition) and Successful Interview Skills (5th edition), all by Rebecca Corfield and published by Kogan Page; website: www.koganpage.com.
With the job market so competitive, many part-time or temporary assignments offer the perfect way into employment that may develop into full-time work in future. With the average job now lasting between 1.8 and three years, temporary or project-based professional and executive assignments that last a specific time are becoming increasingly common. People with specialist expertise are actively sought, so it is important to be aware of the growth areas in employment. Over a fifth of all new jobs are now on a contract basis, the average being for six months or a year. Mature candidates have everything to gain here because of the greater turnover of jobs. Serial part-time or freelance work can easily develop into a full-time occupation. Many retired businesspeople take on two or three part-time jobs and then find themselves working as hard as they have ever done in their life. See:
High 50 UK: www.high50.com.
Over Fifties Friends: www.overfiftiesfriends.co.uk.
Skilled People: www.skilledpeople.com.
A number of retired executives hire themselves back to their former employer in a consultancy capacity. They undertake specific projects for which they are paid a fee. This may be structured as a lump sum or, as many consultants do, they may negotiate a day rate. Consultancy, by definition, is not limited to a single client. By using your contacts judiciously plus a bit of marketing initiative, it is quite possible to build up a steady list of assignments on the basis of your particular expertise. Marketing and organizational skills are always in demand, as are knowledge of IT, website design, accountancy, HR issues and public relations experience and fundraising. Small firms are often a good bet for consultants, as they normally buy in expertise as and when it is required. Many established consultancies retain a list of reliable associates – a sort of freelance register – whom they call on, on an ‘as needed’ basis, to handle suitable assignments. Have a look at the following websites for suggestions:
Consulting UK: www.consulting.co.uk.
Institute of Consulting: www.iconsulting.org.uk.
Mindbench Management Consultancy: www.mindbench.com.
Interim management
Interim managers represent a huge growth area in recruitment over the past few years. An interim manager gives a company instant access to a ‘heavyweight yet hands-on executive’ with proven track record to meet its needs. Typically hired for three to nine months, interim managers help organizations undergoing major change, implement critical strategies or plug a crucial management gap. Many of the best jobs go to those who have recently taken early retirement or been made redundant. Assignments could be full time or involve just one or two days’ work a week. For more information:
Aim Recruitment Ltd: www.aiminterims.co.uk.
Executives Online: www.executivesonline.co.uk.
Interim Management Association (IMA): www.interimmanagement.uk.com.
Interim Partners: www.interimpartners.com.
Openings via a company or other reference
Secondment from your current employer to another organization is something worth considering. This can be part time for a few hours a week or full time for anything from a few weeks to two years. It can also often lead to a new career. Normally only larger employers are willing to consider the idea since, as a rule, the company will continue to pay your salary and other benefits during the period of secondment. If you work for a smaller firm it could still be worth discussing the suggestion, as employers benefit from the favourable publicity the company attracts by being seen to support the local community. See:
Business in the Community: www.bitc.org.uk.
Whitehall & Industry Group: www.wig.co.uk.
Public appointments
Opportunities regularly arise for individuals to be appointed to a wide range of public bodies, such as tribunals, commissions and consumer consultative councils. Many appointments are to local and regional bodies throughout the country. Some are paid but many offer an opportunity to contribute to the community and gain valuable experience of working in the public sector on a part-time, expenses-only basis. Public appointments vacancies at local and regional levels across UK are found on www.gov.uk/public-appointments.
Non-executive directorships
Many retiring executives see this as the ideal solution; however, these appointments carry heavy responsibilities made more onerous by recent legislation. If you are able and committed and have the necessary experience, see these websites:
First Flight Placements: www.ffplacements.co.uk.
NED Exchange: www.nedexchange.co.uk.
Non-Executive Directors’ Club: www.non-execs.com.
In addition to the normal consultancy openings in marketing, there is scope for those with knowledge of market research techniques. The work covers a very broad spectrum, from street or telephone interviewing to data processing, designing questionnaires, statistical analysis and sample group selection.
Market Research Society: www.mrs.org.uk.
National Centre for Social: www.natcen.ac.uk.
Paid work for charities
Although charities rely to a very large extent on voluntary workers (see Chapter 12), most charitable organizations of any size have a number of paid appointments. Other than particular specialists that some charities may require for their work, the majority of openings are for general managers or administrators, fundraisers and those with financial skills. Salaries in general are considerably below the commercial market rate. Anyone thinking of applying for a job in a charity must be in sympathy with its aims and style. Agencies specializing in charity recruitment advise that it is a good idea to work as a volunteer before seeking a paid appointment, as this will provide useful experience. The following organizations may help:
CF Appointments: www.cfappointments.com.
Charity JOB: www.charityjob.co.uk.
Charity People: www.charitypeople.co.uk.
Harris Hill: www.harrishill.co.uk.
ProspectUs: www.prospect-us.co.uk.
TPP Not for Profit: www.tpp.co.uk.
Working for a Charity: www.wfac.org.uk.
Almost every commercial firm in the country needs good sales staff. Many people who have never thought of sales could be excellent in the job because of their specialist knowledge in a particular field combined with their enthusiasm for the subject. There is always a demand for people to sell advertising space. Also, many firms employ demonstrators in shops or at exhibitions for special promotions. The work is usually temporary or freelance by definition, and while pay is normally good, the big drawback is that you could be standing on your feet for long periods of the day. If the idea of selling fires you with enthusiasm, there are many opportunities to tempt you.
Career Builder: www.careerbuilder.co.uk.
Employers Jobs: www.employersjobs.com.
Tourist guide/holiday reps
Tourist guide work is something that will appeal to extroverts, with stamina and a liking for people. It requires an academic mind as well, since you will need to put in some fairly concentrated study. While there are numerous possible qualifications, some are easier than others. Training for the coveted Blue Badge takes 15 months. The Blue Badge itself is no guarantee of steady work, and most tourist guides are self-employed. Opportunities are greatest in London, especially for those with fluency in one or more foreign languages. See:
Guild of Registered Tourist Guides: www.britainsbestguides.org.
You could sign on as a lecturer with one of the growing number of travel companies offering special interest holidays. To be eligible you need real expertise in a subject, the ability to make it interesting and have an easy manner with people. Pay is fairly minimal, although you may receive tips – plus of course the bonus of a free holiday.
Travel Job Search: www.traveljobsearch.com.
Travel Weekly: www.jobs.travelweekly.co.uk.
Other tourist work
If you live in a popular tourist or heritage area, there is a whole variety of seasonal work, including jobs in hotels, restaurants, shops and local places of interest. Depending on the locality, the list might also include jobs as deckchair attendants, play leaders for children, caravan site staff, extra coach drivers and many others.
If you have been a teacher at any stage of your career, there are a number of part-time possibilities.
With examinations becoming more competitive, demand has been increasing for ex-teachers with knowledge of the public examination system to coach youngsters in preparation for A and AS levels, GCSE and common entrance. Research local schools, search the internet or contact a specialist educational consultancy:
Gabbitas Education Consultants: www.gabbitas.co.uk.
Specialist subjects
Teachers are in demand for mathematics, physics, chemistry, technology and modern languages. People with relevant work experience and qualifications may be able to teach or give tuition in these subjects. A formal teaching qualification is required to teach in state-maintained schools. Before engaging with children, you will need a DBS check (see page 246). Retired teachers, linguists and others with specialist knowledge can earn good money from tutoring.
Further Education Jobs: www.fejobs.com.
Home Tutors: www.hometutors.org.uk.
English as a foreign language
There is an ongoing demand for people to teach English to foreign students. Opportunities are concentrated in London, but most cities that have universities offer language courses during the summer. Good English-language schools require teachers to have an initial qualification in teaching English to those who have a different first language.
British Council: www.britishcouncil.org.
Intensive Tefl Courses: www.tefl.co.uk.
Tefl Courses: www.teflengland.co.uk.
Working in developing countries
There are various opportunities for suitably qualified people to work in the developing countries of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific on a semi-voluntary basis. Skills most in demand include civil engineering, mechanical engineering, water engineering, architecture, urban, rural and regional planning, agriculture, forestry, medicine, teaching English as a foreign language, maths and physics training, and economics. All air fares, accommodation costs and insurance are usually covered by the organizing agency, and pay is limited to a ‘living allowance’ based on local levels. As a general rule, there is an upper age limit of 65 (VSO accepts volunteers up to 75), and you must be willing to work for a minimum of two years.
The following are the major agencies involved in this kind of work (more details are contained in Chapter 12, Voluntary work):
International Service: www.internationalservice.org.uk.
Progressio: www.progressio.org.uk.
Skillshare International: www.skillshare.org.
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO): www.vso.org.uk.
Publishers regularly use freelance staff with appropriate experience for proofreading, copyediting, design, typography, indexing and similar work as well as for writing specialist copy. See:
The Bookseller: www.thebookseller.com.
The Society for Editors and Proofreaders: www.sfep.org.uk.
There are a number of opportunities for paid work in this field. If you are considering working with vulnerable people (young or old), you will be required to have a full Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This was formerly the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check. This is designed to protect those who need to rely on other people and to ensure that no one unsuitable is appointed to a position of trust who is likely to abuse it. These checks are extremely thorough and can take several weeks or even months to process. Please be patient and as accurate as possible when asked to provide information by prospective employers, charities or not-for-profit organizations. For further information about DBS checks and why they are required, see website: www.gov.uk – Employing people (select the ‘Recruiting and hiring’ link).
Domestic work
A number of private domestic agencies specialize in finding temporary or permanent companions, housekeepers and extra-care help for elderly and disabled people or for those who are convalescent. Pay rates vary depending on which part of the country you live in and the number of hours involved.
Anchor Care: www.anchor.org.uk.
Consultus Care & Nursing Agency Ltd: www.consultuscare.com.
Country Cousins: www.country-cousins.co.uk.
Universal Aunts Ltd: www.universalaunts.co.uk.
The Lady magazine, published every Wednesday, has classified advertisements for domestic help.
Home helps and childminding
Local authorities sometimes have vacancies for home helps, to assist disabled or elderly people in their own home by giving a hand with the cleaning, light cooking and other chores. Ask your local social services department. If you already look after a grandchild during the day, you might consider caring for an additional couple of youngsters. You will need to be registered with the local social services department, which will explain all the requirements including details of any basic training – such as first aid – that you may first need to do.
Qualified nurses are in great demand in most parts of the country and stand a good chance of finding work at their local hospital or through one of the many nursing agencies. Those with suitable experience, although not necessarily a formal nursing qualification, could apply to become a care support worker for the newly merged charity: Crossroads Care and The Princess Royal Trust for Carers have merged to form the leading carers’ charity.
Carers Trust: www.carers.org.
Taking care of someone else’s home while they are away on holiday or business trips is something mature, responsible people, usually non-smokers with no children or pets, can do. It is a bit like a paid holiday, depending on the responsibilities and on the size of the house or flat. Food and travelling expenses are normally also paid. It is useful to have your own car. Firms specializing in this type of work include:
Absentia: www.home-and-pets.co.uk.
Homesitters Ltd: www.homesitters.co.uk.
Rest Assured House Sitters: www.restassuredhousesitters.co.uk.
Universal Aunts Ltd: www.universalaunts.co.uk.
Cashing in on your home interests
Cooking, gardening, home decorating, dressmaking and DIY skills can all be turned into modest money-spinners.
Bed and breakfast
Tourist areas, in particular, offer scope for taking in B&B visitors. However, unless you want to make a regular business of it, it is advisable to limit the number of guests to a maximum of five. To be on the safe side, contact the local environmental health officer who will advise you of anything necessary you should do. You should also register with your local tourist information centre. See the section ‘Letting rooms in your home’ in Chapter 8, Your home (see also ‘Paying guests or lodgers’ in that chapter).
Scope includes catering other people’s dinner parties, selling home-made goodies to local shops and cooking for corporate lunches. Other than top-class culinary skills, requirements are a large deep freeze, a car (you will normally be required to do all the necessary shopping) and plenty of stamina. Notify your friends, advertise locally and set up a website.
Small shopkeepers and florists sometimes purchase flowers or plants direct from local gardeners, in preference to going to the market. Alternatively, you might consider dried flower arrangements or herbs, for which there has been a growing demand. However, before spending any money, check around to find out what the sales possibilities are. If you are willing to tend someone else’s garden, the likelihood is that you will be inundated with enquiries. Spread the word among friends and acquaintances as well as local advertising.
Dressmaking, upholstery and home decorating
If you are happy to do alterations, the chances are that you could be kept busy from dawn to dusk. Many shops are desperate for people who sew. Likewise, many individuals and families would love to know of someone who could alter clothes, as well as dress-make properly. Perhaps to a slightly lesser extent, the same goes for curtains, chair covers and other soft furnishings. Often a good move is to approach firms selling materials for the home, which might be only too glad to put work out to you. If you spread the word among neighbours that you are available, or put a card in the newsagent’s window, you may be surprised at the response. Do your friends envy your ability to assemble flat-packed furniture, fix things that are broken or decorate your house? Why not start charging for DIY? You can make money from any hobby – but there’s more about this in Chapter 10, Starting your own business.
Agencies and other useful organizations
Job-hunting through agencies is very much a question of luck but there is no need to be out of work for long if you are proactive. Work for the over-50s and -60s varies and if you are seeking challenging opportunities, it might be worth checking the following sites:
Executive Stand-By: www.esbpeople.co.uk.
Manpower UK: www.candidate.manpower.com.
Parity: www.parity.net.
Prime 50 Plus: www.prime50plus.co.uk.
Skilled People: www.skilledpeople.com.