Chapter 9

Flames of the
Witch’s Souls

Why is working with the three souls important for psychic or magickal ability? By working with the Three Soul model we’re given different lenses from which to view reality. Think of it as having a microscope for the Lower Self, a telescope for the Higher Self, and a pair of reading glasses for the Middle Self. Through working with each soul we gain different vantage points from which to interpret psychic information given to us. Likewise, it also gives us different layers of reality to work with and manipulate in a magickal context. If we’re just looking through one set of lenses, say reading glasses, we can’t see what’s going on at the microscopic level, and likewise, we cannot see what is going on at the macroscopic level beyond our eyesight like we can with a telescope. In the same vein, we work with different parts of our souls during different times and practices for specific purposes.

However, sometimes we need them to come into alignment so that we can operate from a place of being completely aligned in our divine power, working on several levels simultaneously. Most people are out of alignment with their three souls. As witches, being aligned with the three souls empowers the self to be completely plugged in with all parts of ourselves. When in a state of alignment, we’re consciously aware of our multidimensional reality, being in tune with all three realms and the energies that those realms possess. It enables us to break down the barriers of the illusion of reality and to see the multidimensional reality for what it is and to see those who are in it. It increases the ability to lift the veil between the worlds and peer through.

The Trinity of the Soul

There are two pop culture metaphors I like to use to explain soul alignment. The first was suggested by Danielle Dionne, who is an amazingly talented psychic medium and witch. She compared soul alignment to the game show Legends of the Hidden Temple which aired on Nickelodeon in the 1990s. In the show, teams of children would compete in physical and mental competitions themed around folklore and mythology. There was one part of the challenge called “Shrine of the Silver Monkey,” where essentially they came across three sections of a broken idol of a monkey deity. These sections were the head, torso, and bottom. They had to assemble the monkey idol in the right order to get it to activate and move on. First, they had to put the base on the shrine, then the torso, and then the head. This is an excellent example of soul alignment and the process—coming into alignment with the Lower Self, the Middle Self, and the Higher Self—after which you’ve activated your Witch Fire.

The second pop culture metaphor I like to use is even sillier. It’s from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which I used to love as a child. In the show, each Power Ranger has a giant dinosaur robot that they operate. These are called Zords. In the final battle of each show, the Zords all unite to make a Megazord, which is a massive robot made from all the individual robots. I particularly like this example because each of the Zords operates autonomously but also can unite to become a much more powerful unified robot. A similar pop culture idea that parallels and predates that is the cartoon Voltron where the five individual robot lions come together to create a giant robot called Voltron.

The alignment of our three souls synchronizes their energy into one stream. Let’s think back to the idea of binaural beats. If we think of this all in the idea of frequency, instead of two frequencies we have three. Three souls are creating something seemingly new or more precisely revealing something new from their harmonic alignment.

The Witch Fire

When our three souls are aligned a phenomenon occurs called the Witch Fire. The Witch Fire is the energetic elixir of all three of the souls functioning as one unified energy. When we align our three souls, we step into our divinity and our full potential. The Witch Fire is often experienced as an ecstatic state of gnosis, power, and Divine Love felt as agape. Agape is unconditional love for all humanity that is seen as a divine quality. It’s acknowledging the divinity within all people and desiring well-being for them, often through voluntary service, whether through word, deed, or magick.

As we’ve explored, witches are the priests and priestesses of their own souls, and as such are their own authority on their own lives when in alignment with their True Will. The occultist Nema wrote that “the Priesthood is a condition of a soul on fire with love. The Priesthood is a way of life demanded by a certain level of spiritual responsibility, a way of life that focuses action and non-action toward universal enlightenment.” 34 A famous quote from Crowley’s Book of the Law states that “love is the Law, Love under Will.” 35 Thelemites interpret this as love referring to agape and will as relating to Thelema (True Will).

The Witch Fire is also known as the Witch’s Fire, Witch Flame, the Threefold Flame, and even sometimes as the Fire of the Holy Spirit. The Witch Fire is seen as electric blue and has a consistency to it that seems a bit like fire, a bit like electricity, while also moving in a fluid-like way. It permeates through the witch and around her. The Witch Fire is the power of creation itself; it’s a sample of you in a deified state while being alive, the power of Spirit’s Will running through you for your use in co-creating reality through magick. Here I would like to re-emphasize the nature of cocreation and not dominating or abusing this power. We seek power with, not power over. Those who have done so while working with the Witch Fire have been known to have serious repercussions. So ensure that your motives are correct and just before embracing this power. When in soul alignment and our Witch Fire is activated, it’s said that we are in our divine state as a child of the Great God and the Great Goddess. The Witch Fire aligns the witch’s power with the power of creation itself.

Exercise 60

Soul Alignment and the Witch Fire

Begin by tuning in. Pay attention to your breath as it goes in and out, bringing particular attention to the pauses between each inhalation and exhalation. Visualize your thoughts and your sense of self as the amber-colored flame of the Middle Self at your heart center, your middle cauldron. Bring your attention here as the flame grows and steadies with each breath. Keep your focus until the flame grows to fill and then encompass your body slowly.

Invoke your Lower Self and bring your attention to a point just below the navel at your lower cauldron and focus on a ruby-colored flame of the Lower Self, representing all of your primal desires, emotions, and shadows. The flame grows and steadies with each breath, slowly filling and encompassing your body, turning the amber flame to a ruby red flame.

Invoke your Higher Self and keep breathing, focus your attention on a spark of prismatic and opalescent white flame refracting all the colors of the rainbow within its whiteness just above your head. This is your Higher Self, the indestructible holy aspect of your divinity.

As you breathe, this white flame begins to pouring into the upper cauldron of your head where it begins to overflow the cauldron. The overflow of the Higher Self’s energy begins pouring this white fire down through and around you like a luminous liquid fire transmuting the ruby-red flame into a flame of electric blue fire. This is your Witch Fire, the union of three parts within you that are now working together as one.

Feel the power of your Witch Fire for a few moments permeating within every cell of your body, running through your veins and gently burning around you as a divine aura. Then affirm:

“By divinity, ego, and desire

Aligned as one from three parts.

Now by the power of the Witch Fire

I am in tune with the ancient art.

Three in one and one in three

I am they and they are me.”

To return back to your normal Middle Self consciousness, just perform the Closing Down exercises.

Exercise 61

Basic Hands-On Healing

The Witch Fire is the power of alignment: the power of your Higher Self, your Lower Self, and your Middle Self coming into harmony. It brings balance and helps to attune you on different levels of being, including emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. As such, we can also use it to help bring others into balance and assist in healing them. You don’t need to be attuned to any lineage of energy healing, such as Reiki, for this. Through soul alignment, you’re already attuned to the frequency of the ancient witch’s power.

For this exercise you want to ensure that you aren’t touching the person too firmly; you want your touch to be soft and gentle. The more you press, the weaker the flow of energy transference will be. You also want to ensure that you don’t have any sort of technology or jewelry on your wrists or hands such as rings, bracelets, or watches. This may alter the frequency of the energy being sent by either absorbing some of the energy or by mixing its energy with the energy you’re sending. For a basic method of healing, we want to rely solely on the power of our Witch Fire.

It’s helpful to have the person you are doing an energy healing on to be as relaxed as you can get them, to ensure that they’re more receptive to the energy and not unconsciously blocking the flow with doubts, worries, or stress. Likewise, you should already be in a relaxed and aligned state when performing this healing technique, as you should be tuned in and aligned already.

Begin by tuning in. Perform a soul alignment. Focus on the feeling of your Witch Fire all around you and running through you. Remember the energy flow from above and below you in the Creating a Circuit exercise of Tuning In (Exercise 15). You want to ensure that you are never using your own personal energy reserves when healing someone else, but rather that of celestial and terrestrial energies that you’re circuiting through your body and energy field. Think of the celestial and terrestrial energies as supplying fuel for your Witch Fire, to ensure you don’t drain yourself in this process. Set your intentions that your Higher Self and their Higher Self, your Lower Self and their Lower Self, your Middle Self and their Middle Self are all going to work together in this process.

Awaken the energy centers in your hands (Exercise 30) and gently place your hands on the person. Think about the pain, discomfort, or ailment that they’re going through. Begin Solar Breathing and think of it as a bellows that is adding oxygen to your Witch Fire. Feel the energy flowing from your hands into the person you’re healing. See the blue fire moving through your body and into the person’s body and energy field. Focus your thoughts and feelings on the ideas of wellness, healing, and balance. Return your breath to normal while maintaining this channeled flow of energy. Tune in to the person you’re healing and trust the process, knowing that your Higher Self is guiding how much energy to send and when to stop.

When you are finished have the person drink a glass of water and guide them through grounding any excess energy if they’re feeling lightheaded or dizzy.


34. Nema, The Priesthood: Parameters And Responsibilities (Cincinnati, OH: Back Moon Publishing, 2008), 1.

35. Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law (San Francisco, CA: Weiser, 1976), 9.