An aura is a field of energy that surrounds all objects, people, and entities. The more complex the being, the more complex the aura will be. For that reason, inanimate objects tend to have very basic auras. Rocks will have less complicated auras than plants. Plants will have less complex auras than animals. Animals tend to have less intricate auras than human beings. The aura appears as a field of colored light that conveys psychic information to us. Auras can tell us about the emotional state, moods, thoughts, health, and spirituality of a person.
The word aura comes from the Latin word aura, which means “a breeze.” In Greco-Roman mythology, four gods personified the four cardinal winds. These gods were called the Anemoi. The Anemoi had daughters who were the nymphs of the breezes. These nymphs were called the Aurae. There was also the principal goddess of breezes who was named Aura. Aura and the Aurae were depicted in classical art as having a velifactio, which was a piece of fabric that would billow in the breeze behind them. This velifacatio would frame around them in an egg-shaped layer, which is reminiscent of how the aura looks to the eye.
The velifacatio represented celestial energy, or what we might call astral energy in modern times, as the word astral is derived from the Latin word astrum, which means connected to the stars. Later, the velifacatio would be depicted in art behind royalty and people of a certain quality of worldly power. This is similar to how halos are used in art to illustrate a holy person, which is also a reference to the aura of a person. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that someone has an “air about them.” This expression points to the idea of an aura that a person has.
The word aura is very similar to the word aurora. Aurora was the goddess of the dawn, and her name means “morning light” or “dawn.” Aurora and Aura were conflated by Roman writers such as Ovid in “The Metamorphosis.” I think this gives another layer of meaning to why we use the word aura for the energy field. So not only is it a non-physical “air” about a person that appears in layers, but it’s also colored light just as the dawn sky is filled with various colored lights all blending into one another, just as the aura around a person appears.
The Cauldrons and the Auric Field
The three spiritual cauldrons are our inner portals of our auric field. Just as the image of a classical witch’s cauldron is filled with a liquid which in turn steams and boils out, so too are our cauldrons continually taking in energy from different realms of reality and, when filtered through ourselves, are expressed as an auric field around us. The function is similar to breathing. We’re always taking in information from our multidimensional energetic environment and filtering it through our inner cauldrons and releasing it as auric fields around us. Each cauldron processes two different dimensional bands of our reality. The Cauldron of Warming as a focal point of our Lower Self processes etheric and astral energies. The Cauldron of Movement as a focal point of our Middle Self processes mental and emotional energies. The Cauldron of Wisdom as a focal point of our Higher Self processes psychic and divine energies.
These auric fields act as our other bodies in our multidimensional reality. While our focus is predominantly on our physical bodies, we have six other bodies also existing within their own dimensional band of reality. Think of the dimensional bands of reality as channels of energy all existing within the same space. Just like radio waves, they’re seemingly invisible and unperceivable, but if you use a radio and tune in to the right station by homing in to that radio frequency band, a specific radio station emerges. By working with our spiritual cauldrons, we can learn to tune in to these dimensional bands to differing degrees.
Therefore, the physical body is our body within the physical plane. Our etheric body is our body in the etheric frequency band. Our astral body is our body in the astral frequency band. Our emotional body is the body within the emotional frequency band. Our mental body is the body within the mental frequency band. Our psychic body is our body in the psychic frequency band, and our divine body is our body within the divine frequency band. These are all existing simultaneously, and our physical body is the nexus binding and holding these bodies together as a mortal coil.
These frequency bands are housed in a broader grouping that we experience as the three worlds in the World Tree. The Lower World of the roots of the World Tree houses the etheric and astral. The Middle World of the trunk of the World Tree houses the mental and emotional. The Upper World of the branches of the World Tree houses the spiritual and divine.
Reality Maps
If you’ve read other metaphysical books, there’s a strong chance that you’ve seen the aura and reality explained or depicted a bit differently. That’s because when it comes to the realm of the spiritual, nothing is concrete, and therefore it’s not a precise science. However, we can chart these into models that help us navigate in these realms by having a basic understanding of what is out there. Christopher Penczak refers to these as “reality maps” in the Temple of High Witchcraft,44 and it’s important to understand that reality maps are models created to serve a specific purpose. When we get too hung up on one particular model of ourselves or reality itself, we stunt our growth, what’s accessible to us, and our possibilities. Likewise, I’ve discussed what beings you’re most likely to encounter in these planes of reality; does that mean that this is where they concretely exist? Absolutely not. What it means is that this is where you’re most likely going to be able to come into a sympathetic channel of resonance and be able to experience them.
So why are the auric fields depicted the way that they are if they’re coexisting within the same space? Why is this division of the auric fields represented in the layer arrangement that they are? The first answer is that everyone’s psychic perception is different. Think of each psychic as having a different level of zoomed focus. When a psychic looks at the aura they may see the layers rearranged in different ways and they may also perceive subtler distinctions or more generalized auric bodies. The second reason is that this particular reality map helps us understand which energies are tied to which parts of the World Tree along with our Three Soul and Three Cauldron Model. The most important reason, however, is that this order of auric layers and levels of reality helps us understand the mechanics of magick. It clearly charts out the steps we take in casting magick, how it goes from our physical reality to the divine, what steps we take to receive the manifestation, and how that magick is returned as results from the divine to our physical reality.
Multidimensional Magick
To perform successful magick, we start with the physical. We may gather physical ingredients such as candles, herbs, poppets, crystals, etc. We may even hold our physical prompt gesture of crossing our fingers. This begins the energy work. We then create an energetic container for it in the etheric by creating space for the magick. This is expressed as clearing the mind and getting into an altered state, setting aside a time to perform the magick, and casting a circle or creating sacred space. By doing this, we are setting the stage for creation. Next, we push that container of magick along with what’s in it, which is often referred to as a thoughtform, into the astral by filling it with our willpower and willing our intentions to manifest.
We then push this thoughtform into the emotional by conjuring up and aligning with the emotional energy we wish to manifest and directing that into the spell. Rootworkers and conjurers are known for playing classical blues and jazz music, which evokes the emotional power of the working that they’re doing, in the background while performing their magick. If you’re creating magick to manifest love, you evoke those inner feelings of love and bliss to be attached to your thought form. We then move the thoughtform into the mental by expressing our desire clearly. This is done through mentally or verbally affirming what you desire, writing out a petition, speaking the words of a spell, chanting, or singing.
In the next stage of our magick, we push the thoughtform into the psychic by clearly envisioning the outcome we desire and visualizing how that desire may be manifested. The last step in our formula for casting a spell, we send it out into the Divine by petitioning deity to intervene on our behalf. This can be expressed as witches raising the cone of power and sending the thoughtform out into the cosmos to be done. We surrender the thoughtform to the highest levels of reality and release our attachment to it.
Once this is done and the actual magickal casting is finished, it then returns to us like a boomerang. It is returned to us by ensuring all of our energy is in alignment with what we are seeking to obtain. When every part of ourselves is in alignment with our magick, we become our magick and it is almost impossible for that magick to not become a reality. We honor the Divine and align with our Higher Will and we act in service to others, which initiates the manifestation back into our lives. From the Divine, it enters into the psychic as we envision that the spell has already manifested and happened, and refusing to envision any outcome that contradicts our desire.
From the psychic, it enters the mental by knowing that it is already being fulfilled and not allowing our thoughts that contradict our desire to override our manifestation. It then enters the emotional by feeling that it is happening and ensuring that we are emotionally optimistic about its manifestation. It’s then brought down into the astral by remaining utterly steadfast in our willpower and refusing anything less than results. It then begins anchoring into the etheric when we create space within our lives for it to manifest.
It then becomes a physical reality when we take the initiative of action, which is an essential but often overlooked element in spellcasting. Physical activity is like creating an outlet for all of this energy to flow through into the physical plane. For example, you are not going to manifest the perfect relationship for you if you are not actively putting yourself into social situations where you can meet someone. If you’ve performed all of these steps but sit on your laurels, there’s a strong chance that nothing is going to change nor is your soulmate going to burst through the walls of your living room only to find you on your couch.
The Etheric
The very first layer of the aura is called the etheric body. The etheric body is the most accessible layer of the aura to see and what people usually see when they begin to see auras. It appears as an outline around a person, ranging from a few centimeters to a few inches in width. At first, it will usually look either like a transparent substance like heat rising off of hot pavement, or as a white or greyish haze around a person. With time and development, the psychic witch will begin to perceive the etheric body in full color.
The word “ether” comes from the Latin phrase aethr, which translates as “the upper pure, bright air” with etymological roots in the Greek words aíth
meaning “I burn, shine” and aith
r meaning “upper air.” Aether, in Greek mythology, was a primordial deity who embodied the substance that filled the upper regions of the abodes of the gods which they breathed the same way humans depend upon and breathe air. This gives us a clue of the nature of this field, as metaphysical energy. Plato wrote that “there is the most translucent kind which is called by the name of aether” in his work Timaeus.
However, the most significant insight into the nature of this field is gained by understanding its name comes from ancient Greek alchemical sciences. Aether was the name given to the fifth elemental force that makes up reality, also known as the quintessence in Latin, and more commonly today in English as Spirit. Spirit is the divine elemental force which permeates and composes each of the four elements. It is for these reasons that I believe this field is called the etheric field. Everything that exists in physical reality has an etheric form. That’s because it is the energetic matrix upon which physical reality takes shapes. The etheric body penetrates every particle that creates matter and is the force that acts as a container to hold everything together into a grid-like contour.
The etheric realm is simultaneously the first step of manifesting from the physical and the last stage of manifestation before reaching the physical. A great way to think about it is as similar to traditional photography. When a photographer takes a picture, the image is captured and imprinted on the camera film as a negative. This process occurs from the film capturing light in its crystalline structure and recording it. This negative is similar to the etheric realm in the sense that from it the actual photograph is developed, but until it does, it is only a transparent blueprint of the image that resembles, but is not quite, the image before the image goes through the exposure process. Just like a roll of film that absorbs light to be recorded into an image, the etheric field also has a magnetic quality to it and in our metaphor it is the last place of attraction before we receive our desired results. Think of the process of sending and receiving a manifestation as taking a photo. In this metaphor think of the camera as having a roll of film inside. You point the camera in the direction of the object that you want to capture and click the shutter button. It then absorbs light into itself to record an image to be developed later.
The etheric body exists within the etheric realm, both of which act as the liminal bridge between the physical and the subtle spiritual energies, translating information back and forth. The etheric, however, is not solely dependent or interconnected with the material. In rare cases in which a spirit is taking on a full visible form before your eyes, it is manifesting an etheric body to interact with the physical realm more concretely and is the closest it can come to the physical without the shell of physical matter. Likewise, it’s the energetic vehicle we can craft ourselves to hold all the other energetic ingredients out into the Universe when casting a spell.
For this reason, I like to think of the etheric as being linked to the idea of sacred space. When we cast a spell as witches, the first thing we do is create a sacred space to work within. An old metaphysical trick to receiving manifestation is clearing out physical space within your life for the manifestation to anchor into physical reality. If all physical objects have an etheric field, it would only make sense that by clearing excess physical clutter we are allowing a space for a new etheric manifestation to develop as there are fewer etheric fields in the way. For example, if you’re trying to manifest a job, you will need to create the room in your schedule for it to be fulfilled. Or in my case, in the process of manifesting this book I have cleared space in my schedule in which I have the room to be able to create this book through typing it up.
The Astral
The second layer of the aura is called the astral body. The astral body still retains a rough shape of the physical body, being the next layer out of the etheric body, which holds the energetic matrix of form. The astral body is usually psychically seen as swirling colors, looking like nebulous clouds of light. However, being next to the emotional body, it also can change form and shape-shift and has the unique ability to create an astral double of itself, or portions of itself, and detach from the rest of the energetic bodies.
The astral body is also referred to as “the fetch.” Sometimes the fetch can broadly refer to the Lower Self. Sometimes the term fetch can apply to an artificial servitor spirit that one has created to do their bidding, created out of their own energy field. Sometimes the fetch can refer to the vessel the Lower Self takes on when shape-shifting into an animal while traveling in other realms, particularly in ecstatic journeying and out-of-body experiences. The astral body can move through the inner and outer realms of our reality and is the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms without any concrete concept of time and space.
The astral body is connected deeply to emotional energy, being next to the emotional body; however, these are emotions that are not necessarily logical or thought-based, but more based on an unconscious fight-or-flight safety mechanism. Think of the feelings of a very young child or a small animal, and you’ll be getting close to the idea. This is also the body itself that is related to desires, needs, wants, and drives. Therefore it is also associated with willpower. The astral body is the part of us that dreams, and the dreamscape and astral plane of reality are pretty hard to distinguish if there’s any distinguishing of them at all. When we dream, we are enacting and interacting with our desires, needs, wants, drives, stresses, and fears. It is our willpower and our unconscious emotions that are setting the stage and propelling us through the dreamscape unless we become conscious, lucid dreamers within the dream. It is this part of the energy body that understands and experiences archetypes, memories, and dream symbols.
The astral body is malleable and often, without channeling direct willpower, is unstable. This is why in dreams it’s usually hard to see one’s own hands or feet or reflection for long periods of time, if they’re perceived at all. When astral projecting outside of the body, a duplicate is created. Think of this duplicate as an astronaut’s suit. During an out-of-body astral projection experience, the mental awareness will split into two portions, one being the astral body around a person and the other being the astral double. This lasts for a few moments until usually the mental awareness connects with the double as a primary focus.
A typical experience when one is about to astral project, but something messes up, is that the person’s mental awareness in their astral body connected to their physical will wake up while the body is asleep and not link to this astral double. It’s as if instead of choosing the double as the primary focus, it will decide to remain with the person. This phenomenon is called sleep paralysis since the physical body is completely paralyzed, as it is every time we sleep so that we don’t physically enact our dreams.
A common report with sleep paralysis is that there is usually a dark shadowy figure in the room. Sometimes this is reported as a hag witch, a monster, an alien, or a demonic entity. My personal belief is that it isn’t any of these things, but instead that this is the astral double we would typically enter to astral project. Because the astral body is connected to primal emotions, desires, and fears, it is unstable in its form. When one wakes up to find their body paralyzed and sees a shadowy figure in the room, it’s only a normal reaction to become scared and panic. Since the astral body surrounding the physical body and the astral body’s double are intricately linked—being the same energy body split into two—our astral double automatically takes on our fears and panic and takes on a hideous form.
If you ever find yourself in this situation of sleep paralysis, I have found that staying calm is the best thing you can do. The more you panic and resist, the more terrifying the experience will be. From this state you have two options: you can re-enter your dreams, or you can wake yourself up. If you want to re-enter your dreams, try to remain calm and close your eyes while focusing on the swirling patterns behind your eyelids; this will usually do the trick. If, however, you wish to wake up, the preferred method to wake up is to direct your willpower to your toes and try to use all of that willpower to wiggle them consciously, breaking the paralysis of sleep. A more natural method is to scrunch your face as if you’ve smelled something rotten. The key is to focus on one small part of your physical body and not the whole thing. Another method to wake up is to try to cough, which is an action that the mind allows the physical body to do while dreaming, which will then give you a moment to regain control of your body.
I believe that it is the astral body part of the soul that gets fragmented through traumas and left in different places within time and space. It is these astral fragments that are called back in a process referred to as “soul retrieval,” in which a magickal practitioner is luring back aspects of ourselves to be reintegrated for wholeness. Keeping in mind that the astral body is a part of the Lower Self, think of it very much like a scared or wounded animal or a child that runs away to avoid more pain and abuse. These are parts of ourselves that are hiding out of fear due to a traumatic event. Just like a scared animal or child, the witch performing a soul retrieval must gain these fragmented aspects of the self’s trust and prove that it’s safe to return.
The astral realm is where we experience and process information in a broader, more unconscious manner, transcending conscious thought. This layer of reality is thought to be the layer of reality in which we experience astrological influences, which affect our moods and interactions without ever being consciously processed. It was believed that the astral realm was composed of different energies of planetary and zodiacal influences that enacted their will upon people, and that the astral was the space between the higher realm of the gods and humans. These stellar influences were called “the celestial spheres” by the ancient Platonists. This is why it is called “astral,” which derives from the Latin astrum, meaning “star,” as it is referring to the heavenly influence of astrology. As such, it is also where we experience other spaces of reality as a place to interact with.
When it comes to manifestation in spellwork, this layer of reality is connected to primal willpower. What I mean by that is that it is the layer where we hone what our specific desires are for the spellwork. These primal desires are classified as the planetary powers. For example, if you want to cast a love spell, you would connect with the energy of Venus, the planetary power that governs love. So mostly this stage is about picking which planetary energy your will is aligned with for the outcome of your goal and vibrating in harmony with that planetary energy. When it comes to receiving our manifestation, we maintain this primal willpower desire and keep vibrating in accord with that planetary energy. So with the etheric layer, we’ve created space and a container for the energy of the spellwork, and with the astral layer we give it a charge of our planetary will and begin to separate it from our energy fields so that it can go out into the Universe for manifestation.
The Emotional
The third layer of the aura is called the emotional body. The emotional body is where the energy bodies begin losing their shape, being further removed from the etheric body of form, but close enough to hold a bit of shape. It appears very much like the astral body, being swirls of cloud-like colors and light within the aura. The emotional body is the bridge between the mental body and the astral body. It is also the bridge between the Lower Self and the Middle Self. As such, the emotional body can relay the information regarding the subtle energies and influences that the astral body detects and express that as feelings of intuition via physical sensations and emotional sensations, which the mental body can then translate into understanding.
On the other hand, a lot of our emotions are affected by our thoughts and thinking. The emotional body processes this and translates it down to the astral body. The emotional body is constantly shifting as we go through various emotions throughout the day. Emotions that we continuously feel without shifting them to another state, such as depression, begin to imprint the astral body and become more deeply rooted. In the case of trauma, a mental experience processed through the emotional body is sent down to the astral body, which can fracture and splinter it.
The emotional body can be trained and worked with through the mind’s mental body. We can learn to use our thoughts to condition our feelings, as in the case of affirmations. We can also create states of emotional pain and suffering through repeated negative thinking, fears of the future, and regrets of the past. Being a part of the Middle Self soul, the emotional body understands time and space and can experience and reflect those perceptions. Through cleansing our emotional bodies of the Middle Self regularly, we can wash our astral body of the Lower Self.
In the Faery/Feri Tradition of Witchcraft, practitioners perform a cleansing ritual called Kala, which originates from the spiritual tradition called Huna. During Kala, water is used (which has resonance with the astral body) as a reciprocal for emotional energy we want to cleanse. Feelings that are thought of as more negative in nature—such as anger, shame, regret, or grief—are transferred into the water and the divine is invoked to purify and transmute as healing. The witch then drinks the water as a remedy for the deeper wounds that the Lower Self of the astral body is holding on to, to help heal and loosen up the stagnant emotions affecting how we interact, feel, and think.
The emotional body is also where we connect with others through relationships and how we feel with others. This is the aspect of the Middle Self’s spider embodiment that connects us through emotional threads called aka threads in Huna. These threads are connecting two or more people through the emotional body. It is also the energy body that contains energetic cords and hooks in more toxic relationships. This is the part of the self that emotional vampires will drain energy from, by creating a cord with the emotional body and mental body and manipulating the two to gain their sustenance. Sometimes emotional vampirism is unconscious, and in some rare cases, it’s conscious.
When it comes to manifestation in spellwork, this layer of reality is connected to how we emotionally feel. Primarily, it’s how we want our desired manifestation to feel on an emotional level when we receive it. In these terms, we divide the emotions into two primary aspects—positive and negative. While this may seem like oversimplifying the spectrum of emotions that can be felt, this is basically what this process of spellwork is focused on. For example, if we’re casting a spell to find a new job, we will want to feel positive about the spell and not feel doubtful, sad, or worried.
So energetically we’ve created a container for the energy, we’ve aligned with our willpower by connecting to a planetary power and separated it from our energy field, and now we’re telling the spell if we want the manifestation to enact that planetary power positively or negatively. Most often, unless you are working malefica or a binding spell, you will want to charge it to be positive to receive beneficial outcomes. When receiving the manifestation, we want to put ourselves in a state of emotion that we believe we will feel when it is happening. For example, if you’re casting for a job, you will want to feel excited, happy, grateful, and relieved just as you imagine that you will when you’ve obtained it.
The Mental
The fourth layer of the aura is called the mental body. The mental body loses its form and appears as an egg shape around a person. It isn’t perceived as moving colors, but rather as a faint light, usually with a light golden or yellow hue to it. Geometric shapes and forms are created within the light of the mental body as the mind thinks different thoughts. Through a prolonged manner of thinking, these geometric shapes and forms can crystallize within the mental body as “thoughtforms” within the auric field. As such, these thoughts can either help or hinder us.
It is through the mental body that we can express ourselves and our unique identities. It is the speaker and the listener. It is the part of ourselves that has beliefs, ideas, dreams for ourselves and the future, ethical stances, and affiliations with groups. The mental body is the part of ourselves that we most closely identify with and understand and is the most identified with the Middle Self soul. In fact, it is that voice right now inside of your head that is narrating this text that you’re reading and creating images based upon that. It understands itself as individual from others and has a concept of self through the ego. It is the true bridge between the Upper and Lower Self. It can translate emotional impulses sent from the astral body as intuition, and it can translate divine pulses transmitted through the psychic to be understood by the conscious mind. It thoroughly understands the concept of time and space and can reminisce about the past, plan for the future, process information in language, and hold abstract thoughts and philosophies.
The mental body as spider connects different ideas and thoughts to gain a bigger picture. It also can home in on details. It also connects people together as distinct others, through words and thoughts, conveying not only information about physical reality to another person but also the emotional intelligence of the Lower Self as well as the abstract ideas and philosophies of the Higher Self. It is this part of our energy body that can manipulate and move things through the different parts of the World Tree and what binds the three souls of a person together. The mental body can program and heal our emotions and thereby manipulate the astral body and Lower Self. It can also mentally direct meditations, visions, and journeying work to harness the psychic and divine bodies.
The term Theosophists called the mental body was the causal body. Causal literally means to involve causation. Causation is the act or agency of producing an effect. It points to the idea that the mental body can express, indicate, and create cause and in turn return effect into one’s life. The mental body is seen as the veil of illusion, which separates us from the auric bodies of the Higher Self that understand its interconnectedness and oneness with all things. It was also viewed as the seat of the soul, the place where our conscious focus predominantly sits and is connected to the physical-mental faculties and processes of the brain. It is for this reason that both the frontal lobe, which controls reasoning, self-control, and decision-making (which I would identify with the mental body) as well as the pineal gland within our brain (which I identify with the psychic body and which receives psychic and divine information) have both been referred to historically as the seat of the soul.
When it comes to manifestation in spellwork, this layer of reality is where we give instructions and specify with clarity what we want. It’s how we tell the spell what we want it to do. So if we’ve created an energetic container for our energy, charged it with our planetary power desire, separated it from our own field, and given it a positive or negative charge, the mental level is where we program all of this raw energy to have instructions. We do this by explicitly specifying what we want to manifest through written and spoken words chosen carefully.
For example, if we’re looking to manifest money into our lives, we don’t just intend to “have money.” Remember, the intention isn’t everything, and this is where we turn intention into a direct command of willpower. If we cast a spell to receive money, we may find five dollars in the pocket of some old jeans. That may not be what you truly wanted or needed. It’s through language and thought that we could clarify, “I desire to have enough money to pay my rent and bills and still have $1,200 left.”
When receiving the manifestation, we keep ourselves in a state of knowing that the spell has worked and that our desire will manifest to fulfill our request. We keep our thinking positive and don’t second-guess or doubt the working, but instead maintain a state of mind of faith and knowingness.
The Psychic
The fifth layer of the aura is called the psychic body. The psychic body is an egg shape around a person and is usually perceived as a deep indigo background, similar to the night sky. This field is best thought of like a mirror that reflects information from the divine body. These bits of information are seen psychically as streams of prismatic light flowing through this part of the aura against the night sky acting as a mirror of the will of the divine body. The concept of light being information is an almost universal concept throughout all time among mystics all over the world.
From the psychic body, the mental body can take those “downloads” received and is able to process them. Think of it as the divine body having information it wants to send the mental body. The psychic body is where that information is compressed like a .zip file as a package of information that is available to be downloaded by the mental body, which in turn decompresses the .zip to process all the individual files. But the psychic body doesn’t just relay information in one direction. Through visualization, spellwork, and prayer it uploads information as well.
The psychic body’s function and physical counterpart is the pineal gland. Remember earlier when discussing brainwave states I said that Laurie Cabot believes that psychic information is unseen light and that the pineal gland receives this information and interprets it? This is the light it is receiving, those light streams flowing from the divine body into the psychic body. The pineal gland receives the information, and the rest of the brain then processes it. Once it’s processed, the information moves into the mental body of perception and understanding.
The psychic body doesn’t differentiate between self and other as the mental and emotional bodies do. It is the first part of ourselves that is connected to a sense of unification with the fabric of existence, being the first layer that composes the Higher Self soul. As such, it can receive information on potentially anything one could want. However, since it has less perception of boundaries as well as time and space, it doesn’t always relay information in those concrete terms, leaving the rational mind having to piece together the information in a linear fashion to the best of its ability.
The word psychic comes from the Greek word psukhikos which means “relative to the soul, spirit, mind.” This gives us a clue to the function of this energy body. It is where the spirit or Higher Self soul or divine body interacts with the mental body. The Theosophical name for this energy body is the Buddhic body. This gives us even more insight into the nature of this energy body. The word Buddhic is named after the Buddha and relates to the idea of higher states of wisdom, and universal love in a state of oneness and detachment from the ego of the mental body and Middle Self.
When it comes to manifestation in spellwork, this layer of reality is where we envision what we want with clarity in an altered state of consciousness. We see it in our Witch Eye and give an image of the spell’s possible outcomes. So if we’ve created an energetic container for our energy, charged it with our planetary power desire and separated it from our own field, given it a positive or negative charge, and programmed it with instructions, this is where we visualize how that manifestation may look and raise our consciousness and vibration to upload it to the divine body.
The Divine
The sixth and final layer of the aura is called the divine body. The divine body is psychically perceived as pure light surrounding a person and emanating around their body. This light emits from the star of the Higher Self soul. In some traditions of Feri/Faery, the Higher Self is depicted as a dove descending and conjures up imagery of the Holy Spirit. If you look at depictions of the Holy Spirit dove descending upon a person or a place, you will see the light emanate from it and engulf a person. This is the perfect depiction of the divine body, the radiation from the Higher Self soul.
The divine body is also known as the Ketheric Template. The word “Ketheric” refers to Kether, a Qabbalistic term used by ceremonial magicians in their map of consciousness, divinity, and reality called the Tree of Life. Kether means “the crown” in Hebrew and refers to the highest manifestation of consciousness that humanity can intellectually understand. It is the pure brilliance of the Divine as well as our connection to divinity. The divine body holds the divine template of our True Will, whether we choose to fulfill it or not within our lifetime, as well as our agreements and soul contracts that we make prior to incarnation. The divine body contains the Divine Wisdom and has the template for our life’s path. In many ways, it is our individual and personal god self that is guiding our path, never having been separated from Source itself.
The divine body is also known as the Atmic Body. Atmic relates to the Sanskrit word tmán which means “soul; self; essence; breath.” This is a massive clue to the nature of this energy body and its function. The concept of Atman in the Bhagavad Gita is simultaneously one’s innermost true soul essence, as well as an omnipresent force that is eternal and has never incarnated. This ties into the idea of the Bornless One in the occult tradition of Thelema. The Bornless One is the aspect of the Higher Self that hasn’t incarnated nor has ever left Source. In our model, the dove/owl would be the Bornless One, and the rays emitted would be our divine body which is our connection to the Higher Self.
This concept can be summed up by Feri/Faery Witchcraft Tradition founder Victor Anderson who stated, “God is self, self is God, and God is a person like myself.” 45 Likewise the prophet of Thelema, Aleister Crowley, wrote into his Gnostic Mass Ritual, “There is no part of me that is not of the gods!” 46 Or perhaps it’s best summarized in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story where the blind Jedi monk Chirrut Îmwe chants the mantra “I am one with the force, and the force is with me.” All these statements show the connection and oneness of the divinity of self and the god that transcends self.
When it comes to manifestation in spellwork, this layer of reality is where we send it off into the Universe. So if we’ve created an energetic container for our energy, charged it with our desire, separated it from our own field, given it a positive or negative charge, programmed it with instructions, visualized the outcome, and raised our energy and vibration, it is in this phase that we now align our inner divinity with our higher divinity or the help of external gods (who are interconnected with ourselves through the Higher Self) and surrender our desire fully. If we think of traditional spellwork where one is directing and aiming the Cone of Power they’ve raised, which is the swirling reservoir of energy generated within a magickal working, this step in the manifestation process is releasing it to the Universe to be fulfilled. When receiving the manifestation, our chances are greater improved when we honor the divine within ourselves and the divine in all others and are in alignment with our True Will.
Divine |
Psychic |
Mental |
Emotional |
Astral |
Etheric |
Physical |
Figure 19: The Multidimensional Levels of Reality
Multidimensional Mind Magick
Tune in and perform a soul alignment. Create an energy orb. Vibrate in harmony with the elemental energy that is appropriate for your spell’s desire and fills your globe with that energy. Vibrate in harmony with the planetary energy that is appropriate for your spell’s desire and fills your orb with that energy. Conjure the emotional energy that is appropriate for your spell’s desire and fill your ball with that energy. Make a clear mental statement of the spell’s purpose, visualizing the orb taking that as a command. Visualize what the spell will look like when it’s manifested and direct that image into the orb by envisioning it having a short scene playing within it like a crystal ball in old movies. Focus on the energy orb inside of your hands and all that it’s programmed with. Exhale forcefully, visualizing that you are blowing the spell sphere off into the Universe to manifest.
For example, if I’m casting a quick psychic spell to send healing to someone named Samantha who has the flu, I begin by tuning in and aligning my souls. I create an energy orb in my hands and focus on the elemental energy of Earth and allow it to fill my body for physical healing and infuse that energy into my orb. I then focus on the planetary power and glyph of the Sun, which rules health, and allow it to fill my body and infuse that energy and the image of the glyph into the orb. Next, I make a clear mental or verbal statement such as “It is my will that Samantha heals from the flu for the highest good of all.” I see the words vibrate like a soundwave and enter the orb. After that, I visualize Samantha in perfect health and envision that image playing within the sphere. I take a moment to feel and visualize the energy strengthening in my hands, and I exhale forcefully blowing the spell off into the Universe knowing that it will manifest.
Performing a Full Magickal Spell Ritual
This exercise can be physically performed or you can envision the whole thing within your Witch Eye. Either way the procedure is the same.
The formula for the spell is as follows:
1. Tune in.
2. Align your souls.
3. Perform an energy cleansing of the physical space.
4. Cast the circle.
5. Call the quarters.
6. Conjure the elemental energy you’re using for the spell.
7. Conjure the planetary energy you’re using for the spell.
8. Feel the emotion that you want the spell to have.
9. Make your statement of intent for the spell.
10. Perform the spell or working. 47
11. Visualize what the results will look like.
12. Release the quarters.
13. Release the circle.
14. Close down.
Let me give you an example to help bring this home. Let’s say I’m doing a spell to ensure that I have enough money to pay all of my bills. I begin as always by tuning in and aligning my souls. I make sure that the area I’m performing the magick in is physically clean and tidy before I perform an energy cleansing on the space. I cast the circle and call the quarters. I then focus on the element of Earth for abundance and fill myself with its energy and envision it filling the circle. I then call upon the planetary power of Jupiter for wealth, abundance, and expansion, and fill myself with its energy and envision it filling the circle. I conjure the emotions of how relieved and secure I will feel when the spell has manifested as if it has already manifested.
I make my statement of intent, saying “I desire to have enough money to pay my rent and bills and have $1,000 left over.” I then proceed to perform the spellwork. When the spell is completed, I take a moment to visualize what it will look like by envisioning my bank account with that amount of money and writing checks for that amount for my rent and bills. I then release the quarters.
I tend to think of the magick circle like a giant cauldron of energy, a much larger version of the energy orb work where I’m infusing it with energetic ingredients and commands. My magick circle is now filled with all of the magick I’ve raised within, so it’s time to release it out into the Universe. I release the circle, and as I do, I say:
“I cast this circle out into the Universe. As above, so below.
As within, so without. It is done. So mote it be!”
While saying this, I envision all of the magick rushing out into the Universe as a giant sphere. I then close down, putting extra emphasis on grounding myself.
44. Christopher Penczak, The Temple of High Witchcraft: Ceremonies, Spheres and the Witches’ Qabalah (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2014), 69–75.
45. T. Thorn Coyle, Evolutionary Witchcraft (New York, NY: Tarcher/Penguin, 2004), 43.
46. Lon Milo DuQuette, The Magick of Aleister Crowley: A Handbook of the Rituals of Thelema (York Beach, ME: Weiser Books, 2003), 241.
47. See next chapter for examples of spells.