Making the Transition

The First Steps

Building a sustainable library is, more than anything else, a practical undertaking, one ideally informed by clear thinking and a commitment to the values of our profession. It is also a hard task to start. Changes in our daily work routines, schedules, and software are hard to adjust to, and figuring out which changes to make is itself a complex undertaking, especially given the myriad other tasks demanding our attention. Given this, it makes sense for the first step in each library to be laying the groundwork by educating stakeholders about the importance of sustainability and the benefits it brings. In a time of shrinking budgets and staff, to be successful we need wide support and enthusiastic involvement. The key to that support is twofold. First, the process of educating staff, funders, patrons, and vendors needs to be inclusive and empowering. Handing people a brochure or book and expecting them to read it and understand it is not enough. There needs to be time and space for discussion as well as for debate. Creating a sustainable library is not as simple as creating a project team; it needs to go beyond that and create change in our basic work relationships and processes. And everyone needs to be invited to the table.

The good news is that, at this point in the transition, few library directors or boards are going to resist a staff-led sustainability committee. But the idea of sustainability does have serious opposition, and those opposing it need to feel welcomed into the process too, even if they choose not to participate. The second key to gaining support for the transition is to make sure that sustainability is understood broadly. Too often in libraries, sustainability initiatives do not go beyond internal greening programs, which are themselves valuable first steps. But by addressing the other two Es, equity and economy, we can build broader support and have wider relevance, while creating more successful sustainability programs.

There are many different steps individual library workers and librarians can undertake in their own libraries to start the conversation. The simplest is to host a reading group for staff interested in the issue. Libraries have a long history of “journal groups” and other sorts of in-house staff development activities, and this one is not that different. There are a number of excellent introductory texts in appendix C that could serve as the basis for a conversation about what the scientific facts are and the implications of those facts. By creating these kinds of groups, we create a forum for serious discussion and the beginnings of what can become an action-oriented committee looking at what changes can be made locally. These kinds of groups also give lower-level workers, workers who typically have less autonomy and less opportunity to have their voices heard, a context in which they can be influential and important. Part of managing well is giving all employees an opportunity to make their best contribution to the organization, and groups like this, ones that exist outside of the normal hierarchy, give staff opportunities to develop a personal stake in the success of the library, so they are powerful tools for improving morale and performance. They also do so with little cost. Increasing employee engagement and commitment through offering opportunities for low-cost staff development, increased autonomy, and greater participation in decision making is itself a step on the path toward a more sustainable library. Much like traditional journal clubs, sustainability-oriented reading groups encourage the self-organizing principles of systems to work for the benefit of the larger whole by strengthening the elements, in this case staff. Finally, and perhaps most important, reading groups change the flow of information within the library-as-system. By changing the flow of information to include sustainability information, the system itself is altered.

The Sustainability Committee

Reading groups are a good start, but they are only a start. To begin the work of making changes, we need to take advantage of our self-organizing abilities and change the way the system is structured so that sustainability can become a factor in how our organizations make decisions and evaluate results. For most libraries, that means a committee of some sort, one empowered to contribute to important decisions, liaise with outside groups, and organize programming. Integrating the sustainability committee into decision making is key to transforming the library-as-system, but it does take time, a proactive stance by the committee, and support from all levels of the library hierarchy. However, by establishing an element within the library to take on the role of considering sustainability, it becomes possible to create a feedback loop based on information about sustainability and, thus, to begin the process of changing the way decisions are made.

Similarly, by making contacts with university offices of sustainability, local sustainability commissions, and vendor sustainability efforts, the library contributes to transforming the system through self-organization while making itself more sustainable in the process. Working with outside groups also ensures that the library has a seat at these important tables. Right now the library is too often overlooked by these groups and has no voice in their decisions. By getting a seat at the table, libraries gain opportunities to lead their communities and enhance their reputation. Library-led sustainability programming presents similar opportunities. Libraries are educational institutions first and foremost; by taking the initiative to create sustainability-themed programs for staff and patrons, libraries can improve information flow and increase community understanding about sustainability challenges, both local and global.

Determining who should serve on a sustainability committee and who should lead such a committee is tricky. Each library will have its own internal culture that will help to decide who joins. No one structure or plan can work for every library. That said, the Transition Town movement has a saying, one that makes sense for libraries too: The people sitting at the table are the right people. Whether the committee is nominated by library administrators or is self-selected, whoever turns up and participates is a good enough start. Just like at the reference desk, we must begin where we are and with whom we have. There are some strong arguments for keeping the committee outside of the traditional library hierarchy, though, and for doing what it takes to get frontline staff involvement and participation. The first is that any sustainability program is likely to recommend changes, the impacts of which are going to be felt most acutely by frontline staff. Whether it is changing toner brands, implementing a library composting program, or changing the way employees and patrons get to the library, those lowest on the hierarchy are going to welcome changes that they themselves have had a voice in making. Second, frontline staff know far more than others about the actual practices of the library. They are the ones who know when the lights are turned off, which recycling bins are used, how often the light bulbs are changed, and so on. Their input is crucial to the success of the sustainability effort.

It is also worthwhile to look outside the library for members. Is there someone in the Office of Sustainability or the Sustainability Commission who could offer valuable insight? What about local sustainability groups and campus student groups who have sustainability-based missions? Offering membership to these groups helps to build community support and strengthens ties between the library and its patrons. It is a healthy practice for any library committee, but especially sustainability committees which by their very nature will be change oriented, to welcome outside groups and invite wider participation. Wider participation does mean that the committee will need to begin a learning process not just about sustainability practices, but also about libraries and especially library values. This learning process is important and offers opportunities for library-wide programming while developing staff and enhancing community ties. It can also provide space for those on the committee to begin developing strong working relationships and talking openly about how the committee plans to do its work and what strategies will be most effective.

What about libraries where the administration is not supportive? It is a tough situation to be in but not a hopeless one. The good news is that, when sustainability is understood broadly, there are many different tacks to take to bring a reluctant administrator on board. The most obvious is cost savings. Many of the changes that lead to a more sustainable library, especially those related to ecology and economy, are likely to offer long-term financial benefits. From reducing paper waste to conserving water and energy, all the way to developing serials budget-control strategies, sustainability for libraries is in large part about saving and reallocating money and resources to fulfill the fundamental mission of the library. For those administrators not swayed by that aspect, there are other benefits too. Sustainability offers a leadership opportunity to the library, one that matches so well with its mission; we are unlikely to see another one come along in our lifetimes. By becoming a community leader in sustainability, the library can only enhance and improve its reputation and standing in the community. It also presents collection-strengthening, programming, and external-relationship-building opportunities, ones that can help to build better and stronger libraries. A major sustainability effort also offers administrators an opportunity to leave a valuable legacy to the library, one that will enhance their own reputation and, if done well, allow them to point to a significant accomplishment in a time of reduced budgets and shrinking staff. Finally, library administrators, like many people, may be stuck in the “it’s not my problem and I can’t fix it” mindset. The best solution to this mindset is education. If you have a strong enough relationship with your reluctant administrators, educate them. Offer them reading material and conversation. We are all together in this unfortunate predicament, and very few people want to be in it. By offering information from solution-oriented experts in the sustainability field, you might be able to sway them. Finally, do not be afraid to start small. Each step forward counts, and each step is valuable. There is no need or way to transform everything all at once. Instead, begin with the path of least resistance and make your way from there. Start where you can, and trust that over time you will get to where you want to be.

Conducting a Sustainability Assessment

Once a committee has been assembled and has completed some basic education about sustainability and libraries, it makes sense to move to a systematic assessment of the local library and its interface with various sustainability issues. Implementing any assessment program is challenging. Assessment takes time, energy, and considerable work across the library. Too often it can feel negative, like the library and its workers are being judged. It does not need to feel that way though. Each library has strengths and weaknesses. Sorting out what those are can help build a program that highlights strengths and provides a route for improving weaknesses. Different assessments also have different goals; the purpose of this assessment tool is to provide direction for those interested in improving the sustainability of a particular library. It is intended to be flexible and to identify areas where the library can improve its sustainability while also highlighting strengths. It is not intended to be scientific or to assign a grade. It is simply an evaluation and discussion tool. After conducting the assessment, it should be relatively straightforward to develop a sustainability plan that is based on the needs of each particular library, one that is both within reach and clearly actionable. It is not intended to offer a full look at the information ecosystem as a whole. We will come back to that in later chapters. The focus here is on what library staff can do within their own institutions, given the challenges the library is facing and the strengths it can build on. It can also help libraries to identify low-hanging fruit that can contribute to early successes. It is important not to underestimate the value of early success. The sooner a sustainability effort begins to show results, the stronger it will be going into more challenging issues. Those early successes, even small ones, help to build credibility and support, both of which are essential.

There are a large number of sustainability assessment tools out there; however, the one offered here is the first created specifically for use by libraries. It draws on the Association for Sustainability in Higher Education’s STARS Assessment program, the How Green Is Your Library assessment offered by Sam Mulford and Ned Himmel, as well as the considerable body of research into sustainability assessment and library assessment. It is an integrated assessment tool, meaning that it considers the triple bottom line of ecology, equity, and economy.1 It includes four parts: a general section and then a section for each of the three Es. The first part is offered below, and the others are in subsequent chapters. A complete version is found in appendix A. The overall goal of the assessment is to take users through a system-level analysis of their library, one that focuses on the sustainability of the library as whole. It is suitable for different kinds of libraries, but not every library will need to answer all of it. Rather, sustainability committees and others considering using it should feel comfortable adapting it to their own needs. There is no grade or qualitative judgment; instead, it offers a framework for discussion and for developing a library-specific plan of action, one that offers ideas for library administrators and for library workers who wish to do what they can within their own institutions.

The first part of the assessment tool is intended to give the committee a broad overview of the local sustainability landscape. Each item in the first part offers a series of questions designed to help sustainability committees or individuals interested in making their own libraries more sustainable determine how much education will need to be offered to local stakeholders and what relationships need to be built. When completed along with the other parts, it should suggest actions the committee can take to develop a strong sustainability plan and should help the committee identify a starting point for its efforts.

The information gathered for this part of the assessment should help everyone on the committee, or help the individuals conducting the assessment if no committee has been formed, better understand the local context for sustainability. Is the environment welcoming of such efforts, or is more education needed? The answer to this question is absolutely crucial. Some libraries will be in a place where there is a well-developed local community dedicated to sustainability. These libraries are going to be able to take more advanced steps toward transition than libraries that find themselves at the cutting edge of their communities. The good news is that you have found where you are and what you can do in your local area to effect change.

Creating a Sustainability Plan

When the entire sustainability assessment has been conducted, it is time to begin formulating a sustainability plan. A plan will provide structure and direction for sustainability efforts. It will also help to define success and allow the committee to point to a list of accomplishments. It will likely take a period of months or even a year, depending on the size of the library, to create such a plan. However, the work will be well worth the effort because, at the end of it, the library will have a clear way forward. A sample plan is offered in appendix B, but it is only an example. The plan can be as simple or as complex as your particular institution needs or is ready for. Small libraries can have plans that match their nimbleness and budgets, and large libraries can build plans that will work for their more complex administrative structure and larger budgets. Similarly, libraries in places that are deeply committed to sustainability can have plans that match the ambition of the local community. Libraries in places where sustainability is not yet a local priority can have plans focusing on simpler goals or goals that focus on the area likely to get the most support, for example, budget control. No matter the details of the plan, there are certain elements that will help to create stronger plans for every kind of library. The first priority for a sustainability plan should be to tie it into the existing mission and values of the library and the parent organization. The sustainability plan is a working document, but it is also a communication tool, one that should reflect the existing image of the library and parent institution while tying into its current themes and goals. There are a few ways to do this. The simplest is to take the language from the mission or vision and see what parts can be easily adapted. For example, if the current vision statement talks about the importance of literacy, tie into that by including environmental literacy as part of the sustainability plan. You can also build on existing concepts in the vision or mission. If the mission talks about service to the community, build on that by discussing serving the larger community through more sustainable practices.

Second, a plan should have clear goals and measurable objectives derived from the assessment. It should also have realistic goals, ones that are attainable in your particular library. There is an entire literature on goal and objective setting that is well worth familiarizing yourself with, especially if this is the first time you have led a major project. The process of goal setting is complicated and requires a variety of skill sets, most importantly the ability to lead effective meetings and solicit meaningful feedback from diverse audiences. The example below offers a sample of an effective sustainability goal with measurable objectives and action items.

The plan should also include checkpoints for the future and lay out a process for retiring objectives and action items. Goals can also be retired but should not need to be changed frequently. By keeping the document in a wiki, course management system, or other easy to access and change format, committee members can note completed action items and propose next-step objectives.

A good plan will also address the role and membership of the sustainability committee itself. Libraries are so different in their cultures that it is hard to suggest any hard and fast rules, however there are a few things to consider. In larger libraries, where most work is done through committees, it is important to define the relationship of the sustainability committee to other committees. Is it an approval committee? A suggestive committee? Does it report to the director, to the assistant director, or to some other administrator? Working these things out and putting them down on paper is a good exercise and will help to ensure that, as the membership changes over time, the committee can stay true to its function. It is also a good idea to lay out in the plan who will serve on the committee, for how long, and how they will be selected. Committee leadership is also worth clarifying. Who will lead the committee and for how long? How will new leaders be selected, and who will approve their appointments? For some libraries the answer to these questions will be quite obvious: the director. Other places may have different structures and processes in place. Sorting out what those are is an important step in solidifying the role of the committee and ensuring its future success.

Finally, a short sustainability plan is a good thing. Keeping the introduction brief, the goals realistic, and the objectives manageable will contribute to a successful transition. It will also reduce the amount of backlash and help others who might be intimidated by the transition. The easier and more achievable the immediate goals are, the more success the committee will enjoy. Small and early successes build to long-term and major successes over time. Staying on course for the long term is far more important and a far more effective strategy than taking giant leaps. This is not say that if you are in a place and at a time where giant leaps are possible you shouldn’t take them, but libraries are conservative institutions. Big, bold initiatives are few and far between and a fair number of them end up in the waste bin. Small, measurable changes sustained over time are a more reasonable strategy for most of us. Especially when our ultimate goals are so very audacious.


1. Sam McBane Mulford and Ned A. Himmel, How Green Is My Library? (Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2010); Stars Technical Manual, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, October 2013, www.aashe.org/files/documents/STARS/2.0/stars_2.0.1_technical_manual.pdf.