Urban Movement à la Ruhr? The Initiatives for the Preservation of Workers’ Settlements in the 1970s

Christian Wicke


In the seventies the Ruhr witnessed a great number of initiatives resisting the demolition and/or privatization of workers’ settlements, which had been built by companies during the region’s rapid industrialization around 1900. These initiatives represent an interesting case of workers’ relations with new social movement activism.937 In the history of urban movements, however, the Ruhr has received little attention, even though the protests against demolition and privatization of workers’ settlements in the deindustrializing cities of the region seem exemplary within the broader ideological and aesthetic change associated with the post-1968 era. Large groups of people then formed a number of loose networks of urban communities that sought to authentically represent an alternative lifestyle, as Sven Reichardt recently established in his landmark monograph.938 The alternative protest groups of the Ruhr in many ways translated the typical political protest culture of their West German surroundings and other parts of the industrial West, where citizen initiatives were mushrooming and urban politics from below experienced its heyday, into the working-class vernacular of this region. While industrial Western cities began moving towards post-industrial economies, they experienced a great number of diversified new social movements.939 These movements fought for greater social equality, more direct forms of democracy, global peace and environmental protection, and they projected their revolutionary ideas onto a new image of the modern city that stood in contrast to the now rejected functionalism of the Fordist model,940 which had strongly influenced postwar reconstruction in West Germany.941

In 1977 the Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik published a study for the Regional Association of the Ruhr on the preservation of workers’ settlements in the region arguing that the protest movement was paradigmatic even though »the preservation and improvement of workers’ settlements appears at first as a socially (›workers‹) and economic-geographically (industrial regions, conglomerations) limited task.« According to a research group of the Berlin-based institute, however, »this impression is deceptive: the solution of the problem […] serves as a model; it is the exemplary answer to the question of the political, social and economic importance of maintaining and improving reasonably priced housing space« anywhere.942

When getting closer to the sources, however, it transpires that different motives merged within the initiatives of the region, forming an urban movement à la Ruhr, which represented a combination of regional particularities and supraregional commonalities. This chapter will hopefully spark further interest in historical comparisons of urban movement initiatives outside of the metropolises.943 It shall analyze the workers’ settlement movement against questions of class background, political ideology, place identity, historical culture and aesthetic judgement to shed light on the distinct agency of elites within the movement in the Ruhr region and within the ideological context of the seventies.


Fig. 1: Poster for a street festival at the Alte Kolonie Eving settlement in Dortmund, 22 May 1976.

Source: Gift from the archive of the History Workshop Eving to Christian Wicke.

The Settlement Initiatives and the 1970s in the Ruhr

Most of the workers’ settlements in the Ruhr were built during the heyday of the region’s industrialization in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when a number of medieval towns and villages along the old Westphalian Hellweg and the small Emscher River transformed within a few years into large industrial cities.944 After the German unification of 1871 this part of the country experienced an unparalleled economic boom and a direly needed influx of tens of thousands of workers. Workers’ settlements, which consisted of comparatively spacious two to four family redbrick homes, almost identical in design, with a stable and garden for growing crops and keeping small livestock, were built by or near the coal and steel companies. By providing homes in an age of extremely high workforce turnover companies intended to deter their qualified workers from changing their workplace and were able to maintain a greater degree of social control over the private sphere of their employees.945

The coal crisis, which lasted from 1958 until 1968, fundamentally transformed the Ruhr industries. Few of the coal mines that were sprinkled across the Ruhr survived this period. In the early seventies, some 140,000 residential apartments belonged to the housing companies (Wohnstätten) that had been associated with the Ruhr’s coal and steel industry since 1933. Despite an ongoing and increasing demand for housing in the region, state authorities and local politicians encouraged the demolition of these old buildings. In many cases, the workers’ settlements had not been renovated or modernized for decades.946 The local authorities, companies and parts of the population perceived them as outdated, as a symbol of urban decline, and it was hoped they would be replaced with up-to-date and larger residential complexes. Because of the mining crisis, the North Rhine-Westphalian government launched the Nordrhein-Westfalen Programm (1970–1975),947 which sought to re-industrialize and modernize the Ruhr region with new infrastructure, including plans for so-called area rehabilitation. The interests of the companies and the State went hand in hand, as the industry also saw an opportunity to valorize underused land and replace the buildings with more profitable ones. The State government required the city councils to prioritize the demolition of company housing estates and to increase the density and centralization of cities through the erection of high-rise buildings; and the local authorities sought to comply. What was often ignored by the local authorities then was that the houses of the settlements were greener, larger and cheaper than the average worker’s flat in the Ruhr cities. The tenants in the workers’ settlements, in contrast, were very aware of the extremely reasonable rent they paid:

Look at this flat. It costs a bit more than 100 deutschmarks rent per month and we have freedom here, garden all around, shed. Behind another garden, another courtyard, a cellar here, a cellar there and five rooms, coming and going whenever I want. Where else do I get this? That I won’t get for 500 deutschmarks elsewhere, for five times the rental price, and then the flat is in a high-rise building.948

Thus, some residents resisted the destruction of their neighborhoods. At the beginning of the seventies, the first and most famous example of a campaign against demolition was the Eisenheim initiative, which emerged under the leadership of Roland Günter and Jörg Boström. Neither of them were originally resident of any of the settlements or of working-class background. Both, however, acted as conservators, artists, urban movement campaigners and university teachers.949 Eisenheim was not only the oldest workers’ settlements in the Ruhr, with parts dating from the late eighteen-forties, it was also the first one in the Federal Republic that was placed under heritage protection in 1972 and thus served as an example for the following 30 to 50 campaigns all over the region.950 From 1974, protest initiatives mushroomed across the Ruhr. The initiatives gained attention in the West German media, where they had left-wing sympathizers, as well as the local media.951 Working groups organized public meetings with leading representatives of the initiatives and the local churches, the council administration, the housing corporations, state-employed conservators and academics in urban planning and social sciences, demanding a new assessment of the historical value and the quality of life in the workers’ quarters, and efforts to revive empty buildings.952

A comprehensive network of workers’ settlement initiatives grew across the Ruhr in which few of the inhabitant campaigners directly participated, however. This network was complemented by networks of broader initiatives within the individual Ruhr cities, with foci beyond the preservation of the historic workers’ settlements. In Dortmund, for example, a strong city-based network Arbeitskreis Dortmunder Initiativen was founded to facilitate solidarity among all urban movement initiatives.953 The settlement initiatives thus found solidarity in other urban movements and tenant initiatives against exorbitant rents and redevelopment.

The workers’ settlement initiatives performed various »civic« forms of protest in order to convince the housing companies, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the strongest political force in the Ruhr communities, and local officials of their cause. Once a settlement was saved from demolition—often after being put under preservation order by the state heritage authorities, and as an outcome of a long-lasting communal bargaining and decision-making process—however, the threat to the communities persisted in the form of privatization.954 Thus, from the mid-seventies it was not necessarily the demolition order that sparked protests among the initiatives.955 When in 1976–77 the housing companies changed their policy from demolishing to selling the workers’ settlements, as they recognized the potential for valorization of the properties, few tenants were able to afford the purchase of the flats and semi-detached houses. Lower middle-class buyers and skilled workers were among the new owners. Several further protest groups emerged seeking to maintain their settlements as rental properties. Politicians of the major parties, unionists and workers’ representatives of the Ruhrkohle AG956 supported the idea of selling to the workers, who would thus have the opportunity for capital accumulation. At this point a conflict of interest emerged within the settlements and the consensual actions for the preservation of the status quo lost ground. At the same time, however, the protest also became more organized and protest groups more systematically trained. Activists wrote letters to local newspapers, appealed to the local council,957 organized tenant assemblies and street festivals, distributed pamphlets and started petitions.

In occupying the houses the initiatives also borrowed some more radical methods of the then emerging squatters’ movement. The Rheinpreussen initiative in Duisburg from 1975 onwards was the first initiative that squatted an empty house in the settlement, and it was probably the only one that also went on hunger strike to pressure the city council into buying the settlement.958 The musician Frank Baier, one of the protagonists of the Rheinpreussen initiative, then started writing protest songs for the demonstrations.959 It is worth noting that since the early seventies Baier had been connected with radical left-wing voices outside of the Ruhr, such as the then West Berlin-based music group Ton Steine Scherben, and he was also involved in the antinuclear and squatters movements.960 Baier, thus, not only represented the typical working-class and regional culture of the Ruhr, but also the left-wing protest culture in the cities of the seventies that transcended regional and national boundaries.961

The »Right to the City«: the Emergence of an Alternative Public

Since the sixties, the image of the modern city in the industrialized West has been contested by authors calling for social protest against the often depressing Fordist and postwar architecture.962 While »the right to the city«, deriving from Henri Lefebvre’s Le droit à la ville from 1968, has become a catchy slogan in recent years, few nowadays bother clearly defining what it entailed.963 Few historians have used this concept,964 and it is indeed very difficult to apply Lefebvre’s holistically revolutionary ideas—including the end of private ownership in the city and the realization of radical urban democracy—to historical processes. It is possible, however, to identify historical moments and movements of the right to the city. Further, the revolutionary literature of that time should not only be seen against the backdrop of the growing urban movement activism around the world but also be embedded in the wider protest culture of the new social movements that developed in Western industrialized societies post-1968.

This overlap of movements at that time is well-represented in the alternative newspapers of the Ruhr cities; for example in Bochum (Bochumer Volksblatt, later Bochumer Stattblatt),965 Dortmund (Klüngelkerl),966 and Gelsenkirchen (Emscherbote),967 which were founded in the seventies to report on the actions of local citizen initiatives. The local newspapers were not directly linked to the workers’ settlement initiatives but reported critically on various forms of urban change in the Ruhr cities, redevelopment and city planning, including public transport; they informed the readers regularly about tenant rights, exorbitant rents, the shortage of affordable housing, forced renovation, the demolition of historic buildings, squatted houses, and homelessness; and they reported on the establishment of youth centers and alternative cultural activities in the Ruhr cities. They also published articles on processes of deindustrialization, unemployment, strikes and changes in labor relations in the region. The papers discussed police repression, conditions in prisons and reform, right-wing extremism, women’s rights, environmental problems, including air pollution, inner-city road planning and bicycle infrastructure, as well as anti-nuclear protests; and they generally propagated political transparency, self-government and more participatory urban politics. These key sources thus demonstrate that urban movement activity in the Ruhr during the seventies cannot be studied as completely disconnected from the new social movement activities and the New Left of that time in the region. While other German and European cities have been identified as strongholds of the student movement and subsequently the alternative milieu,968 the Ruhr has rarely been associated with »1968«969 and the subsequent »normalization« of protests,970 including the protests of the women’s, environmentalist, peace, anti-nuclear and squatters movements that spread across Western Europe. However, while urban movement actions in the Ruhr can be studied as part of a loosely connected global urban movement that was strongly intertwined with the New Left and new social movements, the Ruhr’s subversive media illustrate that the local urban movements must also be seen against the region’s particular urban transformation in the course of its deindustrialization.

The Ruhr-Volksblatt (RVB),971 a newspaper published from 1975 to 1984 to represent the Working Group of Workers’ Settlement Initiatives in the Ruhr (Arbeitskreis der Arbeitersiedlungsinitiativen im Ruhrgebiet), provides an excellent insight into the dynamics and rhetoric of the Ruhr’s workers’ settlement movement. It was published every few months, with up to five issues per year. The newspaper was designed to provide information about and for the initiatives, to connect the initiatives across the Ruhr, to provide solidarity with and amongst them, and to project the local concerns to the general public. The newspaper can been seen as part of the conceptualization of a proletarian counter-public sphere in the seventies, partly driven by left-wing intellectuals seeking solidarity with workers.972

In its first year, 1975, the Ruhr-Volksblatt listed contact details of twenty initiatives across the Ruhr.973 In the following year, Jörg Boström and Roland Günter, who were instrumental in the Ruhr-Volksblatt, already listed 33 initiatives.974 In 1977, two years after its launch, virtually all initiatives worked to some extent with the Ruhr-Volksblatt, although the readership of the paper was very limited among the inhabitants of the workers’ settlements themselves. In 1978–79 the distribution of the Ruhr-Volksblatt peaked with more than 1,400 issues, despite the number of initiatives already in decline.

The working-class tone of the protest and the local dialect of the Ruhr were endorsed in all issues. The topics of the paper were relatively diverse, though centering on protest. Readers were informed about the situation in the settlements and the progress of the initiatives, and were warned of further demolition plans. The increase of rent and privatization was repetitively discussed as well as the social and psychological problems caused by high-rise buildings.975 While broader left-wing ideology is clearly present, conforming with the democratic ideal of the New Left, everyday situations typical for the Ruhr, such as breeding rabbits and carrier pigeons, also formed important topics for the paper.


Fig. 2: Protest at Duisburg townhall against the demolishment and privatisation of the Rheinpreussen settlement, February 1979.

Source: Archive Frank Baier, Duisburg/Rheinpreussen.

A Conceptual Exploration of the Workers’ Settlement Movement

The »elective affinities« between social categories, ideologies and identities (i. e., social representations of identity)976 can help us better understand the urban movements within their particular context and, thus, understand the locally variant articulations of the right to the city. The categories correlated here are: social class, political ideology, place identity, historical culture and aesthetic judgement. These explorative parameters shed light on the agency of the elites within the movements and their relationship with the new social movement ideology of the 1970s.

Social Class: Sebastian Haffner wrote in 1974 that the term Bürgerinitiative was unknown ten years before, although in principle such initiatives had existed for a long time. 977 At the time of his writing, however, this form of protest—the local action group or citizen initiative—was experiencing its peak in West Germany. Looking at the Republic as a whole, workers were in a small minority among the citizen initiatives of the 1970s. The Ruhr, with its approximately 30 to 50 so-called »workers’ initiatives« was special in that sense.978 Even though the workers’ settlements had been »discovered« by the Bildungsbürgertum (educated bourgeoisie), the participants of the initiatives were almost entirely working-class. Bürger in German means »citizen«, though the term has a strong middle-class connotation. The term Arbeiterinitiative (workers’ initiative), as predominantly used by the protest groups for the preservation of the company towns and miners’ settlements in the Ruhr, was a self-given name to distinguish themselves from the more bourgeois campaigners outside of the Ruhr and to emphasize that their protest was led by workers to protect a particularly working-class milieu. However, not all of them did so: in Gelsenkirchen, for example, the activists who protested for the preservation of the Zoo settlement around the former coal mine Graf Bismarck called themselves Bürgerinitiative Zooviertel.979

The number of working-class citizens in the initiatives, nevertheless, tells us little about the ideological and organizational effects middle-class intellectuals had on the movement. The initiatives were strongly shaped by individual »advisors« (Berater), described by Thomas Rommelspacher as »politically engaged intellectuals, who often had highly qualified jobs.« These middle-class activists from outside who sympathized with the workers in the settlements often were professionals in public service and included »architects, city planners, sociologists, social workers, art historians as well as students of various disciplines« who had often felt attracted by the, for them, exotic working-class culture in the settlements and sought to overcome class boundaries.980 This is interesting, as the village-like life in the settlements in many ways represented the petty-bourgeois lifestyle aspiration of the working classes.981 Nevertheless, despite the relatively high living standards and the many skilled workers who had lived in the settlements, the settlements were not a prestigious place to live in the seventies and were still perceived as places for the lower rungs of the Ruhr society. When the initiatives emerged, many younger workers had already left the settlements, whereas older generations—familiar with the traditional working-class milieu of the Ruhr—stayed behind. While younger generations began aspiring to a more individualized, competitive middle-class lifestyle, the older generations saw in the predicted urban renewal a more comprehensive threat to their traditional working-class lifestyle.982

Working-class identity, as the Ruhr-Volksblatt illustrates, mattered greatly in the representation of the protest. The intellectual editors of the paper sought to downplay their role in the publication and emphasized the linkages between working-class identity, the local dialect and the regional identity of the Ruhr,983 which did not necessarily match the issue-focused interests of the workers who simply wished to maintain their homes. Half of the initiatives had sympathizers from outside of the settlements. The Flöz Dickebank initiative, for example, had four advisors, more than the norm for each initiative.984 In some cases, the advisors acted as founders of the initiatives. They instructed the inhabitants in public relations and provided legal advice. They assisted the settlement inhabitants in emancipating themselves politically through protest and participation; and, due to this middle-class support, the authorities and companies took the working-class protesters more seriously. When Eisenheim came under heritage protection, the officials recognized that the working-class community of the settlement and its social structure was worth being protected.985 The impact of Roland Günter, who had previous experience in more middle-class initiatives outside of the Ruhr and sought to transport the participatory ideology and organizational experiences to the working-class community of Eisenheim, was remarkable.986 The son of a wealthy industrialist who had worked as a state-employed conservationist and professor of art and cultural theory at Bielefeld University of Applied Science, Günter, was immensely influential across at least three areas: firstly, he was instrumental in the above-mentioned early Eisenheim campaign, which served as a positive example for following initiatives; secondly, he was successful in networking with other campaigns; and thirdly, he managed to promote the memory of the Eisenheim campaign and his own agency therein.987 Günter has remained the most famous figure not only of this protest movement, but is also commemorated in the Ruhr’s history as an initiator of the industrial heritage movement.988

The strong role of the advisors in this struggle, volunteering to represent working-class interests, is also partly due to the absence of the traditional organizations of worker representation in the Ruhr which, after the Second World War, were, foremost, the governing SPD as well as the IGBE miners’ union (Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau und Energie). The union, which owned large housing estates across the country, could not be mobilized to resist the destruction and privatization of the traditional neighborhoods. Instead the initiatives came to openly attack IGBE when, in 1977, the union raised the rent of 15,000 tenants throughout the Ruhr.989 The Neue Heimat, the enormous housing enterprise that had been founded by the Nazis and since 1952 had belonged to the Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB) in the seventies was strongly supportive of large-scale urban renewal and criticized by urban movement activists and their sympathizers—a key agent in producing »inhospitable« cities in West Germany.990 Likewise, in the seventies the German tenants association (Deutscher Mieterbund) lost public trust after supporting the rent increase pushed by the housing corporations (Wohnstätten).991 The traditional labor representatives, thus, were suspiciously seen as allies of the social democratic city councils and the industry in endorsing destructive city planning.992

Political Ideology: Membership in political parties was usually around ten percent in the workers’ settlements, while trade union membership was significantly higher.993 The movement leaders certainly evoked a certain working-class identity and leftist ideology in their rhetoric. For example, a poster of the Flöz Dickebank initiative stated: »We workers defend our living quarter against real estate speculation and city destroyers« (Wir Arbeiter verteidigen unser Wohnviertel gegen Bauspekulanten und Stadtzerstörer).994 The network sympathizers with the workers’ settlement initiatives also supported the growing squatters movement in the Ruhr towards the eighties and expressed concern about unjust city planning, empty houses, and exorbitant rents more generally.995 Surveys showed, however, that most inhabitants and campaigners had a rather »Not In My Backyard« attitude; they did not care much about ideological ideals and demonstrated little solidarity with other initiatives than in their own neighborhood. Their protest was, foremost, about preserving affordable rents and living quality in their own quarter.996

The SPD youth organization (Jusos) occasionally did support—and sometimes initiated protest campaigns for the protection of workers’ settlements,997 but the initiatives emerged predominantly as self-help organizations for workers outside of established political institutions. As highlighted by Lutz Niethammer in his groundbreaking oral history of the experience of fascism in the region from 1983, regional identity and political ideology, i. e., Social Democracy, enjoyed a special relationship in the Ruhr region during the second half of the twentieth century. He found that »the political behavior of this workers’ and employees’ region« had been different from the rest of the Federal Republic. »The social-democratization of the Ruhr,« according to Niethammer, took place after the Second World War—despite most of the Federal Republic then electing Chancellor Adenauer with an absolute majority—even though Social Democracy during the Weimar Republic had been »surprisingly weak« in the Ruhr as one of the largest industrial regions in Europe, lagging in terms of votes behind the Catholic center party and the Communists.998

While the Social Democratic ideology would play an important role in Keynesian programs to assist the deindustrialization of the Ruhr and major industrial heritage projects over the following decades, the fact that the SPD favored large-scale urban renewal in the seventies made it an opponent of the workers’ settlement initiatives.999 It was rather the emergence of a new political culture, i. e., the extra-parliamentary protest culture of the New Left and new social movements, which appealed to principles of socialism and radical democracy, together with the new »tenant consciousness«1000 that simultaneously became apparent in the Ruhr and provided the settlement movement with legitimacy. The advisors’ political ideology was not cohesive, but it was shaped by the practice of the new social movements.1001

Interestingly, a number of local priests also supported the demands of the movement—social security, belonging and participation—with arguments from Christian theology. The Dortmund Association of Lutheran Parishes, for example, strongly encouraged citizens who were not directly affected to get organized and protest.1002 Some successful initiatives, such as the one for the preservation of the Alte Kolonie Eving in Dortmund, were primarily led by clerics.1003 Church membership in the workers’ settlements was high and the clerics found in the preservation of the quarters a theological justification: the New Jerusalem as a metaphor for any city, which would require social action for social justice and the protection of the community from anonymity. The priests linked the provision of leisure time, place identity and worker participation in the settlements to biblical matters. The major concern among the clerics, akin to the one among the inhabitants, was the workers’ overall quality of life that was generally seen as higher than in the new settlements of the postwar period. The threat of demolition or privatization of the settlements was presented as a symptom of more general problems in society: the housing corporations’ profit motif was threatening »Heimat« and »social justice«.1004 Apart from their spiritual legitimation the clerical arguments in Dortmund were thus hardly different from leftist arguments across the Ruhr.

Place Identity: The older inhabitants of the workers’ settlements in particular had developed a strong identification with their neighborhood where »everyone knows everyone«,1005 and this attachment supported the mobilization of the initiatives. The emphasis on neighborhood solidarity amongst the working-class inhabitants was very pronounced in all campaigns for the conservation and against the privatization of the settlements. In a number of settlements the Social Democratic housing co-operation model was implemented to prevent excessive privatization, maintain a relatively high degree of participation and preserve the village-like community structure in the neighborhoods.1006 This communal image of the former company towns stood in opposition to the anonymous living in high-rise apartment blocks. One could argue that this image, to some extent, conflicts with the emphasis on the »urban« in urban movements. The initiatives in the Ruhr, with its numerous intermediate spaces between the city quarters and relatively low population density, therefore, rather constituted a suburban type of movement action at the periphery that was not concerned with marginalization from the metropolitan center or what usually is associated with movements for the »right to the city«.1007 It was a fight for a particular kind of right to the city, i. e., the right to preserve the autonomy of an urban structure that had grown over generations.

The Ruhr-Volksblatt romantically presented the workers’ settlements of the region as a kind of idyll that was typical for the Ruhr.1008 Beyond the localized identification with their own quarter, as mentioned above, the movement leaders and sympathizers thus sought to use and reproduce representations of regional identity in the Ruhr. The paper deployed the local rhetoric and dialect, and represented typical items of the Ruhr culture. For example, it reported very favorably on the typical working-class leisure activities, such as pigeon keeping, in the region.1009 This illustrates how the movement elite mobilized particular images of the Ruhr and its working classes to represent a culturally cohesive image of the region. This was also reflected in Roland Günter’s invitation of the above-mentioned activist and musician, Frank Baier from Rheinpreussen, to visit Eisenheim and record the workers’ songs commemorating the Ruhr uprising of March 1920 that some of the elderly people in his neighborhood had sung.1010

Historical Culture: »Urban movements«, to follow Hans Pruijt’s succinct definition, »are social movements through which citizens attempt to achieve some control over their urban environment«.1011 The example of the workers’ initiatives in the Ruhr suggests that the quest for control becomes especially pronounced when the urban environment is perceived as undergoing deep-cutting transformations that affect the social structure and its meaning at the local level. Since the urban environment is more encompassing than material or built environment and often is symbolically charged with narratives about the past, urban movements have also played a role in urban memory politics and the historical culture that is aesthetically shaped by architecture, monuments and memorials, heritage sites and the naming of urban places.

In the settlements—social scientist Janne Günter, Roland Günter’s wife, argued in her study on the workers’ life in Eisenheim—the inhabitants had developed a sense of historical identity, with collective experiences over generations.1012 Rommelspacher also found that one of the particularities of the settlement movement in the Ruhr was that the activists here could draw on a rich repertoire of working-class cultural experiences and patterns of behavior such as solidarity. The older generations, who were overrepresented in the settlements by the seventies, had experienced or participated in the labor movement of the twenties and thirties and lived the everyday working-class culture of the previous decades.1013 Admittedly, at the time of the settlement initiatives, the workers could still draw on a particular historical repertoire, filled with the shared memory of work, for which there was hardly need any longer; but to what extent this memory was »collective« and constituted »identity« remains doubtful.1014 Perhaps it was exactly this transitory period, from industrialism towards post-industrialism and from the persisting authoritarianism of the postwar period towards a more anti-authoritarian political culture in the seventies that assisted the formation of a more cohesive historical culture in the Ruhr; after all, the production of lieux de mémoire (Pierre Nora) and the invention of tradition (Eric J. Hobsbawm) tends to flourish in times of transition, when traditional communities are declining to form new imagined communities (Benedict Anderson).

The conservationist struggles of that time indicate that the decline of the coal and steel industries had a transformative effect not only on the urban landscape and people of the Ruhr, but also on their historical culture.1015 As part of their protest against destructive city planning, the alternative press in the Ruhr also began to take the industrial past of the region seriously and reported, for example, on the (threat of) demolition of important industrial heritage sites such as the Zeche Hannover mining complex and the associated miners’ settlement.1016 The industrial heritage movement thus overlapped with the urban movement of the workers’ initiatives in the settlements, which would ultimately help prolong the post-industrial identity of the Ruhr as a region.1017 Thus, even though protests for the preservation of the Ruhr settlements were not primarily driven by the intention of practically articulating a distinct historical consciousness,1018 the settlement initiatives can be construed as fundamental to, and one of the most crucial stimuli of, the later success story of industrial heritage across the Ruhr. In the Ruhr’s seventies there was an affinity between industrial heritage initiatives and urban movement initiatives from below, including the then widespread youth center movement.1019 The establishment of the sociocultural center in Essen as part of the campaign to prevent the demolition of the Zeche Carl coal mining complex and the destructive »area rehabilitation« in the Altenessen neighborhood well elucidate these colorful movement relations.1020

Beyond informing the place identity of the Ruhr, the preservation of workers’ settlements stood for a historical culture that also involved the memory of important questions in urban planning that had emerged with the industrial age. Urban historian Franziska Bollerey, for example, in the 1970s sought to raise historical awareness of the architectural efforts taken since the nineteenth century to improve the living and housing conditions of workers in the Ruhr cities. She also sought to historicize capitalism and divestment in the Ruhr since the coal crisis of the late fifties which had triggered a process of valorization that endangered the traditional life of the workers and the industrial heritage of the region.1021 In this decade, a new affinity between heritage protection and left-wing thinking transpired. The then emerging industrial heritage movement in the Ruhr contested established discourses of heritage.1022

Aesthetic Judgment: The Ruhr’s particular urban design and historical identity are still fundamentally based on the remains of its coal and steel industry that boomed for less than a century. While this industry has faded, its built heritage has gained in importance, starting with grassroots initiatives in the late sixties for the protection of what in Germany came to be called Industriekultur.1023 In 1969 the machine hall of the coal mine Zeche Zollern in Dortmund was recognized and protected as an industrial monument. The petition to the North Rhine-Westphalian prime minister to save this building was predominantly initiated by artists, architects, art historians and historians, marking the origin of the industrial heritage movement in the Ruhr. The subsequent aesthetic interest from artists and art historians in industrial heritage continued to be an essential element in the transformation of the cultural landscape of the region. The heritage protection of Eisenheim can be seen as the second major achievement of the Ruhr’s industrial movement. Roland Günter, who then worked for the Rhenish Department of Heritage Conservation, saw the architectural design of the settlement as worth being protected.1024 Thus, in 1974, the state conservator of North Rhine-Westphalia listed the Duisburg-Neumühl workers’ settlements as protected heritage because he saw the buildings as »a typical example of the garden city movement.«1025 This movement of the early nineteen hundreds in Germany had aimed at protecting workers’ communities from real estate speculation, following the belief in the workers’ right to live in a healthy as well as beautiful built environment within industrial cities. The initiatives of the seventies sought to remind the public of the value of this garden city model that their settlements had followed; and it was exactly this affordable and suburban living quality with green spaces that also appealed to the working-class inhabitants.1026

The aesthetics of postwar reconstruction became increasingly challenged when in 1975 President Walter Scheel appealed at the Deutsche Städtetag to the city councils to ease the demolition of pre-war buildings. This historical awareness went hand in hand with a growing realization that the postwar image of the modern city had been »inhumane« and should not have followed primarily capital interests.1027 Towards the late seventies, the ongoing »modernization« and attempts to improve the negative image of the Ruhr cities by supposedly »progressive« city planning was seen with increasing suspicion.1028 In 1979, for example, the Bochum city council recognized that »since 1945 twice as many historical buildings have been destroyed than during the Second World War« in the Federal Republic. Nevertheless, the alternative press still criticized the council for favoring profit-oriented redevelopment over the protection of art nouveau facades.1029 Similarly, the beauty of the old workers’ settlements remained subject to dispute: for some they were just »eyesores« in the city.1030


To be sure, Wanne-Eickel is not New York as both cities have their own inherent logic.1031 Instead of provincializing the Ruhr’s settlement initiatives in the regional history book, however, this chapter has sought to demonstrate that the initiatives for the preservation of workers’ settlements in West Germany’s industrial cities can be treated as an urban movement à la Ruhr, i.e. a regional variant of an urban movement that transcended regional and national boundaries.

In terms of participant numbers, the initiatives consisted primarily of working-class inhabitants who sought to preserve the status quo and who felt threatened by demolition orders and privatization measures. Their life in the former company towns represented the typical petty-bourgeois lifestyle of the Ruhr’s working classes. Especially the older settlement dwellers strongly identified with their neighborhoods and were concerned about being forced to give up their extremely affordable houses settled within intimate village-like environments. However, through elite networks their NIMBY actions were embedded in a wider urban movement rejecting hegemonic modernization measures and contesting traditions of monopolistic democracy in an atmosphere in which a new political culture pushed into the public sphere.

From this perspective, initiatives represented features that were both typical for the specific structures of the Ruhr as well as for the urban movement activism of the seventies more generally. They took place in a period of transition; in the region from an industrial to a more post-industrial culture, and in West Germany from the rather authoritarian culture of the postwar years to a more liberal culture post-1968. Western industrial societies in the seventies witnessed growing scepticism of the sustainability of the economic system, anticipating what would later be called post-Fordism.1032 The so-called urban crisis of the seventies was, then, associated not only with ruthless city planning, but also with the economic restructuring of industrial cities away from heavy industry towards a service economy.1033 Simultaneously, left-wing thinking—with the radically democratic socialism of the New Left and the new social movements—became more popular, not to say fashionable, in the industrialized Western nations, where large parts of society searched for political and cultural alternatives. Academics increasingly studied »history from below« and discovered the everyday life of the working classes,1034 while artists such as Bernd and Hilla Becher came to appreciate and portray the particular post-industrial aesthetics.1035 Urban movements then played a role in the pervasive ideological and aesthetic change that shaped alternative images of the city, projecting a more humane urban design that stood in contrast to the Fordist city model. At the settlement movement’s elite level, which was not predominantly working class, categories such as place identity (Ruhr), political ideology (New Left/new social movements), historical culture (industrial heritage) and aesthetic judgement (architectural and urban design) formed leitmotifs for action that were more strongly developed than among the workers who lived in the historic settlements.


Fig. 3: The Eisenheim settlement in Oberhausen today.

Source: Ruhr Tourismus GmbH/Jochen Schlutius.