

Hans-Jochen Vogel, »Rettet unsere Städte jetzt!«, in Rettet unsere Städte jetzt! Vorträge, Aussprachen und Ergebnisse der 16. Hauptversammlung des Deutschen Städtetages vom 25. bis 27. Mai 1971 in München (Cologne: W. Kohlhammer, 1971), 55−84.


»Sind die Städte noch zu retten?«, Der Spiegel, 24, June 7, 1971, particularly the article »Länge mal Breite mal Geld«, 54–72. All translations in this text from German and Italian are the authors’.


Sepp Binder, »Sterben unsere Städte? Wachsende Probleme, wachsende Schuldenberge—die Stadtväter rufen um Hilfe«, Die Zeit, May 21, 1971.


Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (New York: Random House, 1961).


Prominent North American contributions to the discourse of »urban crisis« are, among others: Victor Gruen, The Heart of Our Cities: the Urban Crisis: Diagnosis and Cure (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1964) and Edward C. Banfield, The Unheavenly City: the Nature and Future of Our Urban Crisis (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1970). On the origins, evolution and different uses of this notion: Timothy Weaver, »Urban Crisis: The Genealogy of a Concept«, Urban Studies, prepublished online March 31, 2016, DOI:10.1177/0042098016640487.


See especially Wolf Jobst Siedler, Elisabeth Niggemeyer and Gina Angreß, Die gemordete Stadt. Abgesang auf Putte und Straße, Platz und Baum (Berlin: Herbig, 1964) and Alexander Mitscherlich, Die Unwirtlichkeit unserer Städte. Anstiftung zum Unfrieden (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2008 [1965]).


See e.g. Edgar Salin, »Urbanität«, in Erneuerung unserer Städte. Vorträge, Aussprechen und Ergebnisse der 11. Hauptversammlung des Deutschen Städtetages, Augsburg, 1.—3. Juni 1960 (Cologne: W. Kohlhammer, 1960), 9–34.


Thierry Paquot, »Que savons-nous de la ville et de l’urbain?«, in Marcel Roncayolo et al., De la ville et du citadin (Marseille: Éd. Parenthèses, 2003), 15–33, here 29. See Henri Lefebvre, Le droit à la ville (Paris: Anthropos, 1968); Manuel Castells, La question urbaine (Paris: Maspéro, 1972); Id., Ciudad, democracia y socialismo (Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1977).


See e.g. the reception of Jane Jacobs‘s Death and Life of Great American Cities which influenced, among many others, Alexander Mitscherlich’s pamphlet—see Marianne Rodenstein, »›Die Unwirtlichkeit unserer Städte‹: Kontext, Thesen und Konsequenzen«, in Mitscherlich, Unwirtlichkeit, 171–199, here 175. In the UK, the ›Community Development Project‹ of the Labour government in 1968 and the ›Inner Area Studies‹ (1972) of the conservative Heath government were important policy documents highlighting the perception of an ›urban crisis‹, strongly influenced by US-American notions.


Vogel, »Rettet unsere Städte jetzt!«, 61.


Franco Ferraresi and Antonio Tosi, »Crisi della città e politica urbana«, in La crisi italiana, vol. 2, Sistema politico e istituzioni, edited by Luigi Graziano and Sidney Tarrow (Turin: Einaudi, 1979), 559–605, here 559.


Francesco Bartolini, Roma. Dall’unità a oggi (Rome: Carocci, 2008), 99–100.


»20 settembre 1870: la capitale è Roma. Discorso celebrativo del centenario di Roma capitale pronunciato nell’Aula di Giulio Cesare dal sindaco Clelio Darida durante la solenne seduta del Consiglio comunale«, Capitolium, Sept. 1970, 3–12, here 11. The Porta Pia breach (20 September 1870) marked the capture of Rome by the Italian troops, which paved the way for the proclamation of the ›eternal city‹ as the Italian capital in 1871.


See Francesco Bartolini, Rivali d’Italia. Roma e Milano dal Settecento a oggi (Rome and Bari: Laterza, 2006), 269–270.


Ferraresi and Tosi, »Crisi della città e politica urbana«; Paolo Ceccarelli (ed.), La crisi del governo urbano. Istituzioni, strutture economiche e processi politici nelle città del capitalismo maturo (Venice: Marsilio, 1978).


Italo Calvino, »Italo Calvino on Invisible Cities«, Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry & Prose, 8 (1983), 37–42, here 40. See also Id., Le città invisibili (Turin: Einaudi, 1972); the first English translation is Invisible Cities (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974).


Niall Ferguson, »Introduction: Crisis, What Crisis? The 1970s and the Shock of the Global«, and Charles S. Maier, »›Malaise‹. The Crisis of Capitalism in the 1970s«, in The Shock of the Global. The 1970s in Perspective, edited by Niall Ferguson et al. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010), 1–21, 25–48, here 20, 21, 27, 26.


Hartmut Kaelble, »The 1970s: What Turning Point?«, Journal of Modern European History, 9: 1 (2011), 18–20, here 18 f.


Philippe Chassaigne, »Why the 1970s Really Matter«, Journal of Modern European History, 9: 1 (2011), 21–23, here 22; Göran Therborn, »The Tide and Turn of the Marxian Dialectic of European Capitalism«, Ibid., 9–12, here 10.


Anselm Doering-Manteuffel and Lutz Raphael, Nach dem Boom. Perspektiven auf die Zeitgeschichte seit 1970 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008); Anselm Doering-Manteuffel, »Nach dem Boom. Brüche und Kontinuitäten der Industriemoderne seit 1970«, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 55:4 (2007), 559–581; Konrad H. Jarausch, »Verkannter Strukturwandel. Die siebziger Jahre als Vorgeschichte der Probleme der Gegenwart«, in Das Ende der Zuversicht. Die siebziger Jahre als Geschichte, edited by Konrad H. Jarausch (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck& Ruprecht, 2008), 9–26.


Jean J. H. Fourastié, Les Trente Glorieuses ou la révolution invisible de 1946 à 1975 (Paris: Fayard, 1979); Eric J. Hobsbawm, Age of Extremes. The Short Twentieth Century 1914–1991 (London: Michael Joseph, 1994).


Sonja Levsen, »Einführung: Die 1970er Jahre in Westeuropa—un dialogue manqué«, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 42:2 (2016), 213–242.


The 20th century in Europe as an »urban century«: Leif Jerram, Streetlife. The Untold History of Europe’s Twentieth Century (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010). For Italy, see Francesco Barbagallo, L’Italia repubblicana. Dallo sviluppo alle riforme mancate (1945–2008) (Rome: Carocci, 2009); Guido Crainz, Il paese mancato. Dal miracolo economico agli anni Ottanta (Rome: Donzelli, 2003); Paul Ginsborg, A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics, 1943–1988 (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990); L’Italia repubblicana nella crisi degli anni settanta, 4 voll. (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2003); Silvio Lanaro, Storia dell’Italia repubblicana. L’economia, la politica, la cultura, la società dal dopoguerra agli anni ›90 (Venezia: Marsilio, 1992); Aurelio Lepre, Storia della prima Repubblica. L‹Italia dal 1943 al 2003 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2004 [1993]). For West Germany, see, among others, Andreas Rödder, Die Geschichte der Bundesrepublik 1969–1990 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2004); Edgar Wolfrum, Die geglückte Demokratie: Geschichte der Bundesrepublik von ihren Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2006); Eckart Conze, Die Suche nach Sicherheit: eine Geschichte der Bundesrepublik von 1949 bis in die Gegenwart (Munich: Siedler, 2009). See also urban historians’ claims for the relevance of cities in the general history of postwar Europe: Sergio Pace, »Through the Looking-Glass. Research on the Italian City in Historical Perspective«, in Italian Cityscapes. Culture and Urban Change in Contemporary Italy, edited by Robert Lumley and John Foot (Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2004), 15–28; Simon Gunn, »European Urbanities since 1945: A Commentary«, Contemporary European History, 24:4 (2015), 617–622. For an interpretation of West German history as urban history, see Dieter Schott, »Die Geschichte der Bundesrepublik als Stadtgeschichte erzählen«, in Mehr als eine Erzählung. Zeitgeschichtliche Perspektiven auf die Bundesrepublik, edited by Frank Bajohr et al. (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2016), 159–174.


In the UK the emergence of a ›modern urban history‹ started in the late sixties with H. J. Dyos in Leicester who developed urban history within a framework of economic and social history, see Roey Sweet, »Urban History«, in: Making History, (last accessed 30/09/2016). See also H. J. Dyos (ed.), The Study of Urban History (London: Arnold, 1968). In Germany urban history appeared on the scholarly scene of the German Historians Convention in 1970 with a first session on the modern city; in the same year the journal Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte was founded; see Dieter Schott, »Stadt in der Geschichtswissenschaft«, in Stadt. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, edited by Harald Mieg and Christoph Heyl (Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler, 2013), 120–147; Jürgen Reulecke, »Bundesrepublik Deutschland«, in Moderne Stadtgeschichtsforschung in Europa, USA und Japan. Ein Handbuch, edited by Christian Engeli and Horst Matzerath (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1989), 21–36; for an insider’s and actor’s perspective: Wolfgang Hofmann, »Es begann mit Stein«, in Bürgerschaftliche Repräsentanz und kommunale Daseinsvorsorge, edited by Wolfgang Hofmann (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2012), 363–410. In Italy it was the mid-seventies that saw major steps forward in the study of modern cities, including the launch of the multidisciplinary journal Storia urbana (1977) and the publication of the collective book: Alberto Caracciolo (ed.), Dalla città preindustriale alla città del capitalismo (Bologna: il Mulino, 1975), regarded as »a milestone in urban history«. Salvatore Adorno, »La città degli storici: un percorso«, in »Le città italiane nell’Ottocento«, edited by Salvatore Adorno and Filippo De Pieri, Contemporanea, 2 (2007), 291–296, here 292. Leonardo Benevolo’s masterpiece Storia della città was also first published in 1975 (Rome and Bari: Laterza); Benevolo himself was involved in the urbanistic debates of the seventies—see the contribution by Jost Ulshöfer in this volume.


Friedrich Lenger, Metropolen der Moderne. Eine europäische Stadtgeschichte seit 1850 (Munich: Beck, 2013), 478.


Gunn, »European Urbanities«, 622.


Just to give a few recent examples: Maurizio Bach and Stefan Breuer, Faschismus als Bewegung und Regime. Italien und Deutschland im Vergleich (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010); Christoph Cornelißen, Lutz Klinkhammer and Wolfgang Schwentker, eds., Erinnerungskulturen. Deutschland, Italien und Japan seit 1945 (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer 2003); Hans Woller, »Italien und Deutschland nach 1945. Vom schwierigen Geschäft des Vergleichs«, in Parallele Geschichte? Italien und Deutschland 1945–2000, edited by Gian Enrico Rusconi and Hans Woller (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2006), 27–33.


Exceptions to the rule are Donatella Della Porta, Social Movements, Political Violence, and the State. A Comparative Analysis of Italy and Germany (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995); Christoph Cornelißen, Brunello Mantelli and Petra Terhoeven, eds., Il decennio rosso. Contestazione sociale e conflitto politico in Germania e in Italia negli anni Sessanta e Settanta (Bologna: il Mulino, 2012); Thomas Großbölting, Massimiliano Livi and Carlo Spagnolo, eds., Jenseits der Moderne? Die siebziger Jahre als Gegenstand der deutschen und italienischen Geschichtswissenschaft (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2014), Italian edition: L’avvio della società liquida: il passaggio degli anni settanta come tema per la storiografia tedesca e italiana (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2014); Petra Terhoeven, Deutscher Herbst in Europa: Der Linksterrorismus als transnationales Phänomen (Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016).


See e.g. the works cited in footnote 23.


Peter Clark, European Cities and Towns, 400–2000 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), 223–253; Guy Burgel, La ville contemporaine après 1945 (Paris: Seuil, 2003), 33–85; Paul M. Hohenberg and Lynn Hollen Lees, The Making of Urban Europe, 1000–1994 (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard University Press, 1995), 331–378.


Giuseppe Dematteis, »Le trasformazioni territoriali e ambientali«, in Storia dell’Italia repubblicana, vol. 2.1, La trasformazione dell’Italia: sviluppo e squilibri. Politica, economia, società, edited by Francesco Barbagallo et al. (Turin: Einaudi, 1995), 659–709, quote from 675.


Brian J.L. Berry (ed.), Urbanization and Counter-urbanization (Beverly Hills and London: Sage, 1976); Anthony G. Champion (ed.), Counterurbanization: The Changing Pace and Nature of Population Deconcentration (London: Edward Arnold, 1989).


Claudia Christiane Gatzka, »Die Nachkriegsstadt als Ort politischer Kommunikation. Überlegungen am Beispiel Westdeutschlands und Italiens 1945–1968«, Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte, (2016), n° 2, 91–108.


See Bart van der Steen, »Die internationalen Verbindungen der Hausbesetzerbewegungen in den 70er und 80er Jahren«, in Deutsche Zeitgeschichte—transnational, edited by Alexander Gallus, Axel Schildt and Detlef Siegfried (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2015), 203–220.


See, among others, Doering-Manteuffel and Raphael, Nach dem Boom.


See Raphael’s contribution in this volume.


It should be remembered that in the same period, following the regional elections of June 1975, left-wing administrations came into office in key northern regions such as Lombardy, Piedmont and Liguria, which added themselves to the central regions already governed by the Left: Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, and Umbria.


See, for an interdisciplinary survey on »urban heritage«: Heike Oevermann, Sybille Frank and Eszter Gantner (eds.), »Städtisches Erbe—Urban Heritage«, Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte (2016), no. 1, 5–90.


See Max Jäggi, Roger Müller and Sil Schmid, Red Bologna, with an introduction by Donald Sassoon and photographs by Otmar Schmid, featuring an interview with Mayor Renato Zangheri (London: Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative, 1977); original edition: Das rote Bologna. Kommunisten demokratisieren eine Stadt im kapitalistischen Westen (Zurich: Verlagsgenossenschaft, 1976).


Robert Lumley, States of Emergency: Cultures of Revolt in Italy from 1968 to 1978 (London and New York: Verso, 1990); Giovanni De Luna, Le ragioni di un decennio, 1969–1979. Militanza, violenza, sconfitta, memoria (Milan: Feltrinelli, 2009).


Luca Falciola, Il movimento del 1977 in Italia (Rome: Carocci, 2015); Mondo contemporaneo, 1 (2014), special issue on the Movimento del ‘77.


See particularly Sven Reichardt and Detlef Siegfried, eds., Das Alternative Milieu. Antibürgerlicher Lebensstil und linke Politik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Europa, 1968–1983 (Hamburg: Wallstein, 2010).


In the case of West Germany, contemporary history has started to explore this decade. See: Konrad H. Jarausch (ed.), Das Ende der Zuversicht? Die siebziger Jahre als Geschichte (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008); Thomas Raithel, Andreas Rödder and Andreas Wirsching, eds., Auf dem Weg in eine neue Moderne? Die Bundesrepublik in den siebziger und achtziger Jahren (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2009).


Christoph Cornelissen, Brunello Mantelli and Petra Terhoeven, eds., Il decennio rosso: Contestazione sociale e conflitto politico in Germania e in Italia negli anni Sessanta e Settanta, Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento. Quaderni, vol. 85 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2012).


Sidney Tarrow, Democracy and Disorder: Politics and Protest in Italy, 1965–1975 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1989); Paul Ginsborg, A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics, 1943–88 (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990), 298–347; Ida Regalia, Marino Regini and Emilio Reyneri, »Labour Conflicts and Industrial Relations in Italy«, in The Resurgence of Class Conflict in Western Europe, edited by Colin Crouch and Alessandro Pizzorno (London: MacMillan, 1978) vol.1, 101–158; Stuart J.Hilwig (ed.), Italy and 1968: Youthful Unrest and Democratic Culture (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009).


Petra Terhoeven, Deutscher Herbst in Europa: Der Linksterrorismus der siebziger Jahre als transnationales Phänomen (Göttingen: De Gruyter, 2014).


On the eighties see: Paolo Capuzzo, »Gli anni Ottanta in Europa«, Contemporanea, 13 (2010), 697–718; Paolo Capuzzo, »1980er Jahre«, ApuZ Aus Politik und Zeitgeschehen, 65 (2015), 3–46.


See the chapters by Freia Anders/Alexander Sedlmaier, Sebastian Haumann or Luciano Villani in this volume.


For a historical reflection on this kind of exchange see the contribution by Harald Bodenschatz in this volume.


On 1968 as an international event see: Marcel van der Linden, »The Aftermath of ›68‹: Interaction of Worker’s, Youth and Women’s Movements«, in Transnational Labor History: Explorations, edited by Marcel van der Linden (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003), 117–141.


Manfred G. Schmidt, Der deutsche Sozialstaat. Geschichte und Gegenwart (Munich: Beck 2012).


Walter W. Rostow, The Stages of Economic Growth, a Non-Communist Manifesto (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1960).


›L’écume des jours‹. The title of a famous novel of the French writer Boris Vian was first used by Fernand Braudel to describe the kind of misperception such a dense sequence of events may produce in the historian.


Lutz Leisering, »Nach der Expansion. Die Evolution des bundesrepublikanischen Sozialstaats seit den 1970er Jahren«, in Vorgeschichte der Gegenwart. Dimensionen des Strukturbruchs nach dem Boom, edited by Anselm Doering-Manteuffel, Lutz Raphael and Thomas Schlemmer (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016) 217–244.


Ginsborg, A History of Contemporary Italy.


Hartmut Kaelble, Sozialgeschichte Europas: 1945 bis zur Gegenwart (Munich: Beck, 2007), 342.


Maurizio Ferrera, »The ›Southern Model‹ of Welfare in Social Europe«, Journal of European Social Policy (1996).


Andrea Brandolini, »La disugualianza dei redditi personali: perchè l’Italia somiglia più agli Stati Uniti che alla Germania?«, in La fatica di cambiare. Rapporto sulla società italiana, edited by Raimondo Catanzaro and Giuseppe Sciortino (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2009) 133–152.


Ulrich Herbert, Geschichte Deutschlands im 20. Jahrhundert (Munich: Beck, 2015), 835–959; Paul Ginsborg, »Measuring the Distance: the Case of the Family, 1968–2001«, Thesis Eleven, 68 (2002), 46–63.


Robert D. Putnam, Robert Leonardi and Raffaella Nanetti, Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993).


See the contributions by Harald Bodenschatz and Jost Ulshöfer in this volume.


For a long-term perspective see: Frank Trentmann, Empire of Things. How We Became a World of Consumers, 15th Century to the 21st (London/New York: Harper Collins, 2016).


Béla Tomka, A Social History of Twentieth-Century Europe (London: Routledge, 2013), 235.


See the chapters by Cristina, Bodenschatz and Ulshöfer in this book.


Pier Luigi Cervellati, »La strada che genera città«, in Storia d’Italia. Le regioni dall’Unità a oggi. L’Emilia-Romagna, edited by Roberto Finzi (Turin: G. Einaudi, 1997) 165–190.


Tomka, A Social History, 17.


Thomas Schlemmer, »Befreiung oder Kolonialisierung? Frauenarbeit und Frauenerwerbstätigkeit am Ende der Industriemoderne«, in Vorgeschichte der Moderne, 79–108, here 84.


Paul Ginsborg, Italy and its Discontents 1980–2001 (London: Penguin Press 2001), 68–93.


For a general outline of such an approach and empirical evidence see: Anselm Doering-Manteuffel and Lutz Raphael, Nach dem Boom. Perspektiven auf die Zeitgeschichte seit 1970 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012 [2008]); Anselm Doering-Manteuffel, Lutz Raphael and Thomas Schlemmer, eds., Vorgeschichte der Gegenwart. Dimensionen des Strukturbruchs nach dem Boom (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016).


Stefan Eich and Adam Tooze, »The Great Inflation«, in Vorgeschichte der Gegenwart. Dimensionen des Strukturbruchs nach dem Boom, edited by Anselm Doering-Manteuffel, Lutz Raphael and Thomas Schlemmer (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016), 173–196.




Michael E. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations (London: Macmillan, 1990).


The classic reference is Charles F. Sabel and Michael J. Piore, The Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities for Prosperity (New York: Basic Books, 1984).




Arnaldo Bagnasco, Le tre Italie (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1977); Francesco Bartolini, La Terza Italia. Reinventare la nazione alla fine del Novecento (Rome: Carocci, 2015).


Olga Sparschuh, »Wahrnehmung von Arbeitsmigranten aus dem ›Mezzogiorno‹ in deutschen und norditalienischen Großstädten«, in Dolce vita? Das Bild der italienischen Migranten in Deutschland, edited by Oliver Janz (Frankfurt: Campus, 2011) 95–115.


For the Italian case see Corrado Bonifazi and Frank Heins, »Ancora migranti: la nuova mobilità degli italiani«, in Storia d‘Italia, edited by Paola Corti and Matteo Sanfilippo (Turin: G. Einaudi, 2009) 505–528; John Foot, »Immigration and the City. Milan and Mass Immigration, 1950–1998«, Modern Italy, 4 (1999), 159–172; For the Italian migration to West Germany see Yvonne Rieker, »Ein Stück Heimat findet man ja immer.« Die italienische Einwanderung in die Bundesrepublik (Essen: Klartext, 2003); Jochen Oltmer (ed.), Das »Gastarbeiter«-System: Arbeitsmigration und ihre Folgen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Westeuropa, (Munich: Odenbourg, 2012).


Clelia Caruso, »Participation politique et commémoration de la migration dans un espace social transnational: La,petite Italie’ de Seraing (Belgique) entre intégration et diaspora«, in Petites Italies dans l’Europe du Nord-Ouest. Appartenances territoriales et identités collectives à l’ère de la migration italienne de masse, edited by Judith Rainhorn (Valenciennes: Editions du Septrion, 2005), 165–174; Clelia Caruso,, Eigene Welt? Der transnationale Sozialraum italienischer Arbeitsmigranten in Seraing (1946–1990) (Cologne, Weimar and Vienna: Böhlau, forthcoming).


See, for the particularities of the Italian development, Robert Lumley and John Foot, eds., Italian cityscapes: Culture and Urban Change in contemporary Italy (Exeter: Exeter University Press, 2004); Christof Dipper, »Urbanisierung im späten 20. Jahrhundert«, in Hochschule—Geschichte—Stadt: Festschrift für Helmut Böhme, edited by Georg G. Iggers (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004), 343–354; On the case of Milan: John Foot, Milan Since the Miracle: City, Culture and Identity (Oxford and New York: Berg, 2001).


Ginsborg, Italy and its Discontents, 60–62, 75–76.


Thomas Raithel, Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der Bundesrepublik (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2012).


See the contributions by Haumann and Anders/Sedlmaier in this volume.


As overviews see Herbert, Geschichte, 975–989; Ginsborg, Italy and its Discontents, 137–284.


Stefan Kipfer, »City, Country, Hegemony. Antonio Gramsci’s Spatial Historicism«, in Gramsci: Space, Nature, Politics, edited by Michael Ekers et al. (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 87–95.


Antonio Gramsci, »The Historical Role of the Cities«, in Gramsci: Pre-Prison Writings, edited by Richard Bellamy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 136. This article in its original form: Antonio Gramsci, »La funzione storica delle città«, L’Ordine Nuovo, Jan. 17, 1920.


See also another Gramsci article published two weeks before »La funzione storica delle città«: Antonio Gramsci, »Operai e contadini«, L’Ordine Nuovo, Jan. 3, 1920. Translated in English: Antonio Gramsci, »Workers and Peasants«, (last accessed 18/04/2016).


Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks, edited and translated by Quentin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith (London: Elec Book, 1999), 264.


Ibid., 264.


According to Gramsci »the historical relationship between North and South« was »similar to that between a great city and a great rural area«. Ibid., 266.


Palmiro Togliatti, »Ceto medio e Emilia rossa« [1946], in Politica nazionale e Emilia rossa, by Palmiro Togliatti (Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1974), 35. If there are no references to specific English translations, all quotes originally in Italian have been translated by the author.


Palmiro Togliatti, »La funzione dell’Emilia« [1962], in Togliatti, Politica nazionale e Emilia rossa, 576.


Palmiro Togliatti, »Rapporto al × Congresso del Partito comunista italiano« [1962], in Palmiro Togliatti, Opere, VI: 1956–1964, edited by Luciano Gruppi (Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1984), 671.


Francesco Bartolini, »Urban History and Political Militancy. Rome in the 1950’s«, in City and Society in European History. 10th International Conference on Urban History (Gent: European Association for Urban History and Universiteit Gent, 2010), 1–6; Francesco Bartolini, »Roma cattolica e Roma comunista. Le rappresentazioni della capitale e l’uso pubblico della storia urbana negli anni Cinquanta«, in Città e regione. Questioni di metodo e percorsi di ricerca, edited by Francesco Bartolini and Simone Betti (Macerata: Eum, 2012), 129–149.


Antonio Cederna, I vandali in casa (Bari: Laterza, 1956); Bruno Bonomo, »›The Vandals at Home‹: Antonio Cederna’s Denunciation of the Devastation of Italian Cities in the Postwar Period«, in Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 5 (2016), 764–788.


Andy Merrifield, Metromarxism. A Marxist Tale of the City (New York and London: Routledge, 2002).


Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas, eds., Henri Lefebvre, Writings on Cities (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996), 158–159.


Manuel Castells, The Urban Question. A Marxist Approach (London: Edward Arnold, 1977 [1972]), 433.


Vincenzo Bentivegna, »La questione della rendita urbana nella teoria marxista contemporanea«, Critica marxista, 4 (1980), 145–171.


Partito comunista italiano, Convegno nazionale su »il diritto alla casa e ad una città per gli uomini«, Roma, Teatro Centrale, 30–31 ottobre 1969.


Ibid., 168–170.


XIII Congresso del Partito comunista italiano. Atti e risoluzioni (Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1972), 31, 41.


Ibid., 225.


Liliana Piersanti, »Roma. La città che uccide«, Rinascita, 18 (1969), 13–15.


Pietro Ingrao, »Un’altra Roma per un altro Stato«, Rinascita, 19 (1971), 3.


Renato Zangheri, »Le città sono governabili?«, Rinascita, 5 (1975), 24.


Ibid., 25.


See the contributions by Harald Bodenschatz, Jost Ulshöfer and Guido Zucconi in this volume.


Max Jäggi, Roger Müller and Sil Schmid, Red Bologna (London: Writers and Readers, 1977); Renato Zangheri, Bologna (Roma and Bari: Laterza, 1986), 177–188; Storia di Bologna, vol. 4 Bologna in età contemporanea 1915–2000, edited by Angelo Varni (Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2013), 589–630.


In 1974 the PCI’s journal Rinascita published a series of long interviews with well-known Italian architects and urban planners about the problems of the cities. In these articles the idea of the soviet city as a valuable model is absent. Rinascita, 11–30, (1974).


Fabio Mussi (ed.), »Il coraggio e la fantasia di un progetto storico. Intervista con Renato Zangheri, sindaco di Bologna«, in »Speciale per le elezioni: Quale destino per le grandi città?«, Rinascita, 23 (1975), 14.


Fabrizio D’Agostini (ed.), »Torino: chi può portarla a nuova vita. A colloquio con il sindaco Novelli«, Rinascita, 34 (1976), 7–8.


Centro Gramsci Ferrara, Incontro con Diego Novelli, sindaco della città di Torino, sul tema: »I valori dell’uomo nella crisi della città industriale«, venerdì 7 aprile 1978, ore 21, Sala del Plebiscito-Residenza Municipale, transcript from an audio recording; Fabio Mussi (ed.), »Caro Diego, è tempo di bilanci. Intervista con Novelli«, Rinascita, 39 (1978).


Diego Novelli, Vivere a Torino. Intervista di Ezio Mauro (Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1980), 49–50.


Ibid., 100.


Valerio Castronovo, Torino (Rome and Bari: Laterza, 1987), 431–456; Adriana Castagnoli, Da Detroit a Lione. Trasformazione economica e governo locale a Torino (1970–1990) (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1998), 125–145.


Antonio Bassolino, »Napoli: nel cuore dell’emergenza e del bisogno di unità«, Rinascita, 8 (1978), 7–8.


Luigi Musella, Napoli. Dall’Unità a oggi (Roma: Carocci, 2010), 116–122.


Maurizio Valenzi, Sindaco a Napoli. Intervista di Massimo Ghiara (Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1978), 140.


Alessandro Dal Piaz, Napoli 1945–1985. Quarant’anni di urbanistica (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1985), 103–109.


Paolo Ciofi, »A Roma, i comunisti«, in »Speciale: Governare le grandi città. Roma due anni dopo la vittoria delle sinistre«, Rinascita, 46 (1978), 16.


»Roma non si governa solo dal Campidoglio. Intervista al sindaco Giulio Carlo Argan«, Rinascita, 46 (1978); Giulio Carlo Argan, Un’idea di Roma. Intervista di Mino Monicelli (Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1979).


See Roberto Colozza’s essay in this volume.


Vittorio Vidotto, Roma contemporanea (Roma and Bari: Laterza, 2006 [2001]), 334–344.


Enrico Berlinguer, Austerità occasione per trasformare l’Italia (Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1977); Ermanno Taviani, »Il Pci nella società dei consumi«, in Il Pci nell’Italia repubblicana 1943–1991, edited by Roberto Gualtieri (Roma: Carocci, 2001), 285–326; Stefano Cavazza, »La politica di fronte al consumo di massa negli anni ›60 e ‹70«, in Politica e consumi nell’Italia Repubblicana, edited by Stefano Cavazza (Bologna: il Mulino, 2013), 13–48.


Centro Gramsci Ferrara, Incontro con Diego Novelli, 15–17.


Valenzi, Sindaco a Napoli, 140–145.


Paul Ginsborg, A History of Contemporary Italy. Society and Politics 1943–1988 (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990), 395–405.


Aris Accornero, »L’arretramento comunista nelle grandi città«, Rinascita, 22 (1979), 25.


Fondazione Gramsci (FG), Archivio Partito Comunista (APC), Comitato Centrale (CC), MF 411/1–204. Report of Enrico Berlinguer to Central Committee, 2 July 1979.


FG, APC, CC, MF 427/6–54. Report of Lucio Libertini to the III° Commission of Central Committee, 22 October 1979.


»Conferenza nazionale del Pci sulla casa (Roma, 20–22 marzo)«, Bollettino della sezione Regioni ed autonomie locali del Comitato Centrale del Pci, 5 (1981), 6.


Ibid., 85.


»It’s the night of miracles. And people rush to piazzas to see.« All translations from Italian are by the author.


Mirco Dondi, L’eco del boato: Storia della strategia della tensione, 1965–1974 (Rome and Bari: Laterza, 2015).


Enrico Berlinguer, Austerità: Occasione per trasformare l’Italia (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1977). More recently, a reviewed edition of his speech was published: Enrico Berlinguer, La via dell’austerità: Per un nuovo modello di sviluppo (Rome: Edizioni dell’Asino, 2010). PCI, Una politica di austerità ispirata a giustizia sociale per trasformare e rinnovare il paese, speech by Enrico Berlinguer at the PCI’s central committee, 18–20 Oct. 1976.


See the chapter by Sebastian Haumann in this volume for the reception of the »Movimento del ‘77« in West Germany.


See his correspondence with the PCI’s general secretary, Enrico Berlinguer, in the Archives of the Fondazione Antonio Gramsci, PCI fund, regions and provinces, Rome, MF 0409, letters from Argan to Berlinguer, 22 Mar. 1979 and 20 July 1979. Argan then decided to subscribe to the PCI in November 1979 in order to underline his political support of the Party; see Ibid., MF 0439, letter from Argan to Berlinguer, 3 Nov. 1979; also published in l’Unità, Nov. 4, 1979.


Giovanni Bechelloni, L’immaginario quotidiano: Televisione e cultura di massa (Turin: ERI, 1984), 53.


Gérôme Noëlle and Danielle Tartakowsky, eds., La Fête de l’Humanité: Culture communiste, culture populaire (Paris: Messidor-Éd. Sociales, 1988).


Stephen Gundle, I comunisti italiani tra Hollywood e Mosca: La sfida della cultura di massa, 1943–1991 (Florence: Giunti, 1995), 481.


Festivalization is the English adaptation from the German word Festivalisierung: Walter Siebel and Hartmut Häussermann, eds., Festivalisierung der Stadtpolitik: Stadtentwicklung durch große Projekte (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1993). For a recent case study on »festivalization« in a European city, namely Łodz in Poland, see Waldemar Cudny, Festivalisation of Urban Spaces: Factors, Processes and Effects (Berlin: Springer, 2016).


Richard Florida, Cities and the Creative Class (New York and London: Routledge, 2005). On this topic, see also Greg Richards and Robert Palmer, Eventful Cities, Cultural Management and Urban Revitalization (Oxford: Elsevier, 2010); Franco Bianchini and Michael Parkinson, eds., Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration: The West European Experience (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994).


I describe this conflictive dynamic in Roberto Colozza, »Guerra a sinistra. Il PCI, il PSI e il movimento del ‘77«, Mondo contemporaneo, 1 (2014), 95–112. For a broader analysis, see Luca Falciola, Il movimento del 1977 in Italia (Rome: Carocci, 2015).


Mauro Galleni (ed.), Rapporto sul terrorismo: Le stragi, gli agguati, i sequestri, le sigle 1969–1980 (Milan: Rizzoli, 1981), 49, 232–240.


Federazione romana del PCI, Dossier sulla violenza eversiva a Roma (Rome: 1977), 45.


See the contribution by Luciano Villani in this volume.


See the chapters by Francesco Bartolini and Lutz Raphael in this volume.


Leonardo Benevolo, Roma oggi (Rome and Bari: Laterza, 1977).


The national law no. 167 approved in April 1962 allowed public entities such as municipal administrations and cooperatives to expropriate buildable areas from private owners in order to realize council houses in the framework of comprehensive plans called »Piani di zona per l’Edilizia Economica e Popolare« (PEEP).


Benevolo, Roma oggi, 9–11.


Concerning trends and consequences of Rome’s unauthorized urban development from the twenties to the eighties, see Marco Olivieri, »1925–1981: la città abusiva«, in La Metropoli »spontanea«: Il caso di Roma, 1925–1981, edited by Alberto Clementi and Francesco Perego (Bari: Dedalo, 1983), 290–304.


That was the case of Dakar, which featured nearly 30 percent of illegal buildings within its territory in 1969; Lima, 36 percent in 1969; Manila, 35 percent in 1968; Seoul, 30 percent in 1970. Rome was around 30 percent during the seventies according to Leonardo Benevolo, Roma dal 1870 al 1990 (Rome and Bari: Laterza, 1992), 174.


Giulio Carlo Argan and Mino Monicelli, eds., Un’idea di Roma (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1979), 62–81, 105–117.


Roberto Colozza, »Le Parti communiste italien et la naissance du ›manifesto‹. Dissidence et orthodoxie dans les années 1968«, Histoire@politique. Politique, culture et société n. 30, octobre–décembre 2016.


See Nicolini’s autobiographical book: Renato Nicolini, Estate romana (Siena: Edizioni Sisifo, 1991), 25–34. The new edition is: Renato Nicolini, Estate Romana. Un effimero lungo nove anni (Reggio Calabria: Città del Sole Edizioni, 2011).


Speech by Renato Nicolini in ARCI, Il contributo dell’associazionismo per superare la crisi con lo sviluppo culturale e civile del paese, atti del congresso nazionale dell’Arci-Uisp (Rome: Savelli, 1977), 126–127. This congress, held in Naples between 1 and 3 November 1976, marked the reunification of ARCI (Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Italiana) and UISP (Unione Italiana Sport Popolare), which were two of the most important PCI »organizzazioni di massa« (mass organizations) in the field of culture and leisure.


Gundle, I comunisti italiani tra Hollywood e Mosca, 480.


Franco Bianchini, »Cultural Policy and Urban Social Movements: The Response of the ›New Left‹ in Rome (1976–85) and London (1981–86)«, in Leisure and Urban Processes: Critical Studies of Leisure Policy in Western European Cities, edited by Peter Bramham (London and New York: Routledge, 1989), 24–25.


On the »cultural syncretism« of the Estate Romana see Bechelloni, L’immaginario quotidiano, 63–66.


Nicolini, Estate romana, 58–59.


Nicolini, Estate romana, 62–66.


Proceedings of the municipal council of Rome, deliberation of the city council, Aug. 2, 1977, no. 5867, vol. 1978, 1828–9.


Mino Argentieri, »Cineclub a poco, all’aperto, di massa«, Rinascita, 37, Sept. 23, 1977.


Nicolini, Estate romana, 143–144.


See the interview with Argan done by Maria Luisa Boccia, »Il mio incontro con la città«, Rinascita, 35, Sept. 14, 1979.


Nicolini, Estate romana, 143–144.


Renato Nicolini, »Se nove anni vi sembran pochi… La rossa stagione delle giunte«, in Roma perché. La giunta di sinistra: analisi di un’esperienza, edited by Giulio Carlo Argan et al. (Rome: Ed. Roberto Napoleone, 1986), 119–141.


Ibid., 123.


Silvano Belligni, »Gli amministratori comunisti: un profilo provvisorio e alcune ipotesi«, in Il Partito comunista italiano: Struttura e storia dell’organizzazione, 1921/1979, Annali della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, edited by Massimo Ilardi and Aris Accornero (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1981), 530–531.


Ibid., 536.


1,000 Italian lire in July 1977 corresponded to the current value of € 1.01. Source: [last accessed 14 December 2016]


See the video Luca Mancini (director), »Meraviglioso urbano, 1977–2007: trent’anni di Estate Romana«, [last accessed 14 December 2016]


Historical Archive of Rome (Archivio storico capitolino), Renato Nicolini fund, typed report on the Estate Romana, undated but very likely from 1977.


David Grieco, »D’estate col cinema in piazza: Successo della rassegna romana alla Basilica di Massenzio«, l’Unità, Sept. 8, 1977.


N. F., »Cinema epico: undicimila spettatori in cinque sere: Grande successo alla Basilica di Massenzio«, l’Unità, Aug. 31, 1977.


»Una cineteca comunale per offrire ai cittadini pellicole di qualità. Verrà realizzata con gli incassi della rassegna alla Basilica di Massenzio«, l’Unità, Aug. 19, 1977.


»Dieci piazze di tutta la città coinvolte nell’estate romana: Primo bilancio delle iniziative promosse dall’amministrazione comunale«, l’Unità, Sept. 1, 1977.


Roberto Roscani, »Mille iniziative ma non è un ›kolossal‹. Si apre domenica in tre diversi ›spazi‹ della città il festival provinciale dei giovani comunisti«, l’Unità, Sept. 15, 1977.


Proceedings of the municipal council of Rome, deliberation of the city council, July 18, 1978, no. 6138, vol. 1979, 11066–7.


Gregorio Botta, »Al cinema come ad una festa: Folla d’eccezione alla Basilica di Massenzio«, l’Unità, Aug. 25, 1978.


»Su 11 schermi l’apoteosi di Massenzio«, l’Unità, Sept. 8, 1978.


»L’›estate romana‹ continua con musica e teatro medievali: Una rassegna promossa dal Comune e organizzata da Arci, Acli e Endas«, l’Unità, Sept. 1, 1978.


»Roma: anche in periferia una ›ricca‹ estate. Molti spettacoli nei quartieri e in provincia«, l’Unità, Sept. 16, 1978.


Corrado Morgia, »E dopo l’Estate (romana) vien l’Autunno, e dopo Autunno…«, l’Unità, Sept. 13, 1978, 10; Gr. B., »Il ›doppio gioco‹ l’hanno giocato in cinquantamila«, l’Unità, Sept. 14, 1978, 12


Carla Chelo, »Affinché l’estate romana non sia una fugace stagione di allegria«, l’Unità, July 20, 1979, 10. The Beaubourg was the informal name of the new museum of contemporary art and culture inaugurated in Paris in 1977.


See, for instance, his interview with Dante Matelli, Renato Nicolini, »Sua eccellenza Happening«, L’Espresso, Apr. 1, 1979.


Proceedings of the municipal council of Rome, deliberation of the city council, Aug. 3, 1979, no. 6119, vol. 1980, 3001; deliberation of the city council, March 11, 1980, vol. 1980, no. 258, 3004.


Nando Agostinelli (Provincial Assessor for Mental Health Services), »Se una sera uno spettatore va a teatro insieme al ›matto‹«, l’Unità, July 26, 1979.


Luisa Melograni, »Un acrobata a piazza Farnese. Cultura e spettacolo nelle iniziative dell’›estate romana‹«, l’Unità, July 14, 1979.


»Perché il gatto assedia le cinque meraviglie«, l’Unità, Sept. 9, 1979.


Carla Chelo, »Inventare, festeggiare la città. Inizia da lunedì con il ›Meraviglioso urbano‹ l’ultima esplosione di fuochi d’artificio di quest’estate romana«, l’Unità (Rome edition), Sept. 8, 1979.


Francesco M. Petrone, »Tutta la città ne parla«, Rinascita, July 13, 1979.




Gundle, I comunisti italiani, 482.


Mauro Felicori, »Feste d’estate. Indagine sulla politica culturale dei comuni italiani«, in Luoghi e misure della politica: Quattro esercizi di misurazione sulla politica locale, edited by Arturo Parisi (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1984), 174, 179.


Further examples are Luisa Melograni, »A Roma una sera d’estate: La città riscopre l’avvenimento culturale«, l’Unità, Aug. 15, 1978; Corrado Morgia, »Fantasia e intelligenza rendono ›vivibile‹ anche Roma: Dove sta, e contro chi, la sfida culturale e politica dell’›Estate romana‹«, l’Unità, July 21, 1979.


As for this debate, see Oreste Massari, Il PCI e la cultura di massa: L’effimero, l’associazionismo e altre cose (Milan: Savelli, 1982), 129–147.


Mino Argentieri, »Cineclub a poco, all’aperto, di massa«, Rinascita, 37, Sept. 23, 1977.


In 1979, for instance, five cinemas closed in protest: »Se Casablanca batte Pornorella: Cinque cinema di Montesacro chiudono ›contro‹ l’Estate romana«, l’Unità, Aug. 29, 1979.


On the relationship between TV and cinema until the end of the seventies, see Francesco Pinto, »Cinema e TV: una integrazione auspicabile«, in Comunicazioni di massa e democrazia, edited by Giuseppe Vacca (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1980), 88–101.


Alberto Abruzzese, »L’effimero non lascia edifici, ma modelli«, Rinascita, 7, Dec. 1979. By the same author, see also Alberto Abruzzese, »Al centro della contraddizione della città immaginaria«, Rinascita/Il contemporaneo, 2, May 1980.


Felicori, »Feste d’estate«, 169–178, 181–189.


One of his most accomplished contributions in the field was: Renato Nicolini, »Consumare la grande città come festa, come desideri di bisogni e di libertà«, in Rinascita/Il contemporaneo, 22, May 1981.


»Oltre Massenzio«, Rinascita, 27, July 13, 1979.


Gundle, I comunisti italiani, 487–495.


The proceedings of the conference are in Massari, Il PCI e la cultura di massa.


Felicori, »Feste d’estate«, 151–152.


Paolo Mattera, »Tra conflittualità e riflusso: L’Italia del 1977 nelle relazioni del ministero dell’Interno«, Mondo contemporaneo, 1 (2014), 7–22.


Many are visible on YouTube simply by searching »Corviale«. Also online is the 45-minute documentary from 2006 by Katharina Copony, »Il Palazzo«, (last accessed 9/05/2016). There are also two comedy films that are intricately tied to Corviale: Sfrattato cerca casa equo canone from 1983 is a vulgar and wacky satire, while Scusate se esisto! from 2014 tells the story of a female architect forced to conceal her gender in order to design the rehabilitation of this large building. The film is inspired by the renovation project for the open floor proposed by Guendalina Salimei.


In truth, Mario Fiorentino died of a heart attack in Rome (where he was born in 1918) on December 25, 1982 before Corviale had been completed. Of Fiorentino’s many works, I mention here the Fosse Ardeatine Monument in Rome (1946–48).


The nickname »serpentone« was also given to the monstrous curved building constructed in Rione Cocuzzo, Potenza in 1980: see also 50 anni di abitazioni sociali (Rome: Edizioni di edilizia popolare, 2001), 317–318. »Biscione« (big snake) is instead the more appropriate name given to the large Ina-Casa project coordinated by Luigi Carlo Daneri in Forte Quezzi, Genoa (1956–67) which is situated atop the hill overlooking Marassi and characterized by a profile that follows the contours of the site.


First prize was awarded to the group coordinated by Lucia Peretti and second place to ABDR: the projects are posted on the ATER website. ATER (Azienda territoriale per l’edilizia residenziale del Comune di Roma) is the Territorial Housing Authority of the Municipality of Rome.


A reconsideration of Corviale can be found in Alice Gardini, Abitare ai margini della città: Trasformazione dei modelli insediativi residenziali moderni (Trento: Tangram, 2010), 240–246 and in the interviews in the appendix of the book.


Elio Piroddi, »Qualità architettonica e tipologia dell’edilizia sociale italiana«, in 50 anni di abitazioni sociali, 46. All quotations from Italian sources are translated by the author.


This is the case of the Filzi estate in Viale Argonne, designed in 1932 by Franco Albini, Renato Camus and Giancarlo Palanti.


Piroddi, »Qualità architettonica«, 49.


An interesting photographic juxtaposition between market real estate and public housing can be found in Alberto Clementi and Francesco Perego, eds., La metropoli spontanea: Il caso di Roma, 1925–1981: sviluppo residenziale di una città dentro e fuori dal piano (Bari: Dedalo, 1983), 280–289.


Paola Di Biagi (ed.), La grande ricostruzione: Il piano Ina-Casa e l’Italia degli anni ’50 (Rome: Donzelli, 2001); Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Fanfani e la casa: Gli anni Cinquanta e il modello italiano di welfare state. Il Piano Ina-Casa (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2002). The volume by Stephanie Zeier Pilat, Reconstructing Italy: The Ina-Casa Neighborhoods of the Postwar Era (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014) retraces the entire story of the Ina-Casa, with a particular focus on case studies in Bologna, Rome and Matera.


Ponte Mammolo was designed by Giuseppe Vaccaro.


This estate is located at km 7 of the Via Tiburtina. See also Margherita Guccione, Maria Margarita Segarra Lagunes and Rosalia Vittorini, eds., Guida ai quartieri romani INA Casa (Rome: Gangemi, 2002), 39–49.


Also see his considerations in Carlo Melograni, Architetture nell’Italia della ricostruzione: Modernità versus modernizzazione 1945–1960 (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2015), 72–79.


Manfredo Tafuri, Storia dell’architettura italiana, 1944–1985 (Turin: Einaudi, 1986), 22–25.


For a critical analysis of neighborhood policy, see Melograni, Architetture nell’Italia della ricostruzione, 366 and beyond.


References to neighborhood models and the influence of projects from northern Europe can be found in the 1999 interview with Renato Bonelli, »Ina-Casa coordinator for Central Italy«, in La grande ricostruzione: Il piano Ina-Casa e l’Italia degli anni ’50, edited by Paola Di Biagi (Rome: Donzelli, 2001), 144.


See the macro structures in Genoa such as the »Diga« (Dam) in the Diamante district, the projects in Prà and the so-called »lavatrici« (washing machines).


The most known and mentioned include the Höfe in Vienna, the Unité d’habitation by Le Corbusier and British brutalist monuments such as Robin Hood Gardens by Alison and Peter Smithson or the Balfron and Trellick Towers by Ernő Goldfinger in London.


Respectively Zoning Plans number 46, 7, 38, 61 and 19: See also Piero Ostilio Rossi, Roma. Guida all’architettura moderna (Rome and Bari: Laterza, 2012), 262–265, 314–326.


In Corviale, more than 6,000 were meant to be housed in the main building.


The residential complexes of Law no. 167 referred to here were situated, at the time of their construction, in the periphery of the city, some 10 km from Piazza Venezia. While Spinaceto stood alone in the middle of the countryside, 14 km from the center and 6–7 km from the EUR, the others were located at the edge of the built periphery. Corviale is 9.7 km from Piazza Venezia and, as isolated as its site may be, it is not far from the last fragments of the spontaneous constructions in the zone of Casetta Mattei.


Relazione allegata al Piano di Zona n° 61 Corviale, pages unnumbered: in Archivio Mario Fiorentino, faldone 2, Collezione MAXXI Architettura, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome. Underlining is in the original.


Relazione allegata al Piano di Zona n° 61 Corviale, pages unnumbered.




The reference is to the aforementioned Forte Quezzi complex, the »train« by Giuseppe Vaccaro, a 600-meter long, two-story arc-shaped building in the Barca neighborhood (1957–1962) in Piazza Giovanni XXIII in the western periphery, to the Monte Amiata complex by Carlo Aymonino and Aldo Rossi (1967–1974) in Via Cilea, Gallaratese, Milan.




Some 7–8 meters in height, as Carlo Lorenzetti recalls, and judging also from the drawings reproduced in photographs 381–385 in Mario Fiorentino, La casa: progetti 1946–1981 (Rome: A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna, Kappa, 1985). Dedicated to his children, the book was practically finished at the time of Fiorentino’s death though it would take years before it was actually published.


See Carrino’s recounting of his collaboration for Corviale: Nicola Carrino, »Nel vivo ricordo di Mario Fiorentino«, unpublished text, Dec. 26, 2007, available in Bibliografia ragionata su Corviale e selezione di testi provided by ATER for the 2015 competition Rigenerare Corviale. See also photographs 376–377 of the sketches for the decoration: Fiorentino, La casa.


Alfonso Acocella, Complessi residenziali degli anni ’70: dibattito e tendenze progettuali (Florence: Alinea, 1981), 87–104.


Also see photographs 337–339 in Fiorentino, La casa.


Luigi Petrangeli Papini, »Il salto di scala nella dimensione urbana: L’intervento dell’IACP di Roma negli anni settanta«, Controspazio, 4, Oct.–Dec. 1984, 98, faithfully reproduced in Luigi Petrangeli Papini, »Analisi degli interventi dell’IACP a Roma«, in Tra cronaca e storia: Contributi critici e realtà operativa, edited by IACP di Roma (Rome: Istituto Autonomo Case Popolari della provincia di Roma, 1986), 90.


Petrangeli Papini, »Il salto di scala«, 99.


Tafuri, Storia dell’architettura italiana, 154–155.


I also participated in some of the explorations together with the sculptor Carlo Lorenzetti.


The Studio Asse was founded in 1967 by Fiorentino, Vincenzo and Lucio Passarelli, with Riccardo Morandi, Ludovico Quaroni and Bruno Zevi. It was a private undertaking to design the Sistema direzionale orientale and the Asse attrezzato called for by the city of Rome’s new master plan though they were never realized. See also Lucio Passarelli, »Studio Asse«, in Roma 1967–70: Asse attrezzato e Studio Asse: storia e attualità (Rome: Fondazione Bruno Zevi, 2006), 53–58.


Vanna Fraticelli, »I piani di zona 1964–1978: Abitazione e sviluppo urbano«, Casabella, 438, July–Aug. 1978, 22 and 24.


Fraticelli, »I piani di zona«, 22.


As confirmed as recently as 2005 by the director of the City of Rome’s Urban Planning Office, Daniel Modigliani, »some time ago we gave up […] managing [public housing estates], considered too difficult or too costly. This incomprehensible policy of renunciation and waste of public resources has been going on for years. If only we could count on the physiological turnover of inhabitants, as in all other civilized nations, we would find ourselves with 5,000 units per year to face up to housing emergencies. Instead, we give up their management, we sell them off cheaply, and in the case of emergencies we look for other units to rent or purchase on the market«: Daniel Modigliani, »Un decennio di pianificazione del territorio«, in Roma Capitale del XXI secolo: la città metropolitana policentrica, edited by Pietro Salvagni (Rome: Palombi, 2005), 98. Modigliani served as special commissioner of ATER from July 31, 2013 to September 30, 2015.


Giuseppe Rebecchini, »I piani di zona: 1964–1978: La progettazione dei piani di zona«, Casabella, 438, July–Aug. 1978, 27.


Francesco Perego, »L’abusivismo a Roma«, in Tra cronaca e storia, edited by IACP di Roma, 43–44. Analogous results in Alessandro Franchini and Giuseppe Roma, »Confinati, ribelli, evolutivi, annoiati, appagati«, Controspazio, 4, Oct.–Dec. 1984, 102–105. This piece is dedicated to the social profiles of those living in Law no. 167 projects in Rome. In the presentation of the article, Censis sociologists claim that »the unsatisfied desire on the small scale […] renders consensus unanimous about a spontaneous Rome, devoid of services, but more diffuse and articulated than public housing estates«. Before this, on December 14, 1982, l’Unità, the daily of the Italian Communist Party, noted that Corviale was last »on the list of preferences of those on the waiting list for public housing«.


Fiorentino, La casa, 271 and 273. See also the video interview with Fiorentino on YouTube: (last accessed 9/05/2016).


The church was completed before the main building thanks to the interest in Corviale shown from the outset by the Cardinal of Rome, Ugo Poletti. The parish was entrusted to Tuscan priests from the Fraternità dell’Incarnazione.


Petrangeli Papini, »Il salto di scala«, 101. Unlike Corviale, the neighborhood of Tor Bella Monaca, with its more than 3,000 units in towers and townhouses, was constructed rapidly between 1980 and 1983 in the extreme eastern periphery of Rome by a group of contactors tied to the Associazione costruttori romani (ACER) and the Istituto sviluppo edilizio e urbanistico (ISVEUR). Though complete with all services when the houses were handed over starting in June 1983, this did not keep Tor Bella Monaca from rapidly becoming an area of degradation and widespread criminality. See also Vittorio Vidotto, Roma contemporanea (Rome and Bari: Laterza, 2006), 336–338.


Figures are from Nicoletta Campanella, Roma: Nuovo Corviale: Miti, utopie, valutazioni (Rome: Bulzoni, 1995), 85–87. These sales were also mentioned in Rosanna Lampugnani, »Un anno dopo a Corviale: 1200 alloggi senza servizi«, l’Unità, Dec. 11, 1983. Some assignees never occupied their homes, preferring instead to rent or sell them: see also l’Unità, Dec. 22, 1983.


Federica Angeli, »Alloggi popolari: ecco il tariffario del mercato nero«, la Repubblica, Feb. 7, 2016.


Mario Papetti, »Sgombrate le case di Corviale«, Paese Sera, Dec. 21, 1983. At this time more than 600 apartments were yet to be completed: l’Unità, Dec. 22, 1983.


Maria R. Calderoni, »Vita da senzacasa nella tendopoli da Terzo Mondo«, l’Unità, Feb. 14, 1984.


l’Unità, Jan. 8, 1985. At the end of 1985, another 300 apartments had been occupied.


During the early 1980s the SUNIA also organized picket lines to protect the houses to be assigned: Valeria Parboni, »Due anni di presidio per fermare le schiere degli occupanti abusivi«, l’Unità, June 26, 1985.


On the housing struggles in Rome, see the contribution by Luciano Villani in this volume.


Campanella, Roma: Nuovo Corviale, 115–122. Also in Vigne Nuove a quota of the common areas was illegally occupied, like the bridges of the Laurentino district. However, here the theme of degradation was exploited for electoral reasons and in 2006, the eleventh bridge was demolished followed by the tenth and ninth.


An example is the hospitality and prayer center of the Fraternità dell’Incarnazione in Largo Reduzzi, established in 1992 in spaces that had already practically been »put up for sale«.


The Party actually had an area inside the building which could be used by leading members, such as Pietro Ingrao, during door-to-door visits prior to the 1989 municipal elections: see also l’Unità, Oct. 28, 1989.


I use the expressions of Franco Purini, »Corviale casa dei linguaggi urbani«, l’Unità, Dec. 16, 2001.


See the analysis of local electoral data from 1992–95 in Campanella, Roma: Nuovo Corviale, 181–200. The Multipurpose Cultural Center in Corviale, inaugurated in 2002, is dedicated to the sociologist Campanella. The space is home to a large library, dedicated to Renato Nicolini in 2012. Nicolini is the architect and inventor of the Estate Romana, the municipally-sponsored program of summer events: see the contribution by Roberto Colozza in this volume.


Rents vary today from a minimum of €7.75, for social rent, to between €70.00 and €125.00 for normal rent.


Daniel Modigliani, Scheda sintetica, (available online, undated though from 2010,), 3. »The maintenance of the elevators, common areas and electrical systems was and remains a permanent problem for the building, which requires constant interventions, often frustrated by acts of vandalism or illegal power connections«: (last accessed 9/05/2016).


Walter Siti, Il contagio (Milan: Mondadori, 2008), 311.


Daily newspapers regularly spoke of the indignation of residents toward the negative image proposed by the media. Of the many examples: »Vivere a Corviale non può essere una colpa«, l’Unità, June 9, 1988; »Corviale vuole servizi e rispetto«, letter to l’Unità, Mar. 21, 1989.


See also Flaminia Gennari Santori and Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, eds., Osservatorio nomade: Immaginare Corviale (Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2006) regarding the redesign of Corviale; Corviale Domani: dossier di ricerca per un distretto culturale-sportivo (Rome: Istituto italiano per l’industria culturale, 2010) which gathers together a great deal of material and 40 interesting interviews in a 523-page pdf file; the book of photographs by Otto Hainzl, Corviale (Heidelberg and Berlin: Kehrer, 2015).


I return in this final section to some of the considerations made in Vittorio Vidotto, »Corviale, Rome: Social issues and architectural utopia«, in Comparative History of European Cities, IXth International Conference on Urban History), CD-ROM (Lyon, August 27–30, 2008, 47–49. This can also be consulted in Bibliografia ragionata.

270 (last accessed 07/04/2016).


See Paul Ginsborg, Storia d’Italia dal dopoguerra ad oggi. Società e politica 1943–1988 (Turin: Einaudi, 2006 [1989]), 274.


Archivio ACER (ex-IACP) di Bologna (ACER Bo), Il Pilastro (sist. urbanistica) (Il Pilastro), Relazione illustrativa di progetto, 15 Feb. 1960.


ACER Bo, Il Pilastro, (sist. urbanistica).


Alberto Pedrazzini, »I quartieri della ricostruzione a Bologna«, in La grande ricostruzione: il piano InaCasa e l’Italia degli anni ’50, edited by Paola Di Biagi (Rome: Donzelli, 2010 [2001]), 395.


Andrea Guermandi, »›Furono commessi tanti errori ma difendo il «Virgolone»‹. Intervista a Pier Luigi Cervellati«, Mattina, supplement to the Bologna edition of l’Unità, July 9, 1997.


The plan allowed cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants to outline tenyear plans in order to estimate their future housing demand. In Bologna, the construction of PEEP complexes was entrusted to public bodies (IACP, GESCAL) and housing cooperatives, with the aim of reducing the final cost of houses.


Achille Ardigò, »Osservazioni critiche sulla pianificazione urbana a Bologna«, in Aspetti della pianificazione urbanistica in Italia. Atti del Convegno di studio tenuto a Napoli il 9/10/11 giugno 1961, promosso dall’Ufficio Centrale Attività Culturali della Democrazia Cristiana (Rome: Edizioni Cinque Lune, 1963), 149.


Patrizia Gabellini, Bologna e Milano: attori e temi dell’urbanistica (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1988), 80.


Giuseppe Campos Venuti, »Innovazioni e continuità nell’urbanistica bolognese«, Urbanistica, 78 (1985), 54.


Marzia Marchi et al., Il volto sociale dell’»edilizia popolare«: i Peep periferici a Bologna (Milan and Rome: Sapere Edizioni, 1975), 43. Subsequently, the Ministry of Public Works reduced the need for housing regulated by the PEEP from 90 to 71 percent. Luciano Ghedini and Franco Morelli, »Il Peep a Bologna«, Parametro, 3–4 (1970), 63.


Atti del Consiglio Comunale di Bologna (ACBo), 18 May 1964, 779.


ACER Bo, Il Pilastro, 15 Feb. 1960.


Alessandra Carini and Roberto Farina, L’insediamento del »Pilastro« da ieri a domani. Interventi spaziali per un problema sociale, (Degree Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Trebbi, 1974/1975 academic year), 68–69.


ACER Bo, Il Pilastro, 15 Feb. 1960.


Carini and Farina, L’insediamento del »Pilastro«, 76–77.


ACER Bo, Il Pilastro.


Alessandro Delpiano, »Pilastro«, in Bologna. 3. Da una crisi all’altra (secoli 14–17), edited by Rolando Dondarini and Carlo De Angelis (Bologna: Grafis, 1997) 164, part of Atlante storico delle città italiane. Emilia Romagna, directed by Francesca Bocchi and Enrico Guidoni, 164.


Archive of the photographic exhibition (APhe), I vent’anni del Pilastro, mostra antologica retrospettiva, grafici, foto, documenti, 1–18 ottobre 1987, Palazzo Re Enzo, Sala del trecento, Bologna, Notiziario IACP di Bologna, July–Aug. 1966.


APhe, Luigi Spina, Relazione introduttiva sulla situazione del Pilastro, end of 1970.


Vincenzo Mioli, San Donato. Storia di un quartiere (Bologna: Comune di Bologna—Quartiere San Donato, 2003), 105.


APhe, Comitato Inquilini del Pilastro (CIP), 12 Oct. 1966.


The oral testimony by Zaghi is contained in Gruppo Donne Pilastro (ed.), Approssimando i ricordi del Pilastro (Bologna: Comune di Bologna, 2001), 48.


Angiolino Vecchi, »Chi è il Comitato?«, Al Pilastro, Dec. 1971.


Particularly significant are the school protests in Piazza Maggiore (7 March 1970) and Piazza Rossini (26 January 1974), and the rent strikes of 1969–1970. See infra.


APhe, CIP, 26 Aug. 1967.


APhe, CIP, 15 June 1967.


Vecchi, »Chi è il Comitato?«


Archivio del Partito comunista italiano (APCI), Federazione provinciale di Bologna (FPBo) (1943–1991), Organizzazione territoriale: comitati, zone, sezioni (FPBo) (1945–1989), Sezioni (Sez) (1945–1988), Verbali delle sezioni del territorio provinciale (VSP) (1963–1988), Partito comunista italiano quartiere S. Donato, Relazione del Comitato di quartiere all’assemblea dei comitati di sezione del 1617 aprile su »L’impegno dei comunisti del quartiere per l’attuazione e lo sviluppo della linea del 12° Congresso«, 1969.


APCI, FPBo, OT, Sez, VSP, Verbale dell’attivo della sezione Sabatini del quartiere Pilastro, Apr. 1969.


Antonio Ferri, »›Un affitto così non lo pago.‹ Protesta di decine di famiglie al Pilastro contro l’Istituto case popolari«, Il Resto del Carlino, Jan. 23, 1970.






Angiolino Vecchi, »Armiamoci e partite«, Il Pilastro, Dec. 1970.


APhe, Compagni lavoratori del Pilastro, 2 Feb. 1969.


»Nessuna mediazione nell’occupazione delle case«, Lotta Continua, July 25, 1971, 22.


»Occupati 21 appartamenti al villaggio del Pilastro«, Il Resto del Carlino, July 5, 1971.


»Pericoloso contrasto con gli assegnatari. Le occupazioni del Pilastro«, l’Unità, July 9, 1971.


»Occupati 21 appartamenti.«


»Pericoloso contrasto.«


»Nessuna mediazione.«


Francesco Ceccarelli, »L’attività edilizia dello IACP di Bologna nel secondo dopoguerra«, in Per Bologna. Novant’anni di attività dell’Istituto Autonomo Case Popolari 1906–1996, (Bologna: IACP, 1996), 178.


APhe, 9 July 1966.


APhe, CI, 9 June 1968.


»Completamento del ›Pilastro‹. Dichiarazione del Vicepresidente Enzo Bentini«, Iacp Case Bologna. Periodico bimestrale dell’Istituto Autonomo per le Case Popolari della provincia di Bologna, Oct. 1975.


ACER Bo, Pilastro, Internal document of the IACP, circa 1971.






Ibid. In 1970, only 4.14 % of Pilastro’s rents were in arrears.


Maria Teresa Tagliaventi and Rossella Piccinini, Crescite parallele. Una ricerca con preadolescenti e genitori al Pilastro, (Bologna: Tempi Stretti, 1996), 17–18.


Ibid., 20.




Marchi et al., Il volto sociale, 124–125.


Ibid., 125.


The gap between the different parts of the Pilastro occurred starting in the second half of the seventies. However, it never took the form of the social distinction of the owners toward the recipients (See infra).


Marchi et al., Il volto sociale, 130.


The Consigli di Quartiere were elective neighborhood councils established in 1964 with the decentralization reform. See Manuela Goldoni et al., I quartieri e il decentramento. Bologna 1956–1975 (Bologna: Fondazione Carisbo), 77.


Both statistics are contained in Carini and Farina, L’insediamento del »Pilastro«, 173 and 178.


The PCI and the PSI together obtained, in 1968 and 1972 respectively, 61,9 % and 62,3 % of the votes. Marchi et al., Il volto sociale, 117.


APhe, CIP, 7 Mar. 1970.


APhe, Comitato organizzatore sciopero (COS), Jan. 1974.


The closest elected body to the Pilastro was the Consiglio di Quartiere of San Donato district. However, it was perceived as removed from the Pilastro inhabitants.


APhe, Documents of school election, Jan. 1975.


APhe, CIP, 9 June 1968.




»Presentata dagli assessori Montanari e Sarti la variante al nucleo residenziale PEEPPilastro«, Il Comune di Bologna. Notiziario settimanale, no. 45, Oct. 25, 1968.


APhe, Lettera aperta ai cittadini del Pilastro, Mar. 1974.


APhe, CIP, 9 Aug. 1974.


Robi Ronza, La politica della casa nei paesi del MEC (Milan: Jaca Book, 1974), 262.


Vieri Quilici and Armando Sichenze, Costruttori di architetture. Bologna 1960–1980 (Rome: Officina, 1985), 18.


Giorgio Di Giorgio, L’alloggio ai tempi dell’edilizia sociale. Dall’INACasa ai Peep (Rome: Edilstampa, 2011), 115.


See the chapters by Harald Bodenschatz, Jost Ulshöfer and Guido Zucconi in this volume.


Delpiano, »Pilastro«, 164.


Giovanni Crocioni, »Un percorso urbanistico peculiare tra politica e storia«, preface to Michele Tarozzi, Urbanistica e cooperazione a Bologna 1889–1985. Cento anni di vite parallele (Rome: Gangemi, 1999), 33.


Guermandi, »›Furono commessi.« Pier Luigi Cervellati, urban planner, was assessore all‹urbanistica between 1975–1980 when the so-called Virgolone was built.


Agnoldomenico Pica, »Viaggio negli I.A.C.P. Storia e attività a Bologna«, Domus, 572 (1977), 7.


Ceccarelli, »L’attività edilizia dello IACP«, 180.


Guermandi, »‘Furono commessi.«


APhe, CIP, 25 Oct. 1974.


Alessandra Carini and Roberto Farina, »Burocrazia e partecipazione fallita il quartiere del Pilastro a Bologna«, Spazio e società, 5 (1979), 89.


With the reform of the IACPs, as provided by law 865 of 1971, a representative of SUNIA was entitled to enter the Board of Directors of the Institutes. The comanagement of heating favored the affiliation of the Comitato Inquilini to the provincial network of SUNIA.


ACER Bo, Pilastro, Proposta di convenzione per la cogestione del servizio di riscaldamento del quartiere Pilastro.


APhe, CIP, 8 Oct. 1974.




Andrea Boeri, Ernesto Antonini and Daniela Longo, Edilizia sociale ad alta densità: strumenti di analisi e strategie di rigenerazione: il quartiere Pilastro a Bologna (Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2011), 86.


APhe, I vent’anni del Pilastro.


APhe, CIP, 14 Apr. 1976.


APhe, CIP, 24 Nov. 1977.


APhe, Sez. Pilastro PCI U. Sabatini, Cosa propone il P.C.I. per andare oltre l’esperienza del Comitato Inquilini, 2 May 1980.


The upward-downward distinction comes from French politician Georges Gontcharoff’s work about neighborhood committees and is cited in Chiara Sebastiani, La politica delle città (Bologna: il Mulino, 2007), 174.


Boeri, Antonini and Longo, Edilizia sociale, 90.


APhe, Poster of the exhibition.


Landeshauptstadt München (Stelle für interkulturelle Arbeit) (ed.), Interkulturelles Integrationskonzept. Grundsätze und Strukturen der Integrationspolitik der Landeshauptstadt München (Regensburg: Aumüller Druck, 2008), 6.


United Cities and Local Governments, Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Right, »European Charter for the Safeguarding of Human Rights in the City«, (last accessed 04/06/2016); UNESCO, »European Coalition of Cities against Racism«, (last accessed 04/06/2016).


European Commission, »Handbook on Integration for policy-makers and practitioners«, 2004, 9,—-2004?lang=de (last accessed 04/06/2016).


Ibid., 45–46.


Landeshauptstadt München (ed.), Statistisches Jahrbuch 1973 (Munich: Statistisches Amt, 1973).


Marco Martiniello, »Political Participation, Mobilisation and Representation of Immigrants and their Offspring in Europe«, in Migration and Citizenship. Legal Status, Rights and Political Participation, edited by Rainer Bauböck (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2006), 83–105; Laura Morales and Marco Giugni, eds., Social Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011); See also Giovanna Zincone and Irene Ponzo, eds., How European Cities Craft Immigrants Integration (Rome: Italianieuropei, 2013).


Dirk Halm, »Potenzial von Migrantenorganisationen als integrationspolitische Akteure«, IMIS-Beiträge, 47 (2015), 37–67; Ludger Pries and Zeynep Sezgin, eds., Jenseits von »Identität oder Integration«: Grenzen überspannende Migrantenorganisationen (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010).


Wilfried Rudloff, »Im Schatten des Wirtschaftswunders. Soziale Probleme, Randgruppen und Subkulturen 1949 bis 1973«, in Gesellschaft im Wandel 1949 bis 1973 (Bayern im Bund; 2), edited by Thomas Schlemmer and Hans Woller (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2002), 347–467.


Franziska Dunkel and Gabriella Stramaglia-Faggion, »Für 50 Mark einen Italiener«, Zur Geschichte der Gastarbeiter in München (München: Buchendorfer Verlag, 2000).


Landeshauptstadt München (ed.), Kommunalpolitische Aspekte des wachsenden ausländischen Bevölkerungsanteils in München, Problemstudie (München: Stadtentwicklungsreferat, 1972), 35, (last accessed 24/06/2016).


Ibid., 167.


Ibid., 45.


Ibid., 13.


Philip Zölls, »München—Weltstadt mit Migrationshintergrund«, in Mobilität und Migration in der Region, edited by Reinhard Baumann und Rolf Kießling (Constance: UVK, 2014), 277–297.


Landeshauptstadt München (Stadtentwicklungsreferat) (ed.), Kommunalpolitische Aspekte des wachsenden ausländischen Bevölkerungsanteils in München, 180.


Munich City Archives (StAM), Ratssitzung Protokolle 1974, Stadtratsvollversammlung, »Münchner Ausländerprogramm«; Kommunales Initiativ-und Vollzugsprogramm zur Dämpfung des wachsenden Ausländerzustroms nach München und zur Eingliederung der ansässigen ausländischen Bevölkerung, Mar. 06, 1974.


Jochen Oltmer, Axel Kreienbrink and Carlos Sanz Díaz, eds., Das »Gastarbeiter«-System. Arbeitsmigration und ihre Folgen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Westeuropa (Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2012).


StAM, Ratssitzung Protokolle 1974, Stadtratsvollversammlung, »Münchner Ausländerprogramm«, 7.


StAM, Direktorium 077, Beschluß des Stadtentwicklungs- und Stadtplanungsausschußes, Münchner Ausländerbeirat, Mar. 27, 1974.


Landeshauptstadt München (Stadtentwicklungsreferat) (ed.), Kommunalpolitische Aspekte des wachsenden ausländischen Bevölkerungsanteils in München, Problemstudie, 145–160.


Ibid., 119–123.


Ibid., 136–144.


Archive of the Italian Catholic Mission in Munich (AMCIM), Oskar Frankovic, »L’Ausländerbeirat di Monaco«, Cedom Selezione, Aug.–Sep.1976, 27–31.


Harry Koch, »Loblieder, Volkstänze, fremde Schmankerl«, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Oct. 10, 1977.


Karin Friedrich, »Gastarbeiter feiern in Fußgängerzone«, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Oct. 6, 1977.


»Die Ausländer feiern am Wochenende«, TZ, September 21, 1978; »Ausländerbeirat enttäuscht«, Münchner Merkur, Sep. 19, 1978.


Sibylle Mulot, »Ausländer im Wartestand«, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Sep. 19, 1978.


StAM, Ratssitzung Protokolle 1979, Beschluß der Stadtratsvollversammlung des Stadtrates, Münchner Ausländerbeirat, May 30, 1979.


»Ausländer sind nur Gäste auf Zeit«, Münchner Merkur, Jul. 10, 1978.


AMCIM, Co.Co.Co., Verbale della seduta del Consiglio del Co.Co.Co., Jul. 18, 1978.


»Gesetz über die politischen Parteien (Parteiengesetz)«, Bundesgesetzblatt, 44 (1967), 773–781.


Claudio Calvaruso, »I Sindacati Italiani e l’emigrazione«, Studi Emigrazione, 27 (1972), 227–293.


Laura Garavini, »Politiche regionali per l’emigrazione. Un’analisi comparativa delle Consulte«, Studi Emigrazione, 165 (2007), 179–196.


Interview with Orazio Vallone carried out in Munich on 23/05/2015. Orazio Vallone was born on 24/02/1945 in Troina, province of Enna in Sicily. He emigrated in 1961. In the seventies he was one of the founders of Rinascita and a member of both the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and German Trade Union, IG-Metall.


Vito Antonio Lupo, Die italienischen katholischen Gemeinden in Deutschland: ein Beispiel für die Auswanderungspastoral während der letzten 50 Jahre (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2005).


AMCIM, »CGM, schedario associazioni italiane a Monaco di Baviera«, Cedom Selezione, Jan. 1976, 97.


AMCIM, »GR, schedario associazioni italiane a Monaco di Baviera«, Cedom Selezione, Jan. 1976, 98.


AMCIM, »Presentazione«, Cedom Selezione, Jan. 1976, 3–4.


AMCIM, »ACLI Baviera, schedario associazioni italiane a Monaco di Baviera«, Cedom Selezione, Jan. 1976, 291–292.


Interview with Giuseppe Rende carried out on 17/02/2016 in Munich. Giuseppe Rende was born on 04/06/1936 in Mongrassano, province of Cosenza. He emigrated in 1961. In the seventies he was president of ACLI of Bavaria and a member of both the German Trade Union IG-Metall and of the Ausländerbeirat.


AMCIM, »Gruppo Trentini nel Mondo, schedario associazioni italiane a Monaco di Baviera«, Cedom Selezione, Aug. 1976, 288.


AMCIM, »Associazione Famiglie Italiane Quartiere Haidhausen«, Cedom Selezione, Aug. 1976, 289–290.


AMCIM, »Circolo Rinascita, schedario associazioni italiane a Monaco di Baviera«, Cedom Selezione, Aug. 1976, 289.


Interview with Orazio Vallone carried out in Munich on 23/05/2015.


Rinascita e.V., »Anni Neri«, Tempi Nuovi, 1:4 (1975), 3, (last accessed 13/06/2016).


Archive of Circolo Rinascita (ACR), letter from Mario Cialini to ACLI, ALEF, Circolo Sardo, FILEF, 28 Nov. 1973; Rinascita e.V., »Gli Emigrati e la scuola. Come affrontare il problema scolastico dalle iniziative indivuduali all’azione collettiva«, Tempi Nuovi, 1:7 (1975), 4, (last accessed 13/06/2016); Rinascita e.V., »Le ragioni di un discorso nuovo per l’emigrazione a Monaco«, Tempi Nuovi, 1:8 (1975), 1, (last accessed 13/06/2016).


AMCIM, FILEF, »schedario associazioni italiane a Monaco di Baviera«, Cedom Selezione, Feb. 1976, 62.


Carlo Levi, »Non più cose ma protagonisti«, in Emigrazione verso la crisi, edited by FILEF (Rome: ed. Filef, 1975) 9–12, here 10.


Interview with Gianfranco Tannino carried out on 12/12/2016 in Munich. Gianfranco Tannino was born on 31/7/1940 in Rome. He emigrated to Germany for the first time in 1971. In the seventies he was a member of both Lotta Continua and FILEF.


Simon Goeke, »The Multinational Working Class? Political Activism and Labour Migration in West Germany during the 1960s and 1970s«, Journal of Contemporary History, 49 (2014), 160–182.


Interview with Gianfranco Tannino carried out on 12/12/2016 in Munich.


AMCIM, »ALEF, schedario associazioni italiane a Monaco di Baviera«, Cedom Selezione, Jun.–Jul. 1976, 239.


AMCIM, »ADEP, schedario associazioni italiane a Monaco di Baviera«, Cedom Selezione, Jun.–Jul. 1976, 239.


Interview with Orazio Vallone carried out in Munich on 23/05/2015. Author’s additions in square brackets.


CGIL, CISL, UIL, »Documento unitario delle tre confederazioni sindacali sui problemi dell’emigrazione del 28 Feb. 1969«, Studi Emigrazione, 27 (1972), 290–293.


Franco Pittau and Lidia Pucciatti, »I patronati sindacali e la loro presenza in emigrazione«, Studi Emigrazione, 45 (1977), 85–104.


DGB (ed.), Die deutschen Gewerkschaften und die ausländischen Arbeitnehmer. Beschlüsse, Förderungen, Stellungnahmen, Empfehlungen (Düsseldorf: DGB, 1987).


Archive of INCA-CGIL Munich, »Accordo«, the agreement between INCA-CGIL and DGB was signed in Düsseldorf by Antonio Pizzinato and Ernst Breit, Oct. 3, 1986.


Interview with Francesco Cuomo carried out on 18/02/2016 in Munich. Francesco Cuomo was born 01/08/1943 in Ischia. He emigrated to Germany for the first time in 1961. In the seventies he was the president of the Campani nel mondo association and a member of the Ausländerbeirat.


Interview with Mattia Marino carried out on 22/02/2016 in Munich. Mattia Marino was born on 04/01/1949 in Voltura Irpinia, province of Avellino. He emigrated to Germany for the first time in 1969. In the seventies he was a member of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and of the Italian Trade Union INCA-CGIL.


AMCIM, Gualtiero Guidi, Programmi Radio per gli Italiani in Germania, Cedom Selezione, Sept. 1976, 21–36.


Interview with Francesco Cuomo carried out on 18/02/2016 in Munich.


Giovanna D’Amico, Giovanni Villari and Francesco Cassata, eds., Il libro dei deportati vol.1, I deportati politici 1943–1945 (Milan: Mursia, 2009).


Rinascita e.V., »Celebrato a Monaco il 30° anniversario della Liberazione«, Tempi Nuovi, 1:3 (1975), 5, (last accessed 13/06/2016); ACR, Rinascita è Maggiorenne, photograph and document exhibition »Dalle baracche all’ingegneria genetica«, May 01, to Jun. 08, 1991.


AMCIM, Comitato d’Intesa, Incontro degli stranieri 1976.


AMCIM »Altre associazioni, schedario associazioni italiane a Monaco di Baviera«, Cedom Selezione, Aug. 1976, 290.


AMCIM, CO.CO.CO., Statute of the Consular Committee for the coordination and promotion of welfare activities of Munich.


AMCIM, CO.AS.SC.IT., Statue of the Italian Scholastic Assistance Committee of Munich.


AMCIM, Pier Angela Hofmann, »Le Modellklassen, consuntivo, critica, prospettive di una iniziativa«, Cedom Selezione, Apr.–May, 1976, 113–120.


Archive of the Munich District Court, Vereinsregister, Rinascita e.V., VR 13838, Nov. 30, 1991; Archive of the Munich District Court, Vereinsregister, Circolo Cento Fiori e.V., VR 14728, Feb. 02, 1994.


This article has been translated by Johanna Blokker.


Dennis L. Meadows et al., The Limits to Growth (New York: Universe Books, 1972).


Imre Grimm and Dirk Meußling, Das neue Hannover (Hanover: Schlütersche, 2002), 79. (Unless otherwise noted, all direct quotes are translated from the German by Johanna Blokker).


Hans-Reiner Müller-Raemisch, Frankfurt am Main: Stadtentwicklung und Planungsgeschichte seit 1945 (Frankfurt and New York: Campus, 1998). See also the contribution by Freia Anders and Alexander Sedlmaier in this volume.


This ordinance was repealed in 2004, and with it the last obstacle to gentrification.


See Aktionsgemeinschaft Westend e.V. Frankfurt am Main, »Chronik der Aktionsgemeinschaft Westend—Geschichte des Westends«, (last accessed 25/04/2015).


Hans Stallmann, Euphorische Jahre: Gründung und Aufbau der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Essen: Klartext-Verlag, 2004).


The newsmagazine Der Spiegel published an extensive cover article on the University of the Ruhr on the occasion of its opening. »Neue Universitäten in Deutschland: Dusche für den Geist«, Der Spiegel, 49 (1965), 47–61.


Wilhelm Bleek and Wolfhard Weber, Schöne neue Hochschulwelt: Idee und Wirklichkeit der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Essen: Klartext-Verlag, 2003). At the time of writing, the University of the Ruhr is undergoing extensive restoration as a protected historic monument.


Deutsches Nationalkomitee für das Europäische Denkmalschutzjahr (ed.), Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit: Europäisches Denkmalschutzjahr 1975. Denkmalschutz und Denkmalpflege in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wanderausstellung 1975–1976 (Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1975), 3.


Alexander Mitscherlich, Die Unwirtlichkeit unserer Städte: Anstiftung zum Unfrieden (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1965).


See Roberta Brandes Gratz, »Authentic Urbanism and the Jane Jacobs Legacy«, in Urban Villages and the Making of Communities, edited by Peter Neal (London: Taylor & Francis, 2003), 16–29.


Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (New York: Random House, 1961).


The murdered city: Requiem for cherubs and streets, squares and trees. See Hans-Rudolf Meier, »Vor dem Denkmalschutzjahr: Debatten um Stadtbild, Stadterhalt und Stadtgestaltung in Berlin und anderswo«, in Produkt Altstadt: ›Historische‹ Stadtzentren in Städtebau und Denkmalpflege, edited by Carmen M. Enss and Gerhard Vinken (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2016), 127–140.


Quoted from Ulrike Zitzlsperger, ZeitGeschichten: die Berliner Übergangsjahre. Zur Verortung der Stadt nach der Mauer (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007), 45.


Hans Maier, President of the Deutscher Nationalkomitee für das Europäische Denkmalschutzjahr, called attention to the »acute danger to our built environment« and rejected any suggestion that the planned activities reflect a »passing fad associated with the well-known nostalgia wave«. See Deutsches Nationalkomitee für das Europäische Denkmalschutzjahr (ed.), Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit, 4.


Ernst Gombrich, »The Beauty of Old Towns«, Architectural Association Journal (1965).


See Katharina Brichetti, Die Paradoxie des postmodernen Historismus: Stadtumbau und städtebauliche Denkmalpflege vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von Berlin und Beirut (Berlin: Schiler, 2009), 138–152.


Kevin A. Lynch, The Image of the City (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1960). See also Kirsten Wagner, »Die visuelle Ordnung der Stadt: Das Bild der Stadt bei Kevin Lynch«, in Räume der Stadt: Von der Antike bis heute, edited by Cornelia Jöchner (Berlin: Reimer Verlag, 2008), 317–334.


Aldo Rossi, L’architettura della città (Padua: Marsilio, 1966). See the extended English translation: Aldo Rossi, The Architecture of the City, with an introduction by Peter Eisenman (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: The MIT Press, 1982).


Bauausstellung Berlin GmbH (ed.), Internationale Bauausstellung Berlin 1987, Projektübersicht, Offizieller Katalog Berlin (Stuttgart: Gerd Hatje, 1987).


On the history of the Old Town, see Gerhard Vinken, Zone Heimat: Altstadt im modernen Städtebau (Munich and Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2010); Gerhard Vinken, »Im Namen der Altstadt: Stadtplanung zwischen Modernisierung und Identitätspolitik. Einführung in eine wechselhafte Geschichte«, in Produkt Altstadt, edited by Enss and Vinken, 3–17.


Gerhard Vinken, »Gegenbild—Traditionsinsel—Sonderzone: Altstadt im modernen Städtebau«, in Echt—alt—schön—wahr: ZeitSchichten der Denkmalpflege, edited by Ingrid Scheurmann and Hans-Rudolf Meier, vol. 2 (Munich and Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2006), 190–201.


Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder and Ludwig Tieck, Herzensergießungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders (1797) (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1979), 50.


Ibid., 56.


Verena Jacobi, »Die Heimatschutzbewegung und die Entdeckung des Ensembles«, in ZeitSchichten. Erkennen und Erhalten—Denkmalpflege in Deutschland. 100 Jahre Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler von Georg Dehio (Katalog Dresden, Residenzschloss), edited by Ingrid Scheurmann (Munich and Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2005), 120–123.


Brigitta Ringbeck, »Architektur und Städtebau unter dem Einfluß der Heimatschutzbewegung«, in Antimodernismus und Reform: Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Heimatbewegung, edited by Edeltraut Klueting (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1991), 216–287; Winfried Speitkamp, »Denkmalpflege und Heimatschutz in Deutschland zwischen Kulturkritik und Nationalsozialismus«, Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 70 (1988), 149–193.


Daniela Spiegel and Hans-Rudolf Meier, eds., Kulturreformer, Rassenideologe, Hochschullehrer: Der lange Schatten des Paul Schultze-Naumburg (forthcoming).


See Birte Pusback, Stadt als Heimat: Die Danziger Denkmalpflege zwischen 1933 und 1939 (Cologne, Weimar and Vienna: Böhlau, 2006); Paul Zalewski, »Kriminologie, Biologismus, Stadtsanierung: Hannovers Altstadt 1932–39«, in Produkt Altstadt, edited by Enss and Vinken, 89–102; Gerhard Vinken, »Neue Heimat or Constructing the Old Town: The Example of Cologne, 1930–1960«, in Studies in Urban Humanities, edited by the Institute for Urban Humanities, The University of Seoul, vol. 8/1 (April 2016), 65–95.


A survey of the National Socialist rehabilitation of Cologne’s Old Town shows that approximately 50 % of the built fabric was modified and over 30 % was newly constructed (see Vinken, Zone Heimat, 142–143).


Melchior Fischli, »Die Sanierung der Heimat: Arbeitsbeschaffung, Identitätspolitik und das schweizerische Bauerbe in den Jahren des Zweiten Weltkriegs«, Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte (ZAK), 71:1 (2014), 35–60; Vinken, Zone Heimat, 61–110.


Vinken, Zone Heimat, 147–149; Zalewski, »Kriminologie«.


On reconstruction in Germany after the second World War, see Klaus von Beyme, Der Wiederaufbau: Architektur und Städtebaupolitik in beiden deutschen Staaten (Munich: Piper, 1987); Jeffry M. Diefendorf, In The Wake of War: The Reconstruction of German Cities after World War II (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993).


Vinken, Zone Heimat, 119–120.


»Entstuckung« refers to the removal of plaster ornament from the richly decorated facades of late 19th-century buildings, a practice that was common in Germany well into the 1970s. See Hans Georg Hiller von Gaertringen, Schnörkellos: Die Umgestaltung von Bauten des Historismus im Berlin des 20. Jahrhunderts (Berlin: Reimer Verlag, 2012).


August Gebeßler, »Altstadt und Denkmalpflege«, in Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit, edited by Deutsches Nationalkomitee für das Europäische Denkmalschutzjahr, 57–72, here 69.


Michael Falser and Wilfried Lipp, eds., Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit: Zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015). A Future for Our Past: The 40th Anniversary of European Architectural Heritage Year (1975–2015). Un Avenir pour Notre Passé: 40e Anniversaire de l‘Année Européenne du Patrimoine Architectural (1975–2015), Monumenta III (Berlin: Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, 2015); Dieter Schnell, »Zur Wiederentdeckung der historischen Stadt in den 1970er Jahren«, in Ibid., 63–72; Davide Cutolo, »Vom Denkmal zum städtischen Lebensraum: Das europäische Denkmalschutzjahr in der Bundesrepublik und in West-Berlin. Ergebnisse, Widersprüche und Folgen«, in Ibid., 157–169. On the significance of the Venice Charter see also the contribution by Guido Zucconi in this volume.


Deutsches Nationalkomitee für das Europäische Denkmalschutzjahr (ed.), Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit, 3.


Michael Petzet, »Eine Zukunft für die Vergangenheit? Denkmalpflege im Denkmalschutzjahr 1975«, in Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit: Zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015), edited by Falser and Lipp, 7–37, here 7.


All quotations are drawn from Ibid., 7–8.


Gebeßler, »Altstadt und Denkmalpflege«, 57.


Petzet, »Eine Zukunft für die Vergangenheit?«, 8.


Gebeßler, »Altstadt und Denkmalpflege«, 66.


Peter M. Bode, »Unser Lebensraum braucht Schutz, Denkmalschutz—eine Kampagne der ›Aktion Gemeinsinn‹ zum Denkmalschutzjahr«, in Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit, edited by Deutsches Nationalkomitee für das Europäische Denkmalschutzjahr, 38–55, here 40.


Gebeßler, »Altstadt und Denkmalpflege«, 69.


Bode, »Unser Lebensraum braucht Schutz«, 39.


See Leo Schmidt, Einführung in die Denkmalpflege (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2008), 68; here the maintenance of a city’s image is characterized as »a subsidiary concern of conservation«.


Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger, »Denkmalpflege 1975: Versuch einer Beschreibung«, Deutsche Kunst und Denkmalpflege, 34 (1976), 87–89.


»50 Jahre Charta von Venedig: Geschichte, Rezeption, Perspektiven«, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Denkmalpflege, LXIX, Veröffentlichung Arbeitskreis Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V., 24:1/2 (2015).


See Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger, »Denkmalpflege 1975«, 89; Gebeßler, »Altstadt und Denkmalpflege«, 62.


Gebeßler, »Altstadt und Denkmalpflege«, 62, 63, 67.


Reproduced in Falser and Lipp, eds., Eine Zukunft, 554–567, here 558–560. See Miles Glendinning, »The European Architectural Heritage Year and UNESCO World Heritage: the Hare and the Tortoise?« in Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit: Zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015), edited by Falser and Lipp, 96–97.


See the contributions by Bodenschatz, Ulshöfer and Zucconi in this volume.


Carmen M. Enss, »Neue Leitlinien für die Denkmalpflege: Theodor Fischers Planungen zur Vereinbarkeit von Stadt, Denkmal und Landschaft und deren Transformationspotentiale«, in Strukturwandel—Denkmalwandel: Umbau, Umnutzung, Umdeutung, edited by Birgit Franz and Ingrid Scheurmann (Holzminden: Jörg Mitzkat Verlag, 2016) 96–103; Klaus Tragbar, »Die Entdeckung des Ambiente: Gustavo Giovannoni und die moderne städtebauliche Theorie in Italien«, in Produkt Altstadt, edited by Enss and Vinken, 29–42.


William J. Murtagh, Keeping Time: The History and Theory of Preservation in America (Hoboken: Wiley, 2006), 47–61 and 86.


See, for example, Thomas Aumüller, »Bauforschung und Denkmalliste am Bayerischen Landesamt für Denkmalpflege«, in the conference, Bauforschung in der Denkmalpflege, University of Bamberg, 1–2 May 2015.


Birgit Franz and Gerhard Vinken, eds., Denkmal—Werte—Bewertung: Denkmalpflege im Spannungsfeld von Fachinstitution und bürgerschaftlichem Engagement. Veröffentlichung des Arbeitskreises Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V. (Holzminden: Jörg Mitzkat Verlag, 2014), 23.


Matthias Donath (ed.), Entstaatlichung der Denkmalpflege? Von der Provokation zur Diskussion (Berlin: Geschäftsstelle der Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger, 2000).


Petzet, »Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit?«, 21.


Ibid., 35.


Ibid., 36; Gebeßler, »Altstadt und Denkmalpflege«, 44–46.


See Miles Glendinning, »The European Architectural Heritage Year and UNESCO World Heritage: the Hare and the Tortoise?«, 93–103, here 96–97; Ingrid Scheurmann, »Erweiterung als Erneuerung: Zur Kritik des traditionellen Denkmalbegriffs im Denkmaljahr 1975«, in Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit: Zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015), edited by Falser and Lipp, 147–156.


Sigrid Brandt and Hans-Rudolf Meier, eds., Stadtbild und Denkmalpflege: Konstruktion und Rezeption von Bildern der Stadt (Berlin: Jovis, 2008); Michael Braum and Ursula Baus, Rekonstruktion in Deutschland: Positionen zu einem umstrittenen Thema (Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2009); Willibald Sauerländer, »Erweiterung des Denkmalbegriffs?«, in Denkmalpflege 1975. Dokumentation der Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Goslar 15.–20. Juni 1975 (Arbeitsheft zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen) Hannover 1976, 187–201.


Scheurmann, »Erweiterung als Erneuerung«, 151–152.


Wilfried Lipp and Michael Falser, »Schwellen des Denkmalbewußtseins im Spiegel des europäischen Denkmalschutzjahrs 1975: Eine Einleitung. Thresholds of Monument Awareness in the Mirror of the European Architectural Heritage Year 1975«, in Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit: Zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015), edited by Falser and Lipp, 21–60, here 32–35. See also Vinken, Zone Heimat, 91–110, 163–168, 185–188.


Wilhelm Pinder, »Die Rettung der deutschen Altstadt: Rede am Tag für Denkmalpflege und Heimatschutz im Rahmen des ersten Reichstreffens des Reichsbundes Volkstum und Heimat 1933 in Kassel«, in Denkmalpflege und Heimatschutz im Wiederaufbau der Nation (Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1934), 123–134, here 127.


Gebeßler, »Altstadt und Denkmalpflege«, 60.


Ibid., 58.


Ibid., 57.


Petzet, »Eine Zukunft für die Vergangenheit?«, 8.


Ibid., 13.


Ibid., 42.


Ruth Strasser and Marion Wohlleben, »Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit«, Kunstchronik, Oktober (1975), 349–59, here 349. On the contemporary reception of the exhibition, see Bernd Vollmar, »Denkmalpflege zweidimensional—zum Entstehungsprozess und zur zeitgenössischen Resonanz der Begleitausstellung zum Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahr 1975«, in Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit: Zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015), edited by Falser and Lipp, 170–182, especially 176–178.


Hans-Rudolf Meier, »Denkmalschutz für die ›zweite Zerstörung‹?« in Stadtplanung nach 1945: Zerstörung und Wiederaufbau. Denkmalpflegerische Probleme aus heutiger Sicht, edited by Birgit Franz and Hans-Rudolf Meier (Holzminden: Jörg Mitzkat Verlag, 2011), 22–29, here 22.


Gerhard Vinken, »Stadt—Denkmal—Bild: Wider die homogenen Bilder der Heimat«, in Stadtbild und Denkmalpflege: Konstruktion und Rezeption von Bildern der Stadt, edited by Hans-Rudolf Meier (Berlin: Jovis, 2008), 162–175.


Gebeßler, »Altstadt und Denkmalpflege«, 62.


Ibid., 71; see also August Gebeßler, »Zur Geschichte der Denkmalpflege: Denkmalbegriff—Organisation—Aufgaben—Probleme«, in Denkmalpflege 1975, edited by Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger (Hanover: Niedersächsisches Landesverwaltungsamt, 1976), 157–164, here 163.


Bode, »Unser Lebensraum braucht Schutz«, 40.


Petzet, »Eine Zukunft für die Vergangenheit?«, 22.


Adrian von Buttlar et al., Denkmalpflege statt Attrappenkult: Gegen die Rekonstruktion von Baudenkmälern—eine Anthologie (Gütersloh, Berlin and Basel: Bauverlag, 2011). Gerhard Vinken, »Unstillbarer Hunger nach Echtem: Frankfurts neue Altstadt zwischen Rekonstruktion und Themenarchitektur«, Forum Stadt: Zeitschrift für Stadtgeschichte, Stadtsoziologie, Denkmalpflege und Stadtentwicklung, 40:2 (2013), 119–136; Vinken, »Im Namen der Altstadt«.


Jean Baudrillard, Agonie des Realen (Berlin: Merve, 1978), 24–26.


For a fine contribution within a vast literature dealing with economic, cultural, political and social history in separate ways, see Guido Crainz, Il paese mancato: dal miracolo economico agli anni Ottanta (Rome: Donzelli, 2003), in which anthropological, economic, cultural and social aspects are bound together in a brilliant synthesis.


About the transition from the sixties to the seventies in Italy, see again Crainz, Il paese mancato.


See Pier Paolo Pasolini, Scritti corsari (Milan: Garzanti, 2008 [1975]), 80–105. In this collection of articles written in that period, Pasolini expresses his astonishment in front of a country increasingly turning to mass production and to wrong models of modernity. Among the few texts in English, see Pasolini on Pasolini: Interviews with Oswald Stack (London and New York: Thames & Hudson, 1969), 13–15. This is a book which mainly concerns what he did as a filmmaker. A portion of the text deals, however, with the conflict between tradition and modernity through the contrast between dialects and official language.


The nonprofit organization was founded in Rome by a group of intellectuals with the specific aim of preserving and promoting the outstanding heritage of the country. In fact, they mainly strove for defending historical, artistic values of the ancient urban centers, fighting against some projects of alteration and demolition that had ignited a series of dedicated campaign in Rome, Venice and Florence.


See Mario Alicata, La lezione di Agrigento (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1966). The Communist Party produced, in 1966, also a short movie called Agrigento ‘66: un caso italiano.


See, in particular, Antonio Cederna’s articles related to the future of Venice: Antonio Cederna, »La Serenissima della nafta«, L’Espresso, December 15, 1966; Antonio Cederna »La tutela dell’ambiente non si attua con compromessi: Venezia deve rinunciare alle industrie inquinanti«, Il Corriere della Sera, December 21, 1973.


The event was associated with the founding document of the local section of Italia Nostra. See Italia Nostra, Italia Nostra difende Venezia (Venice: La Stamperia di Venezia, 1959). For the French edition, see: Venise aujourd’hui: Dix siècles d’histoire face à l’urbanisme moderne (Venice: La Stamperia di Venezia, 1962). After Venice the exhibition was held in Strasbourg in September 1962 at the Centre d’information et documentation du Bâtiment under the auspices of the newly formed Council of Europe. Finally, the exhibition moved to London between December 1962 and January 1963 under the auspices of the Royal Institute of British Architects. See Venice for Modern Man: Ten Centuries of History Facing Modern Town-planning (Venice: La Stamperia di Venezia, 1963). See also my article, Guido Zucconi, »La fine dell’età dell’ottimismo (e dei programmi di espansione)«, in L’ultima Venezia: Cultura, presenze, progetti, 1950–1966 (Venezia: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 2015), 45–60.


See his articles published in the review, Il Mondo: Antonio Cederna, »La lezione di Venezia«, Il Mondo, April 11, 1961; Antonio Cederna, »Roma e Venezia«, Il Mondo, November 21, 1961. Specifically on Florence, see the two articles published under the same title: Antonio Cederna, »Il Giardino d’Europa«, Il Mondo, May 1 and 8, 1962.


See the series of articles written by Sandro Meccoli for Il Corriere della Sera in the early seventies, then collected in La battaglia per Venezia (Milan: SugarCo, 1977). By the same author, see Sandro Meccoli, Ponte della libertà e altri scritti veneziani (Venice: Arsenale, 1990). The book Nevio Casadio (ed.), Per Venezia (Venice: Marsilio, 2010) includes the articles published by Indro Montanelli in the newspaper Il Corriere della Sera at the turn of the sixties. About the same subject, see my article Guido Zucconi, »La fine dell’età dell’ottimismo«, in Per Venezia, edited by Nevio Casadio (Venice: Marsilio, 2010), 45–50.


The so-called Giovannoni-Severi Act (Law no. 1497, 29/06/1939).


Created in April 1964, the Commission was active until the beginning of 1967. Its official name followed the traditional tri-partition of the Italian service for preservation: ›Commissione d‹indagine per la tutela e la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico, archeologico, artistico e del paesaggio’ (Parliamentary Commission of enquiry concerning preservation of historic, archaelogical and artistic heritage). The word »landscape« was not there although its inclusion was demanded by many people. See »Atti della Commissione Franceschini, 1964–1966«,: Per la salvezza dei beni culturali in Italia: Atti e documenti della commissione d’indagine per la tutela e la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico, archeologico, artistico e del paesaggio, 3 vol. (Rome: Colombo, 1967).


»Atti della Commissione Franceschini«, vol. I, 22 (all translations from the Italian are by the author).


Ibid., 211.


According to this new definition, a specially dedicated Ministry was created in 1974, transforming the old Direzione delle Antichità e Belle Arti which was traditionally part of the Ministry of National Education. Giovanni Spadolini, a prominent historian and former director of Il Corriere della Sera, was its first head.


The Giovannoni-Severi Act of 1939 had introduced the principle of »urban conservation« as well as the notion of »landscape plan« (piano regolatore paesistico) as a principle to be applied first to natural contexts and then extended to urban areas too. Later elaborated in France in association with the so-called secteurs sauvegardés, such a notion would be incorporated into the »Loi Malraux« in 1962. See my article Guido Zucconi, »Gustavo Giovannoni: A Theory and A Practice of Urban Conservation«, Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment, IV,1 (spring 2014), 76–91.


See the progress of the so-called standard-catalografici (unified modes of cataloguing) introduced step by step from the seventies onwards. They included an increasingly larger number of items to be listed in the catalog. See ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione), »Archivio schede di catalogo«, (last accessed 28/07/2016).


The North American organization for the Conservation of Industrial Monuments was established in 1971 and the British-based Association for Industrial Archaeology began in 1973. In that same year, the First International Conference on the Conservation of Industrial Monuments was held at Ironbridge in Shropshire. See Kenneth Hudson, World Industrial Archaeology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969).


See Gustavo Giovannoni’s two articles: Gustavo Giovannoni, »Vecchie città ed edilizia nuova«, Nuova Antologia, XVIII, June 1, 1913, 449–462; Gustavo Giovannoni, »Il diradamento edilizio dei vecchi centri: Il quartiere della Rinascenza in Roma«, Nuova Antologia, XVIII, July 1, 1913, 53–70. On the same subject, see also my above mentioned article, Zucconi, »Gustavo Giovannoni«.


See Salvaguardia e risanamento dei centri storico-artistici, Gubbio 17, 18, 19 settembre 1960, Proceedings of the National Conference held in September 1960 (Turin: Tip. Toso, 1961).


Approved after a meeting held in Gubbio between Sept. 16 and Sept. 19 1960, the final text of the Charter was based on five points mainly concerning the demand for a stricter legislation and a sterner policy of preservation. One of the points was, however, related to the necessity of »[…] getting rid of whatever could dim the artistic beauty of the ancient city«. See point b in the Charter as published in the website, (last accessed 28/07/2016).


See Associazione nazionale per i centri storici, Gubbio, Convegno nazionale di studio, Venezia, Palazzo Ducale, 27–28 ottobre 1962, (Gubbio: Tip. Oderisi, 1964).


The quotation is taken from the Charter of Gubbio, attached as an appendix to the proceedings of the Gubbio symposium.


The 1942 Town Planning Act imposes a preliminary distinction between central and peripheral areas, being the two urban portions submitted to different kinds of planning schemes.


See also the articles by Harald Bodenschatz and Jost Ulshöfer in this volume.


The official name of the scheme signed by Leonardo Benevolo was »Comune di Bologna, Variante al Piano Regolatore Generale vigente: piano urbanistico di salvaguardia, restauro e risanamento del Centro Storico«. See Luisa Bravo, »Area Conservation as Socialist Standard-Bearer: A Plan for the Historical Centre of Bologna in 1969«, Docomomo E-Proceedings 2, December 2009, now available on the website (last accessed 28/07/2016).


See Bologna centro storico: Catalogo per la mostra »Bologna-centro storico«: Bologna, Palazzo d’Accursio, 1970 (Bologna: Alfa, 1970).


The scheme originally included thirteen districts (or comparti,) which were than reduced to five. They were all located within the perimeter of the centro storico: the two blocks around via Solferino, those of San Leonardo next to Porta San Vitale (the first district to be carried out), the group of houses of Santa Caterina di Saragozza and those of San Carlo.


The town planning scheme was brought about in 1963 by a group led by the architect Leonardo Benevolo.


See Pier Luigi Cervellati, Roberto Scannavini and Carlo De Angelis, La nuova cultura delle città: la salvaguardia dei centri storici, la riappropriazione sociale degli organismi urbani e l’analisi dello sviluppo territoriale nell’esperienza di Bologna (Milan: Mondadori, 1977); Paolo Ceccarelli and Francesco Indovina, eds., Risanamento e speculazione dei centri storici: Ancona-Bologna-Napoli-Palermo-Venezia (Milan: F. Angeli, 1977); See also Pier Luigi Cervellati, La città bella: il recupero dell’ambiente urbano (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1991).


See the five articles penned by Sergio Lenci, in Sergio Lenci (ed.), Sui centri storici (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1973). They were originally published in February, March, April, May, July 1973.


See »L’intervento pubblico nei centri storici: Problemi sociali, giuridici, economici, architettonici«, Edilizia Moderna, 110 (January–February 1973), 111 (March–April 1973), 113 (July–August 1973); They were collected in a single issue Edilizia Moderna, 123 (1973). According to the subtitle of this series, the question was put under any possible facet related to social, legal, economic and architectural aspects.


See Pier Paolo Balbo and Franco Zagari, eds., L’intervento pubblico nei centri storici: Proceedings of the meeting in Venice on May 11–12, 1973 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1973). Many urban case studies were dealt with in this conference, starting in particular from those of the Veneto such as Verona and Vicenza.


Less known than Bologna, the case of Brescia is fully illustrated in Luigi Bazoli and Leonardo Benevolo, Brescia moderna: la formazione e la gestione urbanistica di una città industriale (Brescia: Grafo, 1981). Bazoli was the alderman for housing and town planning in the seventies—namely the equivalent of Cervellati for the Christian Democrat context, whereas Benevolo was the professional who drew out the town planning scheme of Brescia in the late seventies after working for the »Piano per il centro storico di Bologna« in the previous decade.


Before leading that city council, Zangheri taught as a university professor, focusing his research on history of local agriculture.


See Francesco Ciardini and Paola Falini, eds., I centri storici: politica urbanistica e programma di intervento pubblico: Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Como, Gubbio, Pesaro, Vicenza, Proceedings of the meeting held in Gubbio in 1978 (Milan: Mazzotta, 1978).


See Pier Luigi Cervellati (ed.), Bologna: politica e metodologia del restauro nei centri storici (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1973).


In the 270 pages report, starting from a computer simulation, the authors compared the increasing economic and demographic growth with finite resource supplies. See the book’s ambitious subtitle: Donella H. Meadows et al., The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind (New York: Universe Books, 1972).


A possible list of precursors may include Harrison Scott Brown, The Challenge of Man’s Future: an Inquiry Concerning the Condition of Man During the Years that Lie Ahead (New York: The Viking Press, 1954); Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962) and Paul R. Ehrlich, The Population Bomb (New York: Ballantine Books, 1968).


Reported in Cervellati (ed.), Bologna: politica e metodologia, 13.


See De Angelis, La nuova cultura delle città, 7.


See the special issue of »Urban projects and schemes for Milan«, Casabella, 451/452 (1980). See, in particular, the article by Epifanio Li Calzi: Cittá e hinterland nella variante generale al Piano Regolatore (61–63). The text—attached to the town planning scheme of 1980—is now available on$FILE/NTA.pdf (last accessed 28/07/2016).


Andrea Emiliani (ed.), Una politica dei beni culturali (Turin: Einaudi, 1974). This book was recently reprinted by Bononia University Press in 2014. Besides those by Andrea Emiliani and Pier Luigi Cervellati, it includes articles by the geographer Lucio Gambi and the philosopher Giuseppe Guglielmi.


This text was translated from German by Neele Reimann-Philipp. An adapted version of the text (which includes additional contributions by Tilman Harlander) appeared in German: Harald Bodenschatz and Tilman Harlander, »40 Jahre Stadterneuerung Bologna«, Zeitschrift Forum Stadt, 42:4 (2015), 355–376.


Bologna’s planning policy in the seventies was celebrated »in Italy and abroad as model case for successful planning« (»im In- und Ausland als Modellfall einer gelungenen Planung gefeiert«). See Axel Becker et al., Regionale Ungleichentwicklung und Reformpolitik. Planungskonzepte der Kommunistischen Partei Italiens für Bologna und die Emilia-Romagna (Oldenburg: Geographische Hochschulmanuskripte, 1982), 7. Particularly Bologna’s policy of urban renewal was enthusiastically received as »a model« (»Die Stadterneuerung Bologna gilt bei europäischen Urbanisten als beispielhaftes Modell einer erhaltenden Stadterneuerung.«). See »Stadterneuerung und Sozialplanung in Bologna«, Staatliche Hochschule für bildende Künste Berlin, Information no. 1, January 1975. In Bologna, planners in charge tried to fend off such ascriptions. Pier Luigi Cervellati was cited as saying that Bologna was »no model« but »an alternative«. See Max Jäggi, Roger Müller and Sil Schmid, Das rote Bologna. Kommunisten demokratisieren eine Stadt im kapitalistischen Westen (Zürich: Verlagsgenossenschaft, 1976). In this paper I use »model« in the sense of being received as an »exemplar« at the time. Defining the »model Bologna« according to the five dimensions as in this text is my clarification a posteriori.


See also Council of Europe, Committee on Monuments and Sites, European Programme of Pilot Projects (Strasbourg: 1977); Conseil de l’Europe, Un avenir pour notre passe patrimonie architectural europeen (Liège: 1977).


Harald Bodenschatz, Städtische Bodenreform in Italien. Die Auseinandersetzung um das Bodenrecht und die Bologneser Kommunalplanung (Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag, 1979).


Tilman Harlander, Regionale Entwicklungspolitik in der Emilia-Romagna (Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag, 1979).


Lothar Jax, Stadterneuerung in Bologna 1956–1987. Zum Aufstieg und Niedergang der Quartiersdemokratie (Köln: W. Kohlhammer, 1989).


The Department of Planning Theory at RWTH Aachen, under the leadership of Gerhard Fehl and assisted by the Spanish colleague Juan Rodriguez-Lores, was a very important institution to promote a critical history of planning in Western Germany. It organized many conferences and produced the highly renowned series »Stadt, Planung, Geschichte« including books such as Gerhard Fehl (ed.), Stadterweiterungen 1800–1875. Von den Anfängen des modernen Städtebaus in Deutschland (Hamburg: Christians, 1983).


See for example Harald Bodenschatz, Platz frei für das neue Berlin! Geschichte der Stadterneuerung seit 1871 (Berlin: Transit Verlag, 1987); Harald Bodenschatz, Christine Hannemann and Max Welch Guerra, eds., Stadterneuerung in Moskau. Perspektiven für eine Großsiedlung der 70er Jahre (Berlin: TU Berlin Eigenverlag, 1992); Harald Bodenschatz, Volker Heise and Jochen Korfmacher, Schluß mit der Zerstörung? Stadterneuerung und städtische Opposition in West-Berlin, Amsterdam und London (Gießen: Anabas Verlag, 1983); Harald Bodenschatz et al., eds., Stadterneuerung im Umbruch: Barcelona, Bologna, Frankfurt am Main, Glasgow, Hamburg, Köln, Kopenhagen, Leipzig, München, Nürnberg, Paris, Rostock, Rotterdam, Wien und Berlin (Berlin: TU Berlin Eigenverlag, 1994); Harald Bodenschatz, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani and Wolfgang Sonne, eds., 25 Jahre Internationale Bauausstellung Berlin 1987. Ein Wendepunkt des europäischen Städtebaus (Sulden: Niggli Verlag, 2012). Apart from these publications I was also engaged as practical consultant in careful renewal projects in small towns in Bavaria. See Harald Bodenschatz and Johannes Geisenhof, Eine Vergangenheit für unsere Zukunft. Planen und Bauen—historisch begründet. 25 Jahre Planungsbüro Gruppe DASS (Bad Windsheim: Delp-Verlag, 2005).


On this see the contribution with more details by Jost Ulshöfer in this volume.


Comune di Bologna, Piano per il centro storico (1969).


Pier Luigi Cervellati and Roberto Scannavini, eds., Bologna: politica e metodologia del restauro nei centri storici (Bologna: il Mulino, 1973), 93.


Comune di Bologna, Variante generale al Piano Regolatore (1970).


At that time this slogan did not refer to Lefebvre’s concept. There was then no social movement under this banner.


Comune di Bologna, Piano per la zona collinare (1969).


For more on the expansion of public services until 1978, see: Harald Bodenschatz and Tilman Harlander, »Bologna. Sozialorientierte Kommunalpolitik an der Wende?« Bauwelt, 69: 8 (1978), 295–298.


For more on the Italian debate in this field, see: Giorgio Rochat, Gaetano Sateriale and Lidia Spano, eds., La casa in Italia (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1980).


Both quotes are from Pier Luigi Cervellati, Roberto Scannavini and Carlo de Angelis, La nuova cultura delle città. La salvaguardia dei centri storici, la riappropriazione sociale degli organismi urbani e l’analisi dello sviluppo territoriale nell’esperienza di Bologna (Milan: Mondadori, 1977), 107.


Comune di Bologna, Assessorato all’edilizia pubblica, PEEP Centro Storico (1973).



Cited from: Paese Sera, Mar. 2, 1973.


See also Bodenschatz, Städtische Bodenreform in Italien, 227.


Ibid., 230.


See also Jax, Stadterneuerung in Bologna, 40.


Ibid., 46.


Ibid., 77.


Ibid., 91–94, 110–125.


Harlander, Regionale Entwicklungspolitik in der Emilia-Romagna.


Ibid., 124.


Ibid., 177.


On the policy change towards austerity see the chapter »Wirtschaftskrise und Austerity-Politik« in: Harlander, Regionale Entwicklungspolitik in der Emilia-Romagna.


See also Autori molti compagni, bologna marzo 1977 … fatti nostri … (Verona: Bertani, 1977); Egeria Di Nallo, Indiani in città (Bologna: Cappelli, 1977); Flyer: Bologna è una città diversa per reprimere i diversi: ma la rivoluzione non si può mettere fuorilegge!!!! (Bologna: 1977). See other articles in this volume which discuss the »Movimento del ‘77«, by Anders / Sedlmaier and Haumann.


For more on the few recent and contradictory texts on the Bologna »model«, see: Roberto Scannavini, Trent’anni di tutela e di restauri a Bologna (Bologna: Costa, 1998); Edoardo Salzano, »L’Emilia-Romagna: Le buone stagioni e la cattiva, 28 Aprile 2015«, (last accessed 06/07/2015); see also contribitions by Luisa Bravo (ed.), »Bologna, città storica«, (last accessed 11/01/2016), summarized in IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l’architettura, 1 (2010), as well as the contributions by Piero Orlandi and Luisa Bravo (eds.), »Città e regione in Emilia-Romagna. Il progetto di un territorio e la sua storia (1970–2013)«, (last accessed 11/01/2016), published in IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l’architettura, 6 (2013).


See also the numerous monographs on German cities which were published during the Weimar Republic in the series »Deutschlands Städtebau« (Deutscher Architektur- und Industrieverlag Berlin Halensee). In these town planning (Städtebau) was understood above all as a municipal service. The books in the series showed municipal housing projects, buildings for school, health and welfare purposes, public parks and traffic installations as well as buildings of technical infrastructure.


See also Harald Bodenschatz and Tilman Harlander, »Ansätze einer alternativen Urbanistik in Italien«, Leviathan, 6: 4 (1978), 574–605.


See Harald Bodenschatz’s contribution in the present volume.


Pier Luigi Cervellati, »Una città antica per una società nuova«, in Comune di Bologna, Bologna / Centro Storico, Exhibition catalogue, (Bologna: Alfa, 1970), 9–20.


Pier Paolo D’Attorre, »Introduzione«, in Bologna, Città e territorio tra 800 e 900, edited by Pier Paolo D’Attorre, (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1983), 9–51, here 44: »The aim is to defend ›the men and the stones‹ in the face of processes of degradation and expulsion that befall the Bolognese historic center like others in Italy.« (translation by the author)


See also Mariacristina Giambruno (ed.), Per una storia del restauro urbano (Turin: Città Studi, 2007), XVI.


For publications of the planners involved, see in particular: Pier Luigi Cervellati and Roberto Scannavini, Bologna: Politica e metodologia del restauro nei centri storici, (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1973); Pier Luigi Cervellati, Roberto Scannavini and Carlo De Angelis, La nuova cultura delle città, (Milan: Mondadori, 1977). More recently, see in particular Roberto Scannavini, Trent’anni di tutela e di restauro a Bologna, (Bologna: Costa Editore, 2001); Raffaele Mazzanti, »Dreißig Jahre danach: Eine Politik der Erhaltung, der Sanierung und der Wiedergewinnung des Städtischen in Bologna«, Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung 2003, 239–248; Carlo De Angelis, »Quarant’anni dopo, Piano PEEP Centro Storico 1973: Note a margine, tra metodo e prassi«, IN_BO: Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l’architettura, 6 (2013), 35–52.


Patrizia Gabellini, Bologna e Milano: Temi e attori dell’urbanistica, (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1988), 75–76.


Cervellati, Scannavini and De Angelis, La nuova cultura delle città, 53.


For example see Federico Oliva, »Le città e i piani«, in Cinquant’anni di urbanistica in Italia, 1942–1992, edited by Giuseppe Campos Venuti and Federico Oliva (Bari: Laterza, 1993), 40–85, here 64. The 1955 plan was heir of various unlucky attempts from 1938 onwards to substitute the up to then first and only General Plan from 1889. On Marconi (1893–1974), see Paola Di Biagi, Patrizia Gabellini and Lucia Scuderi, »Plinio Marconi, Un manuale implicito per il mestiere di urbanista«, in Urbanisti italiani, edited by Paola Di Biagi and Patrizia Gabellini, (Bari: Laterza, 1992), 97–152. For another summary of the PRG 1955 see: Angelo Varni, »Dalla Liberazione agli anni Ottanta«, in Bologna in età contemporanea, edited by Angelo Varni (Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2013), 589–629, here 602–608.


In 1954, the city had a population of 364,354. The plan expected the population to reach a number of about 500,000—600,000 people within the course of 30 years, and theoretically allowed a population of 1,000,000. According to Archivio Storico Comunale Bologna (ASCBO), Comune di Bologna, Piano Regolatore Generale 1955 (PRG 55), Dati statistici inerenti alla distribuzione della popolazione attuale (1954) e futura (previsioni di P.R.G.), allegato A alla Relazione, dis. 1 and 2. and ASCBO, PRG 55, Relazione, 12. On priorities, see ASCBO, PRG 55, Relazione, 60.


ASCBO, PRG 55, Relazione, 4. Additionally, an antico centro was defined, in correspondence to former city walls from the 11th century. The term centro storico played no decisive role. It is used once, synonymous to the antico centro. (Ibid., 48.)


Ibid., 15.


Ibid., 46f.


ASCBO, PRG 55, Norme techniche, 6.


ASCBO, PRG 55, Relazione, 32–33, Risanamento di isolati nel vecchio nucleo cittadino and ASCBO, PRG, Elaborato V., Pianta della città entro la cinta delle antiche mura (Progetto).


Ibid., 15, 32, 33.


ASCBO, PRG 55, Allegato A dis 1, Tavola Previsione inerente alla distribuzione della popolazione a compimento del Piano Regolatore Generale.


ASCBO, PRG 55, Atti del Consiglio Comunale, 21.9.1955, 34. See also Francesco Fantoni, »Le soluzioni per il vecchio nucleo della città«, Bologna, Bollettino di informazione dell’attività municipale, no. 4 (1957), 4–6. Fantoni was the municipality’s chief engineer.


See in particular Giorgi di Vistarino (PLI) in ASCBO, PRG 55, Atti del Consiglio Comunale, 33. The key notion was that of caratteristiche ambientali, which had to be more than just the sum of the outstanding monuments and were particularly associated with street arcades.


A good overview of the DC’s positions is also provided by their programmatic book published on the occasion of the 1956 municipal elections, i. e. after the PRG was adopted. See Democrazia Cristiana, »Libro Bianco su Bologna«, in Libro Bianco su Bologna, Giuseppe Dossetti e le elezioni amministrative del 1956, edited by Gianni Boselli (Reggio Emilia: Diabasis, 2009), 61–251, here 102, 104 and 140–152.


ASCBO, PRG 55, Atti del Consiglio Comunale, 141–161.


»Il carattere ambientale di Bologna minacciato dagli sventramenti progettati.« Il Resto del Carlino, Mar. 11, 1956. Without actually excluding demolitions of old fabric as such, Barbacci criticized the plan’s general disrespect for the humble parts of the historic city. See also Luca Baldissara, Per una città più bella e più grande: Il governo municipale di Bologna negli anni della ricostruzione (1945–1956) (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1994), 353–355.


ASCBO, PRG 55, Parere della III Sezione del Consiglio Superiore delle Antichità e Belle Arti, 5.8.1957.


ASCBO, PRG 55, Decreto presidenziale, 16.4.1958, Approvazione Prg, in particular 8/1.


See the planning commission’s statement in ASCBO, PRG 55, Controdeduzioni, 75.


ASCBO, Atti del Consiglio Comunale (ACC), (1960), 1401–1419 and 1422, here 1404.


Ibid., 1411. The varianti were approved by January 1965.


On Cederna (1921–1996), see Francesco Erbani (ed.), Antonio Cederna: I vandali in casa, Cinquant’anni dopo (Bari: Laterza, 2007).


Also see Roberto Pane, »Attualità urbanistica del monumento e dell’ambiente antico: Relazione ufficiale, Congresso internazionale indetto dall’Undicesima Triennale di Milano, 28–30 September 1957« and »Il VI Congresso dell’Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, Difesa e valorizzazione del paesaggio urbano e rurale, Lucca, 9 novembre 1957«, Urbanistica, 23 (1958), 111–114 and 115–122.


Giambruno, Per una storia del restauro urbano, XV.


Documented in »Salvaguardia e risanamento dei centri storici: Il convegno di Gubbio«, Urbanistica, 32 (1960), 66–100.


Ibid., 66–67. Its contents were confirmed internationally by the Venice Charter of 1964. Also see De Angelis, Quarant’anni dopo, 36.


Strategic demolitions (diradamento) had been mainly theorized by the architect Gustavo Giovannoni (1873–1947). See Gustavo Giovannoni, Vecchie città ed edilizia nuova (Milan: Città Studi Edizioni, 1995 [Turin: UTET, 1931]). A first article of the same title already dates from 1913. Giovannoni’s role during Fascism and the valuation of his professional record are subject to a lively debate. For an introductory survey, see Guido Zucconi, »Dal capitello alla città: Il profilo dell’architetto totale«, in Gustavo Giovannoni: Dal capitello alla città, edited by Guido Zucconi (Milan: Jaca Book, 1997), 9–68.


Urbanistica, 32 (1960), 66–67.


Vezio De Lucia, Se questa è una città (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1992 [1989]), 21–30.


Paul Ginsborg, Storia d’Italia dal dopoguerra a oggi (Turin: Einaudi, 2006 [1989]), 275–282.


Ibid., 359–362.


Ginsborg, Storia d’Italia, 360; Edoardo Salzano, Fondamenti di urbanistica (Bari: Laterza, 2003 [1998]), 73–75. The corresponding town-planning law No. 1150 dates from 1942. On the question of local autonomies, see e.g. Luca Baldissara, »Tra governo e opposizione: Il ruolo del PCI nella costruzione della democrazia in Italia«, in Il PCI nell’Italia repubblicana, 1943–1991, edited by Roberto Gualtieri (Rome: Carocci, 2001), 141–178, here 163–178.


A dense account of the changes in party politics and urban planning policy is also provided by Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 76–86 and 109–118. For a perspective on the rinnovamento by those who were involved, see e.g. Guido Fanti and Gian Carlo Ferri, Cronache dall’Emilia rossa (Bologna: Pendragon, 2001), 45–59 and 63–96.


Ibid., 274.


Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 76–77. See also Vieri Quilici and Armando Sichenze, Costruttori di architetture, Bologna 1960–1980 (Rome: Officina, 1985), 41.


Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 70f.


Ibid., 76–78. See also Giuseppe Campos Venuti, Amministrare l’Urbanistica (Turin: Einaudi, 1967).


Giuseppe Campos Venuti, »Politica urbanistica comunale a Bologna: Orientamenti programmatici«, Bollettino d’informazione di attività municipale: Supplemento a Bologna—Rivista del Comune, 1 (1961), 19–20. See also Guido Zucconi’s contribution in the present volume.


»Un monumento che deve essere salvato: Il dibattito sulla chiesa di San Giorgio«, Il Resto del Carlino, Feb. 8, 1962. Also see Cervellati, Scannavini and De Angelis, La nuova cultura delle città, 53. The building was eventually bought by the local savings bank.


ASCBO, ACC (1962), 1797–8. (Nov. 19, 1962)


Ibid., 1494–1501. (July 27, 1962)


ASCBO, »Comune di Bologna and Istituto di Storia dell’Architettura dell’Università di Firenze«, Indagine settoriale sul Centro Storico, 1965. The architect and researcher Leonardo Benevolo (born 1923) is to be considered one of the leading historians of architecture and urban planning.


Ibid., 15–16.


ASCBO, Indagine settoriale, 46–47; PRG 55, Norme tecniche, 6.


ASCBO, Indagine settoriale, 28–34, 35–46, 50–51.


ASCBO, ACC (1969), 818 (July 21, 1969). It was approved by the Emilia-Romagna region in 1973.


Documented in »Commissione d’indagine per la tutela e la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico, archeologico, artistico e del paesaggio«, Urbanistica, 46–47 (1966), I–XII, especially IX. See also Guido Zucconi’s contribution in the present volume.


Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 84–85.


Comune di Bologna, Variante al Piano regolatore generale: Piano per il Centro Storico, Piano per la Zona collinare, Relazione Generale (PCS, Relazione Generale) (Bologna: 1969), 2–5 and 53–59.


ASCBO, Comune di Bologna, Piano per il Centro Storico: Relazione sui criteri e sulla metodologia di intervento (PCS, Criteri), 25–27.


See Harald Bodenschatz and Tilman Harlander, »40 Jahre Stadterneuerung Bologna«, in Forum Stadt, 4 (2015), 357–376, here 357–358. Also see Harald Bodenschatz’s contribution in the present volume.


ASCBO, Indagine settoriale, 7–8; PCS, Relazione Generale, 28–29; PCS, Norme techniche, 18.


ASCBO, PCS, Tav. 4, Suddivisione dei comparti di risanamento conservativo; ASCBO, PRG 55, Elab. V, Pianta della città entro la cinta delle antiche mura (Progetto). See also Cervellati, Scannavini and De Angelis, La nuova cultura delle città, 54–55.


See ASCBO, PCS, Criteri, 13–14. The concept of the building type was much discussed in sixties and seventies Italian architectural theory. For an introductional survey see Elvio Manganaro, Funzione del concetto di tipologia edilizia in Italia (Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2013); Michele Caja, Martina Landsberger and Silvia Malcovati, eds., Tipologia architettonica e morfologia urbana: Il dibattito italiano, antologia 1960–1980 (Milan: Libraccio, 2010).


ASCBO, PCS, Criteri, 10–15, 19–21, 30–33.


PCS, Relazione Generale, 2–5, 9. Also see Scannavini, Trent’anni di tutela, 10. See also Filippo De Pieri and Paolo Scrivano, »Representing the ›Historical Centre‹ of Bologna«, Urban History Review, 1 (2004), 34–45, here 41–42.


See ASCBO, PCS, Criteri, 48.


Ibid., 64–65.


»Con la classe operaia unita ha scioperato tutta l’Italia«, L’Unità, Nov. 22, 1969.


Salzano, Fondamenti di Urbanistica, 171–173.


Pier Paolo Balbo and Franco Zagari, eds., L’intervento pubblico nei centri storici: Atti del convegno Gescal, Venezia 11–13 maggio 1973 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1973). The other municipalities were Ancona, Ascoli Piceno, Bergamo, Gubbio, Milan, Molfetta, Palermo, Venice, Verona and Vicenza.


Comune di Bologna, P.R.G. Piano regolatore generale (Bologna: 1973).


Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 84, 116–117.


Harald Bodenschatz, Städtische Bodenreform in Italien (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 1979), 131–132.


Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 86–87.


Ibid., 40–41.


Ibid., 87, 93.


See »Il voto per il Consiglio Comunale di Bologna (per quartiere)«, Il Comune di Bologna: Notiziario settimanale, June 16, 1970, 3. As the Carlino (June 18, 1970) noted, only one of the center’s four quartieri would have had a PCI-PSI majority.


Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 88–92.


See Comune di Bologna and Claudio Claroni, eds., Piano per il Centro Storico: Stato delle abitazioni e struttura della popolazione (Bologna: 1971).


Pier Luigi Cervellati, »Introduzione«, in Piano per il Centro Storico: Stato delle abitazioni e struttura della popolazione, edited by Comune di Bologna and Claudio Claroni (Bologna: 1971), IX.


See »Sviluppo economico e assetto del territorio: Atti del Convegno promosso dalla Federazione del Pci di Bologna, Bologna 7–8 dicembre 1971«, Quaderni di Politica ed Economia, 4 (1972), 9.


See ASCBO, Comune di Bologna / Assessorato all‘edilizia pubblica, PEEP Centro Storico (PEEP / CS), vol. 5, (Bologna: 1972).


ASCBO, PEEP, Piano di acquisizione aree per edilizia economica-popolare legge 18 aprile 1962, n. 167, Relazione generale illustrativa, 9 and 69–71. A comparison with the 1955 plan shows that the two areas responded to the 1955 zone di risanamento No. I, II, III, XVI and XVII.


ASCBO, PEEP / CS, Alberto Predieri, L’espropriazione di aree destinate all’edilizia popolare nei centri storici. Extensive meant to interpret of the actual law in the spirit of the law the reformist forces had been struggling for.


ASCBO, PEEP / CS, Relazione sui criteri e sulla metodologia d’intervento, 58–59.


See ASCBO, PEEP / CS, Relazione sui criteri e sulla metodologia, 56–57. Within the first phase from 1971 to 1977, from ca. 5,506 (sic) to ca. 6,600 within the first 5 comparti (no. 2–5-7–9-12). While Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 93, mentions the differing demographic perspective of Indagine settoriale and PEEP / CS, recent publications treat the PEEP / CS rather exclusively as an implementation of an element of the 1969 Piano per il Centro Storico. See also Susanna Bortolotto and Maria Cristina Palo, »La nuova cultura delle città di Pier Luigi Cervellati: il Piano per il centro storico di Bologna, 1969«, in Per una storia del restauro urbano, edited by Mariacristina Giambruno (Turin: Città Studi, 2007), 171–178, here 174; Luca Gullì and Francesca Talò, »Cinquant’anni di esperienze nella gestione dei centri storici in un caso esemplare«, in Il capitale culturale, no. 5, edited by Massimo Montanella (Macerata: EUM, 2012), 41–61, here 54; Alberto Pedrazzini, »La vicenda urbanistica dall’emergenza di guerra ai primi anni Settanta«, in Bologna in età contemporanea, edited by Angelo Varni (Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2013), 730–732.


ASCBO, PCS, Norme tecniche, 16–17.


ASCBO, PCS, Criteri, 2; PEEP / CS, Relazione illustrativa generale, 44–45. The use of historic typology by Bologna’s planners related without doubt to the theories of architects like Saverio Muratori (1910–1973), Gianfranco Caniggia (1933–1987), Carlo Aymonino (1926–2010) and Aldo Rossi (1931–1997). However, the details of this relationship still merit further investigation. For a short discussion of the Bolognese case in the light of Muratori’s theory, see Nicola Marzot, »L’esperienza della riqualificazione urbana nel piano per il centro storico di Bologna / Urban Regeneration in the plan for the Historical Center of Bologna«, in Bologna: Architettura, città, paesaggio, edited by Pier Luigi Giordani, Giuliano Gresleri and Nicola Marzot (Rome: Mancosu, 2006), 162–177.


Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 94.


ASCBO, Comune di Bologna, Assessorato all’edilizia pubblica, La convenzione per il risanamento dei 5 comparti Peep / Centro Storico (Bologna: 1975).


Gabellini, Bologna e Milano, 41.


See Comune di Bologna, Assessorato alla programmazione e assetto urbano, Cinque anni di lavoro: Che cosa ha fatto il Comune di Bologna per il risanamento del Centro Storico da quando ha iniziato nel 1974 a realizzare interventi di restauro conservativo a tutto il 1979 (Bologna: 1979).


Carlo De Angelis and Roberto Scannavini, »Comune di Bologna, Risanamento conservativo del centro storico«, in Urbanistica in Emilia-Romagna: esperienze ed analisi, edited by Patrizia Gabellini, Mario Piccinini and Stefano Stanghelli (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1983), 187–188; Mariastella Casciato and Piero Orlandi, eds., Quale e quanta: Architettura in Emilia-Romagna nel secondo Novecento (Bologna: CLUEB, 2005), 187.


Bodenschatz and Harlander, 40 Jahre Stadterneuerung Bologna, 368.


Scannavini, Trent’anni di tutela, 6. See also Giambruno, Per una storia del restauro urbano, XVI.


Carlo De Angelis, Quarant’anni dopo: Piano PEEP Centro Storico 1973, 42–47.


Comune di Ferrara (ed.), Il passato per un nostro avvenire: Atti del 6° symposium europeo sul patrimonio architettonico (Ferrara: 1980), 124–125; Alberto Grimoldi, »Contro il ripristino tipologico«, in Riuso e riqualificazione edilizia neglia anni ‘80, edited by Lodovico B. Belgiojoso et al. (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1981), 388–395.


Manlio Rossi Doria, »Introduzione«, in Dieci anni di politica agraria, edited by id. (Bari: Laterza, 1958), XIX.


Icomos-Unesco, The International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites, adopted by the IInd International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments (Venice: 1964), in particular articles 1 and 13.


About these processes, see, in particular, Giuseppe Dematteis, »Le trasformazioni territoriali e ambientali«, in Storia dell’Italia repubblicana, vol. 2/II, La trasformazione dell’Italia: sviluppo e squilibri, edited by Francesco Barbagallo (Turin: Einaudi, 1995), 661–709. See also other works in the same volume.


Antonio Cederna, I vandali in casa (Rome and Bari: Laterza, 1954); Attilio Belli and Gemma Belli, Narrare l’urbanistica alle élite. «Il Mondo» (1949–66) di fronte alla modernizzazione del Bel Paese (Milan: Francoangeli, 2012).


»Il Codice dell’Urbanistica dell’INU, VIII Congresso nazionale di urbanistica, Roma 16–18 dicembre 1960«, Urbanistica, 33 (1961); Carta di Gubbio, Dichiarazione finale approvata all’unanimità a conclusione del Convegno nazionale per la Salvaguardia e il Risanamento dei Centri Storici (Gubbio: 17/18/19 September 1960). See the contribution by Guido Zucconi in this volume.


Cristina Renzoni, Il Progetto ›80: Un‹idea di paese nell’Italia degli anni Sessanta (Florence: Alinea, 2012).


See Ilaria Bruno, La nascita del Ministero per i Beni culturali e ambientali: Il dibattito sulla tutela (Milan: LED, 2011); Melania Nucifora, »L’Unesco, l’Europa e la definizione delle identità regionali«, in L’Italia e le sue regioni, edited by Mariuccia Salvati and Loredana Sciolla (Rome: Treccani, 2014), 477–496.


In Catania and Syracuse local center-left administrations came into power in 1964 and 1965, later than the formal beginning of the national political experience (1963).


This is the definition given by the reformist DC Minister Fiorentino Sullo, during the National Conference of Italian Town Planners in 1962. See also Franco Girardi, Storia dell’INU: Settant’anni di Urbanistica italiana: 1930–2000 (Rome: Ediesse, 2008), 63.


Paolo Sylos Labini, Problemi dell’economia siciliana (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1966).


Between 1951 and 1981, the population of Syracuse grew from 66,090 to 117,615; in the same period, the population of Catania grew from 299.629 to 400.048 and dropped to 380,328 in 1981 (Istat data). As has been pointed out, the drop in the population in Catania did not actually show a decline but recorded the process of suburbanization when the people of Catania left the areas in the center to settle in the towns towards the north in what was historically defined as ›the Etna woods‹. In the same decade, 1971–81, the population of the small town of Gravina grew from 8,537 to 23,930. See Cesare Emanuel, »Trame insediative e transizione demografica nei sistemi urbani«, in Il sistema urbano italiano nello spazio unificato europeo, edited by Giuseppe Dematteis and Piero Bonavero (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1997), 169–204, in particular 188, Fig. 5.4.


Melania Nucifora, Governare la crescita urbana: Amministrazioni, burocrazie, urbanisti a Catania tra età liberale e anni Settanta del Novecento (Catania: Bonanno, 2011), 47–77. About San Berillo, see also Claudio Majorana, Risanamento del quartiere di San Berillo di Catania (Palermo: Le Opere, 1952); Mario Caciagli, Democrazia Cristiana e potere nel Mezzogiorno (Rimini and Florence: Guaraldi Editore, 1977), 76–91.


Melania Nucifora, »Siracusa nel secondo dopoguerra: Territorio, paesaggio, ambiente«, in Storia di Siracusa: Economia, politica, società (1946–2000), edited by Salvatore Adorno (Rome: Donzelli, 2014), 225–254; Santi Luigi Agnello and Corrado Giuliano, I guasti di Siracusa: Conversazioni sulle vicende dell’urbanistica siracusana (Syracuse: Teti, 2001).


Giuseppe Giarrizzo, Catania (Bari: Laterza, 1986), 276–278.


Nota aggiuntiva alla Relazione generale sulla situazione economica del Paese 1961, presented to the Camera dei Deputati on 26 May 1962.


Manfredo Tafuri, Storia dell’architettura italiana (Turin: Einaudi, 1982), 55–63, 146–159.


Salvatore Adorno, »Siracusa e i suoi piani«, in Siracusa 1880–2000: Città, storia, piani, edited by Salvatore Adorno (Venice: Marsilio, 2005), 71–91.


The so-called Cavalieri del Lavoro are entrepreneurs who are given awards by the Italian government because of their contribution to the country’s development and employment.


Francesco Indovina, (ed.), Lo spreco edilizio (Padua: Marsilio, 1972); Vezio De Lucia, Se questa è una città: La condizione urbana nell’Italia contemporanea (Rome: Donzelli, 2006 [1986]).


The MSI, the post fascist party, had extraordinary political success in Catania at the national and local elections in 1971 and 1972, becoming the first party in the city ahead of the DC.


Interview with Mr. Antonino Leonardi, official at the University Technical Services and now responsible for the »Museo della Fabbrica« Archives, Benedictine Monastery, Catania, 20/04/2016.


Municipality of Catania, Historical Archive, »Dossier Deliberazioni del Consiglio«, Verbale di deliberazione del comune di Catania n. 864 del 1974.


The formal act was signed only on 13 April 1977 at the Bureau of the notary Gaetano Musumeci and in the presence of the major, Domenico Magrì, and the new Rector, Gaspare Rodolico. See Ufficio Tecnico dell’Università degli Studi di Catania, Quattro progetti per il Monastero di San Nicolò l’Arena (Catania: Tipografia dell’Università, 1988), 166.


Interview with Mr. Antonino Leonardi, in Ufficio Tecnico dell’Università degli Studi di Catania, Quattro progetti.


Ibid., 166.


Mr. Carmelo Russo, Director of the University Technical Services, is cited in an interview with Mr. Antonino Leonardi in Ufficio Tecnico dell’Università degli Studi di Catania, Quattro progetti. About the hostility of the city’s institution, see A. Leonardi, »1977–2006: il cantiere per il recupero del Monastero di San Nicolò l’Arena«, in Breve storia del Monastero dei Benedettini di Catania, edited by F. Mannino (Catania: Giuseppe Maimone Editore, 2015), 95–104.


See the contributions by Harald Bodenschatz, Jost Ulshöfer and Guido Zucconi in this volume.


Vincenzo Cabianca Private Archive (Syracuse), Dossier Centro storico—1974 Conferenza PCI 1974.


Vincenzo Cabianca Private Archive (Syracuse), Dossier Centro storico—1974 Press Review.


Santi Nicita, Sul filo dei ricordi (Carlentini (SR): Angelo Parisi Editore, 2005), 114–115.


Assemblea Regionale Siciliana. IV Commissione Legislativa, Tutela dei centri storici e norme speciali per il quartiere di Ortigia di Siracusa e per il centro storico di Agrigento, Disegno di legge no. 120, approvato dall’Assemblea nella seduta del 15 aprile 1976.


Vincenzo Cabianca, Documenti su vent’anni di utopia urbanistica a Siracusa (Rome: La Casa del Nespolo, 2013), 138.


The management of landscape in the sixties (and until the eighties) was still ruled by the national law no. 1089/39 about the preservation of »landscape and natural beauties« which strongly inspired to an aesthetical and selective conception of landscape’s values. This was in contrast with the emergence of a wider perception of landscape values in terms of evidence of civilization, but also as a »system of ecosystems«. Only in 1985, the so-called »legge Galasso« (law 431/85) created the conditions for a wider preservation of landscape.


Vincenzo Cabianca, Documenti su vent’anni di utopia urbanistica a Siracusa, 138.




About these changes see also Melania Nucifora, »Pianificazione e politiche per l’ambiente: Le aree industriali italiane nel secondo Novecento«, in Industria, ambiente e territorio: Per una storia ambientale delle aree industriali in Italia, edited by Salvatore Adorno and Simone Neri Serneri (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2009), 317–338.


Santi Nicita, Sul filo dei ricordi, 157–158.


About Cabianca’s »pedagogic attitude« during the Conference, see, in particular, the detailed minutes of the Conference debate, entirely published in Vincenzo Cabianca, Documenti su vent’anni di utopia urbanistica a Siracusa,103–136.


Commissione Europea, Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici, Il programma Urban in Italia: Un grande laboratorio per la rigenerazione dei quartieri urbani degradati (Rome: Tipografia Iride, 2001), 40–43; Giovanni Laino, »Il programma Urbani in Italia«, Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, 66 (1999), 69–97.


»Organisierte Gewalt der Arbeiter als Antwort auf die Krise«, Wir wollen alles, 13/14 (February/March 1974), 28. Wir wollen alles was published monthly between 1973 and 1975 and was dominated by the Frankfurt groups Revolutionärer Kampf and Lotta Continua, but it also involved the following: Arbeitersache München, Arbeiterkampf Köln, Proletarische Front Hamburg, Bremen, Bochum, Rote Fahne Saarbrücken, Klassenkampf Zürich, Lucha Obrera and Marxistische Gruppe Erlangen. DaDA-Periodika, Dok.Nr. DA-P0000596, (last accessed 22/3/2016). On the extensive occurrence of squatting in Rome 1973/74, see Mathias Heigl, Rom in Aufruhr: Soziale Bewegungen im Italien der 1970er Jahre (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015), 142−248. Also see the chapter by Luciano Villani in this volume.


»Organisierte Gewalt der Arbeiter«, 28. Translation of this and subsequent quotes from primary sources in German are by Alexander Sedlmaier.


Paul Ginsborg, A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics, 1943–1988 (Basingstoke: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2003), 359; Bank für internationalen Zahlungsausgleich, 44. Jahresbericht: 1. April 1973—31. März 1974 (Basel, 1974), 62, (last accessed 24/3/2016).



Nanni Balestrini, Wir wollen alles! Roman der FIAT-Kämpfe, translated by Peter O. Chotjewitz (Munich: Trikont, 1971). For the origins of the slogan, see Roberto Franzosi, The Puzzle of Strikes: Class and State Strategies in Postwar Italy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 272−273.


Operaismo (workerism) is a political theory and practice that emphasizes the importance of the experiences and the autonomy of the working class. It gained particular significance in Italian left wing politics. Steve Wright, Storming Heaven: Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism (London: Pluto Press, 2002).


On Trikont, see Uwe Sonnenberg, Von Marx zum Maulwurf: Linker Buchhandel in Westdeutschland in den 1970er Jahren (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2016), 187−185, 313−315.


On the methodology of social movement research in the field of contemporary history, see Jürgen Mittag and Helke Stadtland, »Soziale Bewegungsforschung im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und Empirie: Einleitende Anmerkungen zu Potenzialen disziplinärer Brückenschläge zwischen Geschichts- und Sozialwissenschaft«, in Theoretische Ansätze und Konzepte der Forschung über soziale Bewegungen in der Geschichtswissenschaft, edited by Jürgen Mittag and Helke Stadtland (Essen: Klartext, 2014), 13−60. There is yet no scholarly analysis of the Spontis from the perspective of social movement research. On the Autonomists, see Sebastian Haunss, Identität in Bewegung: Prozesse kollektiver Identität bei den Autonomen und in der Schwulenbewegung (Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2004); Jan Schwarzmeier, Die Autonomen zwischen Subkultur und sozialer Bewegung (Göttingen: BoD, 2001).


See also Anne Maria Siemens, Durch die Institutionen oder in den Terrorismus: Die Wege von Joschka Fischer, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Hans-Joachim Klein und Johannes Weinrich (Frankfurt: Friedrich Bischoff Druckerei, 2006), 228.


»Wir sind unregierbar und unkalkulierbar: SPIEGEL-Report über die Sponti-Gruppen in der Bundesrepublik«, Der Spiegel, Mar. 26, 1979.


Jörg Schütte, Revolte und Verweigerung (Giessen: Focus, 1980); Uwe Schlicht, Vom Burschenschaftler bis zum Sponti (Berlin: Colloquium, 1980).


Wolfgang Kraushaar, »Die Frankfurter Sponti-Szene: Eine Subkultur als politische Versuchsanordnung«, Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 44 (2004), 105−123.


Sven Reichardt, Authentizität und Gemeinschaft: Linksalternatives Leben in den siebziger und frühen achtziger Jahren (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2014), 115−122, 133−135.


Sebastian Kasper, »Unter der Parole ›Kampf gegen die Arbeit!‹: Die Betriebsintervention der frühen Sponti-Bewegung«, Arbeit—Bewegung—Geschichte, 15 (2016), 49−62.


Freia Anders, »Wohnraum, Freiraum, Widerstand: Die Formierung der Autonomen in den Konflikten um Hausbesetzungen Anfang der achtziger Jahre«, in Das alternative Milieu: Antibürgerlicher Lebensstil und linke Politik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Europa, 1968−1983, edited by Sven Reichardt and Detlef Siegfried (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2010), 473–498.


Marica Tolomelli, »Repressiv getrennt« oder »organisch verbündet«: Studenten und Arbeiter 1968 in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Italien (Opladen: Leske & Budrich, 2001), 261–262; Christian Jansen, »›Prendiamoci la città‹—Fighting for the City as Strategy of the New Left«, Cities and Societies in Transition? The 1970s in West Germany and Italy, unpublished conference paper, (Rome: German Historical Institute, May 2015).


Lotta Continua, Nehmen wir uns die Stadt! Klassenanalyse, Organisationspapier, Kampfprogramm, translated by Christoph Bauer and Andrée Valentin (Munich: Trikont, 1972), 74.


Robert Lumley, States of Emergency: Cultures of Revolt in Italy from 1968 to 1978 (London: Verso, 1990), 185−193.


See also Edward P. Thompson, »The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the Eighteenth Century«, Past and Present 50:1 (1971), 76–136. On the application of Thompson’s concept to late twentieth-century protest, see Alexander Sedlmaier, Consumption and Violence: Radical Protest in Cold-War West Germany (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014), 18.


Heigl, Rom in Aufruhr, 70−78, 170; Lumley, States of Emergency, 262−265; Wright, Storming Heaven, 158−159.


Eddy Cherki and Michel Wieviorka, »Luttes sociales en Italie: Les mouvements d’Autoréduction à Turin«, Les Temps Modernes, 30:347 (June 1975), 1793–1831; German version: Eddy Cherki and Michel Wieviorka, »›Autoriduzione‹ in Turin«, in Stadtkrise und soziale Bewegungen: Texte zur internationalen Entwicklung, edited by Margit Mayer, Roland Roth and Volkhard Brandes (Cologne: EVA, 1978), 177–193, 183.


Ibid., 192.


John Kenneth Galbraith, »Die Zukunft der Städte im modernen Industriesystem—Konzept der organischen Stadt«, in Rettet unsere Städte jetzt! Vorträge, Aussprachen und Ergebnisse der 16. Hauptversammlung des Deutschen Städtetages vom 25. bis 27. Mai 1971 in München (Cologne: Kohlhammer, 1971), 17.


Hans-Jochen Vogel, »Rettet unsere Städte jetzt!« in Rettet unsere Städte jetzt! Vorträge, Aussprachen und Ergebnisse der 16. Hauptversammlung des Deutschen Städtetages vom 25. bis 27. Mai 1971 in München (Cologne: Kohlhammer, 1971), 55−84.


Hans-Jochen Vogel, Die Amtskette: Meine zwölf Münchner Jahre (Munich: Süddeutscher Verlag, 1972), quoted in »›Das unterirdische Grollen ist schon zu hören‹: Münchens Oberbürgermeister Vogel über die Krise der Städte«, Der Spiegel, 62, June 19, 1972, 62−63. This is a slightly edited passage from his speech at the Deutsche Städtetag.


Ernst Stracke, Stadtzerstörung und Stadtteilkampf: Innerstädtische Umstrukturierungsprozesse, Wohnungsnot und soziale Bewegungen in Frankfurt am Main (Cologne: Pahl Rugenstein, 1980), 45−46.


SPD-Unterbezirk Frankfurt, quoted from ibid., 130–131.


Häuserrat Frankfurt (ed.), Wohnungskampf in Frankfurt (Munich: Trikont, 1974), 124−126; »Die militante Geschichte Frankfurts: Die Häuserkämpfe«, Wildcat, 38 (1986), 33−35.


Häuserrat Frankfurt (ed.), Wohnungskampf in Frankfurt, 104−105; Serhat Karakayali, »Lotta Continua in Frankfurt, Türken-Terror in Köln: Migrantische Kämpfe in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik«, Grundrisse: Zeitschrift für linke Theorie und Praxis 14 (2005), ttp:// (last accessed 1/4/2010).


Häuserrat Frankfurt (ed.), Wohnungskampf in Frankfurt, 112.


»Die Freiräume verteidigen: Häuserkämpfe im Spiegel der Plakate«, no. 71, in Hoch die Kampf dem: 20 Jahre Plakate autonomer Bewegungen, edited by HKS 13 (Hamburg: Assoziation A, 1999), 36.


Häuserrat Frankfurt (ed.), Wohnungskampf in Frankfurt, 109. See also Stracke, Stadtzerstörung, 115. Also see the UI flyers in the archives of the Frankfurt Häuserrat, ID-Archiv/IISG Amsterdam, Bestand: Flugblätter, Papiere ca. 1971–74, vol. 9, ID 1989/00386 fol.


Häuserrat Frankfurt (ed.), Wohnungskampf in Frankfurt, 124–126.


Stracke, Stadtzerstörung, 110–116 and 181. Also see Karakayali, »Lotta Continua in Frankfurt«.


Häuserrat Frankfurt (ed.), Wohnungskampf in Frankfurt, 111–115.


Quoted in Geronimo, Feuer und Flamme: Zur Geschichte der Autonomen (Berlin: ID Verlag, 2002), 54.


Also see the chapters by Harald Bodenschatz and Sebastian Haumann in this volume.


SDS-Hannover (1969), flyer »ÜSTRA-Boykott—Aktion ROTER PUNKT«, (12 June), (last accessed 2/5/2016).


»Gegen Fahrpreiserhöhung und Polizeiterror—Nulltarif«, Wir wollen alles, insert: Häuserratszeitung, in Carlo Sponti 18–19 (1974), 2.


»Wer hat die besseren Argumente«, Carlo Sponti, 18–19 (1974), 3, 7.


»FVV-Automatenenteignungsaktion: Das Fahrgeld kommt vom Volk und kehrt zum Volk zurück!« ID-Nachrichtendienst, 49 (23 August 1974), 3–4.


See also Sedlmaier, Consumption and Violence, 146–167.


See also Alexander Sedlmaier, »Berlin als doppeltes Schaufenster im Kalten Krieg«, in »Selling Berlin«: Imagebildung und Stadtmarketing von der preußischen Residenz zur Bundeshauptstadt, edited by Thomas Biskup and Marc Schalenberg (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2008), 227–244.


On the peculiar housing situation in West Berlin, see Karl-Heinz Peters, Wohnungspolitik am Scheideweg: Wohnungswesen, Wohnungswirtschaft, Wohnungspolitik (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1984).


»Erklärung der BI SO 36« (24 January 1981), in Dezember 1980 Berlin, edited by Ermittlungsausschuss Mehringhof (Berlin: Oktoberdruck, 1981), 10.


This is covered in more detail in Anders, »Wohnraum«, 494–498.


See Bernd Sonnewald and Jürgen Raabe-Zimmermann, Die »Berliner Linie« und die Hausbesetzer-Szene (Berlin: Berlin Verlag, 1983), 59–62; Anders, »Wohnraum«, 486–488.


Quoted in Sonnewald/Raabe-Zimmermann, Die »Berliner Linie« und die Hausbesetzer-Szene, 69.


»Berlin: Keine Atempause«, taz-Journal, 3 (1981), 152.


G. Waldow, »Vortrag über Einsatzerfahrungen aus Anlaß von unfriedlichen demonstrativen Aktionen in Berlin vor der Polizeiführungsakademie Münster am 10.9.1981«, quoted in Helmut Willems, Jugendunruhen und Protestbewegungen: Eine Studie zur Dynamik innergesellschaftlicher Konflikte in vier europäischen Ländern (Opladen: Leske & Budrich, 1997), 275.


Ibid., 272.


Gruppe Berliner Autonome, »NEGRI IK HÖR DIR TRAPSEN: Zur Kritik der Kritik oder das Elend der kritischen Kritik«, Radikal, 98 (1981).


Radikal, extra 97 (August 1981).


On Tunix, see Michael März, Linker Protest nach dem Deutschen Herbst: Eine Geschichte des linken Spektrums im Schatten des ›starken Staates‹, 1977−1979 (Bielefeld: Transkript, 2012), 213−244.


Eddy Cherki and Dominique Mehl, Les nouveaux embarras de Paris: de la révolte des usagers des transports aux mouvements de défense de l‘environnement, vol. 2 (Paris: F. Maspero, 1979); Manuel Castells et al., Crise du logement et mouvements sociaux urbains: Enquête sur la region parisienne (Paris: Mouton, 1978).


On political tourism to Italy, see the chapter by Bodenschatz in this volume.


Michael März, Linker Protest nach dem Deutschen Herbst: Eine Geschichte des linken Spektrums im Schatten des »starken Staates« 1977–1979 (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012); Timothy Scott Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties: The Antiauthoritarian Revolt, 1962–1978 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 355–357; For the concept of the left-alternative milieu see also Sven Reichardt, Authentizität und Gemeinschaft: Linksalternatives Leben in den siebziger und frühen achtziger Jahren (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2014).


Carla MacDougall, »In the Shadow of the Wall: Urban Space and Everyday Life in Kreuzberg«, in Between the Avant-Garde and the Everyday: Subversive Politics in Europe from 1957 to the Present, edited by Timothy S. Brown (New York: Berghahn Books, 2011), 154–173; Freia Anders, »Wohnraum, Freiraum, Widerstand: Die Formierung der Autonomen in den Konflikten um Hausbesetzungen Anfang der achtziger Jahre«, in Das alternative Milieu: Antibürgerlicher Lebensstil und linke Politik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Europa, 1968–1983, edited by Sven Reichardt and Detlef Siegfried (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2010), 473–498.


März, Linker Protest, 208–209.


Mathias Heigl, Rom in Aufruhr: Soziale Bewegungen im Italien der 1970er Jahre (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015), 249–377; Petra Terhoeven, Deutscher Herbst in Europa: Der Linksterrorismus der siebziger Jahre als transnationales Phänomen (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2014), 477–481; Philip Edwards, »Autonomia and the Political: An Italian Cycle of Contention, 1972–1979«, Modern Italy, 11:3 (2006), 267–283; Giorgio Mariani, »›Was Anybody More of an Indian than Karl Marx?‹: The Indiani Metropolitani and the 1977 Movement«, in Indians and Europe: An Interdisciplinary Collection of Essays, edited by Christian F. Feest (Aachen: Rader, 1987), 585–598.


»Lust statt Macht«, Der Spiegel, Mar. 21, 1977 (all translations in this text by the author); see also Klemens Gruber, Die zerstreute Avantgarde: Strategische Kommunikation im Italien der 70er Jahre (Vienna: Böhlau, 2010).


»Oh bella Italia …«, Info-BUG, Apr. 4, 1977; »Italien—Land der Träume«, Pflasterstrand, Mar. 16, 1977.


Donatella Della Porta, »›1968‹—Zwischennationale Diffusion und Transnationale Strukturen: Eine Forschungsagenda«, in 1968: Vom Ereignis zum Gegenstand der Geschichtswissenschaft, edited by Ingrid Gilcher-Holtey (Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 1998), 131–150; Richard I. Jobs, »Youth Movements: Travel, Protest, and Europe in 1968«, The American Historical Review, 114:2 (2009), 376–404; Martin Klimke, Jacco Pekelder and Joachim Scharloth, eds., Between Prague Spring and French May: Opposition and Revolt in Europe, 1960–1980 (New York: Berghahn Books, 2011); Bart van der Steen, »Die internationalen Verbindungen der Hausbesetzerbewegungen in den 70er und 80er Jahren«, in Deutsche Zeitgeschichte—transnational, edited by Alexander Gallus, Axel Schildt and Detlef Siegfried (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2015), 203–220; Terhoeven, Deutscher Herbst in Europa.


Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties.


»Oh bella Italia …«, Info-BUG, Apr. 4, 1977.


E.g. »Die Häuserbesetzung in der Via Tibaldi«, Kursbuch, 26 (1971), 109–134.


Alexander Sedlmaier, Consumption and Violence: Radical Protest in Cold-War West Germany (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014), 212–216; Karl Christian Führer, Die Stadt, das Geld und der Markt: Immobilienspekulation in der Bundesrepublik 1960–1985 (Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016), 103–175.


Serhat Karakayali, »Lotta Continua in Frankfurt, Türken-Terror in Köln: Migrantische Kämpfe in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik«, in Vorwärts und viel vergessen: Beiträge zur Geschichte und Geschichtsschreibung neuer sozialer Bewegungen, edited by Bernd Hüttner (Neu-Ulm: AG SPAK Bücher, 2005), 121–133.


Terhoeven, Deutscher Herbst in Europa, 217–219; Angelo Ventrone, »Der ›permanente Bürgerkrieg‹ und der Staatsbegriff der politischen Linken im Italien der 1970er Jahre«, in Die bleiernen Jahre: Staat und Terrorismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Italien 1969–1982, edited by Johannes Hürter (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2010), 107–116; See also the contribution of Freia Anders and Alexander Sedlmaier in this volume.


Reichardt, Authentizität und Gemeinschaft; David Templin, Freizeit ohne Kontrollen: Die Jugendzentrumsbewegung in der Bundesrepublik der 1970er Jahre (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2015); MacDougall, »In the Shadow of the Wall«; Anders, »Wohnraum, Freiraum, Widerstand«; Sebastian Haumann, »Schade, daß Beton nicht brennt«: Planung, Partizipation und Protest in Philadelphia und Köln 1940–1990 (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2011).


»Stadtindianer—neue Studentenbewegung?« Beiträge zum wissenschaftlichen Sozialismus, 3:12 (1977), 20.


März, Linker Protest, 208–209.


Stadtarchiv Hilden (StAH), Dez. I, Amt 10, Ablief. 9.2.1983, P1: »Demo´s Jugendl.«, Polizeistation Hilden, Pressebericht, 29 Oct. 1978.


Indianer und P38: Italien—Ein neues 68 mit anderen Waffen (Munich: Trikont, 1978), 24.


StAH, Dez. I, Amt 10, Ablief. 9.2.1983, P1: »Demo´s Jugendl.«, »Aufruf zum Galaabend«, Oct. 1978.


StAH, Dez. I, Amt 10, Ablief. 9.2.1983, P1: »Demo´s Jugendl.«, Polizeistation Hilden, Pressebericht, 29 Oct. 1978.


Heigl, Rom in Aufruhr, 72.


Walter Franz, Jugendprotest in Italien: Die lange revolutionäre Welle 1968–1977 (Frankfurt am Main: Haag und Herchen, 1993), 78–79.


Templin, Freizeit ohne Kontrollen.


Sebastian Haumann, »Hausbesetzungen und kommunale Jugendpolitik am Beispiel der Stadt Hilden Anfang der 1980er Jahre«, Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte, 2 (2015), 73–107.


Templin, Freizeit ohne Kontrollen.


»Kriegsbeil an der FU«, Info-BUG, Apr. 25, 1977.


»Grüne Liste Hessen (GLH) und Grüne Liste Umweltschutz (GLU) demonstrieren in Biblis«, Bibliser Blatt, Oct. 5, 1978. I would like to thank Matthias Lieb for sharing this source.


»Ein Paar Worte zur Indianerbewegung in W-Berlin und der BRD«, Info-BUG, May 2, 1977.


»Indianer in HD«, Carlo Sponti, May 1978; Mariani, »›Was Anybody More of an Indian Than Karl Marx?‹«, 589–592.


Gruber, Die zerstreute Avantgarde, 114.


Rat des Stammes der Berliner Mescaleros, »Kriegserklärung«, BUG-Info, Jan. 1978.


»Kriegsbeil an der FU«, Info-BUG, Apr. 25, 1977.


Indianer und P38, 10.


»Ein Paar Worte zur Indianerbewegung in W-Berlin und der BRD«, Info-BUG, May 2, 1977.


»Stadtindianer«, Carlo Sponti, June 1977; Franz Walter, Stephan Klecha and Alexander Hensel, Die Grünen und die Pädosexualität: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015).


März, Linker Protest, 243; Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties, 330–332; Sedlmaier, Consumption and Violence, 231.


Rat des Stammes der Berliner Mescaleros, »Kriegserklärung«, BUG-Info, Jan. 1978.


Reichardt, Authentizität und Gemeinschaft, 203–217.


StAH, Dez. I, Amt 10, Ablief. 9.2.1983, P1: »Demo´s Jugendl.«, »Was ist das für ein Staat, der seine Nachkommen so behandelt?«, Nov. 1978.


Sebastian Haumann, »Disputed Transformations: Deindustrialization and Redevelopment of Cologne’s ›Stollwerck‹ Factory, 1970–1980«, Urban History, 40 (2013), 156–173.


Anders, »Wohnraum, Freiraum, Widerstand«; Reichardt, Authentizität und Gemeinschaft, 498–571.


Detlef Siegfried, »Urbane Revolten, befreite Zonen: Über die Wiederbelebung der Stadt und die Neuaneignung der Provinz durch die ›Gegenkultur‹ der 1970er Jahre«, in Stadt und Kommunikation in bundesrepublikanischen Umbruchzeiten, edited by Adelheid von Saldern (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2006), 351–366.


MacDougall, »In the Shadow of the Wall«; Sebastian Haumann, »Vom ›rechtsfreien Raum‹ zum alternativen Prestigeprojekt: Das Kölner ›Stollwerck‹ 1978–1984«, in Vom Bildungsideal zum Standortfaktor: Städtische Kultur und Kulturpolitik in der Bundesrepublik, edited by Karl Ditt and Cordula Obergassel (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2012), 181–200.


Alberto Asor Rosa, Le due società: Ipotesi sulla crisi italiana (Turin: Einaudi, 1977).


Dieter Hoffmann-Axthelm, et al., eds., Zwei Kulturen? Tunix, Mescalero und die Folgen (Berlin: Verlag Ästhetik und Kommunikation, 1978).


»Traumtänzer«, Radikal, June 9, 1977.


Jens Huhn, »Die Stadtindianer auf dem Kriegpfad«, in Autonomie oder Getto? edited by Wolfgang Kraushaar (Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Neue Kritik, 1978), 129–147.


»Italien ist anders!« BUG-Info, 1977.


Heigl, Rom in Aufruhr; Terhoeven, Deutscher Herbst in Europa, 468–469.


Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties, 330–332.


Johannes Agnoli, »Jesuiten, Kommunisten und Indianer«, in Zwei Kulturen? Tunix, Mescalero und die Folgen, edited by Dieter Hoffmann-Axthelm et al. (Berlin: Verlag Ästhetik und Kommunikation, 1978), 90.


März, Linker Protest, 234–235.


Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties, 330–332.


See also e.g. Matthias Wissmann and Rudolf Hauck, eds., Jugendprotest im demokratischen Staat: Enquete-Kommission des Deutschen Bundestages (Stuttgart: Weitbrecht, 1983); Helmut Ortner (ed.), Keiner fragt—Politiker antworten: Jugendliche zum »Dialog mit der Jugend« (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1985).


Führer, Die Stadt, das Geld und der Markt, 205–206.


MacDougall, »In the Shadow of the Wall«, 154.


Haumann, »Vom ›rechtsfreien Raum‹ zum alternativen Prestigeprojekt«.


Max Thomas Mehr (ed.), Drachen mit tausend Köpfen: Spaziergänge durch linkes und alternatives Milieu—Westberlin, Frankfurt, München, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Biberach, Köln, Jena, Darmstadt, Dieburg, Nürnberg, Freiburg (Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1982).


Josef Eckert and Mechthilde Kißler, Südstadt, wat es dat? Kulturelle und ethnische Pluralität in modernen urbanen Gesellschaften am Beispiel eines innerstädtischen Wohngebietes in Köln (Cologne: PapyRossa, 1997), 392.


Rolf Küppers, »Gentrification in der Kölner Südstadt«, in Gentrification: Theorie und Forschungsergebnisse, edited by Jürgen Friedrichs and Robert Kecsekes (Opladen: Leske und Budrich, 1996), 133–165.


See also more generally for this process Reichardt, Authentizität und Gemeinschaft, 873.


Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties, 359.


Mariani, »›Was Anybody More of an Indian Than Karl Marx?‹«, 592–593.


As early as 1920, as factories were being occupied in northern cities, houses were being occupied in Rome. Stefania Ficacci, »Inquilini a Roma nel Biennio rosso: dalle organizzazioni di categoria alle occupazioni di case«, Storia e futuro, 34 (2014), (last accessed 21/12/2015).


Francesco Bartolini, »La speculazione edilizia negli anni Cinquanta: Rappresentazioni e interpretazioni«, Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica, 1 (2006), 201–207.


Central State Archives (ACS), Ministry of the Interior (MI), Cabinet (GAB), current files (fc), 1971–75, b. 299, note of Mar. 24, 1972. Borgate are settlements on the outskirts of the city, with housing often lacking basic services and inadequate infrastructure. There are two types of Borgate: official ones (created by institutional decisions) and illegal ones (created without legal authorization and in violation of applicable laws). These settlements differ in turn from the shanty-towns, which are referred to as Borghetti.


»Ecco la capitale delle baracche«, l’Unità, Sept. 20, 1970.


Aldo Tozzetti, La casa e non solo: Lotte popolari a Roma e in Italia dal dopoguerra ad oggi (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1989), 184.


These included the conservative press with its anti-squatting position demonstrated through alarming articles, such as »Il bubbone delle baracche è sul punto di scoppiare«, Il Tempo, Sept. 3, 1969.


Istituto romano per la storia d’Italia dal fascismo alla Resistenza, Memorie di carta Fund (Irsifar), Ferruccio Cesaretti (FC), b. 23, CAB leaflet, Mar. 14, 1970.


30,000 applications were submitted to the IACP public call for social housing which expired on 31 January 1963, while the available accommodations were 800, »Di qui non mi muovo«, l’Unità, July 21, 1963.


Archives of the Ater of Rome (ex-IACP), Attachments to CdA reports, tomes 1969 and 1970.


An attitude already documented in Paolo Braghin (ed.), Inchiesta sulla miseria in Italia (1951–1952) (Turin: Einaudi, 1978), 66.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 299, Prefecture note, Apr. 1, 1970.


Paolo Cabras, a left-wing DC party member, officially addressed Interior Minister Restivo and prefect Ravalli on the housing problem. Ibid., b. 450, f. 15220–71, sf. 3, letters of Mar. 17, 1970 and Apr. 15, 1971.


»Finalmente una casa vera«, l’Unità, Aug. 4, 1970; »Una casa vera per oltre 250 famiglie«, l’Unità, Sept. 7, 1971.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 299, Police of Rome, Oct. 30, 1971.


Scuola, 725, 95, (1971).


Roberto Sardelli, Vita di borgata (Lecce: Kurumuny, 2013), 56.


Irsifar, Maurizio Di Giacomo, b. 48, f. 43, Lettera ai cristiani di Roma, Feb. 23, 1972.


»128 sacerdoti: ›Un insulto le case sfitte‹«, l’Unità, Mar. 28, 1970.


After the law was passed a study commission was formed at the Ministry of Public Works with the task of developing proposals for amendments to bill 865.


»Bozza di tesi per l’Assemblea Nazionale«, (last accessed 21/12/2015).


Piero Della Seta, »Appunti sulle lotte urbane in Italia«, in Lotte urbane e crisi della società industriale: l’esperienza italiana, edited by Maurizio Marcelloni et al. (Rome: Savelli, 1981), 78–80.


»Prendiamoci la città«, Lotta continua, 20, Nov. 12, 1970; Aldo Grandi, La generazione degli anni perduti: Storie di Potere Operaio (Turin: Einaudi, 2003), 170–182.


Luigi Bobbio, Storia di Lotta continua (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1988), 81.


»La settimana rossa a Roma«, Lotta continua, 7, Apr. 23, 1971.


»Proletari arricchitevi!« Potere operaio, 38–39, Apr. 17—May 1, 1971.


»Nei quartieri per il comunismo«, Lotta continua, 7, Apr. 23, 1971.


Irsifar, FC, b. 23, leaflet by Gruppi anarchici romani, Apr. 17, 1971.


»Giugno: le occupazioni a Roma«, Potere operaio, 42, Aug. 1—Sept. 15, 1971.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 450, f. 15220–71, sf. 3, Police of Rome, June 11, 1971.


Antonio Padellaro, »I consigli di quartiere gendarmi contro la speculazione edilizia«, Corriere della sera, Mar. 13, 1974.


Vittorio Vidotto, Roma contemporanea (Rome and Bari: Laterza, 2001), 313.


Carlo Vallauri, I gruppi extraparlamentari di sinistra (Rome: Bulzoni, 1976), 64.


Maria Orecchia, Sei anni di controscuola (Milan and Rome: Sapere Edizioni, 1974), 27.


Gerard Lutte, Dalle baracche alla casa: Prato Rotondo: Documenti (Bologna: EDB, 1971).


Bruno Bonomo, »Dalla borgata di Prato Rotondo al quartiere Magliana: Storia di una comunità di immigrati nella Roma del secondo dopoguerra«, Giornale di storia contemporanea, 1 (2003), 77–99.


»La Magliana è illegale«, Paese Sera, Jan. 17, 1973.


Irsifar, Raspini-Lipparini (RL), b. 112, Magliana in lotta, 7, September 1974.


»Una lotta esemplare contro un padrone esemplare«, Lotta continua, 106, May 5, 1973.


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, Bollettino del CUI Tufello, numero unico; Ibid., Portonaccio in lotta, 1, February 1973.


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, »Il problema della casa e le lotte del proletariato«, document of the Collettivo comunista Val Melaina-Tufello.


Luciano Villani, Le borgate del fascismo (Milan: Ledizioni, 2012).


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, Primavalle. Giornale di Roma nord, May 1976.


Ibid., Bollettino a cura del comitato di lotta per la casa, 2, June 20, 1973.


Collettivo Videobase, »Quartieri popolari di Roma«, Italy, 1973.


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, Primavalle. Giornale di Roma nord, May 1976.


»Gli abitanti del Tufello si costruiscono il parco«, Paese Sera, Nov. 5, 1973. On the expropriation of Villa Lais in Tuscolano: Irsifar, RL, b. 112, »Quartiere in lotta«, 5, 1974.


Bruno Bonomo, Il quartiere delle Valli: Costruire Roma nel secondo dopoguerra (Milan: Franco Angeli, 2007), 146–159.


Rivolta di classe, 1, 1976.


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, Survey conducted by Collettivo comunista Portuense, Apr. 2, 1973.


Ibid., leaflets by CUI Val Melaina-Tufello, June 12 and Sept. 11, 1973.


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, duplicates, no date.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 451, f. 15220–95, sf. 1, cabinet note, probably produced in 1974.


Magazzino Rosa Luxemburg (via dei Volsci 30), 1974, Bulletin by Comitato Politico ENEL, Nov. 10, 1974.


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, various leaflets distributed by CUI in Garbatella, Tor Marancia, Trullo.


Ibid., leaflet by Comitato di lotta Lamaro and Collettivo comunista Cinecittà, no date.


»Gli operai rifiutano i distacchi«, Rosso, 13 (1974).


Rivolta di classe, 3, 1975.


»Val Melaina: l’autoriduzione e l’organizzazione proletaria vincono«, Rivolta di classe, 3, 1975.


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, leaflet by collettivi autonomi Prenestino and Labicano, July 10, 1975; »Il ›caro telefono‹ è un’ingiustizia che va cancellata«, l’Unità, June 8, 1975.


Comitati autonomi romani, »L’accordo sulle tariffe elettriche è una truffa: estendiamo l’autoriduzione«, Rosso, 14, 1975.


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, leaflet by AO and PDUP, Appio-Tuscolana area, Apr. 11, 1975.


Massimo Baldini, La casa degli italiani (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2002), 22.


»Affitti: una taglia da 25 miliardi… e il comune non lo paghiamo!« Paese Sera, May 22, 1971.


Francesco Indovina (ed.), Lo spreco edilizio (Venice: Marsilio, 1972).


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 299, note of Nov. 14, 1973.


Lotta continua, 262, Nov. 11, 1973.


ACS, PS, G, 1944–86, b. 319, pretura of Rome, Jan. 17–30, 1974.


See e.g. the leaflet of Comitato unitario per la casa (AO) entitled »Sciopero generale anche per la casa«, probably in February 1974 and the document of Comitato di lotta per la casa (LC) entitled »Lottiamo uniti per la casa, contro i padroni«, Feb. 16, 1974, Irsifar, RL, b. 112.


ACS, PS, G, 1944–86, b. 319, Prefecture of Rome, Feb. 14, 1974; »Proteste per la casa, battaglia al Nuovo Salario«, Il Messaggero, Feb. 5, 1974.


»Ospedalieri ingaggiati per presidiare i nuovi alloggi ai Prati Fiscali«, Il Messaggero, Feb. 15, 1974.


Irsifar, RL, b. 112, leaflet by Comitato unitario Val Melaina-Tufello, Feb. 16, 1974; leaflet by Comitato per l’occupazione delle case Casilino-Tiburtino (OPR), no date.


»Roma: la lotta per la casa«, Lotta continua, 30, Feb. 6, 1974.


»Riflessioni generali sulle lotte per la casa«, Rosso, 16, 1975.


»Le case occupate sono già pagate«, Rivolta di classe, single issue, 1974.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 450, f. 15220/71, sf. 1, agenda proposed to minister Taviani, Feb. 27, 1974.


Ibid., telegrams of Acer to the Ministry of the Interior, Feb. 4–14, 1974. »Il prefetto dice ›la polizia interverrà contro le occupazioni‹«, Lotta continua, 46, Feb. 24, 1974.


ACS, PS, G, 1944–86, b. 319, Police of Rome, Mar. 11, 1974.


Tenancy agreements were signed in April 1974. See ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 299, IACP note of Sept. 24, 1974.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 299, Secretary of the President of the Republic, phonogram of July 23, 1974.


»Infame disegno«, l’Unità, Feb. 9, 1974; »Un ricatto inammissibile«, l’Unità, Feb. 15, 1974.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 299.


Ibid., 1957–60, b. 250, f. 15469–1, eviction on Via Anagni, Sept. 30, 1957; Ibid., 1961–63, b. 252, f. 15469–1, eviction in Garbatella, Mar. 13, 1961.


Vittorio Vidotto, »Violenza politica e rituali della violenza«, in I dannati della rivoluzione: Violenza politica e storia d’Italia negli anni Sessanta e Settanta, edited by Angelo Ventrone (Macerata: EUM, 2010), 55; Gabriele Donato, La lotta è armata (Rome: Deriveapprodi, 2013), 122, 193.


»Di pura marca teppistica la rivolta della borgata«, Corriere della Sera, Sept. 1, 1971; »Scontri e revolverate dopo un arresto a Primavalle: Grave un ufficiale di polizia«, Il Messaggero, Mar. 18, 1975.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 450, f. 15220–71, sf. 3. Decisions regarding requisition were made by the prefect, but the mayor had the authority to implement them. See »The requisition«, Paese Sera, Dec. 5, 1974.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 450, f. 15220–71, sf. 3 report by prefect Ravalli, Apr. 16, 1971.


ACS, PS, G, 1944–86, b. 319, »Repressione e calunnie contro il movimento di lotta per la casa!« leaflet by Comitato proletario per la casa; »Casalbruciato: massiccia manifestazione popolare«, l’Unità, May 20, 1975.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 450, f. 15220–71, sf. 3, note of Apr. 21, 1975.


Ibid., report by prefect Ravalli, Apr. 16, 1971.


ACS, MI, GAB, fc, 1971–75, b. 451, f. 15220–95, sf. 2, Ance, Indicazioni per una politica della casa, Tipografia Castaldi, Rome 1971, 3.


Camera di commercio di Roma, Abitare la periferia: L’esperienza della 167 a Roma, Rome 2007.


Aldo Musci, »Venti anni di lotte per la casa a Roma«, in Società civile e istituzioni nel Lazio: Nuovi bisogni, movimenti, partecipazione, rappresentanze, edited by CRIPES (Rome: Kairos, 1990), 25–54.


Archive of the Magliana neighborhood committee, CdQ series, f. Acts, document dated March 1976.


Donatella Della Porta (ed.), Comitati di cittadini e democrazia urbana (Soveria Mannelli: Rubettino, 2004).


See the chapter by Vittorio Vidotto in this volume.


See, in particular, the Lista di Lotta and Coordinamento cittadino di lotta per la casa.


»Gli abusivi diventano regolari«, Corriere della Sera, July 13, 1991. The act, voted down by the Government, was modified and then approved by the Region in June 1993.


See the pathbreaking study from 1984 on the Flöz Dickebank settlement by Gelsenkirchen local activist and sociologist Thomas Rommelspacher, »Wenn wir richtig zusammenarbeiten, dann entsteht eine Macht«—Zechenhausinitiativen im Ruhrgebiet 1974–1981: Struktur und Perspektiven in einem regionalen Mieterkampf (Bochum: Germinal, 1984).


Sven Reichardt, Authentizität und Gemeinschaft: linksalternatives Leben in den siebziger und frühen achtziger Jahren (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2014).


Steven M. Buechler, Social Movements in Advanced Capitalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999); Margit Mayer, »Restructuring and Popular Opposition in West German Cities«, in The Capitalist City: Global Restructuring and Community Politics, edited by Michael Peter Smith and Joe R. Feagin (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987), 343–363.


Post-Fordism: A Reader, ed. by Ash Amin (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1994).


See, e.g., Klaus von Beyme, Der Wiederaufbau: Architektur und Städtepolitik in den beiden deutschen Staaten (Munich: Piper, 1991).


Klaus Ernst et al., Arbeitersiedlungen: Instrumente und Möglichkeiten zu ihrer Erhaltung (Berlin: DIFU, 1977).


Margit Mayer, »Toward Glocal Movements? New Spatial Politics for a Just City«, in Urban (In)security: Policing the Neoliberal Crisis, edited by Volker Eick and Kendra Briken (Ottawa: Red Quill Books, 2014), 27–59.


See, e.g, Heinz Reif, Die verspätete Stadt: Industrialisierung, städtischer Raum und Politik in Oberhausen, 1846–1929, 2 vols. (Cologne: Rheinland Verlag, 1993).


Gabriele Unverferth, »Zum Bedeutungswandel von Arbeitersiedlungen am Beispiel des Ruhrbergbaus«, Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen, 30 (2003), 207–213.


»Haverkamp: Zechenhäuser werden verkauft: Bewohner müssen raus«, Emscherbote, 4 (March 1978), 1.


Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Nordrhein-Westfalen-Programm 1975 (Paderborn: Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2012), (last accessed 24/2/2016).


See the response of a citizen at the Rheinpreussen settlement in Duisburg: Peter Faecke, Gerd Haag and Rolf Stefaniak, Gemeinsam gegen den Abriß: Ein Lesebuch aus Arbeitersiedlungen und ihren Initiativen (Wuppertal: Hammer, 1977), 22; See also, for example, »Bilderbogen aus Badheisterkamp«, Ruhr-Volksblatt (›RVB‹), 4 (1977).


Rudy J. Koshar, Germany’s Transient Past: Preservation and National Monument in the Twentieth Century (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998), 307–312.


This number also included unsuccessful campaigns; whether one should historicize this chain of urban movement episodes as a success story remains doubtful, given the many demolitions and privatizations of settlements. See, e.g., »Felicitas ade, scheiden tut weh«, Klüngelkerl, 6 (April 1997).


See, e.g., »WDR-Kamerateam drehte in der ›Alten Kolonie‹«, Ruhr Nachrichten, Nov. 29, 1976.


See, e.g, Arbeitskreis Alte Kolonie Eving, »Forderungen des Arbeitskreises ›Alte Kolonie‹ für die Podiumsdiskussion am 25. Juni 1975«, Dortmund, June 12, 1975 (Eving History Workshop, Süselbeck); Arbeitskreis Alte Kolonie Eving, »Podiumsdiskussion zur Sanierung von Arbeitersiedlungen und die Sozialen Folgen«, Vereinsheim St. Barbara, Dortmund, June 26, 1975 (Eving History Workshop, Süselbeck,).


»Arbeitskreis Dortmunder Initiativen gegründet«, Klüngelkerl, 9 (July/August 1977).


»Der Kampf geht weiter! Initiative Flöz Dickebank konnte Abriss verhindern-Privatisierung jetzt brand-aktuell«, RVB, 4 (December/January 1975/76).


»Vor Ort in Castrop: Politiker und Klöckner Hand in Hand«, RVB, 3 (1977).


This is a federally subsidized company that was founded in 1968 to assist the Ruhr’s transition out of black coal.


See, e.g., Arbeitskreis Alte Kolonie Eving, »Offener Brief an die Bezirksvertretung Eving«, January 1976 (Collection of the Eving History Workshop, Süselbeck).


»Sieg für Rheinpreußen: Nach 18 Tagen Hungerstreit—Stadt kauft für 27 Millionen«, RVB, 35 (5 March 1979).


Rheinpreußen-Genossenschaft, Rheinpreußen ruft Alarm: Lieder aus der Rheinpreußensiedlung (Duisburg: Verlag »pläne«, 2005).


I am grateful for the supportive and informative conversation with Frank Baier in Duisburg on 7 May 2015.


Reichardt, Authentizität und Gemeinschaft.


See, e.g., Jane Jacobs, The Death and Live of Great American Cities (New York: Random House, 1961); Alexander Mitscherlich, Die Unwirtlichkeit unserer Städte: Anstiftung zum Unfrieden (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1965); Henri Lefebvre, Le droit à la ville (Paris: Anthropos, 1968); Manuel Castells, La question urbaine (Paris: François Maspéro, 1972).


Mark Purcell, “Excavating Lefebvre: The right to the city and its urban politics of the

Inhabitant”, Geopolitics, 58 (2002), 99–108.


See, e.g., Friedrich Lenger, Metropolen der Moderne (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2014), 514–552.


Most issues from 1977–80 are available at the Library of the Ruhr, Bochum.


Most issues from 1976–87 are available at the Archiv für alternatives Schriftgut, Duisburg.


Most issues from 1977–84 are available in digital format at the Library of the Ruhr, Bochum.


See, e.g., Ingrid Gilcher-Holtey, Die 68er Bewegung: Deutschland, Westeuropa, USA (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2008); Norbert Frei, 1968: Jugendrevolte und globaler Protest (Munich: dtv, 2008); Timothy Scott Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties: The Antiauthoritarian Revolt, 1962–1978, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013); Reichardt, Authentizität und Gemeinschaft; Sven Reichardt und Detlef Siegfried, eds., Das alternative Milieu: Antibürgerlicher Lebensstil und linke Politik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Europa 1968–1983 (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2010).


For 1968 in the Ruhr, see, e.g., Norbert Kozicki, Aufbruch im Revier: 1968 und die Folgen (Essen: Klartext, 1993); Johann Paul, »Die Studentenbewegungen an den neuen Hochschulen am Beispiel der Ruhr-Universität Bochum«, in Die Studentenbewegung von 1968 in Nordrhein-Westfalen, edited by Peter Dohms and Johann Paul (Siegburg: Verlag Klaus Walterscheid, 2008), 123–139; Wilfried Breyvogel, »Die «68er» im Ruhrgebiet«, in Die Entdeckung des Ruhrgebiets: Das Ruhrgebiet in Nordrhein-Westfalen 1946–1996, edited by Jan-Pieter Barbian and Ludger Heid (Essen: Klartext, 1997), 329–338; Werner Lindner, »Die Studentenbewegung im Spiegel der Ruhrgebietspresse«, Westfälische Forschungen, 48 (1998), 217–239; Holger Heith, »Arbeiterjugend und 68er im Ruhrgebiet«, Archiv der Arbeiterjugendbewegung, 1 (2008), 12–17; for a brief account of the history of the women’s movement in the Ruhr, see Irmhild Kettschau and Elke Nyssen, »Wir haben uns auf den Weg gemacht: Notizen zur Frauenbewegung im Ruhrgebiet«, in Land der Hoffnung—Land der Krise: Jugendkulturen im Ruhrgebiet, 1900–1987, edited by Wilfried Breyvogel and Heinz-Hermann Krüger (Berlin and Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., 1987), 240–249. Many thanks to Ulf Teichmann for his helpful advice.


Friedhelm Neidhardt and Dieter Rucht, »Protestgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1950–1994: Ereignisse, Themen, Akteure«, in Protest in der Bundesrepublik: Strukturen und Entwicklungen, edited by Dieter Rucht (Frankfurt and New York: Campus, 2001), 27–70.


Most issues from 1975 to 1981 are available on microfilm at the Library of the Ruhr, Bochum.


Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge, Öffentlichkeit und Erfahrung (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1972).


»Die Initiativenberichte«, RVB, 3 (November 1975).


Jörg Boström and Roland Günter, Arbeiterinitiativen im Ruhrgebiet (Westberlin: VSA, 1976), 26–27.


This was also the case in other German cities except the Ruhr. See, e.g, an article on the perception of Märkisches Viertel by the West-Berlin Left in the late 1970s: Christiane Reinecke, »Am Rande der Gesellschaft? Das Märkische Viertel—eine West-Berliner Großsiedlung und ihre Darstellung als urbane Problemzone«, iZeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, 11:2 (2014),–2014/id=5095 (last accessed 01/05/2016).


Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and Other Writings, edited and translated by Peter Baehr and Gordon C. Wells (New York: Penguin, 2002); Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste (London: Routledge, 1986).


Sebastian Haffner, »Bürgerinitiativen: Sinn und Unsinn«, in Bürger initiativ, edited by Sebastian Haffner (Stuttgart: DVA, 1974), 7–16, here 7.


See, e.g., Heino Baues, »Der Kampf der ›Gartenstadt‹«, Der Westen, Oct. 22, 2010, (last accessed 22/07/2016).


See, »Bürgerinitiative Zoo-Viertel, « Emscherbote, 8 (November 1980), 4–5.


Rommelspacher, »Wenn wir richtig zusammenarbeiten«, 35, 38.


Franziska Bollerey and Christina Hartmann describe the Ruhr workers’ settlements as a petty-bourgeois idyll. They saw similarities in them to Bruno Taut’s petty-bourgeois vision of working-class settlements in Berlin, see: »Bestandsaufnahme: Zechensiedlungen im Ruhrgebiet«, in Sozialorientierte Stadterhaltung als politischer Prozess: Praxisberichte zu Reformprojekten in Bologna und ausgewählten Städten, edited by Adalbert Evers and Juan Rodriguez-Lores (Die kooperierenden Lehrstühle für Planung an der RWTH Aachen) (Cologne: Deutscher Gemeindeverlag/ W. Kohlhammer, 1976), 155–173. For the Verbürgerlichung of the German working class after the Second World War, see, e.g., Paul Nolte, Die Ordnung der deutschen Gesellschaft: Selbstentwurf und Selbstbeschreibung im 20. Jahrhundert (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2000), 351 ff.


Rommelspacher, »Wenn wir richtig zusammenarbeiten«, 2, 14 ff.


See, e.g., »Hochdeutsch-Arbeitersprache oder ›Gemangert‹«, RVB, 3 (October 1975).


In 2013 an MA thesis on the Flöz Dickebank initiative was submitted to the University of Cologne, see, Johanna Lutgebrune, Strukturwandel im Ruhrbergbau—Der Protest gegen den Abriss von Arbeitersiedlungen im Ruhrgebiet am Beispiel der Initiative »Flöz Dickebank« in Gelsenkirchen in den siebziger Jahren (Cologne: University of Cologne, 2013).


»Eisenheim—eine alte Arbeitersiedlung soll erhalten bleiben«, Westfälische Rundschau (21–22 December 1974).


Roland Günter and Rolf Hesse, Handbuch für Bürgerinitiativen: Argumente, Berichte, Erfahrungen (West Berlin: VSA, 1976).


For his private homepage, see: (last accessed 25/2/2016).


Roland Günter, Im Tal der Könige: Ein Reisebuch zu Emscher, Rhein und Ruhr (Essen: Klartext, 1999). »Industrial heritage consists of the remains of industrial culture which are of historical, technological, social, architectural or scientific value«. A definition from the The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage, see The Nizhny Tagil Charter For The Industrial Heritage (July 2003), (last accessed 29/2/2016).


»Der 2,7 Mio. Coup: IGBE stimmt Massenmieterhöhung zu«, RVB, 4 (1977).


Peter Kramper, Neue Heimat: Unternehmenspolitik und Unternehmensentwicklung im gewerkschaftlichen Wohnungs- und Städtebau 1950–1982 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2008).


»Mieterbund-auf dem Hund! Mieterbund erstellte Gutachten zwecks Mieterhöhung«, RVB, 5 (February 1976); »Mieterbund entdeckt Ruhrkumpel«, RVB, 43 (February 1980).


»SPD für Abriß: Für Tremonia sieht’s schlecht aus!«, Klüngelkerl, 2 (December 1976); see also Klüngelkerl—Extrablatt, 5 (May 1978).


Rommelspacher, »Wenn wir richtig zusammenarbeiten«, 23.


See a documentary from 1974 about the Flöz Dickebank initiative: Marlis Kallweit et al., Flöz Dickebank: Wir sind mittlerweise wachgeworden, (last accessed 23/5/2016).


See, e.g., »Dorstfeld wird zerstört: Zur Hausbesetzung in der Helmutstr. 28«, Klüngelkerl, 10 (September 1977) and generally Bochumer Stattblatt, 4:40 (September 1980); Bochumer Stattblatt, 4:42 (November 1980); »BI Auguststrasse besetzt ein Haus«, RVB (February 1981).


See, for example, a survey conducted by the Faculty of Urban Planning at Dortmund University of Technology, Survey on protests against the modernization of the Sommerberg, Winterberg and Steinkühlerweg settlements 1960/1970, Dortmund, 17 April 1970 (History Workshop Eving, Süselbeck,); see also, e.g., »Gründung der Bürgerinitiative Kolonie Holstein«, Klüngelkerl, 10 (September 1977).


See, e.g., »Felicitas ist tot, Tremonia soll leben«, Klüngelkerl, 9 (October 1979), 2.


Lutz Niethammer (ed.), Lebensgeschichte und Sozialkultur im Ruhrgebiet 1930 bis 1960. vol. 1: »Die Jahre weiß man nicht, wo man die heute hinsetzen soll«: Faschismuserfahrungen im Ruhrgebiet (Berlin and Bonn: Dietz, 1983), 7.


»Flöz Dickebank: Weiter gegen die Rausreiß-Modernisierung«, RVB, 3 (1977).


See, e.g., Alexander Rothämel, »Wer nach Scharfmachern fahndet, verkennt das neue Mieterbewußtsein«, Westfälische Rundschau (8 November 1975).


Rommelspacher, »Wenn wir richtig zusammenarbeiten«, 36–37.


See, for example, Strukturausschuß der Vereinigten Kirchenkreise Dortmund und Lünen, Brennpunkte in unserer Stadt (Dortmund: n.d., [1977?]).


I wish to extend my deep thanks to Pastor Süselbeck, Rainer Lichte and the History Workshop Eving for their generous help in my research for this chapter.


Strukturausschuß der Vereinigten Kirchenkreise Dortmund und Lünen, Brennpunkte unserer Stadt, 9.


»Haverkamp: Zechenhäuser werden verkauft: Bewohner müssen raus«, Emscherbote, 4 (March 1978), 1.


»Als die Käufer frech geworden«, RVB, 39 (5 July/August 1979).


For an interesting case of a provincial urban movement in North Rhine-Westphalia, see Sebastian Haumann’s article on squatters in Hilden: Sebastian Haumann, »Hausbesetzungen 1980–1982 in Hilden: Möglichkeiten der Mikroforschung für die Protestgeschichte«, Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen, 34 (2005), 155–172 as well as Haumann’s contribution to this volume


See, e.g., »Bilderbogen aus Lünen am Dattel-Hamm-Kanal«, RVB, 3 (October/November 1976); »Bilderbogen aus Mühlheim Heissen«, RVB, 3 (1977).


See, e.g., »Tiere halten ist schön! Richard Lorenzcik berichtet über seine Kingtaubenzucht«, RVB, 3 (October/November 1976).


Frank Baier and Detlev Puls, eds., Arbeiterlieder aus dem Ruhrgebiet: Texte und Noten mit Begleit-Akkorden (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1981).


Hans Pruijt, »Urban Movements«, in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer (Malden: Blackwell, 2007), 5115–5119.


Janne Günter, Leben in Eisenheim: Arbeit, Kommunikation und Sozialisation in einer Arbeitersiedlung (Weinheim and Basel: Belz, 1980) 103.


Rommelspacher, »Wenn wir richtig zusammenarbeiten«, 2, 19.


Jan Assmann, »Kollektives Gedächtnis und kulturelle Identität«, in Kultur und Gedächtnis, edited by Jan Assmann and Tonio Hölscher (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1988), 9–19.


Stefan Berger and Christian Wicke, »Um imaginário pós-industrial? A popularização do patrimônio industrial no Ruhr e a representação de sua identidade regional«, Estudos Históricos, 27:54 (2014), 231–254.


See, e.g., a number of articles in Bochumer Volksblatt, 34:4 (February 1980).


Stefan Berger, Jana Golombek and Christian Wicke, »Erinnerung, Bewegung, Identität: Industriekultur als Welterbe im 21. Jahrhundert«, Forum Geschichtskultur Ruhr, 2/2015 (2015), 15–23.


Jörn Rüsen, »Was ist Geschichtskultur? Überlegungen zu einer neuen Art, über Geschichte nachzudenken«, in Historische Faszination: Geschichtskultur heute, edited by Jörn Rüsen, Theo Grütter and Klaus Füßmann (Cologne: Bohlau, 1994), 3–26, here 5.


David Templin, Freizeit ohne Kontrollen: Die Jugendzentrumsbewegung in der Bundesrepublik der 1970er Jahre (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2015). See also the contribution by Sebastian Haumann in this volume.


I am grateful for the insightful conversation with Willi Overbeck, Tamara Frankenberger and Klaus Wermker on 17 February 2016 in Essen. See also, Ludger Claßen et al., eds., In Zechen, Bahnhöfen und Lagerhallen: zwischen Politik und Kommerz—soziokulturelle Zentren in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Essen: Klartext, 1989) (see especially Rita Brademann et al., »Von der Selbst- zur Mitarbeiterverwaltung«, in In Zechen, Bahnhöfen und Lagerhallen: zwischen Politik und Kommerz—soziokulturelle Zentren in Nordrhein-Westfalen, edited by Ludger Claßen et al. (Essen: Klartext, 1989), 60–77); Marlis Drevermann, »Zeche Carl oder die Erfolgsstory der Soziokultur«, in Reform an Rhein und Ruhr: Nordrhein-Westfalens Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Karsten Rudolph et al. (Bonn: Dietz, 2000), 97–99; Susanne Abeck, »Denkmalpflege auf Zeche Carl«, Forum Industriedenkmalpflege und Geschichtskultur, 2:3 (2004), 62.


See, e.g, Franziska Bollerey and Kristiane Hartmann, Wohnen im Revier: 99 Beispiele aus Dortmund, Ein Architekturführer mit Strukturdaten (Munich: Heinz Moos, 1975); Franziska Bollerey and Kristiane Hartmann, »Siedlungen vom Beginn der Industrialisierung bis 1933: Analyse-Bewertung-Chancen«, Stadtbauwelt, 46 (24 June 1975), 85 ff.


On conflicting discourses on heritage, see Laurajane Smith, Uses of Heritage (London and New York: Routledge, 2006).


For a very helpful chapter on the success of the industrial heritage movement in the Ruhr, and the importance of the political culture for this development in the region, see Stefan Berger, »Industriekultur und Strukturwandel in deutschen Bergbauregionen nach 1945«, in Rohstoffgewinnung im Strukturwandel: Der deutsche Bergbau im 20. Jahrhundert, vol. 4 (Geschichte des deutschen Bergbaus), edited by Dieter Ziegler (Münster: Aschendorff, 2013), 571–602.


My sincere thanks to Roland Günter and his daughter, Bettina Günter, for their generous help and informative conversation in Eisenheim on 09 April 2015.


»›Kolonie‹ unter Denkmalschutz«, Westfälische Rundschau (21–22 December 1974).


See, e.g., Arbeitskreis Alte Kolonie Eving, »Forderungen des Arbeitskreises ›Alte Kolonie‹ für die Podiumsdiskussion am 25. Juni 1975«, Dortmund, June 12, 1975 (Collection of the Eving History Workshop, Süselbeck).


»Scheel-Appell an die Städte: Erhaltet wertvolle Bauten«, Westfälische Rundschau (12 June 1975).


See, e.g., »Wohnraumvernichtung«, Emscherbote, 3 (February 1978), 2; »Fortschritt—ja, hurrah!!!« Emscherbote, 1 (October 1980), 3–4.


»Aktion Schöneres Bochum«, Bochumer Volksblatt, 29 (September 1979).


One of those who thought so was the mayor of Dorsten in 1976, see, »Bilderbogen aus der Sachsenkolonie in Dorsten«, RVB, 5 (February 1976).


Helmut Becking and Martina Löw, »Wenn New York nicht Wanne-Eickel ist … Über Städte als Wissensobjekt der Soziologie«, in Die Wirklichkeit der Sädte, edited by Helmut Becking and Martina Löw (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005), 9–22.


Alain Touraine, The Post-Industrial Society: Tomorrow’s Social History: Classes, Conflicts and Culture in the Programmed Society (New York: Random House, 1971); Daniel Bell, The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting (New York: Basic Books, 1973).


Larry Hirschbaum, »The Urban Crisis: A Post-industrial Perspective«, Journal of Regional Science, 19:1 (1979), 109–118.


E. P. Thompson, »History from Below«, Times Literary Supplement (7 April 1966), 279–80.


Susanne Lange, Bernd and Hilla Becher: Life and Work (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2006).
