
2.1Attic red-figure loutrophorus, now lost.

5.1Map showing the Classical and Hellenistic Forts of Attica.

7.1Youth wrestling with a goat.

7.2Youth carrying a dead goat on his shoulders.

7.3Young man lifting a bound animal on his shoulders.

7.4Bearded man and beardless youth in affectionate interaction.

7.5Adolescent Hermes. Metal blade from Kato Syme.

7.6Bearded Hermes.

7.7aUnbearded Hermes on a Corinthian Aryballos.

7.7bBearded Hermes on a Corinthian Aryballos.

7.8Adolescent Hermes on black figure vases by the Amasis painter.

7.9Goddess opening her robe. Old Syrian Seal.

7.10Goddess (?) opening her robe. Clay plaque from Kato Syme.

7.11Hermes and Aphrodite worshipped by a young couple on votive plaque from Locri.

7.12Hermes and Aphrodite elope on votive plaque from Locri.


3.1Comparison of the Brauronia and the arkteia.

3.2Summary of myths about Artemis

5.1Blocks of argument in P. Vidal-Naquet “The Black Hunter and the Origin of the Athenian Ephebeia

5.2Athenian ephebeia: social reality and imaginary

10.1Herodotean Seers (manteis)

10.2Herodotus’ Evenius and Plutarch’s Timarchus