This stylish corsage is currently my favorite to make. Over the last several years, I’ve enjoyed sharing my cuff corsage techniques. Students have overwhelmingly embraced the look of these sleek floral bracelets, and they’ve found that using floral adhesive to attach the floral components is efficient and secure. However, some say that while they love the look of these pieces, they miss the control and extra stability that traditional wiring offers. I’m pleased to share a way to marry the sleek look of a cuff corsage with the security and control of wiring. I used a simple brass cuff with a center (swedge) hole for this project, but any sturdy cuff-style bracelet with at least one hole in its surface will work well.



STEP 1: Wire the spray roses and lisianthus using the piercing technique; the carnation petals and rose sumac using the cranking technique; and the scabiosa using the insertion technique. (For more on this, see “Wiring Techniques” on page 28.)

STEP 2: To create the attachment platform for the corsage, carefully pierce two holes through the felt pad. Bend the chenille stem into a slender “U” shape and feed it through the holes so the free ends of the chenille stem emerge on the adhesive side of the felt pad.

STEP 3: Peel off the felt pad’s paper backing and feed the ends of the chenille stem through the hole in the corsage base. Pull to snug up the chenille stem and twist the ends to secure it. This will be the attachment point for the wired component of the corsage.

STEP 4: Add UGlu tabs to the corsage base on either side of the central attachment point. This makes the piece more secure.

STEP 5: To create the wired floral component of the corsage, start with the most tapered element—the rose sumac. Add a carnation petal bundle, placing it below the sumac so its ruffled petals cover the taped portion of the sumac stem. Use stem wrap tape to secure.

STEP 6: Add the next-largest component—a spray rose—again staggering the placement so the head of the flower covers the stem end of the one previous, and lock into place with stem wrap tape.

STEP 7: Add more blooms, locking each in place with stem wrap tape, using increasingly larger sizes until you reach the center of the piece. As you place them, gently bend the wire to orient the stems slightly left and slightly right so the design is finished looking from all sides.

STEP 8: Now choose increasingly smaller components until you reach the end of the piece. You can choose how long to make the wired piece—perhaps cascading off the cuff a few inches on either side.

STEP 9: When you reach the end of the piece, choose a final stem to finish the design and conceal your mechanics. Bend the wire at the base of the bloom completely to meet the wired stem. Tuck it in tightly to finish the design.

STEP 10: If the design has gaps, or tape is visible from the sides of the piece, use floral adhesive to easily add finishing details where needed.
