1. To eu zēn, ‘to live well’. A few lines below, ‘good life’ = to zēn kalōs, ‘to live finely’. See the introduction to VII i.
2. Arista politeuesthai, ‘to be best run under a constitution, best governed, best administered’, etc. Cf. politeuesthai kalōs, ‘have a well-run constitution’, in the first sentence of this chapter.
3. Nichomachean Ethics, I vii.
4. ‘Moral’ = kalos, kalōs, cf. nn. 1, 2 and 5. The word ‘utilize’ in these two paragraphs is chrēsthai, to ‘use’, ‘employ’, ‘handle’. ‘Conditionally’ = ex hupotheseōs, ‘in an assumed situation’; cf. references in VII ix, n. 3.