Chapter 9. Basic Debugging

The debugger is your friend. There is simply no tool more powerful than a debugger for learning C# and for writing quality C# programs. Put simply, the debugger is a tool that helps you understand what is really going on when your program is running. It is the x-ray of software development, allowing you to see inside programs and diagnose potential problems.

Without a debugger, you are guessing; with a debugger, you are seeing. It is as simple as that. Whatever time you invest in learning to use your debugger is time well spent.

The debugger is also a powerful tool for understanding code written by others. By putting someone else’s code into the debugger and stepping through it, you can see exactly how the methods work and what data they manipulate.


This book assumes you are working with Visual Studio 2005 (in one form or another).

The Visual Studio debugger provides a number of windows for watching and interacting with your program while it executes. Getting comfortable with the debugger can make the difference between quickly finding bugs and struggling for hours or days.

To get started with the debugger, return to Example 8-1. You’ll be putting a breakpoint on the first line of Main( ) to see how this code actually works. A breakpoint is an instruction to the debugger to stop running. You set a breakpoint, run the program, and the debugger runs the program up until the breakpoint. Then you have the opportunity to examine the value of your variables at this point in the execution. Examining your program as it runs can help you untangle otherwise impenetrable problems. It is common to set multiple breakpoints, which allows you to skip through your program, examining the state of your object at selected locations.

You can set a breakpoint in many different ways. The easiest is to click in the far-left margin. This causes a red dot to appear in the margin next to the relevant line of code, which is also highlighted in red, as shown in Figure 9-1. Notice that as you hover over the breakpoint, it tells you the line on which the breakpoint appears.

You are now ready to run the program to the breakpoint. To do so, you must be sure to run in debug mode, which you can do by clicking the Start button or by choosing the Start Debugging item from the Debug menu. In any case, the program starts and runs to the breakpoint, as shown in Figure 9-2.

The program stops just before executing the statement with the breakpoint, and that statement is highlighted. There are a number of helpful windows open as well, which we’ll examine in a moment.

The most useful feature of the debugger is the ability to step into the code, or execute the program one line at a time, watching the changes that happen with each line. To step into the code, press the F11 function key twice. With the first keypress, the Tester object is created. The second keypress moves you to the next line in the code, which calls the Run( ) method. Press the key once more to step inside the code for the Run( ) method where the program assigns the value of System.DateTime.Now to the currentTime variable.

Examining Values: The Autos and Locals Windows

Look at the tabs below the code window; you’ll find a Locals window and an Autos window . Both of these display your local variables. The difference is that the Autos window shows variables used in the current statement and the previous statement. (The current statement is the statement at the current execution location, which is highlighted automatically in the debugger—thus, the window’s name.) The Locals window displays all the variables in the current method, including parameters, as shown in Figure 9-8, along with each variable’s current value and type.


The debugger stacks the Autos and Locals windows together with other tabs, as shown in Figure 9-8. You are free to separate these windows or to move them to be tabbed with other windows. You can simply drag and drop the windows where you want them. When you drop one window on another, the two windows are tabbed together.

To see how this works, put a break point on the first line of the Run( ) method and run the program. When the program stops, click F10 to step over the creation of the new DateTime object. The Autos window shows you that the current time has been set to the current date, as shown in Figure 9-9.

Because the value of currentTime has just been set, it is shown in red. Notice the plus sign (+) next to the currentTime variable. This variable is of type System.DateTime, which is a type with many members. Expanding the plus sign reveals the state of this object, as shown in Figure 9-10.

Press F11 again to step into the Time class constructor. When you step into the Time constructor, the Autos window changes to show you the new values, appropriate to the current line of code.

As mentioned earlier, the Locals window lets you look at all the variables in the current method simultaneously. In this series of examples, clicking on the Locals window reveals the local variables dt (the parameter) and this (the current object). Expand the this variable, and you’ll see the Time object, with its members uninitialized. Press F11 to progress through the assignment of values to the member variables of the Time class. As you hit the F11 key, the update is reflected in the Locals window, as shown in Figure 9-11.

Explore the Locals and Autos windows as you step through the program. When you want to stop, choose the Stop debugging item from the Debug menu to stop processing and return to the editor.

Set Your Watch

When you’re debugging a program with many local variables, you usually don’t want to watch all of them; you only need to keep track of a few. You can track specific variables and objects in the Watch window . You can have up to four Watch windows at a time. Watch windows are like by-invitation versions of the Locals window; they list the objects you ask the debugger to keep an eye on, and you can see their values change as you step through the program, as illustrated in Figure 9-12.

The Watch windows are usually tabbed with the Locals window. You can create more than one Watch window to organize the variables you keep an eye on, by selecting Watch 1 through Watch 4 from the Debug menu. You can add a watch by right-clicking on a variable and choosing Add Watch, or just drag the variable to the Watch window. The variable will be added to your Watch window. To remove a variable that you’ve added to your Watch window, right click on it in the Watch list, and select Delete.

If you just need to peek at a variable, and perhaps to experiment with manipulating its value, you can right-click on it and choose QuickWatch , which opens a dialog box with watch information about a single object, as shown in Figure 9-13.

You can enter any expression into the Expression field and evaluate it from within the QuickWatch window. For example, suppose you had integer variables named varOne and varTwo:

    int varOne = 5;
    int varTwo = 7;

If you want to know the impact of multiplying them, enter:

    varOne * varTwo

into the Expression window and click Recalculate. The value is shown in the Value window, as in Figure 9-14.

If you decide that you want to add the variable to a Watch window after all, click the Add Watch button.

As you step in and out of methods, the Call Stack window keeps track of the order and hierarchy of method calls . Figure 9-15 shows a close-up picture of the Call Stack window. You can see that the Time constructor was called by the Run( ) method, while the Run( ) method was in turn called by Main( ).

In this case, if you double-click on the second line in the Call Stack window, the debugger shows you the line in Run( ) that called the Time constructor, as shown in Figure 9-16. Notice that the debugger puts a curved arrow on the line in the call stack you’ve double-clicked on, and a matching arrow in the editor to the line that corresponds to that call. This way, if you’re debugging a method, and you think that the data causing the problem came from outside the method, you can quickly find where the method call came from, and check the values at that point.


Exercise 9-1.

You’ll use the following program for this exercise. Either type it into Visual Studio, or copy it from this book’s web site. Note that this is spaghetti code—you’d never write method calls like this, but that’s why this is the debugging chapter.

    using System;

    namespace Debugging

        class Tester
            public void Run( )

                int myInt = 42;
                float myFloat = 9.685f;

                System.Console.WriteLine("Before staring: \n value of myInt: {0} \n
                value of myFloat: {1}", myInt, myFloat);

                // pass the variables by reference
                Multiply( ref myInt, ref myFloat );

                System.Console.WriteLine("After finishing: \n value of myInt: {0} \n
                value of myFloat: {1}", myInt, myFloat);


            private static void Multiply (ref int theInt, ref float theFloat)
                theInt = theInt * 2;
                theFloat = theFloat *2;

                Divide( ref theInt, ref theFloat);

            private static void Divide (ref int theInt, ref float theFloat)
                theInt = theInt / 3;
                theFloat = theFloat / 3;

                Add(ref theInt, ref theFloat);

            public static void Add(ref int theInt, ref float theFloat)
                theInt = theInt + theInt;
                theFloat = theFloat + theFloat;

            static void Main( )
                Tester t = new Tester( );
                t.Run( );
Exercise 9-2.

The program in this exercise is similar to the first, but it has a logic error. Type this program into Visual Studio, or download it from this book’s web site.

    using System;

    namespace Debugging

        class Tester
            public void Run( )

                int myInt = 42;
                float myFloat = 9.685f;

                System.Console.WriteLine("Before staring: \n value of myInt: {0} \n
                value of myFloat: {1}", myInt, myFloat);

                // pass the variables by reference
                Multiply( ref myInt, ref myFloat );

                System.Console.WriteLine("After finishing: \n value of myInt: {0} \n
                value of myFloat: {1}", myInt, myFloat);


            private static void Multiply (ref int theInt, ref float theFloat)
                theInt = theInt * 2;
                theFloat = theFloat *2;
                Divide( ref theInt, ref theFloat);

            private static void Divide (ref int theInt, ref float theFloat)
                theInt = theInt * 3;
                theFloat = theFloat * 3;
                Add(ref theInt, ref theFloat);

            public static void Add(ref int theInt, ref float theFloat)
                theInt = theInt - theInt;
                theFloat = theFloat - theFloat;

            static void Main( )
                Tester t = new Tester( );
                t.Run( );

If you run this program, you will not get the same results as you did in the previous example. Use the debugging tools you just learned about to find the error. Correct the error, and then run the program again to see if the results are correct.