The I Funny Novels

(with Chris Grabenstein, illustrated by Laura Park)

I Funny

I Even Funnier

I Totally Funniest

I Funny TV

The Middle School Novels

Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life
(with Chris Tebbetts, illustrated by Laura Park)

Middle School: Get Me Out of Here!
(with Chris Tebbetts, illustrated by Laura Park)

Middle School: My Brother Is a Big, Fat Liar
(with Lisa Papademetriou, illustrated by Neil Swaab)

Middle School: How I Survived Bullies, Broccoli, and Snake Hill
(with Chris Tebbetts, illustrated by Laura Park)

Middle School: Ultimate Showdown
(with Julia Bergen, illustrated by Alec Longstreth)

Middle School: Save Rafe!
(with Chris Tebbetts, illustrated by Laura Park)

Middle School: Just My Rotten Luck
(with Chris Tebbetts, illustrated by Laura Park)

The Treasure Hunters Novels

Treasure Hunters (with Chris Grabenstein and Mark Shulman, illustrated by Juliana Neufeld)

Treasure Hunters: Danger Down the Nile (with Chris Grabenstein, illustrated by Juliana Neufeld)

Treasure Hunters: Secret of the Forbidden City (with Chris Grabenstein, illustrated by Juliana Neufeld)

The House of Robots Novels

(with Chris Grabenstein, illustrated by Juliana Neufeld)

House of Robots

House of Robots: Robots Go Wild!

The Daniel X Novels

The Dangerous Days of Daniel X (with Michael Ledwidge)

Watch the Skies (with Ned Rust)

Demons and Druids (with Adam Sadler)

Game Over (with Ned Rust)

Armageddon (with Chris Grabenstein)

Lights Out (with Chris Grabenstein)

Other Illustrated Novels

Public School Superhero (with Chris Tebbetts, illustrated by Cory Thomas)

Daniel X: Alien Hunter (graphic novel; with Leopoldo Gout)

Daniel X: The Manga, Vols. 1–3 (with SeungHui Kye)

For previews of upcoming books in these series and other information, visit,, and

For more information about the author, visit