8: Wills and Probate Documents
Section Three: Areas of Family History
9: Military Ancestors: The British Army
10: Military Ancestors: The Royal Navy
11: Military Ancestors: The Royal Marines
12: Military Ancestors: The Royal Air Force
13: Occupations: The Merchant Navy
16: Occupations: Factories, Foundries and Mills
17: Occupations: Travel and Communications
18: Occupations: Farming and Agricultural Labourers
19: Occupations: Professional Classes – Private Sector
20: Occupations: Professional Classes – Public Sector
21: Occupations: Trades and Crafts
24: Family Secrets: Poverty and Lunacy
25: Family Secrets: Illegitimacy and Adoption
26: Family Secrets: Bigamy and Divorce
27: Family Secrets: Criminal Ancestors
28: Social History: Working Further Back in Time
Section Four: Troubleshooting Guides
Chart 1: Army Service Records, First World War
Chart 2: Army Service Medals, First World War
Chart 3: Early Army Service Records
Chart 4: Naval Service Records
Chart 5: Merchant Seamen Service Records
Chart 6: Royal Marine Service Records
Origins and Meanings of Popular Surnames