Chapter 8. Working with Files in iCloud

In this chapter, we’ll discuss working with documents in iCloud on iOS. File management in iOS is handled by the apps themselves, rather than by a system-provided app like the Finder. As a result, we need to take care of tasks like providing a list of all available files to the user, opening the files, and saving changes.

This means that, when you work with documents in iOS, you need to do quite a bit more work. While you still have built-in automatic saving, you need to manually open and close documents; additionally, because bindings don’t exist on iOS, you need to manually update the contents of the document object whenever the user provides input.

We’ll start by listing whatever’s already in iCloud, to demonstrate that we’ve got access to the same container as the Mac app and also to provide what will eventually become the user interface for opening these documents; next, we’ll implement the Document class, which is the iOS counterpart of the Mac app’s Document class. Finally, we’ll add support for creating new documents.

The App Sandbox

Apps on iOS are extremely limited in terms of the files that they’re allowed to access. Any app that you install via the App Store—which means any third-party app—is sandboxed: the system will only permit it to read and write files in a single folder. This keeps any other app from reaching into the app’s files and prevents your app from poking around the user’s other files. The goal is to preserve user privacy: if apps can’t get into files they shouldn’t, it becomes a lot less likely for the user’s data to be breached by a malicious app.

When installed, apps are placed inside a directory with a predefined structure that looks like Figure 8-1.

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Figure 8-1. An empty application sandbox

The different folders that exist in the sandbox have special meaning to iOS:

The sandbox also includes the iCloud container, which is a folder stored on disk. However, the specific location of the iCloud container is irrelevant to you as the developer, since you don’t actually use the built-in filesystem management tools to work with it. Instead, as you’ll see as we implement the application, you treat the whole thing as a separate layer of abstraction.

iCloud Availability

When you’re writing an application, you can never assume that your app will always have access to iCloud. For example, consider the following scenarios:

  • Your app is downloaded, but the user has no iCloud account.

  • The user has an iCloud account, and is using your app to store documents in iCloud, but later signs out of the account.

  • The user starts with no iCloud account, but later signs into iCloud.

Apps that use iCloud aren’t allowed to rely on access to iCloud. If you’re making an app, you’re required to let users decline to store their files in iCloud; if they do, their files have to be stored locally.

This means that any code that works with files needs to work with both files saved locally and files saved inside iCloud. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you never store data both in iCloud and locally at the same time; for one reason, users should never care about the details of where the files they’re looking at are stored (they should just be “on the phone”), and for another, you don’t want to have to keep track of which file is local and which is remote.

There isn’t a single solution to this problem, so we’ll describe how the Notes application deals with it:

With this in mind, let’s get building!

Creating the Document List View Controller

The documents in the application’s iCloud container need to be shown to the user so that they can be selected and opened. To do this, we’ll need to create a user interface that can present this list.

There are three main options for presenting this sort of list in apps:

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Figure 8-2. The Settings list
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Figure 8-3. The Photos grid

In this app, we’ll use a UICollectionView. The main reason for this choice is that table views don’t look good when they’re very wide, which is what will happen on the iPad, whereas collection views can look good at any size.

To get started, we’ll first rename the view controller that the template starts with to something more descriptive. This is purely for our own convenience—the app will function the same way, but it’s a lot clearer to refer to a “document list view controller” than to just a “view controller.”

  1. Find the ViewController.swift file in the Project navigator.

  2. Rename ViewController.swift to DocumentListViewController.swift (Figure 8-4). Do this by clicking on ViewController.swift and pressing Return.

  3. Open this file, and rename the ViewController class to DocumentListViewController. Make DocumentListViewController be a subclass of UICollectionViewController.

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Figure 8-4. The newly renamed file

The Navigation Controller

Now we’ll start building the interface for the document list view controller.

  1. Open Main.storyboard. You’ll be looking at an empty view controller, which was created when the project was first created.

  2. Select the existing view controller in the canvas and delete it. We’ll replace it with our own in order to get a better picture of how these things come together.

  3. Enter navigation controller in the Object library. The list will be reduced to just the navigation controller object, allowing you to quickly drag it out into the empty storyboard (see Figure 8-5).

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    Figure 8-5. Locating the navigation controller
  4. Drag out a navigation controller into the storyboard. By default, it comes with a table view controller, which we don’t need; we’ll be using a collection view controller, so select the table view controller and delete it (Figure 8-6).

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    Figure 8-6. The navigation controller, with the table view controller that comes with it by default; you’ll need to delete the table view controller

    When the storyboard starts up, it needs to know what view controller to show first. This view controller, which Xcode calls the initial view controller, will be installed as the window’s root view controller before the app is presented to the user.

    Currently, there is no initial view controller, because we just deleted the earlier ones. This means that if you were to launch the app now, you’d simply get a black screen.

  5. Select the navigation controller that you just added, and go to the Attributes Inspector. Select the Is Initial View Controller checkbox (Figure 8-7).

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    Figure 8-7. Making the navigation controller the initial view controller.
  6. Go to the Object library, and search for a collection view controller. Drag it out into the storyboard (Figure 8-8).

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    Figure 8-8. Locating the collection view controller

By default, collection view controllers have a transparent background, which isn’t exactly nice to look at, so we need to change it to white so we can properly see it.

  1. Select the collection view inside the collection view controller we just added.

  2. If it isn’t open, open the Attributes Inspector and scroll down to the View section.

  3. Under the background property, press the small disclosure arrow and choose White Color. Now the collection view has a background we can more easily see (Figure 8-9).

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Figure 8-9. Changing the background color of the collection view

The entire purpose of a navigation controller is to present other view controllers. When it first appears, the navigation controller needs to have at least one view controller to present: the root view controller.

We’ll now make the new collection view controller be the root view controller of the navigation controller.

  1. Hold down the Control key, and drag from the navigation controller to the collection view controller. Select “root view controller” from the menu that appears.


    Drag from the view controller, not the view. It’s easiest to do this by zooming out first. You can also use the navigation controller and collection view controller representations in the outline if your prefer.

    Now we need to link the new collection view controller up to our custom class we created.

  2. Select the collection view controller and open the Identity Inspector.

  3. Change the class to DocumentListViewController.

Collection Views

Collection views present a grid of cells; each cell contains views that present whatever information you want.

You don’t create the individual cells in a collection view yourself; instead, you create a single prototype cell and prepare the views inside that. Typically, you also create a subclass of the base UICollectionViewCell class and set it as the custom class for the cell. Doing this allows you to create outlets in the custom class that link to the views you design in the interface builder.

In order to display its data, a collection view contacts an object, known as its data source, to ask questions about the information it should display. These questions include, “how many sections are there?”, “how many items are there in each section?” and “what should I display for this specific item in this specific section?” This works exactly the same as the NSCollectionView we wrote in the OS X application, just with different method calls.

Once you’ve designed the cell, you give it an identifier. This is used in the collectionView(_, cellForItemAtIndexPath:) method to prepare and return the correct type of cell for a given item in the collection view; we’ll be creating this method later in the chapter.

Next, we’ll set up the cell that will represent each note. To do that, we’ll define the class that controls each cell, and then we’ll set up the cell’s interface.

  1. Open DocumentListViewController.swift.

  2. Add the FileCollectionViewCell class to the end of the file:

      class FileCollectionViewCell : UICollectionViewCell {
          @IBOutlet weak var fileNameLabel : UILabel?
          @IBOutlet weak var imageView : UIImageView?
          var renameHander : (Void -> Void)?
          @IBAction func renameTapped() {

    This code defines the class, a subclass of UICollectionViewCell, that specifies how each cell showing a note will behave. Right now it doesn’t do much; it just has a UIImageView and some stubs to handle renaming in the future. But, now that the class exists, we can use it to set up the cell.

  3. Open Main.storyboard, and select the collection view in the document list view controller (Figure 8-10).

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    Figure 8-10. Locating the collection view in the outline
  4. Open the Size Inspector, and set Cell Size to 180 × 180 (Figure 8-11). If you don’t see any fields to change the cell size, change the cell size from Default to Custom in the drop-down box .

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    Figure 8-11. Setting the size of the cells
  5. Select the cell. It looks like Figure 8-12.

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    Figure 8-12. The collection view cell
  6. Open the Identity Inspector, and change its class from UICollectionViewCell to FileCollectionViewCell.

  7. Open the Attributes Inspector and set the cell’s Identifier to FileCell.

  8. Drag in a UILabel and place it at the bottom of the view.

Using Constraints to Control Size and Position

When a view is added to the screen, it needs to know its size and position. Views on iOS are never shown in isolation—they’re always displayed alongside other content, inside other views, and in cooperation with other stuff that the user cares about. This means that the position and size of any view depends upon where everything else on the screen is: content should never overlap other content, for example; and if you place a button in the bottom-right corner of a view, it should stay in that corner even when that view changes size.

This is where constraints come in. A constraint is a rule that defines some component of a view’s size and position. These constraints are rules like, “view A’s top edge is always 10 points away from view B’s bottom edge” or, “view A’s width is equal to half of the screen width.”

The constraints of a view always need to be sufficient to define the size and position of that view. If there aren’t enough constraints to fully define this, then the system will warn you, and you’ll end up with a different layout to what you expect.


If you add no constraints to a view, the system will automatically add the constraints that set its size and position, based upon where it was placed in the interface builder.

To add constraints, you select a view and click one of the buttons at the bottom right of the canvas (Figure 8-13).

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Figure 8-13. The constraint buttons, at the bottom right of the canvas

The buttons in this collection are, from left to right:


This button allows you to quickly arrange a collection of views into a vertical or horizontal stack. We’ll be working with stack views later in this book, in Chapter 10.


This button allows you to add constraints that align the selected view(s) to other views. For example, you can add constraints that say “the horizontal center of this view is the same as its containing view”; doing this will center the view along that line.


This button allows you to define the spacing between the selected view(s) to other views. For example, using this button, you can add constraints that say “the leading edge of this view is always 20 points away from the trailing edge of another view.”

Resolve Auto Layout Issues

This button opens a menu that contains useful tools for resolving common problems with your constraints.

To place this label in the correct location, we need to add constraints to it that centers it horizontally, keeps it at the bottom of the container, and makes it fill the width of the container while also ensuring that it has the correct height.

  1. With the label selected, click the Align button, and turn on Horizontally in Center. Click Add Constraints.

  2. Click the Pin button, and click the red bar icons at the left, right, and bottom. Additionally, set the Height to 20. Click Add Constraints.


    By doing this, you’ve added the following constraints:

    • Align Center X to container

    • Leading Space to container margin = 0

    • Trailing Space to container margin = 0

    • Bottom Space to container margin = 0

    • Height = 20

    These constraints make the label take up the bottom section of the view.

  3. Next, drag in a UIView. This will eventually be the preview image for the note documents.

  4. Set its background color to something visible, like an orange color. (The precise color doesn’t matter; this is just for your temporary use so that you can see the position and size of the view.)

  5. Using the Align and Pin menus, add the following constraints:

  6. Next, drag in a UIImageView, and place it inside the orange view.

  7. Resize it to fill the entire view.

    The cell should now look like Figure 8-14.

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    Figure 8-14. The laid-out collection view cell
  8. Add the following constraints:

    • Leading space to superview = 0

    • Trailing space to superview = 0

    • Top space to superview = 0

    • Bottom space to superview = 0


      For this view, ensure that Constrain to Margins is off. This is because the view should be flush with the edges; we want the constraints to be relative to the edge, not to the margins. The view would be inset if the constraints were relative to the margins.

      These constraints make the image view fill its container.

      You can now connect the label and image view to the FileCollectionViewCell.

  9. Open the Assistant, and ensure that it’s got DocumentListViewController.swift open. If it doesn’t, use the jump bar to navigate to Automatic→DocumentListViewController.swift.

  10. Drag from the well—the small circle just to the left of the number 13 in Figure 8-15—at the left of the fileNameLabel property to the label in the cell. When you release the mouse button, the property will be connected to the label.

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    Figure 8-15. Connecting from the outlet to the label
  11. Repeat the process for the image view: drag from the imageView property to the image view.

Each document can now display its filename, as well as its preview image.

Creating the Document Class

We need a Document class for the iOS app. It’s similar to the Mac app, but we subclass UIDocument instead of NSDocument, and implement different methods.


NSDocument, which we used earlier for the OS X app, behaves a bit differently than UIDocument on iOS. They provide the same fundamental features, but approach things a little differently.

One of the main differences is that NSDocument has some knowledge of the interface that the user will interact with, while UIDocument does not. The reason for this is that, on OS X, it’s easy to take an interface and use bindings to connect it to the document’s code, whereas we need to create a view controller on iOS to mediate the flow of information between the document and the interface.

There are a few minor API differences, as well. In NSDocument, you implement either dataOfType or fileWrapperOfType in order to provide the ability to save the document; in UIDocument, you implement contentsForType, which can return either an NSData object or an NSFileWrapper object.

  1. Open the File menu and choose New→File.

  2. Select “Cocoa Touch class” and click Next.

  3. Set the name of the class to Document and set the “Subclass of” to UIDocument (see Figure 8-16). Click Next.

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    Figure 8-16. Adding the class
  4. When saving the new class, make sure that it’s added to the Notes-iOS target.

    Several important things need to be the same across the two different classes—for example, the names of the files in the file package. For this reason, we’ll move the code that’s common to both the Mac and iOS document classes into a separate file.

  5. Right-click the project and select New Group. A new group will appear in the Project Navigator; name it Common.

  6. Select this new group and go to the File Inspector.

  7. Click on the little folder icon to set its location (see Figure 8-17). An open dialog box will appear, showing the project.

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    Figure 8-17. The location icon
  8. In it, make a new folder called Common and then click Choose.

    You’ve just made a new folder in which to put files that are common to both projects.


    A group in Xcode does not necessarily have to map to a folder on the filesystem. Here, we created a group and then assigned it to a folder location that happened to have the same name. Groups don’t have to represent a real folder at all, and can simply exist within the project hierarchy. The metadata that says what files live in the group is maintained by Xcode when you drag a file into them.

  9. Right-click the Common group and add a new Swift file.


    Don’t add a new Cocoa Touch class; you’re adding a new, empty file. We’re not using this file to make a Swift class, we’re going to use it to store some variables that are common to both the iOS and OS X project, and we don’t need a class to do that.

  10. Name this new document DocumentCommon.swift.

  11. With the DocumentCommon.swift file selected, open the File Inspector and add it to both the Notes and Notes-iOS targets by checking the boxes for each target in the Target Membership pane (see Figure 8-18).


    A target in Xcode specifies a thing (called a product) to build and tells Xcode how to build it and what files to use. Because we want DocumentCommon.swift to be part of both the OS X and the iOS products, we add it to both targets.

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    Figure 8-18. Adding the file to the targets
  12. Open the DocumentCommon.swift file, and add the following code to it:

      // We can be throwing a lot of errors in this class, and they'll all
      // be in the same error domain and using error codes from the same
      // enum, so here's a little convenience func to save typing and space
      let ErrorDomain = "NotesErrorDomain"
      func err(code: ErrorCode, _ userInfo:[NSObject:AnyObject]? = nil)
      -> NSError {
          // Generate an NSError object, using ErrorDomain and using whatever
          // value we were passed.
          return NSError(domain: ErrorDomain, code: code.rawValue,
          userInfo: userInfo)
      // Names of files/directories in the package
      enum NoteDocumentFileNames : String {
          case TextFile = "Text.rtf"
          case AttachmentsDirectory = "Attachments"
          case QuickLookDirectory = "QuickLook"
          case QuickLookTextFile = "Preview.rtf"
          case QuickLookThumbnail = "Thumbnail.png"
      let NotesUseiCloudKey = "use_icloud"
      let NotesHasPromptedForiCloudKey = "has_prompted_for_icloud"
      /// Things that can go wrong:
      enum ErrorCode : Int {
          /// We couldn't find the document at all.
          case CannotAccessDocument
          /// We couldn't access any file wrappers inside this document.
          case CannotLoadFileWrappers
          /// We couldn't load the Text.rtf file.
          case CannotLoadText
          /// We couldn't access the Attachments folder.
          case CannotAccessAttachments
          /// We couldn't save the Text.rtf file.
          case CannotSaveText
          /// We couldn't save an attachment.
          case CannotSaveAttachment

    All this code contains is a convenience function for errors, an enumeration containing all the possible files inside the package of our Note document type and the error codes we created earlier. Check back to “Package File Formats”, when we were setting up the OS X app, for a reminder.

Because we are building this application in stages, we have just rewritten a whole bunch of code that already existed inside Document.swift. Because of this, we need to delete the duplicated code.

  1. Open Document.swift and delete the ErrorDomain constant, err method, and NotesDocumentFileNames and ErrorCode enums.


    If you don’t delete the duplicate code, you will get build errors.

    If you’ve done everything correctly, the Mac app should still build with no errors. Double-check that now by changing the scheme to the Notes app and pressing ⌘-B. If it doesn’t, double-check that the DocumentCommon.swift file’s Target Membership settings include the Mac app.

You’re now ready to set up the iOS document class.

  1. Open the iOS app’s Document.swift file.

  2. Add the following code to the Document class:

      var text = NSAttributedString(string: "") {
          didSet {
      var documentFileWrapper = NSFileWrapper(directoryWithFileWrappers: [:])
      override func contentsForType(typeName: String) throws -> AnyObject {
          let textRTFData = try self.text.dataFromRange(
                  [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSRTFTextDocumentType])
          if let oldTextFileWrapper = self.documentFileWrapper
              .fileWrappers?[NoteDocumentFileNames.TextFile.rawValue] {
              preferredFilename: NoteDocumentFileNames.TextFile.rawValue)
          return self.documentFileWrapper
      override func loadFromContents(contents: AnyObject,
          ofType typeName: String?) throws {
          // Ensure that we've been given a file wrapper
          guard let fileWrapper = contents as? NSFileWrapper else {
              throw err(.CannotLoadFileWrappers)
          // Ensure that this file wrapper contains the text file,
          // and that we can read it
          guard let textFileWrapper = fileWrapper
              let textFileData = textFileWrapper.regularFileContents else {
              throw err(.CannotLoadText)
          // Read in the RTF
          self.text = try NSAttributedString(data: textFileData,
              options: [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSRTFTextDocumentType],
              documentAttributes: nil)
          // Keep a reference to the file wrapper
          self.documentFileWrapper = fileWrapper

    This block of code:

With this done, we’ve now implemented the text-related features of the Document system.

Listing Documents

We can now start listing documents in our UICollectionView. In order to show the user a list of available files, we need to have a way of finding out what files exist. As we discussed in “iCloud Availability”, there are two possible places where files can be found: in the iCloud container or locally on the device.


Strictly speaking, files stored in iCloud are also stored locally on the device, but it’s useful to think of them as existing outside the device. Doing this helps you to remember that the files may not yet have been downloaded and are therefore not ready to use.

To find files in iCloud, we use a class called NSMetadataQuery to compose a search query to return all files with a .note extension inside the iCloud container. Finding files stored locally simply involves asking the operating system to give us a list of files.

Regardless of how we find the list of files that are available, we need to keep track of this list so that it can be used to populate the list of documents that the user can see. To handle this, we’ll create an array of NSURL objects.

  1. Open DocumentListViewController.swift.

  2. Add the availableFiles property:

      var availableFiles : [NSURL] = []

    This variable will store the NSURL for every file in the container that the app currently knows about. We’ll now add code that will watch for changes to the list, so that if a new file is added—such as by another device—then the app will find out about it.

  3. Add the iCloudAvailable property to the DocumentListViewController class:

      class var iCloudAvailable : Bool {
          if NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
              .boolForKey(NotesUseiCloudKey) == false {
              return false
          return NSFileManager.defaultManager().ubiquityIdentityToken != nil

    This computed property returns true if the user is signed in to iCloud and has indicated that he or she wants to use iCloud; otherwise, it returns false. If you need a reminder on computed properties in Swift, flip back to “Properties”.

  4. Add the metadataQuery, queryDidFinishGatheringObserver, and queryDidUpdateObserver properties:

      var queryDidFinishGatheringObserver : AnyObject?
      var queryDidUpdateObserver: AnyObject?
      var metadataQuery : NSMetadataQuery = {
          let metadataQuery = NSMetadataQuery()
          metadataQuery.searchScopes =
          metadataQuery.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K LIKE '*.note'",
          metadataQuery.sortDescriptors = [
              NSSortDescriptor(key: NSMetadataItemFSContentChangeDateKey,
                  ascending: false)
          return metadataQuery

    This composes a NSMetaDataQuery query to look for files with our Notes file extension by making its predicate search for filenames ending in .note. You can customize and refine this search query by providing a different query; you can find more information on how to compose these queries in the Predicate Programming Guide.


    Note the parentheses at the end of the preceding code snippet and the equals sign before the opening brace near the top. This format means that, when the DocumentListViewController is created, the metadataQuery object will be created and prepared before any other code executes. This means that the rest of the code doesn’t need to check to see if metadataQuery is ready to use or not—we’re guaranteeing that it always will be ready.

  5. Add the following code, which implements the localDocumentsDirectoryURL property. That property gives us the folder in which to store our local documents and implements the ubiquitousDocumentsDirectoryURL property, which in turn gives us the location of where to put documents in order for them to be stored in iCloud:

      class var localDocumentsDirectoryURL : NSURL {
          return NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(
              inDomains: .UserDomainMask).first!
      class var ubiquitousDocumentsDirectoryURL : NSURL? {
          return NSFileManager.defaultManager()

    The URLsForDirectory method allows you to request a type of directory that you’d like—for example, .DocumentDirectory lets you request a place to store user documents. The method returns an array of NSURLs that you can use; on iOS, this will always point to the app sandbox’s Documents folder. Because we specifically want the NSURL, and not an array of NSURLs, we return the first entry in the array; because this is optional, we must first unwrap it with !. It’s worth pointing out that this will crash the program if, for some reason, URLsForDirectory returns an empty array; however, this won’t happen, because all iOS apps are given a Documents directory when they’re installed.


    These two variables are class variables in order to ensure that they don’t depend on the state of any specific instance of the DocumentListViewController class. This isn’t strictly necessary, but it helps to keep things tidier.

  6. Make viewDidLoad set up the observers, which will be updated when the metadata query discovers new files:

      override func viewDidLoad() {
          self.queryDidUpdateObserver = NSNotificationCenter
                  object: metadataQuery,
                  queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (notification) in
          self.queryDidFinishGatheringObserver = NSNotificationCenter
                  object: metadataQuery,
                  queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (notification) in

    When the document list controller’s view loads, we need to register with the system the fact that if either NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification or NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification is posted, we want to run some code in response. The NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification is sent when the metadata query finishes its initial search for content, and the NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification is sent when any new files are discovered after this initial search. In both of these cases, we’ll call a method called queryUpdated, which we’ll add shortly.

  7. Implement the refreshLocalFiles method:

      func refreshLocalFileList() {
          do {
              var localFiles = try NSFileManager.defaultManager()
                      includingPropertiesForKeys: [NSURLNameKey],
                      options: [
              localFiles = localFiles.filter({ (url) in
                  return url.pathExtension == "note"
              if (DocumentListViewController.iCloudAvailable) {
                  // Move these files into iCloud
                  for file in localFiles {
                      if let documentName = file.lastPathComponent,
                          let ubiquitousDestinationURL =
                              .URLByAppendingPathComponent(documentName) {
                                  do {
                                      try NSFileManager.defaultManager()
                                                         itemAtURL: file,
                                  } catch let error as NSError {
                                      NSLog("Failed to move file \(file) " +
                                          "to iCloud: \(error)")
              } else {
                  // Add these files to the list of files we know about
          } catch let error as NSError {
              NSLog("Failed to list local documents: \(error)")

    This looks for files stored locally. If it finds local files, and if iCloud is available, those files will be moved into iCloud for the NSMetadataQuery to find; if iCloud is not available, their URLs will be added to the availableFiles array so that the collection view displays them.

    You’ll notice that we use the NSFileManager class to access the list of files and also to move documents into iCloud. The NSFileManager class is your gateway to the filesystem. Just about anything you can do with files or folders can be done with NSFileManager, including creating, moving, copying, renaming, and deleting files.

    Next, we need to make the viewDidLoad method ask users if they want to use iCloud; if they’ve been asked already, then it should either start searching iCloud or list the collection of local files.

  8. Add the following code to the end of the viewDidLoad method:

      override func viewDidLoad() {
          self.queryDidUpdateObserver = NSNotificationCenter
                  object: metadataQuery,
                  queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (notification) in
          self.queryDidFinishGatheringObserver = NSNotificationCenter
                  object: metadataQuery,
                  queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (notification) in
    >     let hasPromptedForiCloud = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
    >         .boolForKey(NotesHasPromptedForiCloudKey)
    >     if hasPromptedForiCloud == false {
    >         let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Use iCloud?",
    >             message: "Do you want to store your documents in iCloud, " +
    >             "or store them locally?",
    >             preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
    >         alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "iCloud",
    >             style: .Default,
    >             handler: { (action) in
    >             NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
    >                 .setBool(true, forKey: NotesUseiCloudKey)
    >             self.metadataQuery.startQuery()
    >         }))
    >         alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Local Only", style: .Default,
    >             handler: { (action) in
    >             NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
    >                 .setBool(false, forKey: NotesUseiCloudKey)
    >             self.refreshLocalFileList()
    >         }))
    >         self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
    >         NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
    >             .setBool(true, forKey: NotesHasPromptedForiCloudKey)
    >     } else {
    >         metadataQuery.startQuery()
    >         refreshLocalFileList()
    >     }

    This code displays an alert that, on the first launch of the application, asks users if they’d like to use iCloud. It first checks to see if the user has already seen the iCloud prompt. If not, then an alert is constructed from a UIAlertController object. There are two possible actions that the user can take: choose to use iCloud, or choose to save documents locally only. If the user chooses to save it in iCloud, then the iCloud-searching metadata query is started; if the user chooses to save locally, then the refreshLocalFileList method that you just wrote is called. In either case, the user’s preference is recorded in the user preferences system. The alert is then presented, and the method records the fact that the user has seen this prompt.

    If the user has previously seen the prompt, then the query is started and the file list is refreshed. This is done on purpose:

    • If the user is not using iCloud, then the metadata query will find no files. This is fine, because checking for local files will happen immediately afterward.

    • If the user is using iCloud, then the metadata query will begin searching for files; at the same time, by searching for local files, it will move any files that were stored locally into iCloud. This is useful for when the user previously elected to not use iCloud, but then changed his or her minds because we don’t want any files to be stranded in local storage, we want to ensure that we sweep up any local files and store them in iCloud.

  9. Implement the queryUpdated method, which is called if the NSMetadataQuery finds any files in iCloud. This method updates the list of known files in iCloud:

      func queryUpdated() {
          // Ensure that the metadata query's results can be accessed
          guard let items = self.metadataQuery.results as? [NSMetadataItem]
          else {
          // Ensure that iCloud is available—if it's unavailable,
          // we shouldn't bother looking for files.
          guard DocumentListViewController.iCloudAvailable else {
          // Clear the list of files we know about.
          availableFiles = []
          // Discover any local files that don't need to be downloaded.
          for item in items {
              // Ensure that we can get the file URL for this item
              guard let url =
                  item.valueForAttribute(NSMetadataItemURLKey) as? NSURL else {
                  // We need to have the URL to access it, so move on
                  // to the next file by breaking out of this loop
              // Add it to the list of available files

    We’ll now add the two critical methods that provide data to the UICollectionView:

There’s also a third important method: numberOfSectionsInCollectionView, which returns the number of sections in the table view. However, if you don’t implement it, the collection view assumes that there is one section. We only have one section in this collection view, so we’ll save some typing and not include it:

  1. Implement the numberOfItemsInSection and cellForItemAtIndexPath methods:

      override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
          numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
          // There are as many cells as there are items in iCloud
          return self.availableFiles.count
      override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
          cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath)
          -> UICollectionViewCell {
          // Get our cell
          let cell = collectionView
                  forIndexPath: indexPath) as! FileCollectionViewCell
          // Get this object from the list of known files
          let url = availableFiles[indexPath.row]
          // Get the display name
          var fileName : AnyObject?
          do {
              try url.getResourceValue(&fileName, forKey: NSURLNameKey)
              if let fileName = fileName as? String {
                  cell.fileNameLabel!.text = fileName
          } catch {
              cell.fileNameLabel!.text = "Loading..."
          return cell

    The numberOfItemsInSections is responsible for letting the collection view know how many items need to be displayed. There are always as many items in the collection view as there are NSURL objects in the list, so we just ask the availableFiles variable for its count.

    The cellForItemAtIndexPath method is more complex. It’s responsible for providing to the collection view each of its cells and making sure that each cell has the correct content.

    You might notice that we don’t actually create our own cells—that is, we never call the initializer for FileCollectionViewCell. Instead, we call the dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier method on the collection view.

    We do this for performance reasons. If you had a large number of items to display in the collection view, it’s extremely inefficient to create all of the possible cells, and creating a cell on demand is bad as well, because memory allocation can be CPU-intensive.

    Instead, the collection view system maintains a reuse queue system. When a cell is scrolled off-screen, it’s not removed from memory; instead, it’s simply taken off the screen and placed in the queue. When a new cell needs to appear, you call dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier to retrieve a cell from the queue. If the queue is empty, a new cell is allocated and created.


    This approach to reusing a small number of UI elements is quite common in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, where only a small number of elements ever exist and are simply reconfigured and reused as needed.

    This, by the way, is why you gave the cell an identifier in the interface builder. The reuse identifier you pass in to the call to dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier is what the collection view uses to determine which queue of UICollectionViewCells to get a cell from.

  2. Run the app! If there are documents in the container from before (when you were making the OS X app), they will appear—it might take a moment.

Creating Documents

Currently, the app can show documents that have been added to the iCloud container, but it can’t create its own. Let’s make that happen!


At this point, the icons shown in the document list will still be a flat color. Additionally, the code that actually makes the documents download from iCloud hasn’t yet been added yet, so you’ll just see the word “Loading…” under each of the icons. Don’t panic—we’ll be adding both of these in time.

In iOS, documents must be manually created by your code. You do this by creating a new instance of your UIDocument class, and then telling it to save; this will create the document on the disk.


This is the same method that is used to update an existing document on disk.

Now we can start creating new documents.

The way that saving works is this: we first create the document and save it to the local Documents directory. Once it’s written, we can then move it into iCloud, where it will be synced to all devices.

Inside DocumentListViewController.swift implement the createDocument function, which creates and saves the document:

  func createDocument() {

      // Create a unique name for this new document by adding a random number
      let documentName = "Document \(arc4random()).note"

      // Work out where we're going to store it temporarily
      let documentDestinationURL = DocumentListViewController

      // Create the document and try to save it locally
      let newDocument = Document(fileURL:documentDestinationURL)
          forSaveOperation: .ForCreating) { (success) -> Void in

          if (DocumentListViewController.iCloudAvailable) {

              // If we have the ability to use iCloud...
              // If we successfully created it, attempt to move it to iCloud
              if success == true, let ubiquitousDestinationURL =
                      .URLByAppendingPathComponent(documentName) {

                  // Perform the move to iCloud in the background
                  NSOperationQueue().addOperationWithBlock { () -> Void in
                      do {
                          try NSFileManager.defaultManager()
                                  itemAtURL: documentDestinationURL,
                                  destinationURL: ubiquitousDestinationURL)

                              .addOperationWithBlock { () -> Void in


                      } catch let error as NSError {
                          NSLog("Error storing document in iCloud! " +
          } else {
              // We can't save it to iCloud, so it stays in local storage.



This code first creates the file locally, and then does different things depending on whether the user has access to iCloud or not:

  • If the user has access to iCloud, it works out where it should exist in iCloud, and then moves it to that location. It does this in a background queue, because it can take a moment to finish moving to the iCloud container.

  • If the user has no access to iCloud, it manually adds the document to the list of files and reloads the list. It does this because, unlike when iCloud is available, there’s no object watching the directory and keeping the file list up to date. Once that’s done, the document is opened.

Now that we have the ability to create documents, we need a way to let the user initiate the process. We’ll do this by adding a little button to the top of the screen, by adding a UIBarButtonItem to the view controller’s UINavigationItem.

Every view controller that exists inside a UINavigationController has a UINavigationItem. This is an object that contains the content for the navigation bar for that view controller: its title and any buttons that should go in the bar. When the view controller is on screen, the navigation controller will use our DocumentListViewController’s navigation item to populate the navigation bar (see Figure 8-19).

lesw 0817
Figure 8-19. The Add button, which will be added to the top of the screen

There’s only ever one navigation bar in the entire navigation controller. When you switch from one view controller to another, the navigation controller notices this fact and updates the contents of the bar, animating it into place.

To create the button, we’ll use a UIBarButtonItem. This is a button designed to go inside either a navigation bar or a toolbar. You can create one in the storyboard, but it’s useful to know how to create one programmatically as well.

We’ll use a UIBarButtonItem to show our Add button, which will look like a little + icon. When the button is tapped, the createDocument method that you just added will be run.

  1. Add the following code to the viewDidLoad method:

      let addButton = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .Add,
          target: self, action: "createDocument")
      self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = addButton

    Notice the target and action parameters that are passed to the UIBarButtonItem’s initializer. When the user taps on the button, iOS will call the action method on the target object. This means that tapping on the Add button will call the createDocument method that you added earlier.

  2. Run the app, click the + button, and add new files!

Downloading from iCloud

We’ve already got the app listing files, whether the user has chosen to get them locally or use iCloud. If the files are all stored locally, then we have no problem: the files are in place, and we can open them. However, if they’re stored in iCloud, we hit a snag: the files that are in iCloud and are being reported by the NSMetadataQuery are not yet downloaded to the local device, which means we can’t use them.

On OS X, this isn’t a problem, because the system will automatically download every single file that’s in the iCloud container. iOS doesn’t do this, because there’s significantly less storage space available on the smaller device, and the user may be on a cellular network.

If we want to be able to open the user’s files, we need to download them. Additionally, we need to be able to tell whether a file is downloaded or not. Finally, we need to be able to convey to users that a file is not yet ready to be opened so that they don’t get confused when they try to open a file that the system hasn’t downloaded yet.


In this application, we’re automatically downloading all files that we know about. This isn’t the best approach for all apps, especially if the files can be quite large; in those situations, you should wait for the user to explicitly request for a file to be downloaded.

First, we need to show files that aren’t yet downloaded.

  1. Still inside DocumentListViewController.swift, implement itemIsOpenable, which tells us if we have downloaded the latest version of the file:

      // Returns true if the document can be opened right now
      func itemIsOpenable(url:NSURL?) -> Bool {
          // Return false if item is nil
          guard let itemURL = url else {
              return false
          // Return true if we don't have access to iCloud (which means
          // that it's not possible for it to be in conflict - we'll always have
          // the latest copy)
          if DocumentListViewController.iCloudAvailable == false {
              return true
          // Ask the system for the download status
          var downloadStatus : AnyObject?
          do {
              try itemURL.getResourceValue(&downloadStatus,
                  forKey: NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey)
          } catch let error as NSError {
              NSLog("Failed to get downloading status for \(itemURL): \(error)")
              // If we can't get that, we can't open it
              return false
          // Return true if this file is the most current version
          if downloadStatus as? String
              == NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusCurrent {
              return true
          } else {
              return false

    The itemIsOpenable method returns true when the file is fit to be opened, and false otherwise. If the app doesn’t have any access to iCloud, then the file must be openable; however, if the app does have access to iCloud, we have to do some additional checks.

    First, we ask the NSURL to let us know what the downloading status is for the file. We do this by using the getResourceValue method, which works by receiving a reference to a variable, along with the name of the resource value we want; when the method returns, the variable that we pass in contains the value. Note the ampersand (&) in front of the downloadStatus variable—that’s what tells Swift that the variable that we’re passing in will have its value changed.

    A file can be in one of several download states:

    • NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusNotDownloaded means we don’t have it;

    • NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusDownloaded means it’s downloaded, but it’s out of date;

    • NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusCurrent means it’s downloaded and up to date.

      We can only open files that are downloaded and up to date; otherwise, we have to tell the user that it’s not openable.

  2. Add checks in cellForItemAtIndexPath to make unavailable documents transparent:

      override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
          cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath)
          -> UICollectionViewCell {
          // Get our cell
          let cell = collectionView
                  forIndexPath: indexPath) as! FileCollectionViewCell
          // Get this object from the list of known files
          let url = availableFiles[indexPath.row]
          // Get the display name
          var fileName : AnyObject?
          do {
              try url.getResourceValue(&fileName, forKey: NSURLNameKey)
              if let fileName = fileName as? String {
                  cell.fileNameLabel!.text = fileName
          } catch {
              cell.fileNameLabel!.text = "Loading..."
    >     // If this cell is openable, make it fully visible, and
    >     // make the cell able to be touched
    >     if itemIsOpenable(url) {
    >         cell.alpha = 1.0
    >         cell.userInteractionEnabled = true
    >     } else {
    >         // But if it's not, make it semitransparent, and
    >         // make the cell not respond to input
    >         cell.alpha = 0.5
    >         cell.userInteractionEnabled = false
    >     }
          return cell

    In order to let the user know whether a document can be opened or not, we’ll set the alpha property of the cell to 0.5 if the cell is not openable. The alpha property controls how transparent the view is: 1.0 means it’s fully opaque, and 0.0 means it’s entirely see-through.

  3. Next, update queryUpdated to begin downloading any files that aren’t already downloaded:

      func queryUpdated() {
          // Ensure that the metadata query's results can be accessed
          guard let items = self.metadataQuery.results as? [NSMetadataItem]
          else {
          // Ensure that iCloud is available - if it's unavailable,
          // we shouldn't bother looking for files.
          guard DocumentListViewController.iCloudAvailable else {
          // Clear the list of files we know about.
          availableFiles = []
          // Discover any local files that don't need to be downloaded.
          for item in items {
              // Ensure that we can get the file URL for this item
              guard let url =
                  item.valueForAttribute(NSMetadataItemURLKey) as? NSURL else {
                  // We need to have the URL to access it, so move on
                  // to the next file by breaking out of this loop
              // Add it to the list of available files
    >         // Check to see if we already have the latest version downloaded
    >         if itemIsOpenable(url) == true {
    >             // We only need to download if it isn't already openable
    >             continue
    >         }
    >         // Ask the system to try to download it
    >         do {
    >             try NSFileManager.defaultManager()
    >                 .startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL(url)
    >         } catch let error as NSError {
    >             // Problem! :(
    >             print("Error downloading item! \(error)")
    >         }

    When this code has been added, when you launch the iOS app, documents that have already been added to the iCloud container from other locations—such as from the OS X app—will start downloading. You’ll see the “Loading…” text under the icons start gradually disappearing and being replaced with the actual filenames.

    As you can see, there’s not a huge amount of work that needs to be done in order for the app to ensure that files are available. All we have to do is first check to see if it’s not already available; if it’s not, then we ask the NSFileManager to start downloading the file. The NSMetadataQuery will update us later when the file finishes downloading.

  4. Run the app. Any files that are not yet downloaded to the device will start downloading; until they’re downloaded, they’ll be semi-transparent in the documents list.

Deleting Documents

Now we’ll add some of the groundwork support for editing. We need to do two things to hook this up: first, we’ll add an icon into the project that can be used for the Delete button, and then we’ll add a button that will use that icon.

  1. Open the Assets.xcassets asset catalog.

  2. Drag the Delete icon, available in the Design folder in the downloaded resources (see “Resources Used in This Book”), into the list of assets. Unlike in the past where we’ve been dragging images into predetermined slots, we can just drag the image into anywhere in the asset pane.

  3. Open Main.storyboard and select the FileCollectionViewCell.

  4. Search for UIButton in the Object library and drag a new button into the cell.

  5. Go to the Attributes Inspector, and change the button’s Type from System to Custom.

  6. Delete the button’s title and set its image to Delete.

  7. Position it at the top-right corner of the cell.

  8. Open the Editor menu, and choose Resolve Auto Layout Issues→Reset to Suggested Constraints. The result is shown in Figure 8-20.

    lesw 0818
    Figure 8-20. The delete button
  9. Open DocumentListViewController.swift in the Assistant.

  10. Hold down the Control key, and drag from the delete button into FileCollectionViewCell. Create a new outlet for the button called deleteButton.

  11. Hold down the Control key again, and drag from the delete button into FileCollectionViewCell. Create a new action for the button called deleteTapped.

  12. Add the following property to FileCollectionViewCell:

      var deletionHander : (Void -> Void)?

    This will be a closure that is run when the user taps on the delete button.

  13. Add the following code to the deleteTapped method:

      @IBAction func deleteTapped() {

    This method calls the deletion closure; the actual content of the closure will be set up in cellForItemAtIndexPath.

We want to draw the user’s attention to the deletion buttons when they appear. To do this, we’ll make the cells fade out, using iOS’s animation system, when the deletion buttons are visible.

Animating a property of a UIView is as simple as telling the UIView class that you’d like to animate and indicating how long the animation should take. You also provide a closure, which the UIView class will run when it’s ready to start animating content. Inside this closure, you make the changes you want: changing size, opacity, color, and mode.

Add the following method to FileCollectionViewCell:

  func setEditing(editing: Bool, animated:Bool) {
      let alpha : CGFloat = editing ? 1.0 : 0.0
      if animated {
          UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25) { () -> Void in
              self.deleteButton?.alpha = alpha
      } else {
          self.deleteButton?.alpha = alpha

The setEditing method simply changes the opacity of the cell’s deleteButton. When setEditing is called, it receives two parameters: first, whether the button should be visible or not, and second, whether the change in opacity should be animated.

The change in opacity should be animated if the cell is on screen. It doesn’t look great for a view to suddenly pop from fully opaque to slightly transparent, so it should gradually fade, via an animation. However, if the view is off-screen, it shouldn’t fade.

If the change in opacity needs to be animated, the second parameter of this method is set to true. This makes the change to the deleteButton’s alpha property wrapped inside a call to UIView’s animateWithDuration; otherwise, it’s simply assigned.

We’ll now add a button that puts the collection of documents into Edit mode. There’s actually an incredibly simple way to add an Edit button, and you can do it with a single line of code.

Add the following code to the viewDidLoad method:

  override func viewDidLoad() {

      let addButton = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .Add,
          target: self, action: "createDocument")
      self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = addButton

      self.queryDidUpdateObserver = NSNotificationCenter
              object: metadataQuery,
              queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (notification) in
      self.queryDidFinishGatheringObserver = NSNotificationCenter
              object: metadataQuery,
              queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (notification) in

>     self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem()

      let hasPromptedForiCloud = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()

      if hasPromptedForiCloud == false {
          let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Use iCloud?",
              message: "Do you want to store your documents in iCloud, " +
              "or store them locally?",
              preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)

          alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "iCloud",
              style: .Default,
              handler: { (action) in

                  .setBool(true, forKey: NotesUseiCloudKey)


          alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Local Only", style: .Default,
              handler: { (action) in

                  .setBool(false, forKey: NotesUseiCloudKey)


          self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

              .setBool(true, forKey: NotesHasPromptedForiCloudKey)

      } else {


The editButtonItem method returns a UIBarButtonItem that, when tapped, calls the setEditing method. We’ll implement that now.

Inside DocumentListViewController.swift, implement the setEditing method to make all cells that are visible change their editing state:

  override func setEditing(editing: Bool, animated: Bool) {

      super.setEditing(editing, animated: animated)

      for visibleCell in self.collectionView?.visibleCells()
          as! [FileCollectionViewCell] {

          visibleCell.setEditing(editing, animated: animated)

First, notice the call to super.setEditing. The superclass implementation of setEditing updates the class’s editing property, which we’ll make use of in a moment, and also updates the edit button that you added a moment ago to show either Edit or Done. Once it’s done with that, it asks the collection view to provide an array of all visible FileCollectionViewCells. Each of these cells then has its setEditing method called.

Finally, we need to ensure that any cells that aren’t visible also have their deletion button’s opacity at the correct level. Remember, collection view cells that aren’t visible don’t actually exist; they’re waiting in limbo to be added to the collection view on demand. This means that, in our cellForItemAtIndexPath method, we’ll need to ensure that the deletion button’s opacity is set correctly.


This is why the FileCollectionViewCell’s setEditing method allows you to control whether the change is animated or not. Cells that are being prepared in cellForItemAtIndexPath should not animate the change, because it would look a little odd for them to be fading in as you scroll. In addition, we’ll give all cells a closure to call when the deletion button is tapped.

Add the following code to collectionView(_, cellForRowAtIndexPath:) to add the deletion handler for cells. When the cell’s delete button is tapped, we’ll call the deleteDocumentAtURL method, which we’ll add in a moment:

  override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
      cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {

      // Get our cell
      let cell = collectionView
              forIndexPath: indexPath) as! FileCollectionViewCell

      // Get this object from the list of known files
      let url = availableFiles[indexPath.row]

      // Get the display name
      var fileName : AnyObject?
      do {
          try url.getResourceValue(&fileName, forKey: NSURLNameKey)

          if let fileName = fileName as? String {
              cell.fileNameLabel!.text = fileName
      } catch {
          cell.fileNameLabel!.text = "Loading..."

>     cell.setEditing(self.editing, animated: false)
>     cell.deletionHander = {
>         self.deleteDocumentAtURL(url)
>     }

      // If this cell is openable, make it fully visible, and
      // make the cell able to be touched
      if itemIsOpenable(url) {
          cell.alpha = 1.0
          cell.userInteractionEnabled = true
      } else {
          // But if it's not, make it semitransparent, and
          // make the cell not respond to input
          cell.alpha = 0.5
          cell.userInteractionEnabled = false

      return cell


Finally, add the deleteDocumentAtURL method, which actually deletes it:

  func deleteDocumentAtURL(url: NSURL) {

      let fileCoordinator = NSFileCoordinator(filePresenter: nil)
          options: .ForDeleting, error: nil) { (urlForModifying) -> Void in
          do {
              try NSFileManager.defaultManager()

              // Remove the URL from the list

              self.availableFiles = self.availableFiles.filter {
                  $0 != url

              // Update the collection

          } catch let error as NSError {
              let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Error deleting",
                  message: error.localizedDescription,
                  preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)

              alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Done",
                  style: .Default, handler: nil))

                                         animated: true,
                                         completion: nil)

The deleteDocumentAtURL method, as its name suggests, removes a document from the system. However, you might notice that the line that actually does the deleting—that is, the call to NSFileManager’s removeItemAtURL method—is wrapped in a lot of other stuff. All of that is necessary, because the app is being extremely cautious about deleting the file at a safe time to do it. It does this through the use of an NSFileCoordinator.

The NSFileCoordinator class allows you to ensure that file-related tasks, such as opening, saving, deleting, and renaming files, are done in a way that won’t interfere with any other task on the system trying to work with the same file. For example, if you happen to attempt to open a file at the same time it’s deleted, you don’t want both actions to happen at the same time.

The coordinateWritingItemAtURL method lets you tell the system ahead of time what you intend to do with the file. In this case, we’re passing the .ForDeleting flag, indicating that we’d like to remove the file entirely. We also pass in a closure, which is run after the system has ensured that it’s safe to make changes. You’ll notice that the closure itself receives a parameter, called urlForModifying. This is an NSURL that the file coordinator provides to you to make changes to. This may or may not be the same as the original URL that you passed in; it’s possible that, in some cases, the file coordinator might provide you with a temporary URL for you to use instead.

Inside the closure, we remove the file by calling removeItemAtURL, passing in the URL that the file coordinator has given us. We also remove the original URL—not the one that the file coordinator has given us—from the list of available files. We do this by using the filter method on the array, which filters the array to only include items that are not url. We use the original URL, because if urlForModifying is different from the original url variable, we may not actually remove the entry from the list.

Lastly, we update the list of files by calling the collection view’s reloadData method.

Run the app, and tap the Edit button. The delete buttons will appear, and you can tap them to delete them.

Renaming Documents

Finally, we’ll add the ability to rename documents when you tap on their labels. The code for this will work in a similar way to deleting them: we’ll give each cell a closure to run when the user taps on the label, and in this closure, we’ll present a box that lets the user enter a new name.

To detect taps on the label, we need to create a gesture recognizer and connect it. We’ll be using a very simple “tap” gesture recognizer in this chapter, but we’ll be using a more complex one later, in “Deleting Attachments”.

  1. Open Main.storyboard, and locate the label in the collection view cell.

  2. Select the label, and go to the Attributes Inspector. Scroll down to the View section in the inspector, and select the User Interaction Enabled checkbox. This will allow the label to respond to taps.

Let’s now add the ability to detect when the user has tapped on the label.

  1. Add the following code to the collectionView(_, cellForItemAtIndexPath:) method, after the deletion code:

      override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
          cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
          // Get our cell
          let cell = collectionView
                  forIndexPath: indexPath) as! FileCollectionViewCell
          // Get this object from the list of known files
          let url = availableFiles[indexPath.row]
          // Get the display name
          var fileName : AnyObject?
          do {
              try url.getResourceValue(&fileName, forKey: NSURLNameKey)
              if let fileName = fileName as? String {
                  cell.fileNameLabel!.text = fileName
          } catch {
              cell.fileNameLabel!.text = "Loading..."
          cell.setEditing(self.editing, animated: false)
          cell.deletionHander = {
    >     let labelTapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: cell,
    >                                                     action: "renameTapped")
    >     cell.fileNameLabel?.gestureRecognizers = [labelTapRecognizer]
    >     cell.renameHander = {
    >         self.renameDocumentAtURL(url)
    >     }
          // If this cell is openable, make it fully visible, and
          // make the cell able to be touched
          if itemIsOpenable(url) {
              cell.alpha = 1.0
              cell.userInteractionEnabled = true
          } else {
              // But if it's not, make it semitransparent, and
              // make the cell not respond to input
              cell.alpha = 0.5
              cell.userInteractionEnabled = false
          return cell

    This code does several things:

  2. Add the following method to DocumentListViewController:

      func renameDocumentAtURL(url: NSURL) {
          // Create an alert box
          let renameBox = UIAlertController(title: "Rename Document",
                                            message: nil, preferredStyle: .Alert)
          // Add a text field to it that contains its current name, sans ".note"
          renameBox.addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler({ (textField) -> Void in
              let filename = url.lastPathComponent?
                  .stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(".note", withString: "")
              textField.text = filename
          // Add the cancel button, which does nothing
          renameBox.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel",
              style: .Cancel, handler: nil))
          // Add the rename button, which actually does the renaming
          renameBox.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Rename",
              style: .Default) { (action) in
              // Attempt to construct a destination URL from
              // the name the user provided
              if let newName = renameBox.textFields?.first?.text,
                  let destinationURL = url.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent?
                      .URLByAppendingPathComponent(newName + ".note") {
                          let fileCoordinator =
                              NSFileCoordinator(filePresenter: nil)
                          // Indicate that we intend to do writing
                              options: [],
                              writingItemAtURL: destinationURL,
                              options: [],
                              error: nil,
                              byAccessor: { (origin, destination) -> Void in
                                  do {
                                      // Perform the actual move
                                      try NSFileManager.defaultManager()
                                              toURL: destination)
                                      // Remove the original URL from the file
                                      // list by filtering it out
                                      self.availableFiles =
                                          self.availableFiles.filter {
                                          $0 != url
                                      // Add the new URL to the file list
                                      // Refresh our collection of files
                                  } catch let error as NSError {
                                      NSLog("Failed to move \(origin) to " +
                                          "\(destination): \(error)")
          // Finally, present the box.
          self.presentViewController(renameBox, animated: true, completion: nil)

    This method does several things:

  3. Now run the app and rename some files!