

Abington v. Schempp, 12, 12, 21, 25, 88, 107, 129, 177

Aikin, Scott, 70, 74

Alliance of Civilizations (AoC), 125, 133, 136

American Academy of Religion (AAR), vii, xiv, 11, 25, 126, 144145, 159160, 166, 192, 227229

American Civil Liberties Union, 154

Anti-Semitism, 18, 50, 114, 204

Arendt, Hannah, 210, 224

Aristotle, 5253, 57, 60


Barber, Benjamin, 30

Beauchamp, Marcia, 145, 209

Bender, Courtney, 103, 108, 111, 192

Berger, Peter, 33, 44, 169, 176, 225

Berlin, Isaiah, 218, 225

Bible Literacy Project, 24, 148

Blasphemy, 4849, 55, 60

Bush, George W., xix, 41, 46, 211, 228


California Three Rs Project, xiv, xvii, 5, 8, 133137, 143, 145, 157, 229

Carter, Stephen, 13, 15

Character Education, 149151, 154158, 178, 222

Chidester, David, 181, 191

Civility, iiii, v, xv, 1, 910, 13, 15, 32, 3738, 4761, 6365, 6971, 135, 142, 151, 162, 206, 218225

Contemplative Studies, 155158

Creationism, x, 89, 21


Dewey, John, 217220, 225


Ecumenism, 212213, 215

Eck, Diana L., xii, xix, 4, 15, 24, 91, 95, 107, 110, 174, 176, 209, 215, 225

Elias, Norbert, 5253, 60

Engel v. Vitale, 1

Epoché, 164, 175176

Equal Access Act, 19, 22, 129

Erasmus of Rotterdam, 53

Exclusivism, v, 6265, 6769, 71, 7374, 182


Face to Faith, vi, xv, 8, 121, 204209

First Amendment Center, xviiixix, 16, 2425, 122, 126, 134135, 144146, 165, 190, 192, 209, 225, 228

Frye, Northrop, 194


Gandhi, Mohandas K., 2, 196

Geertz, Clifford, 81, 86

Grelle, Bruce, vi, xiv, 8, 127146, 166, 179, 190191, 227


Habermas, Jürgen, 55, 61

Haynes, Charles, vvi, xi, xviiixxi, 3, 8, 1625, 130131, 135, 137, 144146, 165, 190, 204, 206, 208209, 220, 228

Herberg, Will, 8687, 95, 110, 225

Hernandez, Esequiel, 222

Hick, John, 10, 6768, 74

Hill, Margaret, xviixviii Humanism, 53, 210

Hunter, James, 15, 199

Huntington, Samuel, 33, 44, 52, 60

Hutchison, William, 90, 92103, 110


Interfaith Center of New York, xv, 179, 183, 185, 191, 227

Interfaith Youth Core, 163, 174

Intolerance, 18, 49, 64, 8485, 90, 93, 101, 108, 204

Islamophobia, 18, 204

Israel, 50, 180, 191, 195, 205, 208


James, William, 69, 71, 74

Jesus, i, 35, 128, 181182, 219, 222, 227228

Jefferson, Thomas, 10,


Kessler, Gary, 162, 175

King, Jr., Dr. Martin Luther, 196

Klassen, Pamela, 103, 111, 195

Kuhn, Thomas, 66, 74

Lemon v. Kurtzman, 1, 12


Lester, Emile, xv, xx, 24, 142, 145146, 190, 209

Lippy, Charles, 92, 96107, 110111

Locke, John, 35, 45, 50, 5355, 6061, 212213, 225

Long, Charles, 105106, 108, 111, 138140, 148, 153, 164, 184, 186, 188, 190, 195, 197198, 207, 209

Luther, Martin, 53, 60

Lynn, Barry, 210


Machacek, David, 90, 100, 110111

Mann, Horace, 217, 220

Marty, Martin, 89, 109

Martinez, Rubén, 222, 226

Mill, John Stuart, 40, 50, 213

Modesto, 2324, 142, 145146, 209

Moore, Diane L., vi, xiiixvi, xviiixix, 78, 11, 16, 112126, 145148, 153, 166, 190, 219, 226, 228

Muhammad, 49, 178, 180181, 197198

Murray, Charles, 29, 44


Noddings, Nel, 57, 61

Nord, Warren xvi, xx, 16, 24, 145146, 178179, 190191, 209

Nussbaum, Martha, 108


Obama, Barack, xix, 1, 15, 4041, 46, 48, 50, 5556, 60, 171, 211

Orsi, Robert, 184, 191192

Oxtoby, Willard, 195, 202203


Pakistan, 49, 113, 194, 205, 215

Patel, Eboo, 121, 174, 191

Pew Forum Values Survey, 213214

Pinker, Steven, 52, 60

Plantinga, Alvin, 10, 68, 74

Pluralism Project, xiixiii, xix, 4, 174

Pragmatism, 5, 10, 4759, 62, 64, 6773, 8384, 210212, 218, 222

Procedural Literacy, 163

Prothero, Stephen, 16, 24, 128, 144145, 219, 226

Putman, Hilary, 78, 86

Putman, Robert, 30, 34, 4445, 58


Qur’an, 180, 186187, 193, 197198, 221


Rawls, John, 47, 5561

Reed, Ralph 210

Relational Literacy, 11, 163

Relativism, 5, 911, 49, 5152, 7578, 8087, 118, 212, 228229

Roof, Wade Clark, 4, 6, 16, 111, 222, 226


Santa Fe (Texas) Independent School v. Doe, 1

Scopes Trial, 10, 154, 158

Secularism, ix, xii, xix, 7, 13, 16, 21, 33, 175176, 190, 211215

Smart, Ninian, ix, xii, xix, 7, 13, 16, 175176

Smith, Huston, 6, 11, 221

Smith, Jonathan Z., 6, 16, 163164, 175, 191

Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, 195196, 202


Takaki, Ronald, 91, 105111

Talisse, Robert, 70, 74

Three Rs, xi, xiiixiv, xvii, 5, 8, 133137, 141, 143, 145, 157, 229

Tolstoy, Leo, 196

Tony Blair Faith Foundation, xv, 205207

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 210, 212, 225

Toronto, 193195, 198, 200202, 225