When you say a thing that I write too much
I dream myself a thousand-plus
more books I wrote myself
and imagine them in a swinging stack
and collapsing onto you
as they crush your bones
in the name of art
in the name of american idealism
in the name of the future
fuck you and your sleeping wordless criticism
that path before me is lit with possibility
and lore
and my cup is not full because it is not a cup
it is a life
it is a heart
and me
I am trying to show you something
about yourself
not me
that a person can do anything
that is what hope is
with all due respect,
fuck you if you dismiss this
because it is a process
I accept
if you discount what it has to say
but if I draw a line
and say
what have you done today
be prepared
because while you are sleeping
I am with the sunlight
and the life
and joy
joy will rise in the names
Orange-Burst knows–
full-tilt knows, bumper car sparks knows
beach bum salty hair in eyes–knows
that I am here
under it.
Made of sunlight
Orange-Burst is
and all “Nun-ya-business-esque”
because it rained
I have a thing for lamps.
Lights–lightbulbs–signs with lights–
you name it–
I have a thing.
Not digital or laser though.
Working ones–
Ones where you have to be careful or
that small piece comes off the rods
those tiny metal legs
extending up
and the connection is lost forever
I’d cry if they turned off the Chrysler
cry baby tears
but maybe I wouldn’t know
sometimes I can’t get out of bed.
I spend almost every waking hour absolutely alone.
Orange-Burst knows.
I love it.
It laughs
out loud with light
as a heaven might
a man needs friends at 6 a.m.
and I don’t work anywhere
but here
off we go.
Maybe all you meant to say was,
“gosh, what a waste to see a good man lose his faith”
and that is why
when I got lost
and you knew,
you told me to write,
because I was very sad
and a sad man is a sad thing
too sad for words
but his own
While they thumb for a dollar now
and loose change
when the offering plate comes around
and charity-bound
I am dumping collections
entire passages of a life
I dug the ditch
I roofed the house
I bagged the groceries
I got fired
I sung a song
I broke myself
I broke others
and now
now I want to be, NO, BEAT that idea
that a man does not change
like an athlete
or a machinist
I want to know how much my spirit can lift
how fast a heart can go
how slow a world can turn
when frozen by the violent twists
of a dream
gone thuder-tornado-thuNder tornato
even when I misspell
Maybe all you meant to say was,
“gosh, what a waste to see a good man lose his faith”
but I heard you
a bunch of ways
now after-while a buncha ways
this is the work
the work will not change
unlike me
fast as a fucking scene
inside a t.v.
the size of a galaxy.
Pay Up, and Let the Kids Play You Sissy
It looks like the mirror-house was glass
… “fuck”
the rumbles must be low
to be grumbles muttered
because a truth was told
and stomachs were hungry
not yet lunch
and there was a bunch of shit on about war
fuck that
go to war, kill others, yourself, whatever
for “safety”
but I have never felt safe around anyone
who wanted to kill me
or whom
I thought might die needlessly
all that blood
and this feeling we have a soul and there might be a God
in fact
that there might be a rather large presentation
ready behind us,
whatever made our parents
and you know
whatever also made them love and then laugh
take baths and talk
and make us,
it might be a bad idea to forget you did not measure you
and cut you out of a cloth
and seed yourself in a field of flesh
and fill your veins
which spider-hatched
into a nebula
of tangible webs
before you were even given a name
and declare yourself a God
who punishes
and if only this
if one stands behind you and after you
imagine his legion
and in your slow-ass monday-morning mind
imagine what darkness
falls under that kind of light
soon it will be collection day, either way
and you,
you are what you will be using
when that receipt is handed to you
and someone will pay
Winter is so fucking over
so fucking over
in here
so last year
I don’t have time for you
but love you now
love you still
but removed myself
Intensive care unit typewriter
station on full alert
maybe manic but harmless
and less hurt
Pain can be taken from a place
like in a heart
in its last season
and moved to the knuckles
Hands in the dirt getting way dirty
digging into something
looking for evidence
of life in circles
I stand still and watch me
I revolve perfectly like a planet
inside a system of myself
and release a faction
I gang myself up sort of
because those colors on a dress
and the life under it or outside
is boozy and makes me yucked
Nobody in this place is even aware
of who is borrowing
from where
who is touched and by what
And that whole thing is madness
if you know you are the name
or the other hand connected
to a life inside a desired light
With eyes like yours and a mouth
and ears and arms and legs
and worries and fellowship
raised on shores you did not see
Because, we got here separately
that is how it works
how spirits sail.
Fuck That Noise, Jimmy Shoetaps
Let’s go up and down
like me
and my moods, or yours and someone else’s too
and see if we can build some rollercoasters
no seagulls ever got to sit on
for the clattering rails
of words and heartbeats
all in perfect time
with the wave
and then the next wave
as it crashes into our beach
where we go
not always together
our electric park of thought
you know, fuck it
ride ’em all
at least once
or twice
for the laughs.
the dust will gather
and on the metal
rust will settle
and I’ll be up here fixing this shit
you know,
fuck that noise, Jimmy Shoetaps.
What an asshole.
Somebody was born today and you went and built a boxing arena.
What an asshole.
Sure, poetry and art are certainly not charity but if YOU built it
it’s your wallet that gets lined with unicorn feathers
or you were in a position to TEACH not LEAD
and you
showed a child it was possible to bleed
then when that First Punch goes out
shouldn’t YOUR FACE be the one?
Is that how it oughta be,
for the balance to belong to the floor
and to set an example
before you have to even the score … ?
You don’t care, do you?
So you will now be happy and certainly sleep easy and of course
get fucked royally
but if by other royalty
still …
What an asshole.
What an asshole you are,
swallowing yourself in shit.
Sour Crystals form
and the kings
the kings of the alleys and NOT the streets
the streets outside them
hold their staffs
their scepters
and loot
in sack cloth
to reckon what is theirs
and by their staff
they draw a day
and they draw a night
and we know
we who are not of the living in those boxes of garbage cans
we know
this is their kingdom.
Old flowers
Break like eggs
in a rented room
with a slow bed
This church rising up
like old men
surrounded by houses
all new like children
With a rain-blasted steeple
fit for vampires
it makes me sick
and my stomach screams
because it isn’t working anymore
like my skin was crawling with bugs
I cannot see
interrupting me
and my shitty dreams
Apples, bananas, and pears in my green glass heart
rot quietly along to a beat
my legs crossed
my typing foot
banging inside the desk
from my wild typing foot–feet–
tired from over-sleep
with a mouth full of smoke and rose petal
tea and eyes following an electric tower
someplace over the water
the car swings back and forth wildly
minus driver
or a road to guide her
I tell lies to get inside her
if only to turn the key
to an off position
and let it happen–sparing somebody
Ten days ago the water went
into the hole where it sits
like an entire city arranged
on a dirty dinner plate
on a tray made of clay turning dirt
from humidity and hurt
for broken men who hurl with knotted shirts
stinging themselves like bees
looking into mirrors
the image of an enemy
someplace in the middle millionties
with their legs tied
and wasted lipstick girls laughing their wallets off
turning money into bags
barely between the cars,
glassy like the sun was coming out on repeat inside
but not really
with electric wombs
those rooms were made for sleeping
not research for alibis not worth keeping
star-lined and straight
like a military bed
at 8 a.m.
there are no coincidences, said my friend
who bathes in light
but joined a cult by accident one night
streets on streets on streets
like orgies
for starving feet
a picture of what is mine wrapped up in her mother’s arms
above the light
which happily
descended from me
as I too dwelt
before it rose
and it is now always turned on
and me
I break like eggs in a rented room
with a slow bed
I break like eggs
or old flowers
I will never be mine
for the never being yours
or ours.
summer is a state of mind
a smelly fish
no meat
all scales
that television of yours
has harpoons
and they breach the whale
your sea
an angry field of static
disconnected from the door
I see the outside
from the inside
but go noplace
near there anymore
landfill is a sky
sky is full of swallows
filling your cup
how do you even spell that
cleaning your plate
everything you do, so perfect and pretty
and never showing up
for the always being late
this place is empty kind of
sans love–home-esqueness pose
without you
I look at the lights I hung
I see the outside of my apartment
but from below
not above
and I see traffic way too heavy
from mistakes
and words used
turned like iron weights on ankles
and me
inside like too many bodies in the trunk
to hide
us living
but summer is a state of mind
and I am going
and willingly
so say goodbye to this me
while I am still yours
before the dirt comes out from under my nails
and I no longer feel shitty
beyond the reach of God.
I sat with her in a movie theater
falling asleep
someplace between my seat
and her shoulder
with clouds passing in the frame
since that day
things have never been anything worse
but not the same
days are born
they revolve
but they do not change
–eternity is here–
–and here–
Our soda is too big for us
Our popcorn might as well be on fire
because it is anywhere but in her mouth
my mouth
christ my mouth
or anyone else’s inside this place
inside them
she or I
replaced by another shadow
or shadowy face
My clothes are dirty
My mind is not in charge
I had a few reservations
in several areas of interest
but I am the ticket
and I turned the plane around
I didn’t show
I just didn’t.
Inside you I have every one of you,
demonic assholes tearing and screaming
the housing projects come down
like a video
no posse
no cars
and the women in the lower districts laugh
and taunt us as we go
because the way I talk is like gunfire
and I am fractured with loud parts
army clothes
and my face is loud
violent crowd sound loud
and spitting vowels
this is all a bit much
and confusing
whatever, man, whatever it takes
whatever makes her happy.
the wrong side of worst
I draw lines
between my enemies
and my friends
they intersect so much
I can’t see their faces
for the bends
in the book
and what a bath break
because you’re all way too much
and lovely
but also
just yuck
the moon plays with a ball of yarn
it tells me jokes
tells jokes also to the yard
dogs go ape-shit
and in the pile of garbage
they roll
and then get up begrudgingly
and go settle down
in a lie
under a tree shadow
lucky and pure
in their madness and devotion
and without doubt
so noble a thing
but when living
so pure
minus all that second-guessing
and congestion.
I do not talk about how I feel
so much as I talk about
that I am feeling–“something”
but I dunno what fucking what
it’s so nonspecific
it talks a lot of shit but doesn’t back it up
if I planted something
not the evidence in a coat
but a tree
maybe it might slow something else
everything being perfectly balanced
still I blush
when I get the feeling
a woman is thinking of a saddle-up
forgive me but
I mean,
I got the ticket for me
for us
Today is Thursday, Charles,
and I had that old dream again.
I bet it was something like your drinking problem.
You can never admit it
or let it go
so you glorified it
until it wasted you
and your possibility
and you died
right after people started looking like horticulture
and whatever.
I bet God made you join a rollerskating league
I bet you hate it
I bet it’s all men too
an all-men rollerskating league
so you don’t get any ideas
and besides
rollerskating is a bag of funballs, Charles
and you
they put you in the movie store on the day you passed
in all your drunken glory
and you
you were a good writer
and you saw things
and they were messed up
but they didn’t have to be
and those docks
by the swampy pier
they aren’t meant for learning
but for ships
the sea.
Today is Thursday, Charles,
and I had that old dream again.
But you are still asleep
and will be forever
and I wish
I wish you could wake me up one more day
to cry
and write a brief note
and leave it on the refrigerator of the world
that you were sorry
and that you really were just scared
and loved too much.
Goodnight, Charles.
Just tonight, walking home I thought,
Maybe I will treat myself to dinner and a movie
but I got cold feet
and I just couldn’t
For all that walking down the aisle alone again
For all that unnecessary static I feel
watching grouped shadows before me
side by side
taking it all in together
it does not remind me of her anymore
but it does remind me of me
desperately alone
there is just no one
no one
not a soul with a match to relight that fire
and I’m terribly afraid it is in no way an over-exaggeration
but a fact.
You can feel that stuff from this altitude of 33.
I can see the fast-action valley below of youth.
How merciless and warring always
teeth-gnashing war machines, but all pretty and dumb
and at this height
one must saunter on toward the summit
or what point was it anyway
if for stopping now
to find the peak
and know a measurement of a single light
inside this machine of mine
which keeps growing hair
breaking down
capable of the longest of sighs
as darkness surrounds.
slice it any way you like
be it a loaf of homemade bread
or a block of cheese
I like it when the mail comes
I open the box one-armed
with a string I keep tied to my belt loop
on its end a gaggle of keys
and there
there is your magazine
we don’t finish them
but we try
us youngins or under 40
but as instructed by our elders
we stack them neatly
in our bathrooms or our sitting rooms
or wherever a window is
that gets the most light
for reading them later
under the reflected brick thrown
unnatural light
EVEN when you make a funny cover
about politics
some of us don’t mind
or even understand
in the front pages our poets speak
simple and condensed into phrase
and it is as if at once
I learn each time
to understand a world of hearts
one must focus on a single beat
its flow
and be silent and in the know
what courage it must take
to be at ease enough to expose a truth
single and fit for a feast
of your offices
overstacked with the words of us dreamers
trying our best
to be clever
in the way we use words
when they rhyme and repeat
or not
slice it any way you like
if it made it in,
there is a bit of dancing standing fits
when you open the box
and your submission
against all odds
made it in.
Am I still a country mouse
If forever now
I boxed me up
and shipped me up north
gave my heart to a city-style dream?
am I not a geographical thing?
Am I still a Southern pie
If long past baked
I boxed me up
and was overlooked
people here eat mostly cake
remember when Johnny Carson used to do that thing
that thing
where you playfully end up
riddled with the whipping cream
interrupting a blush
as it fell onto a suit
from a smiling face?
Am I still?
Because I feel like electric nothings
most days
and find myself engulfed in measurements
my soul fastened to my shoes
my shoes the counterweights
I don’t feel like I belong much here
or there or not
any more than anything flickering
that a spilled glass of something
could make forgot
gone too
like a season well spent.
This is how we go about it now
now that the curtain and the cast
are simulcast
before and after intermission
with all of us mid-bow
to empty house crowds
my body tells me something LOUD
“hey, mister,” it says
you are yours
I let the words take me where they will
and marry each morning
that clicking sound
far from electric nothings
and south.
That gun,
That suit,
That thought,
“aim … then shoot”
How’d you do it?
What’d I miss?
I kill cockroaches
sure thing, man
I never miss
Well, that’s a lie
But what the hell
They invaded
So why not try?
Why not?
Is that how it goes?
That gun,
That suit,
That thought,
“aim … then shoot”
Someone made that thing
lust or love
directed by the hands
and silence above
below a floor
not sheets and bed
but rapid miracles
like light orb circles
dropping from words
meant only once
for ears now yours
once your mother’s
surrounded perhaps
by careful doctors
and a nurse
plus plenty of hot water
and your tears,
all miracles
considering the lists
talking “End Is Near”
take this, take that
to calm your fears,
fix you, not IT
like you were a world
funny, but not cute
you’re not
That gun,
That suit,
That thought,
“aim … then shoot”
How’d you do it?
Sometimes I tell myself,
“Fuck you, mister know-it-all”
but I know I’m right anyway
so I don’t talk to myself
for like, seven days
I am an asshole
an asshole with a big fucking mouth and also
I am trapped by multicorns
several of them
not to be confused with unicorns
who are also assholish, like swans
beautiful but will fuck with you,
NO multi-fucking-corns,
which are just downright,
nasty, yeah, nasty and awful mean
so you know,
next time you get mad at yourself
think about this
or me
and feel free to keep smiling
and walking on through it
well, what am I even saying here
who am I to tell anybody anything
I dunno shit about anything
my life is a fucking mess
“fuck you, mister know-it-all”
I would tell myself right now
but I’m busy
I’m busy being a poet
or whatever
whatever makes it impossible to retort
I get the last word here
I wish it were sea spirits–joining me to the ocean of sadness
or static tides filled with anger and depression–my own faults
sea spirits, green sun-glinting eyes
skin like scales, every color in them
when they moved ever so, standing upon
the beach, with merlin’s staff
but I am simply crazy
and me
my loneliness, which I spell so well
is killing me
like a crushed bug under a nice set of heels
I am surrounded by misery
and my boat sets sail
and we drift
into that fog
where I shall never see your face again.
when I ask you to take my breath away
what I mean is,
Dear Time,
Fuck You,
I used to get wasted and stand at the edges of buildings
not for show, there would be no one anywhere
not fried style
not even a stranger
and I would know I was wasted when I hung over the side
because naturally I am afraid of heights
that’s when
when I would snort a speedball off my hand
you know that place
between your first finger and thumb
that’s where you snort them from
I would buy coke
and buy heroin
both powders
and premix
and put them into little pieces of paper
which I would hide in my jean jacket pocket
very small
and I was like a magician
I would pretend to wipe my nose
the way anyone would with allergies
mid-lunch with someone
and I would drop the line into a linen napkin
or just a plain one
and I would snort them
all day
all day and night
but at night eat at least two sedatives
and one painkiller
then get wasted
wasted as fuck
and when the darkness filled me up all the way
I’d find a quiet ledge
and I would try to accidentally fall off
I did this for at least 6 years
I miss it
not the drugs
but whatever else that was, but I don’t do that anymore
now I work myself to death
that is my new punishment for myself
and because
during that time at the end
I lost you
I lost you there, I guess
I lost you.
Dear Time,
Fuck You
watch this watch this watch this watch this and watch this watch this
watch this and watch this
slowing hands at ends of stems
arranged white, purple.
cornrows like directing orbs
of orange/tangerine blast
over a silent
waterfall that is you
forget it.
marsh lands toxic dump radioactive
spills toxins, fire, a wreck
fire explosives and up and
down and up and down
so afraid and insanity-bound
that is me
forget it.
Fruit Gets a Lot of Still-Life Action
sit still,
you fucking sit still,
between a camera
a bowl of fruit
it’s tired
it’s been there forever
and the set is exhausting
it’s tiring work
getting too much love
isn’t it?
so it starts to give
the lights are too much
the hours are too long
and the orange is more brown
now than yellow and red
and the green of the apricot
has softly fizzled out
nodded off in its chair
a sitting bed
in a green bowl
on a table
with large hands moving the pieces
round and round
a race against the clock
time always wins
the cameraman just forgot
for they are driven
driven by madness
against a time
the world stops
they think
when you isolate it
small enough
it fits into a frame
but it is a trick
to make you think
that fruit gets all the action
it does not
it dies behind the colors
in the darkroom
is nothing,
so move, soldier, move
winter is coming
since nobody is listening,
I will sing this
I’m singing that song
but I am not dignified
without dignity
I am alone
and no one is listening
this is MY hillside,
my right and left
sky and tree line barren
white canvas
north and south
devoid of color
totally shut-mouth
since nobody is listening
I will sing this
over myself
over myself
and the thump of my own heart
kicking my chest
beating it
with its blood-fist
I am alone
I am alone
no one is listening
Do Not Loan Your Heart to Women
if you raced me home
you would end up
in the woods
but you know that now,
you know
as we watched the clouds break
into a single hole
like an eye
over the hudson those lines
light beams
they shot the blue to hell
and shrapnel fell
in puddle swallows
and you knew,
you knew I was lost as a ghost is
but fully here
body, soul, and bone-whole lost
that’s why you told me about the boys
the boys you have on a line
and that problem with collecting them
like I would agree
and say,
“oh, me too, I have a list”
but I do not
my legacy is just ruin
and a rot
someplace in my throat
my heart couldn’t find
so the words forgot
so I asked you something easy
and said,
“shall we make our way back into the city?”
of course, you said, and then
we went
If you could race me home
up those beams
you’d have to go
made of light
but changing so fast
they forget where they go
and dissolve
like a crypt
of tombs
into a past
where we are not
and I am saying this loosely,
I will not love again,
for I have learned
Dreams, God, Albert, and Disappointment
Albert wakes God up (again) and God is pissed,
but then laughs
and makes tea
tea for two
and they sit by the bay window
and God speaks
and Albert, grinning, says, “hmm”
and not much else
and when he talks
it isn’t in a germanic drawl
they speak one language
which sounds like a puppy barking
about nothing in particular
like an animal sigh
Mrs. Claus comes round too
and says, “hello, Albert,” like he was a kid
because he is just a kid
always was
always is
punk as funk
and they all listen to the story of how
and why
and Albert tries very hard
very hard
not to ask too many questions
goes back to the dormitory
and writes stuff down
the ink disappears
into a cloud
and I wake up
in the middle of this firing range
where the bullets
are still the curse of days
and the worry
that my heart will explode
from love