About the AuthorsAbout the Authors

DAN S. KENNEDY is a multimillionaire serial entrepreneur, strategic advisor, and direct marketing consultant, one of the highest compensated direct-response copywriters in the world, and the author of the No B.S. business book series and editor of six marketing-related newsletters. He influences more than one million business owners annually, and has a long track record of taking entrepreneurs to seven-figure incomes and multimillionaire wealth. As a speaker, he has frequently appeared on programs with celebrity-entrepreneurs like Gene Simmons (KISS), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), George Foreman, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Joan Rivers, Jim McCann (1-800-Flowers), and many others, as well as top business speakers Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, and Zig Ziglar. All No B.S. series books are available at Amazon, BN.com, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers, with additional information at www.NoBSBooks.com. To contact Dan directly about speaking or consulting availability, fax 602-269-3113.

KIM WALSH-PHILLIPS, @KWalshPhillips, is the award-winning speaker, author, strategist and CEO of Elite Digital Group (www.EliteDigitalGroup.com), a direct-response social media agency. She is a techie marketing geek with great shoes, a strong faith, a hatred of awareness campaigns, and an obsession for marketing with a sharp focus on ROI. Kim has worked with successful direct-response marketers such as GKIC Insider’s Circle and Dan Kennedy, Rich Schefren, and Ron LeGrand, and with big brands such as Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Sandler Training, Chem-Dry, and Hilton Hotels to increase revenue through direct-response marketing. Kim is also the author of Awareness Campaigns Are Stupid and Other Secrets to Stop Being an Advertising Victim and Start Monetizing Your Marketing (I&K Publishing 2011). She is thankful to God for all of the blessings in her life and for her “people” for their love and support every day and especially during the making of this book, including her husband, Ian Phillips, entrepreneurs-in-training/daughters Bella and Katie, the team at Elite Digital Group, especially Kelly LeMay, Danielle Passaro, Shamatee Mitchell, Mary Yeaple, Megan Phillips, Amber Ritter, literary agent Jeff Herman, and her main squeeze editor, Demi Stevens, for her brilliance.

SHAUN BUCK has been a serial entrepreneur for the past 14 years, owning a variety of businesses ranging from multiple hot dog stands to a publishing company. Shaun currently owns and operates The Newsletter Pro, based out of Boise, Idaho. Although The Newsletter Pro has only been operating for four years, Shaun and his 34-plus-member team have grown the company into the nation’s largest custom print newsletter company—printing and mailing millions of newsletters annually for diverse industries spread across four countries. In addition to running The Newsletter Pro, Shaun is a loving husband and father of five boys. He had his first son at just 16 years of age, and unlike other teenage dads, it was Shaun who raised his son, a choice that both inspired and motivated him to become the successful man he is today. To connect with Shaun, visit http://www.thenewsletterpro.com.

ARI GALPER is the author of the bestseller Unlock The Game. He has been interviewed on major news networks such as CNN/Money and SkyNews and is a sought-after international speaker and business mentor. For free access to Ari’s breakthrough audio seminar, “Sales Secrets Even the Sales Gurus Don’t Know,” visit www.unlockthegame.com/NoBSGuruSecrets.

KELLY LEMAY serves as Elite Digital Group’s Chief Operating Officer (next step, world domination). She has a passion for boundless creativity, impressive ROI, fresh design, iced coffee, and ChapStick. When you boil it down, Kelly’s job is to make sure things are happening when they are supposed to happen. Outside of the Elite Digital Group world, you can find Kelly spending time with her husband and cheering on her two kids in whatever new thing they are accomplishing.

GRAIG PRESTI is founder and CEO of Local Search for Dentists and CEO of FindMyCompany.com. Both of his companies have made the coveted Inc. 500/5000 Fastest Growing Companies in the country, a rare and unprecedented two years in a row. Graig has been recognized as one of the world’s top industry leaders in the marketing world and has led the marketing and PR campaigns that have driven his clients’ businesses to record years. Graig has been seen in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Inc. magazine, Inc. 500, as well as in CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, and CBS in major markets across the nation. To connect with Graig, visit http://graigpresti.com.

PARTHIV SHAH is the president of Elaunchers.com, a locally grown and internationally known marketing automation company serving small and midsized businesses, professional services practices (dentists, orthodontists, CPAs, attorneys, etc.), and elite information marketers. Parthiv has been an implementation craftsman and data scientist practicing big data.