Second Corinthians is the hidden gem of Paul’s writings. Regularly overshadowed by its sister letter, 1 Corinthians, it deals with some of the same themes and same problems as that letter but offers a deeper and more personal account of what it means to do genuine Christian ministry.
The Historical Origins of 2 Corinthians
Because the Corinthians are once again questioning the value of Paul’s ministry—in comparison with other, more impressive preachers—Paul argues that the mark of a true apostle and servant of Christ is sharing in the sufferings of Christ. The cross of Christ turns worldly values upside down, so that outward impressiveness is the wrong standard by which to value the ambassadors of Christ.
The Four Letters to Corinth
While the message of Christ is a treasure that brings reconciliation to God, those messengers who carry it are but fragile jars of clay. Indeed, because this message involves the humility and self-sacrifice of Christ, it is fitting that those who carry the message should match it. The humility, sufferings, and afflictions that Paul endures in order to make Christ known are the true commendations of his ministry. If the Corinthians cannot see that, they have not really understood the message of the cross.
Exploration—Reading 2 Corinthians
Comfort in Afflictions
After a brief greeting from Paul and his cosignatory, Timothy (1:1–2), the letter moves immediately into a doxology that praises God as the God of all comfort (1:3). God’s comfort in the face of affliction enables Paul and his coworkers to comfort others facing affliction (1:4). Paul’s afflictions come to him because he shares in the sufferings of Christ, which is his way of talking about the suffering that his ministry in Christ’s name brings to him (1:5). But this means that Paul’s afflictions are for the Corinthians, since he suffers in ministry for their sake (and for the other churches he planted). But likewise, any comfort he receives from God leads to their comfort (1:6a). And the Corinthians need to be comforted because they share in the same sufferings that Paul suffers (1:6b). As they share in suffering, they will share in comfort (1:7).
The Structure of 2 Corinthians
Paul then recounts a particular affliction in Asia (perhaps in Ephesus?) that nearly led to death, but he and his companions put their trust in God who raises the dead, and who delivered them from death this time (1:8–10a). As they continue to put their trust in God, Paul asks the Corinthians for their prayers (1:10b–11).
A Complicated Relationship
Paul reflects on his sincere interactions with the Corinthians, and he hopes that his writing now will help them to understand him better (1:12–14). Apparently there has been some confusion in Corinth regarding Paul’s travel plans. Paul had planned to visit them on the way to Macedonia and again on the way back from Macedonia to Judea (1:15–16). The problem is, Paul did not stick to this plan. But he defends himself on this point, saying that he was not of two minds when the original plans were made. Rather, his “yes” means “yes” and his “no” means “no” (1:17–18), just as God’s promises are “yes” in Jesus Christ (1:19–20).
The change of plans was to spare the Corinthians another “painful visit” (1:23–2:3). In a previous letter (now lost), Paul wrote to the Corinthians out of an anguished heart to make known his love for them (2:4). By the same token, the Corinthians ought to reaffirm their love for any person among them who has caused them pain. After discipline, the group should forgive and comfort such a person (2:5–8). In such a way, the Corinthians will demonstrate good character and obedience to Paul, following his example (2:9). Whomever the Corinthians forgive, Paul will likewise forgive (2:10–11).
The Nature of Ministry
The difficulties of ministry are in view in this section as Paul reveals his frustrated desire to find Titus (2:12–13), and the humbling nature of his ministry. As part of Christ’s triumphal procession, Paul views himself as Christ’s captive (2:14), as though conquered by his army and paraded through the streets, as the Romans would do to their conquered foes. Christ uses Paul to spread his “aroma” in every place. The message that Paul preaches will be received either as “the fragrance of Christ” or “an aroma of death.” Those who receive it as a fragrance will receive life, while those who receive it as a death stench will be led to death (2:15–16). This is the nature of Paul’s ministry; it is not self-serving but leads to good things and bad (2:17).
Roman Triumphal Processions
Paul’s ministry cannot be commended by normal human recommendation. Instead, the Corinthians are Paul’s commendation, for they testify to the work of Christ by the Spirit that has come through Paul’s ministry among them (3:1–3). It is not that Paul and his coworkers are so competent; rather, God has equipped them to be ministers of a new covenant (3:4–6).
New-Covenant Ministry
Having raised the topic of the new covenant in the previous section, Paul now reflects on the key differences between old and new covenants. The old covenant, with its Ten Commandments chiseled on stone, was glorious but brought death and condemnation because the law of Moses condemns sin. The ministry of the Spirit, however, is even more glorious and brings righteousness instead of condemnation (3:7–11).
Figure 14.1. Depiction of a Roman triumphal procession from Basil Kennett, Romae Antiquae Notitia; or, The Antiquities of Rome (London, 1699) [Reproduction of the original in the British Library.]
The following, somewhat confusing section compares not only the old and new covenants but also the people under the old and under the new. Moses’s ministry differs from Paul’s, and believers differ under each ministry. The old covenant and ministry hide something under a veil, but the new covenant and ministry reveal what was hidden. This refers to the glory of God in Christ, which is fully revealed under the new.
Figure 14.2. Moses by Michelangelo Buonarroti, ca. 1513–15 [Jörg Bittner Unna, CC BY 3.0 / Wikimedia Commons]
Unlike Moses, who had to veil his face to hide the glory of the old covenant from the Israelites, Paul acts with boldness (3:12–13). Paul says that whenever the old covenant is read, a metaphorical veil remains over it. This “veil” is removed only in Christ. In other words, the truth about the fulfillment of the old covenant in Christ is hidden until he reveals it (3:14). In the same way, a veil hangs over the hearts of those under the old covenant until the Lord removes it so that they can see clearly (3:15–16). The Spirit, whom Paul calls the Lord, unveils our faces so that we may look directly at the glory of the Lord and are transformed into that same glory (3:17–18).
Moses’s Veiled Face
Treasures in Jars of Clay
Continuing the theme of his new-covenant ministry, Paul reflects on some principles that shape it. He does not give up; he does not use shameful practices or distort the truth; he acts in a way that everyone can approve (4:1–2). But those who reject the gospel have been blinded from seeing the light of the glory of Christ, which has illuminated Paul’s heart (4:3–6).
The knowledge of God’s glory in Christ is powered by God himself, not by Paul. That treasure is “stored” in the “clay jar” of his human body, which is afflicted and persecuted but not destroyed (4:7–9). Paul says that he carries the death of Jesus in his body, so that Jesus’s life may be displayed. This means that those who preach the gospel continually face death because of the dangers of preaching it, but their mortal danger serves to make Jesus known, so that the life found in Christ is made known through their dying (4:10–12). In any case, the God who raised Jesus from the dead will raise those in Christ, and in the meantime the Corinthians benefit from Paul’s ministry (4:13–15).
Figure 14.3. Clay jars [Shutterstock / Muemoon]
Knowing these truths means that Paul does not give up. Though the outer “shell” of the body is deteriorating day by day, the inner, spiritual person is continually renewed (4:16). Whatever troubles he encounters in this life, they produce in him “an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory” (4:17). This life, with its temporary troubles, is passing away. But the glory that is to come is eternal and far outweighs current light afflictions (4:18).
The Eternal Dwelling
Speaking of what is eternal, Paul turns here to reflect on differences between life here and now and the life to come. He describes our current body as an “earthly tent,” which will be destroyed and replaced with a heavenly “eternal dwelling” (5:1). This heavenly eternal dwelling corresponds to the “spiritual” resurrection body that Paul discusses in 1 Corinthians 15:44–49. Paul longs for this better heavenly body so that “mortality may be swallowed up by life”—a future expectation that has been guaranteed by the down payment of the Spirit (5:2–5). As a result, this current period, before receiving the resurrection body, is lived by faith not sight, seeking to please Christ, since all will appear before his judgment seat to be repaid for deeds done in this life’s body (5:6–10).
The Nature of Ministry
Because of these things, Paul conducts his ministry accordingly. He aims to persuade people, compelled by the love of Christ. After all, Christ’s death for all means that believers no longer live for themselves but rather for him (5:11–15). Paul does not view people from a worldly perspective, since anyone in Christ has become a new creation (5:16–17). And because God reconciles us to himself through Christ, Paul’s ministry is one of reconciliation, he and his coworkers working as God’s ambassadors (5:18–20). At the heart of that reconciliation is the message that Christ took the place of sinners so that sinners could become righteous in God’s sight (5:21). Believers should therefore receive the grace of God, for now is the time for salvation (6:1–2).
Christ Became Sin?
The Day of Salvation
Genuine Repentance
Believers are to be cleansed from all kinds of impurity (7:1), which will include inappropriate partnerships with those who do not believe (6:14–18). This does not mean that believers need to avoid unbelievers altogether, but that they need to be careful to not be influenced too much and end up going in the wrong direction. After all, the thrust of this section is that believers will be cleansed from impurity.
Dwelling with God
Paul and his team have done no wrong to the Corinthians, who they hope will make room for them in their hearts (7:2–4). Although he had upset them by one of the four letters he sent the Corinthians, they responded appropriately in genuine repentance about the things Paul had rebuked them about (7:5–12). The Corinthians also showed hospitality to Titus, Paul’s beloved coworker, giving Paul further reason to rejoice about how the Corinthians are acting in love (7:13–16).
The Collection
Paul changes topic now and tells the Corinthians about the believers in Macedonia, who, despite trials and poverty, gave generously in support of other believers in need (8:1–6). As a test of their love, Paul asks the Corinthians also to join in the practice of giving (8:7–8). Though he does not command them to do this, he reminds them that Christ, who was rich, became poor so that they could become rich (8:9). In other words, Paul helps the Corinthians to see how the gospel can be interpreted economically. Jesus laid his life down for the sake of others, and so believers ought to express the same love and commitment with their resources.
But in the matter of giving, what’s important is that their heart and attitude are right, not how much they can give (8:10–12). But if they have more than they need, it is good to meet others’ needs, who will do the same if the tables are turned in the future (8:13–15). In all of this, Paul and his colleagues have been careful to do the right thing in handling this large collection, and they have been careful to be seen to do the right thing too (8:16–24).
After reminding the Corinthians of the commitment to give that they had already made (9:1–5), Paul encourages them to give according to their heart. They should not give reluctantly, because God loves a cheerful giver (9:6–7). And God will bless them in their giving, so that they have all they need and will be spiritually enriched (9:8–12). Indeed, the Corinthians’ generosity will result in others glorifying God as they pray for the Corinthians with deep affection (9:13–15).
Ministry of the Knowledge of God
Having dealt with the issue of generosity and giving, Paul turns to another extended discussion of the nature of his ministry (chaps. 10–12). The first section (10:1–11) addresses meekness and strength. Paul appeals to the Corinthians by the meekness of Christ so that he would not need to be too strong in person when rebuking certain people. Those people think that Paul and his coworkers behave “according to the flesh”—that is, their ministry tactics resemble the tactics of this world (10:1–2). But Paul assures them that, though living in the flesh, they do not conduct their ministry by it. Their agenda is to demolish arguments that are set against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive for Christ (10:3–6).
Paul reminds the Corinthians that they all belong to Christ, who gave Paul authority to build up believers rather than to tear them down. His letters are not intended to terrify them—they are meant to strengthen—but if he needs to be equally strong in person, he will be (10:7–11). Paul’s ministry cannot be measured against normal standards but only according to the parameters set by God (10:12–13). Self-commendation means nothing; only the commendation of the Lord means anything (10:14–17).
Paul vs. the Super-Apostles
Continuing the theme of his ministry, Paul likens himself to a best man who has arranged a marriage for his best friend (Christ) and a pure virgin (the Corinthians). He is jealous for them in a godly way, wanting them to remain pure for the groom (11:1–2). He is worried that, like the very first wife, Eve, the Corinthians will be deceived by Satan and led away from devotion to Christ (11:3). Specifically, Paul is worried that the Corinthians accept all too easily “another Jesus,” preached by someone else. In fact, such preachers preach a different Jesus and a different gospel, by the power of a different spirit. In other words, they are false teachers (11:4).
Paul calls these false teachers “super-apostles,” apparently because they are outwardly impressive, especially in their rhetorical skills. Though Paul is not a trained speaker, he is knowledgeable and has taught the Corinthians everything they need to know (11:5–6).
Who Were the “Super-Apostles”?
Given the Corinthians’ fondness of worldly impressiveness, Paul wonders out loud whether he did the wrong thing by humbling himself before them. Unlike trained speakers, Paul did not charge money for speaking to them and in fact relied on support from other churches so as to not be a burden to the Corinthians (11:7–11).
Whatever the Corinthians think, Paul will continue the way he has because he does not want the super-apostles to have any opportunity to regard themselves on the same playing field as Paul (11:12). Then he comes straight out and says it: they are false apostles, deceitful workers, and only in disguise as sent by Christ, just like Satan, who masquerades as an angel from God (11:13–15).
Figure 14.4. Lunette fresco of the apostle Paul’s shipwreck in the Church of St. Paul’s Shipwreck, Valletta, Malta [Shutterstock / Steve Estvanik]
Paul then begins an extraordinary section in which he “boasts” about his credentials as an apostle. But while the super-apostles boast “according to the flesh,” Paul’s boasting is upside down: he boasts about his weaknesses and his sufferings. He and the super-apostles share Jewish heritage (11:22), but Paul, a genuine servant of Christ, outdoes them in his sufferings (11:23–33). The reason that Paul’s sufferings enable him to boast is that his message is a message of the cross (1 Cor. 1:18), which is foolish and weak from a worldly perspective. Paul’s sufferings are consistent with such a message.
Paul’s boasting continues, but now he turns to visions and revelations. This is a sort of half boast, where he talks about “a man in Christ” who was somehow “caught up to the third heaven” (12:1–5). Most likely he is talking about himself, but he speaks in the third person because he doesn’t want to boast about something that the Corinthians can’t assess for themselves (12:6–7a).
What Is the Third Heaven?
Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh
Getting Ready for His Third Visit to Corinth
READ 2 CORINTHIANS 12:14–13:13
Paul indicates his plans to visit Corinth again, but he will not burden the Corinthians when he comes—after all, he does not want what they have; he wants them (12:14–18)! All he has said in this letter is for the purpose of building up the Corinthians, but he anticipates that when he comes, there may be some conflict (12:19–21). Indeed, Paul will come in the power of Christ in order to deal with them (13:1–4). The Corinthians should check themselves to make sure they really are following Christ, and they should also check Paul and his crew (13:5–8). But above all, Paul is writing for the Corinthians’ growth and maturity as believers (13:9–13).
Paul’s Three Visits to Corinth
Implementation—Reading 2 Corinthians as Christian Scripture Today
If the Pastoral Letters (1–2 Timothy, Titus) reveal Paul’s expectations of church leaders, and 1 Thessalonians demonstrates his pastoral love, 2 Corinthians offers Paul’s most profound theological reflections on the nature of his ministry. The authenticity of his ministry is evident by his suffering and afflictions because he shares the sufferings of Christ and is afflicted as Christ’s captive. The treasure of the knowledge of God in Christ is carried in the frail clay jar of his earthly body, indicating that outward appearance is of little importance, but what is inside is everything. The Corinthians are wrong to prize the impressive super-apostles over the humble and afflicted Paul because it shows that they do not yet understand the implications of the cross for Christian ministry.
The tone and the heart of this letter have much to say to today’s church at large, but especially to those who engage in pastoral ministry. It corrects worldly views about success, power, and popularity in ministry. It reminds us that genuine Christian ministry is a ministry of the cross that shares in the sufferings of Christ as gospel treasure is conveyed through frail and broken vessels.
While modern-day “super-apostles” abound, being outwardly impressive in various ways, 2 Corinthians reminds us not to value the quality and integrity of ministry according to worldly standards. Perseverance in affliction and humility in suffering are the marks of ministry shaped by the message of reconciliation to God. Rather than being ashamed of his weaknesses, Paul glories in the fact that they amplify the power of Christ. May the same be true of the ambassadors of Christ today.