We all basically want the same things: to feel happy, loved and successful. Not necessarily ‘successful’ in terms of power, money and fame, but more the feeling of having made something of your life. Unconditional love and universal love are not easy and they give us the wonderful opportunity to deep emotional healing and find the path to inner peace. Here are some ideas to help you achieve this path to inner peace.


  1. Start with the people in your life with whom you have an intimate relationship. These may be parents, spouses, children and close family such as brothers and sisters and dear friends. This is your inner circle.
  2. Follow with the next circle around your inner circle – people you have frequent or regular contact with such as neighbours, colleagues or members of a club. This is your social circle.
  3. Follow with people who come in and out of your life and are either acquaintances or relative strangers. This is your outer circle.
  4. Finally, people who have caused you harm or pain. This may include people who are in the first three circles. This is your karmic healing circle.

Let’s look now at unconditional and universal love, then go back to these four circles of healing.

Unconditional Love

This means loving another person regardless of his or her personality, action, beliefs or behaviour. This love exists no matter what the other person does; it may be a one-way street where we let our feelings, emotions and actions flow out toward the person, without any expectations. Even when they disagree with us, abuse us, take advantage of us or never show gratitude or remorse, or even when they resent us or ridicule us – that’s real unconditional love. It does not depend on any return of affection or appreciation for what we do or give.

Universal Love

Universal love means loving everyone regardless of whether we have a close relationship with them or not. They might be total strangers we know nothing of. They can differ in race, colour, socially, academically, politically and so on. That is a very high goal to achieve, and for most of us almost impossible, but certainly worth a try.

Our Karmic Healing Circle

This is the most difficult one: loving another person who has hurt us or our loved ones. It is even worse when they show no remorse or intention to change. The most intense situations are when loved ones have died and the person responsible has not received what we’d consider appropriate punishment by the authorities. That causes us to experience anger, frustration and bitterness. These very situations, however, offer the opportunity for deep healing and to discover much about ourselves. It is to be expected that confronting situations like this will cause us great discomfort. With emotional balance we can find the path to inner peace. It is always worthwhile.

The four circles of influence increase in difficulty to help us to develop unconditional and universal love. Remember: the path to inner peace starts with forgiveness and letting go of the past.

Starting with your inner circle, make a list of all the people in this circle and check which ones stress you the most. Also check to see if you can recognize any typical patterns (chains of typical reactions). Enact your healing sessions on these people, until you feel totally loving toward them. Take as much time as you need – also read further in this chapter on specific emotions and how to treat them.

When you feel completely at ease and loving with the people in your inner circle, you can move on to the people in your social circle. Here you do the same as for your inner circle, taking as much time as you need. Then work on all the people in your outer circle until you feel completely at ease and loving toward any new person you meet. Take as much time as you need.

Last but not least, go to your karmic healing circle. Read Chapter 10 on forgiveness again, then forgive each and every person in this circle, using the forgiveness and anger acupoints. Then use the Emotional Healing Formula for each person. Keep doing this until you feel completely at ease and loving when you think of them. This may take a while, but I am sure it will have a tremendous positive impact on your life. Only then can you have unconditional love for others, regardless of any pain or harm they may have caused you or your relatives. It is the easiest path to inner peace and harmony. Any time anyone causes you stress or discomfort, you will have an opportunity to heal another part of yourself. Be happy with these opportunities. In Chinese, the words for ‘crisis’ and ‘opportunity’ are the same; now you understand why: in every crisis there is great opportunity to grow and heal – welcome the crisis as the great opportunity it really is.


Next on the path to inner peace is working on the specific emotions and using the 14 gateways to emotional balance.

In order to heal completely, the Chi has to flow through all 14 meridians freely, so the whole body is regenerated. Wherever there is a limitation, discomfort or disease in our body, we should use a combination of the Emotional Healing Formula and balancing all 14 gateways while focusing on the part or organ that needs support.

The Seven Primary Emotions

The path to inner peace is achieved by integrating the seven primary emotions: Fear – Anger – Hurt – Worry – Grief – Stress – Overexcitement. There are two ways to do this: whenever we feel any of these specific emotions or related ones, we use an ‘Intensity Index’ to grade it from 0 to 10. Then we do the emotional reversal procedure (see Chapter 9).

After this, we need to treat all 14 gateways with the appropriate affirmations, and then undertake the Emotional Healing Formula. If your ‘Intensity Index’ is not yet at 0, treat the 14 gateways (acupoints) again. Treat all 14 acupoints at least once a day, and preferably twice: mornings and evenings. This will help the Chi circulate through the body and increase vitality.

Physical Problems

When someone has physical complaints, the healing can be accelerated tremendously by using a combination of the Emotional Healing Formula and the 14 gateways to emotional balance. While doing the Emotional Healing Formula, focus on the physical complaint. Immediately follow with the 14 gateways and their specific affirmations, linking them to the complaint. For example: ‘I deeply love and accept myself with my fear and insecurity related to this physical condition.’ This balancing is geared toward healing the past and all related incidents and conditions. So don’t worry, nothing can go wrong, you cannot create a physical problem that you don’t already have; you can only heal what you have.

Please refer back to pages 147–61 for our discussion about emotions and their associated images and affirmations.


We are responsible for creating our own inner peace. There is no one who can do that for us. Creating discipline in your life is the only way to do this. It is a spiritual discipline because it will bring you closer to your spirit. It is an investment in time and effort, and for a lot of people this is a big turn-off. We are conditioned to believe that there are instant answers to all our problems. Watch TV and see how many illusions the smart corporations create in their attempts to get us to buy their products and services. Millions are paid to sportspeople and film stars to be associated with a product. Most of these celebrities do not care about the product or you. They are paid good money to endorse a product. It is time to wake up. There is only one way to achieve inner peace, and that’s through working harder and smarter. The more you invest in yourself, the higher the return. Over time your life will become smoother and easier. You will start attracting different types of people and situations in your life. What is it worth to you, to get more out of your life? More joy, more happiness, more pleasure, more years, more quality, more life itself? What if all you have to do is spend a little bit more time on yourself? What if this investment is so cheap and yet so effective that it adds many more vital years to your life, would you do it? Of course you would. So start now; start with 15–20 minutes a day and, as you feel better and need less sleep, increase to 30 minutes each day investing in the development of spiritual intelligence and emotional balance.

What to Work On

Long-term: your circles of influence. Starting with your inner circle going to the fourth karmic circle, creating unconditional and universal love in your life.

For acute stress: respond daily to any stress from any of these circles by balancing the stress out.

Daily balancing: the seven primary emotions – balance the 14 gateways daily for optimal results.

Any physical problems, disease or discomfort: even stiffness in the muscles, menstrual cramps, problems sleeping and nightmares fall into this category. Also, post-operative complaints are important to look into.

Life issues – becoming responsible:

Taking full responsibility for our actions, words, thoughts, beliefs and feelings means we are truly embarking on the path to inner peace. Now you have the tools, the rest is up to you. You can begin, knowing always that you cannot go wrong. These methods have been tested and perfected by more than 20,000 people, resulting in as many success stories. Yours is next. Freedom is waiting for you and inner peace is all yours.