Fig. 3.25. Seal of William de Serans (AD Manche, destroyed in 1944); a) photograph (AD Calvados, F 5690, fol. 128v); b) moulage (Archives Nationales)
The images used here are published with the permission of the Archives de la Seine-Maritime (Fig. 3.11), the Archives du Calvados (Fig. 3.25), and the Archives Nationales de France (all other figures).
Paris, Archives Nationales, J 210, no. 2, edited in Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet (5 vols, Paris, 1863–1909), i, no. 785.
The numbers in bold after the names indicate the order in which the names appear in the text.
d: down | ADC: Archives départementales du Calvados (Caen) |
a: across | ADSM: Archives départementales de la Seine-Maritime (Rouen) |
t: thick (excluding moulded figures) | AN: Archives Nationales (Paris) |
underlined: letters reversed on inscription | TNA: The National Archives (Kew) |
Douët d’Arcq: Archives de l’Empire. Collection de Sceaux, ed. L. Douët d’Arcq (3 vols, Paris, 1863–8)
Table 3.1: inventory of seals (extant and lost)
Table 3.2: Survival of the seals