The DVD skips

Polish out any scratches

When your viewing is interrupted by a skipping DVD, first try cleaning the disk (see above). If this doesn’t do the trick, check for scratches. Hold the disk up to a bright light—if the light passes through the scratch, it’s probably too deep to fix, and if the scratch runs around the circumference of the disk you may be out of luck, too. However, if the scratch is radial, try the following fix.


My home theater system has no picture

Change the way you start up your equipment

Home theater systems integrate a high-definition TV, DVD or Blu-ray player, a satellite box, and a surround-sound system. If you have set up your system and used HDMI cables to connect between the components, it should work perfectly—but sometimes it just doesn’t. That’s because each component must recognize all the others before it makes a connection in a process called the “HDMI handshake.” If the handshake fails for any reason, the components won’t talk to one another and you’ll have no picture or sound.


As with all complex digital devices, serious faults in games consoles will require professional repair, but there’s much you can do at home to address some basic problems.

The console keeps freezing

Check the disk and controllers, and keep it cool

A common cause of freezing during game play is a dirty or scratched disk. Try cleaning the disk and examine it under indirect light for scratches; shallow scratches can sometimes be filled with furniture polish (see here).


Try changing the batteries in an unresponsive wireless controller; clean the recessed battery contacts using the eraser on the end of a pencil.

My console won’t read a disk

Check the controllers and keep it cool

Make sure the disk is clean and scratch-free. If this doesn’t help, you need to check the console.

My game console is running slow

Clear the system cache

If your games load or run slowly, try clearing the system cache—this is the console’s store of data, such as game updates and pictures of your friends’ game avatars. Select the “Memory” option from the console’s “System Settings” menu, and press the “Y” button on your controller, then choose “Clear System Cache.”

The disk won’t eject

Use the manual override

If pressing the eject button on the console does nothing, it’s still possible to remove a disk. There’s no universal fix for this common problem—much depends on which model of disk reader your machine came with. You’ll need to search the Internet for the solution that applies to your model number.


Press repeatedly on the PS3’s eject button after restarting to free a stuck game disk.


To eject a disk stuck in your Xbox, remove the console faceplate, then use a straightened paper clip to release the tray.

I can’t get any video from my PS3

Change the settings

If you move your PS3 from one TV to another, you may find the screen is blank or displays a “No signal” message when you switch it on. The solution is simple: shut down the console, and then restart by holding down the power button until you hear two beeps. You can then select the correct display mode for the TV you’re using.

My PS3 can’t detect its wireless controllers

Synchronize your hardware

Blinking lights on a controller mean that it’s not linking with the console. Try joining it to the controller via a USB cable; allow it to connect and then unplug the cable. It should remain connected wirelessly.

My Wii seems to lag behind my movements

Set your TV to “Gaming” mode

If the on-screen action lags behind your movements with the controller or if the picture on your screen is blurry when you connect it to your Wii, try the following fixes: