Leil Lowndes is an internationally recognized communications expert who specializes in the subconscious interactions and subliminal approaches that unknowingly take place in all interpersonal communications. She conducts seminars for major corporations, associations, universities, and the public.
She is the author of ten books, including the top-selling How to Talk to Anyone, How to Instantly Connect with Anyone, How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You, Undercover Sex Signals, How to be a People Magnet, and Good-bye to Shy.
Prior to her work in communications, Ms. Lowndes was founder and director of The Project, a New York City–based not-for-profit organization, which conducted personal relationship research and counseling. She is a member of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.
Based in New York City, Ms. Lowndes has been the guest communications expert on hundreds of television and radio programs.