I look inside my sacred self, my core soul
essence, to discover the purpose given upon
my soul’s creation. I will live my life to realize
my purpose which brings me joy and fulfillment.
The Law of Purpose states that everything in existence was created with a purpose and has the ability to fulfill that purpose. This law is also known as the Law of Dharma that originated in Vedic Hinduism mythology. The purpose was ingrained within the core energy contained within everything and everyone during creation. For us, this means that when our spiritual being was created from Divine universal energy, our purpose was programmed into that energy. This happened long before your spiritual being ever considered physical incarnations so it is part of your core spiritual essence.
I believe the Law of Purpose is multi-layered and that you can have both a primary purpose and many secondary purposes. In life, you wear many different hats and have many different passions which all contribute to your overall individuality. These are your secondary purposes that help you connect to your primary purpose, which is being true to who you are at a soul level.
It’s a common belief that what you do in life is your purpose. The way you’re perceived by others, the toys you’re able to gather, and the success you achieve in your job. While all of these are results achieved by fulfilling secondary purposes, they’re not what ultimately defines your principal purpose. Each of us has distinctive qualities, gifts, and aptitudes that helps us express our soul purpose in unique and creative ways. In expressing our purpose and living our lives with purpose, we draw the things we desire in life to us.
Living with Purpose or Spiritual Purpose?
Is living life with purpose equivalent to our spiritual purpose? They are different because one is external and the other internal. When you live your life with purpose you are confident that the things you want in life will become yours. This confidence, along with your aspiration to reach goals, is what will propel you to achieve what you want. It is your inner drive and desire. Your spiritual purpose is the reason for your existence. What is the most basic, primary purpose for your existence on the physical plane? It is to reconnect with and awaken to the genuineness of your spiritual being, listen to the guidance that comes from your core energy within, and to realize you are a Divine being while experiencing life in a physical form in a physical world.
Being focused on external things like making money, garnering attention for yourself, or the things you accumulate in your life can keep you from recognizing your true purpose, which is internal. Look past the external to see into your soul. Be courageous and confident as you pursue your spiritual purpose because sometimes your purpose may not be something that is globally accepted. Part of my spiritual purpose is to teach others about their psychic abilities, the paranormal, and spirituality. These themes are not globally accepted as scientific fact even though they exist. My path hasn’t been easy, but it has always been fulfilling to know that I’ve helped someone in some small way by shedding light on experiences they’ve had but didn’t know how to define.
How Others Help Your Purpose
You’ll encounter many people in life who will either knowingly or unknowingly help you fulfill your primary purpose. These people may be teachers, employers, friends, neighbors, even strangers you encounter in your daily activities. You may not even realize it but you may also be helping them fulfill their purpose while they’re helping you to fulfill yours. This also goes back to the Law of Divine Oneness in that we’re all part of the whole and the whole works together. It’s important to live in the moment of each day so that when these helpers, teachers, and guides appear, you recognize them for who and what they are.
When you give up your happiness in order to do what someone expects of you, then you are no longer fulfilling your soul’s purpose. When this happens you may feel unfulfilled, like something is missing inside. Day after day you go through the motions; you may feel overwhelmed, easily frustrated, and anxious. By reconnecting with your soul essence and primary purpose, your happiness will return. You’ll wake up each day excited about the strides you’ll make and the delight you’ll feel in what you’re doing. There is a sense of satisfaction associated with following your spiritual purpose.
I’ll use myself as an example to illustrate. My soul purpose is to teach. I feel fulfilled when I’m helping others by teaching them something they didn’t know or clarifying something they didn’t understand. This is especially true in regard to metaphysical topics because I didn’t have anyone to guide me as I struggled to learn about and understand my own abilities. I teach others about spirituality and how to understand their intuition through my books. When I’m able to assist others on their own unique paths, then I am achieving accomplishments related to my sub-purposes which bring me happiness and fulfillment. This is in line with my soul purpose of awakening to the truth of my inner spiritual being.
Discovering Your Purpose
If you’re not sure of your purpose, how can you discover what it is? Think about who you are and what you do. What word defines who you are at a soul level? Once you choose this word, then everything else is what you do in life. If you’re not sure, you can begin by making a list of the things in your life that make you happy or that you’re passionate about. You will see a theme emerge within the entries. Also make a list of the rules you set for yourself. Make two headers, one for things you always do and one for things you’d never do. As you compare these lists what theme do you see? Take your time and your purpose will become apparent. You’ll probably realize that you’ve known what it is all along.
Sometimes you might get stuck when trying to figure out what you’re supposed to do in this lifetime so here’s a list of some of the most common themes relating to finding your purpose to help guide you: artist, athlete, caregiver, creator, horticulturist, humanitarian, intellectual, leader, musician, scientist, teacher, warrior, working with animals.
When you are living your purpose you’ll feel as if you’re helping the world and humanity in some way, you’ll feel like you’re making a difference in the lives of others and in your own life. Compassion, paying attention to how you interact with others, and living at a high vibration will ensure you’re living your purpose. Sometimes you may feel that you’re making great strides and other times you’ll feel as if you’re taking small steps. As long as you’re always moving forward, you’re on the right path.
You might realize your purpose when you’re feeling conflicted emotions or are involved in negative circumstances. When you feel torn or see the meaningless in negativity it can elevate you to a higher frequency where you’re able to see past these things to the core of your being and the real reason you exist. That is when you can take action to make changes that will further enable you to realize your soul purpose. It’s easy to lose the connection to your spiritual self while on the earthly plane, especially if you are caught up in negativity and are out of balance. Living your purpose feels like you’re completely in harmony with yourself, the world around you, other people, and the universe as a whole. Living your purpose with passion opens the door to endless possibilities. You can achieve all your desires when you’re living your purpose and living your life with purpose.
Try It Now
Find a place where you can sit uninterrupted when no one else is around. Think about your life. Go back to a time when you felt you were on the right path, when you were filled with your own inner power and you were making a difference either in your own life or the lives of others. It is a time when you felt a calm peace within yourself. You were happy and fulfilled. When you think of this time, think about what you were doing that made you feel these things. If there were other people around you, what were they doing? Were their actions helping you to fulfill your purpose or were you acting on your own and helping them? When you examine a time in your past where you were happy and fulfilled, you’ll find keys to unlocking your life purpose.
Practical Application Tips
See Also Chapter 27: The Law of Faith