Today I have faith that my world is as it should be,
I will overcome any obstacles that I encounter
as I work toward achieving my goals.
The Law of Faith states that if you believe in something with strong conviction and trust that what you believe in will happen, then it will and the impossible will become reality. The Law of Faith is our direct connection to universal wisdom. With faith, there is no room for doubt. Be committed to your belief and trust in the Divine to bring about what you believe in. When you have faith, you lack fear. This is because you’re listening to your inner guidance and know without a doubt you will receive the outcome you desire because you have faith in it. The Law of Faith is mentioned in the King James version of the Bible, in Romans 3:27: “Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.”
The Law of Faith is not connected to any religion; anyone can be filled with faith. The Law of Faith means believing when there is no proof that what you believe in will come about. It requires complete confidence, trust, and an unwavering belief. It means blocking out naysayers who will try to put doubt in your mind. Instead, listen to your intuitive inner self for guidance and to strengthen your faith. The power of faith is one of the strongest emotions. Faith is unwavering, committed, and fearless.
Faith is the belief in the Divine, of universal abundance, and in God, the Creator, the Source. Faith means knowing everything will work out as Divinely planned if it is for the greater good of all. Faith goes beyond the things you have learned about spirituality. It is an emotion of the highest frequency possible. There will be times when things you want don’t manifest when you want them, but if you hold onto your faith, you will receive what you desire when the time is right. Other times, things may not happen at all because they’re not for the greater good of all. For example, say you have faith that something you want will happen, but that something could emotionally hurt the person you’re in a relationship with. Then the thing you believe will happen may not happen because it’s not for the greater good of all involved. Fast-forward a few years: you’re no longer in the relationship but you still have faith that what you wanted in the past will happen. At this point in time it can happen because there’s no one who will be negatively affected by you receiving what you want. You never gave up faith, and though the time wasn’t right before, it is now. That’s why you can’t put time limits on what you want to achieve in life. Everything happens in its own time.
Don’t confuse the power of faith with what is called blind faith. If you have blind faith it means you’re simply hoping something will happen when you haven’t worked to achieve it or built the foundation on which it will grow. This often happens when you don’t see the oneness of the Divine but instead see what you want as separate from the universal whole. Faith can create miracles; blind faith can create problems. If you’re practicing blind faith, your odds of achieving what you want will not be as successful. It’s hit or miss. Sometimes things will happen as you want them to but more often they don’t because you don’t have the purity and power of real faith working for you.
Faith in Your Intuition
In today’s world, everyone wants proof of how things work. Sometimes you must have faith in what you cannot see and what cannot be proven. You will most certainly face some kinds of adversity because of your faith. It doesn’t matter what the belief, there are always people in the world who want to put your faith to the test because they can’t prove its existence. A perfect example of this is intuition. You can’t prove your hunches, impressions, or intuition. They just happen. A medium can’t prove that the Spirit they see or hear is there, all they can do is deliver the message and hope it strikes a chord in the person who receives it. When no one else sees what you see, then there is nothing left but belief and faith that the impression is correct and will be meaningful to the person who is receiving the message.
When it comes to intuition, the reason everyone wants proof is because no intuitive is 100 percent accurate. If they say they are, find another intuitive for your reading. We can’t be 100 percent accurate, because then there would be no reason to be on the earthly plane learning lessons. If you could see all, you would be God. There has to be room for error in order for the intuitive person to learn, which makes doubt in intuition easy for those who don’t believe in intuition or psychic abilities. Here’s an example. I’ve done intuitive readings for a very long time. It is an integral part of who I am. I have absolute faith that what I sense, what I see, is what the person needs to know at the time of the reading. It might not always make sense to them at that moment, but in the future it will. I remember once when I’d first started doing readings for the public online and I had a large influx of people wanting readings in a short span of time. I did the readings and people gave me feedback about my accuracy level. Their comments were stunning because I’d been unbelievably accurate in what I’d said to them. Ego got in the way, and I started thinking about how great I was for being so accurate all the time. And sure enough, the universe took my ego right back down to size—every reading I did for two weeks afterward was completely wrong until I realized that I’d gotten too big for my britches in my thinking. Once I learned my lesson and put ego aside, my readings were accurate again, and my belief and faith in myself and universal guidance was restored. Ego has a way of messing up the path you’re walking by making you believe too much in your greatness and having less faith in what the universe has in store for you.
Faith Leads to Enlightenment
The more faith you have the more enlightened you become. You’ll see things clearly as they are instead of through rose-tinted glasses. Faith doesn’t apply only to a specific religion. Many different religions, and those who don’t practice a specific religion, all believe in the power of faith because it is a universal law, an enormously high frequency, which is part of our connection to the oneness of the universe. It is part of us all and as such it is important that we have faith in our lives. When you have faith, anything and everything is achievable. Your success is limited only by the power of your faith in your success. As spiritual beings, faith is crucial to our existence. When you understand you’re connected to the oneness of the whole and have faith that what you’re trying to achieve will come to fruition, the universe delivers what your faith perceives.
Faith works: it heals and is a driving force within us. It doesn’t matter if what you desire is big or small, or if a situation or problem is simple or complex. All that matters is you have faith that you will receive a solution to the problem or obtain what you desire. Faith gives you a reason to keep going when you may want to give up. It can help you overcome temporary setbacks along your path.
Try It Now
How do you recognize faith? It is believing. It is a feeling deep within you that no one else experiences in the same way you do. To recognize what faith feels like to you, find a quiet place where you can retreat within to connect with your spiritual being. Ask your higher self to wrap your faith around you like a blanket. Visually imagine what it feels like. Is it soft, strong, filled with power? Does it vibrate in tune with your own vibration or is it a deep thumping sound. Let yourself visualize how your faith presents itself to your inner essence. Then whenever you feel your faith slipping as negativity tries to work its way inside you, pull out your blanket of faith and wrap it around you, letting it empower and strengthen your faith.
Practical Application Tips
See Also Chapter 11: The Law of Purpose