The Law of Clarity

chapter ornament

With focus and intention I can gain clarity in my life in order to achieve my goals with purpose and joy.

The Law of Clarity states that if you are clear about what you want to achieve in life, have clear intentions and clarity of purpose, you will attain your desires, but if you’re unclear and without direction or purpose, then it will be difficult to reach your goals. Many religions including Taoism and Buddhism teach the importance of clarity in their doctrines. Today, you’ll find businessmen, professionals, and everyday people who teach others how important it is to be clear in thought and purpose to attain your goals. Sometimes you may not know exactly how to define what you want but you know how you feel about something. In this case it’s important to have clarity of feeling. When you’re connecting with the Law of Clarity it’s important to speak out loud or write down what you’re trying to achieve or what you feel in a clear, concise manner. Put the thought, words, or feelings into the universe with clear intention. If you don’t know what you want and aren’t able to voice your intentions to attain it, it’s more difficult for it to come to you. The clearer you can be about what you truly want, the more successful you’ll be in reaching your goals.

One of my goals has always been to help others gain clarity in their life through intuitive readings or teaching them about metaphysical topics. I’ve even made the slogan on my website: Gain Clarity in Your Life. It’s always been important to me to know what I want to achieve and then take steps to attain it. Helping others gain clarity in their life is part of my soul purpose. When you’re able to follow the Law of Clarity you’ll often discover you’ll become more closely linked to your own soul purpose.

The Meaning of Clarity

What does it mean to gain clarity? It means you are focused and know exactly what you want, and it is reflected in your intentions, beliefs, and feelings. When you’re clear internally, it’s easier to be clear externally through your decisions, actions, and achievements. It means leaving behind confused thinking, uncertainty, or haphazard actions. You are being honest with yourself because you’ve connected with your soul essence and your inner purpose. Without a doubt you know who you are, where you’re going, and what you want to achieve in life. You’re pure in your intention, genuine in your action, and live life with a high level of integrity.

Once you’re living the Law of Clarity doors open to unexpected opportunities. You understand that if a door closes, a window will open to a new opportunity. You’re no longer stuck in unhealthy patterns that hold you back from reaching your fullest potential. You’ll also realize people are drawn to you and will tend to want to confide in you in the most unexpected places because you radiate a sense of trustworthiness. You may be waiting in line at the grocery store when a random person starts talking to you about something that is bothering them. When you’re clear within yourself, your intuition will guide you to give them the most helpful response at that moment in time.

When you lack clarity, making decisions can be difficult and you might feel as if your forward motion is blocked. Little things can seem like big problems, you may be forgetful, frustrated, aggravated, easily agitated, overly emotional, or feel as if everything you try to do goes wrong. Lethargy, procrastination, and feelings of being overwhelmed become the norm. If you’re feeling like this, now is the time to seek clarity in your life. It will get you back on track, energize you, and enable you to attain your desires.

Steps to Clarity

But how do you gain clarity when it’s lacking? Just sitting around waiting for something positive to happen doesn’t work. Instead, focus on a goal, make decisions about how you can attain it, and take action. Think about your goal in a clear, precise way and give it your undivided attention, focus, and concentration.

Sometimes you need to take smaller steps. If you are unclear on the direction to take regarding an issue, then clear away any negativity or uncertainty within yourself first. This means to become focused in your thought processes. If you’re confused, it’s because you haven’t really decided what you want or what is right for you in the situation. It’s difficult to take action when you aren’t sure which way to go. So how do you clear away confusion in order to make the decision? Make a pro/con list. When you write things down you really have to focus on them in order to put them in the appropriate category, which means you have to think and make decisions about what you’re writing. When you write it down you’re making the thought tangible. You can now hold it in your hand, look at it, and read it until you decide if it’s right for you. As you make little decisions, the energy clears for you to make bigger ones.

Worry is one of the biggest blocks to gaining clarity. When you worry about something you’re running every possibility that might occur through your mind. And it goes on and on and on. Worry keeps you in a state of confusion, of unlimited what if scenarios that are without direction or purpose. When you release worry and think with clarity, then it’s easier to choose one desirable outcome and plan how to reach that outcome. If you feel like you’re doing all you can do but you’re still not able to feel clear in your goals, then you may need to simplify the end goal into the individual steps you need to take to reach the final goal. In other words, have a list of little goals you can achieve in order to attain the main goal at the end. If you want to be a lawyer you can’t just graduate from high school and then start practicing law. You have to graduate high school, graduate from college, apply and get accepted into law school, graduate from law school, and pass the bar exams. So to become a lawyer there are a minimum of five goals that you need to meet before you can attain your long term goal. When you simplify the long term goal into sub-goals it makes each step easier to achieve.

There are lots of activities you can do to gain clarity. You may enjoy making lists like I do or you may choose journaling, creating a vision board, drawing, painting, meditation, or prayer. Any activity that helps you become focused and clear in what you want in any given situation is what you should do. I know when I’m confused about the direction I need to take I often head out to the barn. There’s something about grooming a horse or mucking out a stall that allows my mind to settle, then focus until I find resolutions to issues or determine the path I should take. Often repetitive actions like these (or cleaning your house, washing your car, etc.) allow the mind to come up with creative ways to move forward.

Once you’ve decided on a goal, give yourself a deadline to reach it and then do something every single day to bring you closer to attaining the goal. If you don’t give yourself a deadline, then it’s easy to put it off as something you’ll do tomorrow or next week. But if you’ve written it down as a goal to reach by a certain date, then you’ll strive harder to achieve it faster. Just make sure your timeline is accurate so you don’t end up frustrated, annoyed, and overwhelmed because you put too much pressure on yourself unnecessarily. It’s important to pay attention to the path you’re walking to achieve your end results and don’t forget to stop and smell the coffee or roses along the way. Those pit stops will help you gain even more clarity in your life.

Try It Now

Let’s do a creative visualization exercise to help you gain clarity when deciding between two choices. Think of something you need to make a decision about but you’re going back and forth on. For the purpose of this example let’s say the decision is whether or not you should buy a new car. Close your eyes. Imagine the car you have now and a new car both parked side by side in your mind’s eye. Look away from the cars and feel your energy begin to swirl within you. See it as a light mist with white flecks of surging power within it. As it moves around you, let it remove any obstacles that are causing unclear thinking. As you prepare to look where the cars are parked, there will only be one car there. This is the car you need. Now look at the cars. Whatever car you see is the answer to your question. You now have a clear decision and objective in mind and can take action to do what is necessary to attain it.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 36: The Law of Awakening
