Today I am aware of my being, my surroundings,
and the people I interact with in order to awaken
to that which will enable my growth and success.
The Law of Awakening states that in order to experience an awakening whether spiritual, personal or in any other aspect of your life, you have to become more aware, and to achieve awareness you must maintain self-control, stability, and focus. This law is often also called the Law of Awareness or the Law of Spiritual Awakening, but because I believe that an awakening can happen in any aspect of your life, so I prefer the Law of Awakening. The idea of awareness is an integral part of Taoism, Buddhism, and Shamanism because you need awareness in order to work with Spirit.
What happens when you physically wake up after sleeping? You become aware of your surroundings, even if you don’t immediately open your eyes. If you fell asleep on the bow of a boat, you’d hear the splash of the water, feel the rocking of the boat, the sun on your skin, and the hardness of the boat under your back. You may hear birds, other people talking or other boat engines. Eventually you are completely awake and aware of your reality, where you are, and what you’re doing. When we experience an awakening, it happens the same way. We become aware of little things first, then the more we experience the truth of situations we’re in or change our way of thinking, we become more fully aware until we’re completely awake.
The Law of Awakening means to be aware of both the positive and the negative in life, to see the past, present, and future, to look at potential successes and potential failures. It means to consider everything in order to have a fuller understanding of the whole as you acknowledge other states of awareness. Awakening means opening to new opportunities, seeing things differently than you have in the past, and using this new knowledge to expand your consciousness, to find yourself in a more awakened state of mind.
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritually speaking, to experience an awakening means you observe, experience, and are attentive to the existence of things you may not have previously known or understood but yet do not deny. In a spiritual awakening you may begin to question who you are and your purpose for being on the earthly plane. You recognize there is more within you than just your physical body, you may remember bits and pieces of past lives, or you become aware of your intuition. Many times right before a spiritual awakening, you will go through a traumatic or life altering experience that acts as a catalyst to your waking up that makes you question everything you previously believed. You will begin to let go of that which no longer serves you, the negativity of the past will no longer have ties over you so you let that go too, and, it enables you to gain clarity of purpose. You will have more déjà vu moments and other synchronicities that let you know you’re now walking your spiritual path and living your purpose. With a spiritual awakening, you see past the physical to the Divine. There is calmness, a lightness of being, associated with your new understanding that love is at the center of your existence, which enables you to release fear.
When you experience a spiritual awakening it usually begins because you’re questioning things about life and start seeking answers that resonate with you. I know for me I started searching for my own truth after people in a church I attended started treating me differently outside of church. It just didn’t make sense to me so I began to look deeper into spirituality primarily to try to find a way to understand my own intuition, which at the time didn’t make sense to me either. As my awakening continued, I’d find the content in many metaphysical books just felt right to me. It allowed me to see different paths I could take to gain the things I wanted to achieve because I was now more aware than ever before and looked to the positive instead of focusing on the negatives. Add in the paranormal experiences which made me question everything I thought I knew, and I woke up even more. Your own awakening may be started by a life event, something you read, or a feeling that there was more to your purpose than what you currently thought.
Awakening Awareness
In order to achieve the things you want in life you have to understand the awareness part of the Law of Awakening. If you’re not aware of the things that happen or need to happen in order to achieve what you want, then they can be harder to obtain. When you learn to be more observant, watchful, and attentive, when you increase your awareness through research, discussions, or working in a similar situation, then you’re opening your eyes to the possibilities out there for you. It is important to understand that when you experience an awakening of any sort, you have to know yourself so you can put into practice what you’ve awakened. You can have the best product in the world, but it could flop if you don’t market it correctly. If you awaken to the spiritual world and realize there is unlimited abundance waiting for you but do nothing to try to obtain it, you’re not fully using the information you’ve been given. When you awaken to anything in life it is because it’s part of your master plan for your earthly experience. Through awakening you can connect to the spiritual part of your being, achieve what you desire, and create abundance in your life.
Another part of the awakening process is realizing how another’s actions or inaction affects what you’re doing or what you’re trying to achieve. You are able to see potential problems before they develop so you can take steps to prevent them. On the other hand, you can also see potential successes and strategically plan for them. Being awakened means living in the moment, accepting new information, and understanding a greater plan than you’ve considered before. It means your awareness of everything happening around you is heightened. You feel more, sense more, and understand more. As you adjust to each period of awakening you go through there will be a time frame where everything is clear. But then over time as you adjust to being on this different level of awareness, it becomes second nature. The same thing happens with each period of awakening.
There are other signs indicative of an awakening: you may suddenly feel you’re trapped in your job, that there are too many negative people around you, your lifestyle is no longer holding appeal and you suddenly want to completely change it, or you feel like you just need to break free from the mundane and experience the exceptional. Sometimes you’re suddenly faced with having to deal with unresolved issues from the past. This is part of the clearing out of negativity that happens during an awakening. Find a way to resolve the issue so you can move on. I would often experience vivid and prophetic dreams or feel like I needed to hurry up and do something because time was running out to get it done. Sometimes the dreams and feelings were connected; other times I couldn’t find a connection. After years of never having anyone to explain the intuitive or paranormal things I experienced, once I started my spiritual awakening, it seemed like there were teachers everywhere. I wasn’t looking for them but they found me and gave me new insights on my path. Being more aware of what was happening made me appreciate them and helped me better understand the whole experience.
An awakening allows you to feel inner harmony, it increases abundance in your life, and will help you be successful. During a period of awakening you’ll notice you’re exceptionally observant, especially of yourself, your actions and reactions. You become more aware of your thoughts, especially new ideas you haven’t considered before, but which now feel like they connect with you. It’s important during this time to make sure you’re not overthinking everything. Sometimes it’s easy to analyze things too much, which can hinder your progress. During a time of awakening, you’ll feel more independent, secure in your beliefs and the path you should take, and confident in your choices, decisions, and actions.
Try It Now
Becoming more observant and aware is a way you can actively participate in your awakening. Here are some steps you can take to increase your awareness to help you in your achievements. In any situation pay attention to what other people are doing. Pay attention to what they say, plans they’re making and how they are going about achieving their goals. You may learn something from them that will help you achieve your own. Notice any patterns that occur in your life and evaluate how you can become more successful. Look for unexpected changes and be constantly aware of your daily interactions with people as well as how others interact with one another. Observing human nature can be very enlightening. Learn to remain silent when it is needed and to speak when appropriate. Sometimes you can learn more by keeping quiet then you can by talking. While you don’t have to write any of this down, sometimes making notes about your observations can help you with your own awakening or your plan to achieve your desires.
Practical Application Tips
See Also Chapter 15: The Law of Clarity