I will allow all that I desire to come to me. I will mind my own business and let universal energy do its job.
The Law of Allowing states that you must trust in and allow the natural flow of life without resistance and with acceptance. Universal energy flows in currents, like a river flows within its banks. This concept originates from the beginnings of many religions because belief and acceptance go hand in hand with allowing. When followers believe, they are in line with the flow of life according to those beliefs, which allows for acceptance instead of resistance to life experiences. The Law of Allowing means the situations and people you encounter must be accepted as they are so they can move freely within the ebb and flow of these currents. From this natural flow comes growth. The Law of Allowing means to allow others to follow their own current and flow, even if what they’re doing goes against what we believe or even if we feel they are making mistakes. It’s their path; they must walk it to learn their own lessons.
The Law of Allowing means you don’t know the best possible outcome to any given situation, even if you think you’ve got it all figured out. You are on the earthly plane of existence so you can’t be aware of the karma involved with another person’s life, the life map they charted prior to birth, or the lessons they’re supposed to learn. We hardly know these things for ourselves so how can we know them for another person? There’s just no way for us to have all the information needed to determine the best outcome, however, the universe knows and often the outcome we imagined will be far surpassed by the wonderful things actually delivered. It’s a great mystery of the universe until it arrives in your life. This is where the Law of Allowing comes into place. As adults, we must allow things to flow freely towards us, allow others to do what they want, when they want, and for the reasons they want, and all without our interference. This doesn’t apply to children who are still in need of an adult’s protection and guidance.
Letting Go of Control by Being Open
When it comes to your own life, you have to let go of control, allow situations to unfold as they’re meant to so the universe can create what you desire and manifest it freely within your life. If you allow the universe to work with your energy to create the things you desire without interference from you, then life flows smoothly and is less stressful while you’re reaching your goals. When you try to control instead of allowing, you’re placing blocks in your path.
To live by the Law of Allowing, you must be open and accepting to every situation you experience. Trust that what is being given to you is coming from universal abundance, that it is in your best interest, and there is much more out there for you if you believe in the unlimited abundance of the universe and allow it to enter your life.
Understanding the flow associated with the Law of Allowing will help you eliminate fear and negativity. You may have a subconscious fear of being successful, or of being alone or taken for granted. Whatever the fear, it will hold you back. If you find yourself in opposition instead of allowing, then it’s time to find out why you’re resisting and if you have an unresolved fear.
There are feelings of relief, acceptance, and freedom in allowing things to happen as they happen, allowing people to be who they are, and allowing yourself to experience acceptance. Have you ever heard the saying it is what it is? This means there’s nothing you can do but accept a situation as it is. This is the Law of Allowing. You can’t change the situation, it is what it is, you can’t change the person, they are who they are, but you can accept both with allowance.
Fighting back against situations that are out of your control is a useless waste of energy and does not help you grow spiritually. When you involve yourself in campaigns against something, you can draw the thing you’re trying to eliminate because you’re not allowing it to be what it is by trying to control it. Getting the things we want in life is hard, isn’t it? Actually, that’s a false statement but most people have been trained to believe it is true. If you believe it’s hard to make a lot of money, achieve your dream job, and that everything in life is just hard, hard, hard, it will be because you’re manifesting it for yourself. But if you live according to the Law of Allowance, the hard things become easy to achieve because you allow them to flow to you. So what kind of life would you rather live—a difficult one with many stumbling blocks or one that flows smoothly and easily? I’ll choose smooth and easy over hard every time. The Law of Allowing helps you get what you allow to come to you. To live a life where things come easily, you have to focus your attention on allowing everything to happen as it will.
Belief is an essential part of the Law of Allowing. When you believe in something you allow it to enter your life. When you don’t believe in something you resist and block it.
Changing from Resistance to Acceptance
Following the Law of Allowing will make your life so much easier because you’re changing from resistance to acceptance. I’ll give you an example. Growing up, I didn’t understand my intuitive abilities. I didn’t know why I knew things before they happened and couldn’t even begin to explain it in any way except that it completely freaked me out. Every time I tried to make sense of it by sharing what happened to me with someone else, I was made fun of or people thought I was nuts. For a kid, that’s not a fun experience. You don’t want to feel different from everyone else; instead you want to fit in so I started keeping my mouth shut. I resisted having intuitive abilities for many years. One day I just got tired of trying to hide it. These abilities are part of me, and the more I fought them, the harder life seemed to be. So I stopped fighting. I decided people could choose to like me with my abilities or they could choose not to like me. How they felt about me wasn’t something I could change nor was it my problem. It was their issue and part of their life path. Once I allowed myself to accept my abilities as part of my being and stopped worrying about what other people thought of them, life became easier. Since I’d had such a hard time learning how to deal with my own abilities, I decided to help others learn from my experiences. Over the years, this acceptance opened up whole new avenues for teaching, including this book you’re reading. But in order to get to this part of my path, I had to allow myself to accept my intuitive nature and release resistance.
The Law of Allowing dictates that you must get out of your own way and allow yourself to make more money, have better relationships, and reach all the goals you want to achieve in life. When you allow more to come to you, there is no limit on how much more you will receive. It means changing your feelings from a lack mentality to a positive abundance mentality while believing that you already have what it is you desire. If you feel abundant, you’ll be abundant. If you feel successful, you’ll be successful. It’s all about what you will allow yourself to have and achieve. Don’t make things harder than they have to be through resistance. Sure, you’ve got lessons to learn but life wasn’t meant to be a constant fight to get ahead. If you believe that’s what you have to do to succeed, then that’s what you’ll get. But when you change your thoughts and emotions from ones of resistance to allowing then you are truly living the Law of Allowing.
Try It Now
Today be aware of what you’re doing. Pay special attention to what you’re saying and the actions you’re taking. Are you trying to form a situation to fit your needs? Are you being a gossip, busybody, or nosey neighbor? If you find yourself doing any of these things, just stop. Imagine a big, white, mesh sheet floating down from the sky, covering you with lightness and filling you with the calmness of allowing. As the sheet flutters down around you let go of any negative feelings you have, understand that it’s not your place to interfere in another person’s path, release any feelings of worry or anxiety about things you cannot change. When you feel centered and in balance, then take the sheet off and go about your day minding your own business.
Practical Application Tips
See Also Chapter 39: The Law of Supply and Demand