The Law of Supply and Demand

chapter ornament

Today I will be precise in my universal requests
and aware of the supply delivered in response.

The Law of Supply and Demand states that for every demand, the universe will provide the supply to meet that demand; however, without a demand there will be no supply. In other words, if there is a need for something, it will be provided. This law is set in motion when the demand for something arises.

In the physical world, the Law of Supply and Demand states the price of a product or service is based on the demand for that service. This was first noted by Aristotle in Politics Book 1 part 2 when he discusses the practical part of “wealth-getting” and the story of Thales the Milesian who gave deposits on all the olive presses because he believed there would be an abundance of olives. Then, he rented out the olive presses to others and made money. The Law of Supply and Demand says that the higher the demand, or if the supply is limited, the higher the price will be. Supply provides us with the products we demand in our daily lives.

The universe works in the same way. When you request something from it, the universe is happy to supply you with what you requested. Trust in the universe to deliver what you requested and believe you’ll receive it. Ask for what you want and expect it to come to you. If you want it, it will be given, but you will have to work for it too. When you go to the grocery store you don’t just teleport there and back (but wouldn’t that be fun?), you have to get in your car, hire a taxi, ride your bike or walk to the store, pick out all of your food and drinks, bring it all home, then store it in the refrigerator and cabinets. I recently saw an inspirational graphic online that said something like “Do what you love and the money will follow,” then it lists a bunch of things like eating pizza and then says “Now I wait.” I know this is meant to be funny, but it shows the missing link in many people’s mindsets: we must take active steps to work toward goals, not just sit back and wait for them to manifest while doing things that aren’t geared toward their appearance in our lives.

Make a Request, Not a Demand

Notice that I’m not using the word demand when discussing asking the universe for assistance. Demanding instead of requesting what you want implies a feeling that is deserving and entitled, like you must have your way. This attitude can actually keep you from obtaining what you want. Be firm in your request so there is no doubt as to what you need and want to receive. When you ask with firmness, respect, and gratitude, you align yourself with the abundance of the universe and you’ll achieve faster results. Just keep this in mind when making requests for abundance.

In life, we must always study and learn in order to be aware of what is happening in our world, the progress being made, and how life is happening within the human race. If there’s something you want, you must become more aware of how it works. If you want to become a doctor, you’ll have to know which classes to take, how internships work, and what you’ll do after you have your degree. You can’t become a doctor until you’re aware of the steps you need to take to obtain a medical degree. Then you must have the drive and desire to take those classes and do internships as well as anything else required of you to become a doctor. That way, when the universe supplies you with the opportunity, for example, acceptance into medical school, you’re aware of what you need to do to bring your dream to fruition.

Let’s look at how the universe delivers the supply for your requests. Many times the universe will offer you the path to your request by putting you in a situation where you can become successful or giving you an opportunity or a brilliant idea that will lead to what you want. Have you ever had an idea you never acted on and then down the road it was the most successful thing in the world? I remember in my early twenties, I came up with a great idea for a new type of hair bow that molded against the back of your head and held your hair out of the way. About a year and a half after I had this idea, the banana clip was the hottest trend of the 1980s. It was exactly the same thing I’d thought of, but since I didn’t act on it, the opportunity was given to someone else who did. So if you receive an idea, do everything you can to act upon what the universe supplied to you and bring it to fruition. There’s a saying in business that opportunity doesn’t knock twice, and it’s true—if you take action, you may just become financially wealthy along the way.

After you ask the universe for what you want, release the thought and let it travel to do what it’s supposed to do. Give it time to be delivered. What if, in your job, you were allowed no flexibility to complete tasks in the time it took you to do them? If your boss said he wanted you to have X report on his desk by 2:00 pm, Y report by 2:06, and Z report by 2:10, and the current time is 1:55 pm, you’d think he was nuts, wouldn’t you? That’s not enough time to start thinking about what you’re going to put in the three reports. Getting them delivered by those times is not going to happen. When you put overly strict limitations on your requests such as time, the location, and the means, you’re probably not going to achieve what you want. You’re interrupting the flow of the delivery from the universal supply because you’re being way too specific in what you want. That said, it’s okay to be specific … just not overly specific. If you want a boyfriend or a girlfriend, don’t say, “I want a boyfriend/girlfriend,” instead say, “I want a boyfriend/girlfriend who isn’t in a relationship with anyone else.” Otherwise, you just may find yourself with a problem you didn’t want on your hands if you don’t know the other person is already involved with someone else when you two get involved. Likewise, it wouldn’t be productive to say, “I want a boyfriend/girlfriend who isn’t in a relationship with anyone else whom I will meet at the pizza shop on 4th Avenue at 10 pm on Wednesday of next week and who is tall and will have brown hair, green eyes, straight teeth, and a wonderful smile.” Wow! Asking for much? That’s the kind of over-specification that you don’t want to include in your request.

When problems arise, you can eliminate them by requesting that the universe remove the problem and deliver the opposite. If you’re having problems in your relationship, ask that you are clear in your speech and the other person correctly understands your intention. Ask that problematic situations leave you. Otherwise, they may hang around.

In our physical reality, when there is a shortage of something, people providing that something will often blame someone else when supplies are lean. For example, if there’s a shortage of tomatoes, the grocery store managers might say the distributors aren’t getting enough tomatoes to stores, and the distributors might say the farmers are to blame for the shortage of tomatoes this year. They didn’t plant enough! In fact, maybe they did plant enough and the plants were eaten by some bug or there was a drought and not enough water for the tomato plants to survive. It’s important not to blame others but state facts. When you’re requesting something from the universe, it’s not the universe’s fault if you don’t see the opportunity it has delivered to you or if you do recognize it and chose not to take advantage of it. Instead of playing the blame game, be consciously aware of your choices and decisions when supply is offered to you.

Just like you can change the world’s supply and demand through your buying choices, you can also change the way the universe supplies what you need in your life. You deserve everything you desire and the universe will supply it to you when you ask. Remember you have to ask to receive. Asking can change your life for the better in ways you may not have expected when you made the request. Ask, receive, be thankful, and enjoy.

Try It Now

Take a minute to think about your attitude and how you ask for things from the universe. Are you half-heartedly asking for something one time and then giving up on it because you don’t believe it will come? Are you asking with a lack mentality or an abundance one? Are you being specific or vague in your request? You’ve put the request out there and now you’re just waiting for it to arrive while doing any work you can to help it get to you. Now, think of something that you want or need. Carefully phrase it, and then ask the universe for it. The universe, working through the Law of Supply and Demand will deliver what you need.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 31: The Law of Allowing
