The Law of Balance and Polarity

chapter ornament

Today I will look at situations from a different perspective so I do not act in the extreme.

The Law of Balance and Polarity, also known as the Law of Symmetry or the Law of Duality, states there is a polarity between all things within the universe; between those extreme opposites, balance is found. This law plays out in scientific observation, in business practices, and within us on mental and physical levels. Finding balance in all areas of our lives is the ultimate goal, but in order to get there, we must experience both sides of the polar opposites, the extremes of the same thing in varying degrees, in order to understand what balance feels like.

According to the Kybalion, “everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” A good example of this is the weather. I live in south Florida which has a tropical climate. One minute it can be hot and sunny with a slight breeze, a few minutes later a severe lightning storm can roll though. The sun and the storms are both varying degrees of the same thing—weather. If you live where it gets cold you also experience this. It’ll be hot in summer and cold in winter. This might seem like opposites at first but the heat and cold are just opposite ends of the same spectrum of temperature. This polarity applies to everything in the universe. Your love life, relationships, career, and emotions are all affected. You can’t have light without darkness, good without evil, peace without struggle, or positive without negative. These are each opposite ends of the same things. To find balance, you should experience both. On the earthly plane, you can physically see the differences in polarity. A coin has both a back and a front, trees can be tall or short, you can go in or out a door, there’s hot and cold, windy and still, loud and quiet, happy and sad, and the list can go on and on. When you physically see these opposites they’re easier to understand. You know if someone is angry to leave them alone until they find their balance and are peaceful again.

Let’s say you’re a person who prefers staying in your house and isn’t very social. Later, in your current lifetime or in the next one, in order to experience soul growth, you’ll need to experience the opposite lifestyle where you are very social and hardly ever stay at home. Maybe you’re currently barely making ends meet. According to the Law of Balance and Polarity, you’ll need to also experience financial wealth. Money is tricky, however—if you manage it correctly, you can enjoy having the monetary wealth you desire without losing it through frivolous spending. Have you ever gotten paid and then gone out on Friday night and blown your whole paycheck? Most people don’t do this because they have bills to pay if they want to keep a roof over their heads, but it’s a prime example of the Law of Balance and Polarity. When you get paid you’re on the plus side of the money scale and you’ve got money for the rent, groceries, gas, and everything else you need until the next payday but if you blow all your money in one night of going out, you’re on the opposite end of the scale and are broke until your next payday. This is a hard lesson to learn but by experiencing both ends of the spectrum, you will be able to find balance.

When you experience adversity in life, there is always an opposite pole to that adversity. If you find yourself getting lost in thinking about the problematic situation you’re in, expand your vision to look at the other side of the spectrum for the great things that are there. You may find yourself in the middle of a thunderstorm, but there will always be clear weather when it passes. Your thoughts about the situation will make it positive or negative. During difficult times it’s easy to look at things negatively, but if you catch yourself doing this, changing your perspective enables you to see the positive. Think of it as putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. To you, a rainy day may be miserable but to someone else whose garden needs rain, it’s wonderful. Learning to look at every situation from different perspectives allows you to see the extreme opposites and find the point of balance between them. It is also a Divine connection that allows soul growth.

There Are Two Sides to Every Situation

Understanding that there are two sides to everything is a life lesson for most of us. You can’t see how going to extremes affects you. This means that to become balanced, you must first experience being out of balance. Everyone has a polarity within themselves. As spiritual beings, it is our job to understand these conflicting opposites inside us and find a way to bring balance to them.

Have you ever been asked if you’re right-brained or left-brained? Research shows that right brained people tend to be more imaginative, passionate, intuitive and creative. They are often interested in the arts and music, are very touchy-feely, easily use nonverbal communication, and enjoy daydreaming and creative visualization. Left brained people tend to be analytical, logical, think in words, want just the facts, enjoy math, think in a linear or sequencing way, and computation. And guess what? Everyone has both inside us! So how do you find balance between your left brain and your right brain? You use a little of both. For example, I’m very intuitive but balance my intuition by always looking for a logical reason for something before I decide that it is in fact intuition or of a paranormal nature.

Once you are in balance internally it raises your frequency, connects you more fully with the Divine, and is reflected in your reality. You’ll get along with others better, be happier, and more content with your life. Balance allows you to feel harmony within yourself so that when you are faced with difficult circumstances, you’re able to see it from different perspectives instead of only the negative extreme. Becoming balanced internally makes it easier to find balance in your daily activities. Things that once aggravated you are no longer as negative as they were because you can see a purpose in their existence. Balance allows you to feel a deeper connection to the Divine and feel connected to the whole of the universe. When you’re in balance you no longer tend to go to either extreme of a spectrum. You’re able to keep your emotions centered and learn from your experiences. Negative things can actually turn into great things.

While you’re finding balance in situations by not going to extremes and becoming balanced internally at a spiritual level, it’s important to remember to be balanced in your daily activities as well. If you’ve got so much to do that you never have any time to just relax, you’re on the extreme side of the to-do spectrum. If this is the case, schedule time for fun, rest, and relaxation, and then make sure you actually do it. If you’re going full steam ahead all the time, you’ll eventually burn out from exhaustion. The polarity of this would be if you never did anything and were bored to tears all the time from watching too much television or sitting around doing nothing. If that’s you, create a goal and then take the necessary steps to achieve it.

Do Something

The Law of Balance and Polarity means avoiding spending a lot of time reflecting on situations to the point where you forget to go out and do things. You have to experience life so you can find balance in all things. Sheltering yourself away from others creates a lack of experiences that can help you gain and maintain steadiness and stability, the balance needed to connect to your spiritual self and the world around you.

Living the Law of Balance and Polarity is like all the other universal laws in that it is an ongoing commitment to personal and spiritual growth so you can achieve all you desire during this lifetime on the earthly plane of existence. Consider it a lifestyle change. If you want to become fit, you make a lifestyle change to eat better and exercise more, right? Once you get used to eating differently and working out you stop thinking about it as much. Making a lifestyle change by living universal laws helps you to bring your spiritual energy into balance. It works the same way.

Try It Now

The next time you find yourself in an adverse situation, you can find your balance quickly by doing this exercise. Regardless of the situation, take a step back out of the chaos and find a place to sit down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. With each inhale imagine calmness and positivity flowing inside you and with each exhale imagine the negativity of the situation leaving you. Once you feel as if you’ve found your balance open your eyes. Think of the opposite of the situation at hand and look at it from that perspective. How can you turn this negative into a positive? Once you have a solution, you can return to the situation and resolve it.

Practical Application Tips

See Also Chapter 26: The Law of Attachment and Detachment
