The Satyagraha to “Roundup Roundup”



The story of Roundup told by activists, scientists, and academics in The Fight Against Monsanto’s Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides is an important contribution to the history of how a toxic war against nature and people has been unleashed over the last fifty years through industrial agriculture by the Poison Cartel.

The Poison Cartel began as IG Farben in Hitler’s Germany and has shaped a century of ecocide and genocide. Bayer was an important part of IG Farben. Bayer and Monsanto worked as MOBAY earlier, and have merged again. Monsanto’s Roundup is now Bayer’s Roundup. The multiple cases in U.S. courts against Monsanto’s cancer-causing Roundup have already led to a 30 percent fall in Bayer’s share values. Today the Poison Cartel has been reduced to a cartel of three, with common ownership and cross-licensing arrangements on patents and technologies. Besides Bayer merging with Monsanto, Dow has merged with Dupont, and Syngenta has merged with Chem China.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classified Roundup (glyphosate) as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A).

This book discusses the historic case of Dewayne Johnson, a forty-six-year-old former groundskeeper who used to spray Roundup to maintain the grounds of a school. On Aug. 10, a jury in California ruled that Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer had caused Johnson’s cancer and ordered Monsanto pay $289 million to the victim. Eight thousand more cases have been filed in the U.S.A by cancer victims.

Monsanto sells Roundup, which causes cancer. Bayer, now merged with Monsanto, sells patented cancer drugs. And both Monsanto and Bayer are still trying to undermine patent laws of countries like India, which prohibit patents on seeds and on medicines that are already being produced as generics.1

This book is not just about the hazards of Roundup to our health and the environment, but also about the political hazard to democracy and freedom when corporations like Monsanto control our agriculture, knowledge, science, and the media, and try to control and manipulate our scientific and regulatory institutions.

As Mitchel Cohen, the editor of the book, writes:

“This book focuses not so much on examining the dangers of each and every pesticide du jour, but on the processes by which corporations such as Monsanto, Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Syngenta, Novartis, BASF Corporation and the other pesticide and pharmaceutical manufacturers are allowed to mask the truth about their products. They are facilitated by the complicity of federal (and global) regulatory agencies, allowing them to intentionally thwart the development and congealing of educated and effective opposition.”

The very existence of chemicals like Roundup is based on thinking of agriculture not as care for the land and co-creation with biodiversity, but as a war against the earth and the diversity of her species, including insects and plants. The monarch butterfly has declined by 90 percent because the spread of Roundup and Roundup Ready crops has destroyed the milkweed.

Roundup is not just a toxic chemical. It embodies the violent and distorted worldview of Monsanto and the Poison cartel that developed poisons to kill humans and later introduced their toxic chemicals into agriculture.

As a chemical which kills everything green, Roundup is key to the destruction of the biodiversity that allows small farms practising chemical-free farming to regulate pests and weeds. Pests and weeds are symptoms of non-sustainable farming that works against nature and the ecological functions that biodiversity provides.

In the 1990s, when the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity was being negotiated, a Monsanto representative described Round Up Ready GMO crops as a “technology” that “prevents the weeds from stealing the sunshine.”

This is war.

The sun shines on all in abundance and generosity. In India we greet the sun daily as the ‘Dispeller of darkness’ (‘Om Suryaya Namaha’), including the darkness of untruth in the mind.

We call on the sun (Aditya) to illuminate our intellect. “Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Mahadyudikaraaya Dhimahi Tanno Aditya Prachodayaat” (I learn about the one who is the source of light and meditate on the one who is so effulgent. Let Lord Aditya illuminate my intellect).

The perception of scarcity of sunshine is a darkness of the mind that cannot see light. It is this unscientific and distorted and dark world view rooted in the militaristic, mechanistic, militarised mind that encourages use of violent tools like Roundup.

The darkness creates a distorted worldview that sees us at war with biodiversity, and diverse species at war with each other, instead of seeing the earth as a common home for diverse life forms co-evolving in harmony with each other, sharing the sunshine and transforming it into life on earth through photosynthesis.

The sun blesses all beings and allows biodiversity to flourish. Biodiversity is not “weeds” to be exterminated by Roundup.

I write this foreword at the Navdanya Biodiversity Conservation farm where we grow more than 2,000 varieties of crops, including 750 rice varieties.

There is, in addition, abundant biodiversity that is wild, biodiversity we did not plant. We just counted more than 56 medicinal plants and uncultivated edibles that grow on their own, that we do not sow. This biodiversity is nature’s pharmacy and pantry, healing us and feeding us. Biodiversity of insects and plants is a sign of healthy ecosystems. All insects are not pests. Biodiversity is not weeds. Some insects and some plants become pests and weeds as a result of the toxic war against biodiversity and destruction of the ecological balance that is the result.

Toxics like Roundup are at the root of the pest and weed problem in agriculture, not a solution. Toxics create pests and weeds. Corporations like Monsanto first create a problem, then use the problem to create a new market.

First industrial agriculture based on chemical monocultures created the problem of weeds dominating agriculture. Then they introduced Roundup. To expand their market and maintain their monopoly, they introduced Roundup Ready GMO crops.

“Since 1974 in the U.S., over 1.6 billion kilograms of glyphosate active ingredient have been applied, or 19% of estimated global use of glyphosate (8.6 billion kilograms). Globally, glyphosate use has risen almost 15-fold since so-called “Roundup Ready,” genetically engineered glyphosate-tolerant crops were introduced in 1996. Two-thirds of the total volume of glyphosate applied in the U.S. from 1974 to 2014 has been sprayed in just the last 10 years. The corresponding share globally is 72%. In 2014, farmers sprayed enough glyphosate to apply ~1.0 kg/ha (0.8 pound/acre) on every hectare of U.S.-cultivated cropland and nearly 0.53 kg/ha (0.47 pounds/acre) on all cropland worldwide.”2

Now they are creating superpests and superweeds with the spread of GMO Bt crops and Roundup Ready crops.

Amaranth is a sacred plant in India. Its grains are used in fasting. Its leaves are rich in Vitamin A and iron and are a major source of nutrition. Diverse species of amaranth grow on the Navdanya farm and are among our favourite vegetables.

With the intensive use of Roundup Ready crops in the U.S., palmer amaranth has become a superweed that cannot be destroyed by Roundup. The military mind of DARPA and Bill Gates now wants to use gene drives to exterminate amaranth. The extermination logic that began in concentration camps and gas chambers has now spread to our farms and forests.3

Roundup has spread across the world, but not because it was needed or people asked for it. In industrialised countries it has spread by destroying small family farms and making “farms” so large that they cannot but be managed through instruments of war. In countries like mine, where small, biodiverse farms dominate, Roundup has spread illegally, by deceiving farmers, corrupting regulatory institutions, and attacking science and scientists.

I recently wrote to the Prime Minister of my country drawing attention to the illegal spread of Roundup and Roundup Ready crops in total violation of our biosafety regulations. These issues are in Indian courts.

Over the last few years, with the forcing by globalization and so-called “Free Trade,” while our farmers have not been able to sell the diverse pulses (the edible seeds of plants in the legume family) they grow, India has increasingly become dependent on imports of Roundup-sprayed pulses, just like we were made dependent on imports of edible oils after 1998, the forced shutting down of our “ghanis” and indigenous cold pressed healthy edible oils.

Imported pulses also have Roundup residues. The spread of Roundup through imports as well as through illegal spread of Roundup Ready Bt Cotton in India is a major threat to the health of the Indian people.

Roundup symbolizes not just a war against the planet and its biodiversity. It is a war against our bodies, and the gut microbiome which is key to our health. When Monsanto declared that Roundup is safe for humans, it did not just distort the science that showed that it was a carcinogenic, it also distorted the science that recognizes that the microbes in our gut have the shikimate pathway which Roundup disrupts, thus triggering the diverse chronic diseases that are emerging in epidemic form. Health is a continuum from the biodiversity in our farms to the biodiversity in our gut. And Roundup is an instrument of war against the biodiversity outside us and within us.

It is simultaneously a war against democracy, knowledge, and a science that shines the light of truth. The fight against Monsanto’s Roundup is a non-violent response to this multidimensional war. This is why we organized the Monsanto tribunal and People’s Assembly in the Hague in October 2016.4

The Fight Against Monsanto’s Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides gives details of how this process evolved in the U.S. The book gives details of how Monsanto manipulated and falsified science, attacked scientific institutions like the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Cancer Research, attacked scientists whose scientific research provided evidence of harm, did ghostwriting for journalists and journals, corrupted regulatory agencies and undermined laws.

In spite of the manipulation of scientific evidence and institutions, the evidence is finally reaching the courts. In spite of the desperate attempt to dismantle laws and regulations that protect the public, Roundup is on trial everywhere, in courts, in institutions, and in communities. The trial is between people’s rights and corporate greed and irresponsibility, between life and death, between truth and falsehood.

The Fight Against Monsanto’s Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides provides the detailed story of the ongoing trial and the politics behind Roundup, Monsanto (now Bayer), and the mass use of pesticides.

The struggles described in this book are the contemporary Satyagraha —the word Gandhi used for the fight for truth and justice. It is a Satyagraha to “Roundup Roundup” and sows the seeds for poison-free food and farming everywhere.