ABT | Gertrude Stein, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1933) |
AE | Bernard Faÿ, with Avery Claflin, The American Experiment (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1929) |
BN | Bibliothèque Nationale |
BW | Gertrude Stein, Brewsie and Willie, in Gertrude Stein: Writings 1932–1946 (New York: The Library of America, 1998) |
CDJC | Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine |
D D’I | Dossier d’instruction for Bernard Faÿ, in the Cour de justice du département de la Seine, Paris Archives Nationales, AN Z/6/288-292 |
EA | Gertrude Stein, Everybody’s Autobiography (New York: Vintage, 1973) |
FAF | Bernard Faÿ, “The Course of French-American Friendship,” The Yale Review 18 (Spring 1929) |
FIA | Gertrude Stein, Four in America (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1947) |
FVJ | Bernard Faÿ, Faites vos jeux (Paris: Grasset, 1927) |
GHA | Gertrude Stein, The Geographical History of America or the Relation of Human Nature to the Human Mind (Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995) |
GTF | Bernard Faÿ, La guerre des trois fous: Hitler-Staline-Roosevelt (Paris: Perrin, 1968) |
GW | Bernard Faÿ, George Washington: Republican Aristocrat (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931) |
H | Bernard Faÿ, “Harvard 1920,” The Harvard Graduate’s Magazine 28 (June 1920) |
JGR | Lucien Sabah, Journal de Gueydan “de” Roussel (Paris: Klincksieck, 2000) |
JP | Bernard Faÿ, “La joie et les plaisirs aux Etats-Unis,” Revue de Paris (July 1, 1925) |
LP | Bernard Faÿ, Les précieux (Paris: Perrin, 1966) |
MOA | Gertrude Stein, The Making of Americans: Being a History of a Family’s Progress (Normal, Ill.: Dalkey Archive Press, 1995) |
MR | Gertrude Stein, Mrs. Reynolds (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1995) |
PF | Gertrude Stein, Paris France (New York: Liveright, 1970) |
PSS | Transcript of Faÿ’s trial: “Le Procès Sociétés Secrètes,” Paris Archives Nationales, AN 334/AP/22 |
RF | Bernard Faÿ, Revolution and Freemasonry,1680–1800 (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1935) |
RSFA | Bernard Faÿ, The Revolutionary Spirit in France and America (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1927) |
W | Gertrude Stein, Wars I Have Seen (London: Batsford, 1945) |
WL | Gertrude Stein, “The Winner Loses: A Picture of Occupied France,” in How Writing Is Written: Volume II of The Previously Uncollected Writings of Gertrude Stein, ed. Robert Bartlett Haas (Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1974) |