Abetz, Otto
Academy of the Rights of Nations
Action Française
aesthetic openness, of Faÿ
Affaire des Fiches
Affaire Faÿ
Allied effort during World War I: Stein’s aid of; Toklas’s aid of
America: as aristocratic, Anglo-Saxon, and Christian; as “eighteenth-century masterpiece” (Faÿ); Faÿ on; federalism and; federalist political structure of; France and; Freemasonry in; Henry-Haye as Vichy ambassador to; materialism of; as model for new pan-European empire; revolutionary spirit of; Stein’s rediscovery of in the 1930s
America: The Menace
America Comes of Age (Siegfried)
American correspondent, to Je Suis Partout, Faÿ as
American Freemasons, Collège de France chair funded by
American Fund for French Wounded
American GIs, Stein and
American lecture tour, of Stein
American Library Association, Faÿ’s relation to
American life and language, Stein’s love of
American militarism, during World War I
American Revolution, Freemasonry’s relation to
American Sociological Review
“American States and Cities and How They Differ from Each Other” (Stein)
American-style capitalism, Soviet-style communism and
American Cancer, The
American Experiment, The (Faÿ)
Anglo-Saxon demagogue, Roosevelt as
Anglo-Saxonism, of Faÿ
anti-Americanism, of French
anticommunism: of Faÿ; of Stein
anti-Jewish ministry, of Vichy regime (CGQJ)
anti-Masonic clericalism
anti-Masonic crusade, of Faÿ
anti-Masonic lecture, at Salle Wagram, by Faÿ
anti-Masonic repression, of Vichy regime
anti-Masonic sentiment: in contemporary France; of Pétain
anti-Semitism; of Faÿ, charge of; Je Suis Partout as proponent of; of Ménétrel; of Pétain
“Apology of Genius” (Loy)
appeasement and the Munich Pact of 1938
aprés liberation
armistice: with Germany, of France; of World War I
art collection, of Stein, Nazis and
Atlantic Monthly
attentisme, of Vichy regime
Auntie (car)
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The (Stein)
Azam, Denise Aimé
Barthes, Roland
“Bernard Faÿ” (Stein)
Bibliothèque Nationale (BN); banned books at; Cain as prewar administrator of; Faÿ as director of; Masonic materials in; Nazis use of; treasures in
Bilignin home, of Stein
Blake, Leonardo
Blum, Léon
BN. See Bibliothèque Nationale
Bonhomme, Ferdinand
Brasillach, Robert
Brewsie and Willie (Stein)
Briand, Aristide
Bruneteau, Bernard
Buchenwald, Cain in
Bugey, Stein’s home in
Burns, Edward M.
Butcher, Fanny
Cahiers franco-allemands/Deutsch-Französische Monatshefte (Faÿ)
Cain, Julien: in Buchenwald; as Jewish; as prewar administrator of Bibliothèque Nationale
“Capital and Capitals of the United States of America, The” (Stein)
Carroll, David
Casey, Kathy
Catholic Church; Freemasonry’s relation to
Catholicism: of de Reynold; of Faÿ; Stein’s relation to
celebrity, of Stein
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand
census of Jews, during Vichy regime
Centre d’histoire contemporaine
Cerf, Bennett
Chautemps, Camille
Christian, America as Anglo-Saxon, aristocratic, and
Christianity: interwar European federalism and; Toklas’s conversion to
Christian prophets, Stein’s relation to
Civilisation américaine (Faÿ)
Claflin, Avery
clericalism, of anti-Masonic faction
collaboration trial, of Faÿ
collaborator purge, in France
Collège de France: Faÿ’s chair in; Faÿ’s chair in, American Freemasons’ funding of; Faÿ’s chair in, revoking of; Faÿ’s denunciation of faculty members of
Commins, Saxe
Committee for National Unity for the Reconstruction of France. See Rassemblement National pour la Reconstruction de la France
communism; Soviet-style, and American-style capitalism
“Communism and Democracy” (Faÿ)
communist resistance, in France
Compagnon, Antoine
Concept of the Political, The (Schmitt)
Conseil du Livre Français, Faÿ as president of
Courrier Royal
“Course of French-American Friendship, The” (Faÿ)
Cramer, Lucien
Croix de Feu
“Crusade of Democracies,”
Culoz, Stein’s home in
Culture of Defeat, The: On National Trauma, Mourning, and Recovery (Schivelbusch)
Curé d’Ars
Daniel-Rops, Henri
Darlan, François
Déat, Marcel
death, of Faÿ
death, of Stein; Faÿ on; Toklas on
“Death of the Author” (Barthes)
de Brinon, Fernand
decadence, of interwar period
de Chateaubriant, Alfonse
defeat: of France; of Vichy regime
de Gaulle, Charles
dégradation nationale, Faÿ charged with
de La Laurencie, Benoît Fornel
de Man, Paul
deportation: of Freemasons; of Jews, under Vichy regime; Stein’s risk of; Toklas’s risk of
de Reynold, Gonzague
Der Kampf um die Völkerordnung (Keller)
Derrida, Jacques
Deutsch-Französische Monatshefte/Cahiers franco-allemands
dictatorship: fascist, paternalism of; of Pétain
disciples, of Stein
double consciousness, Stein’s belief in
Dreyfus affair
Drieu la Rochelle, Pierre
Duhamel, Georges
Dydo, Ulla E.
Ecône seminary
economic depression, of France
eighteenth century: America during; Faÿ’s relation to; federalism of; language and; passion for freedom in; Stein on; twentieth century compared to; values of
Eliot, T. S.
“employed type,”
Enfances (Hugnet)
Enlightenment, French Right critique of
“Europa ist eine Wirklichkeit” (Faÿ)
European federalism: Christianity and; idea of; during interwar period
European regime of federal union
Everybody’s Autobiography (Stein)
Evola, Julius
Exposition Anti-Maçonnique
faith, of Stein
farm labor and written labor
fascism; combining reaction and progress; in France; French, Uriage as example of; Italian; Je Suis Partout as proponent of; literary
fascist dictatorship, paternalism of
fascist ideologies/regimes, female modernists and
fathering, Stein’s attack on
Faÿ, Bernard; aesthetic openness of; on America; America becoming catastrophe for; on American Library Association; Anglo-Saxonism of; anticommunism of; anti-Masonic crusade of; anti-Masonic lecture at Salle Wagram; anti-Semitism charge of; arrest of; background of; at Bilignin; candidacy of, at Collège de France; Catholicism of; collaboration trial of; Collège de France chair of; Collège de France faculty members denounced by; as Conseil du Livre Français president; death of; dégradation nationale; de La Laurencie’s relationship with; de Reynold’s relationship with; as director of Bibliothèque Nationale; double life of; on eighteenth century; enemy of Déat; federalism, views of; “Foundational Library of National Socialism” list requested by; on French Right; in Fribourg; on friendship between France and America; on friendship, personal; Fuch’s relationship with; at German Society for Documentation; as Gestapo agent; Gillouin’s letter from; at Grand Orient of France; and Harvard; as Henry-Haye’s interlocutor; homosexuality of; at Institute of French Language at the University of Fribourg; in Je Suis Partout; Jewish affairs, on committee for; Jews denounced by; Kruss’s relationship with; La Lumière’s denunciation of; League of Nations denounced by; as lecturer; in Life; Masonic archives in Luceau home of; Massachusetts Historical Society’s expulsion of; Maurrassian ideas disseminated by; as Medal of Honor recipient; Ménétrel’s relationship with; in New York Times Magazine; paranoia of; parliamentary democracy, critique of; Pétain in letter by; as Pétain’s dinner guest; as Pétain’s supporter; as Pierre Conan; polio of; in prison; prison escape of; on Roosevelt; Roosevelt critique of; Salamanca, Spain visited by; salon of; in service of Nazis; Sorbonne faculty members denounced by; on Stein as Mussolini; on Stein’s death; on Stein’s joy; as Stein’s publication advisor; Stein’s relationship with; Toklas’s relationship with; as Vichy ideologue; in Vichy regime; on Washington; World War I war efforts by
Faÿ, Bernard, and Freemasonry; anti-Masonic crusade of; French bishopry in relation to; Les Documents Maçonniques; as obsessional delirium; teaching of
federalism: America and; of eighteenth century; Faÿ’s views of; and New Europe movement. See also European federalism
federalist political structure, of America
female modernists, fascist ideologies/regimes and
femme de lettres, Stein as
“Fernhurst” (Stein)
fichier, of Freemason names
“Finally George: A Vocabulary of Thinking” (Stein)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
foreign Jews in France, during World War II
“Foundational Library of National Socialism,” 163–64
Four in America (Stein)
Four Quartets (Eliot)
Four Saints in Three Acts (Stein)
France; in 1930s, crisis of; America and; collaborator purge in; communist resistance in; defeat of; economic depression of; on eve of capitulation to Germany; fascism in; Freemasonry in; Jews purged from; liberation of; postwar purge of; survival of; Verdun in; vision for future of. See also Collège de France; Grand Orient of France
Franco, Francisco
Franco-American relations
Franco-American Review, The
freedom, eighteenth-century passion for
Freemason names: fichier of; in Journal Officiel
Freemasonry: in America; American Revolution linked to; Catholic Church and; deportation and death of Freemasons during World War II; Faÿ in relation to; in France; French Revolution linked to; hidden truth of; “Jewish” reformist spirit in relation to; Jews and; modern world transformed by; political leaders associated with; as powerful force; repression of; secrecy and. See also Faÿ, Bernard, and Freemasonry; Judeo-Freemasonry
“Freemasonry, the Jews, the Popular Front, and the Crusade of Democracies,” 154
“Freemasonry Against French Intelligence,” 180
“Freemasonry Against the State” (Faÿ)
“Freemasonry and the Corruption of Morals” (Faÿ)
“Freemasonry Unveiled” exhibition
French bishopry, Freemasonry and
French fascism, Uriage as example of
French Medaille de la Reconnaisance, Stein and Toklas awarded
French national socialism
French people, Resistencialist myth of
French Resistance
French Revolution; Freemasonry linked to
French Right
French rural life, Stein on
French support for Pétain, in 1940
French Third Republic
Freud, Sigmund
Fribourg, Switzerland, Faÿ in
friendship: between France and America; treaties of, after World War I
Fuchs, Hermann, Faÿ’s relationship with
“Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington” (Lee)
Genin, Paul
genius claim, of Stein
Geographical History of America or the Relation of Human Nature to the Human Mind, The (Stein)
George Washington: Gentilhomme (George Washington: Republican Aristocrat) (Faÿ)
German-led New Europe
German Society for Documentation, Faÿ at
Germany: armistice signed with; French capitulation to; French cooperation with, in 1940; rise of Hitler in
“Gertrude Stein, Poète de l’Amerique” (Faÿ)
“Gertrude Stein’s Magnificent Hoax: How a Party in Paris, Where the Wine Flowed Freely, Led to the Most Gigantic Practical Joke Ever Perpetuated on the American Literary Public” (Voorhies)
Gide, André
Gillouin, René
Godfrey (saint)
good Jew, Stein as
“Good Anna, The” (Stein)
Göring, Hermann
Grand Orient of France; closing of; Faÿ at; membership of
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)
Greece’s Friendship Treaty with Poland
Griffin, Roger
Gueydan de Roussel, William
Harvard University
Harvey, John L.
Hellman, John
Hemingway, Ernest
Henry-Haye, Gaston: Faÿ as interlocutor for; as Vichy ambassador to America
Herf, Jeffrey
hero, Pétain as
Hey, Justin
Himmler, Heinrich
History or Messages from History (Stein)
Hitler, Adolph; Nobel Peace Prize comments about; Pétain and; Pétain armistice with; rise of, in Germany; Stein on
Hitler-Pétain handshake
holiness, Stein on
homosexuality: of Faÿ; of Stein
Hound and Horn
Hugnet, Georges
ideological center, of National Revolution, Uriage as
“In A Garden A Tragedy” (Stein)
Institute of French Language at the University of Fribourg, Faÿ at
“Intellectual and Moral Reform of France,”
“Interparliamentary Group of Action Against Freemasonry,”
interwar period: decadence of; political and social upheavals of
introduction to Pétain translation project (Stein)
“Invitation to American Historians, An” (Faÿ)
Italian-Ethiopian crisis
Italian fascism
Italy’s Friendship Treaty with Yemen
Italy’s Treaty of friendship with the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croates, and Slovenes
James, William
Jamet, Annie
Jamet, Henri
Jaray, Gabriel-Louis
Jefferson, Thomas
Jefferson and/or Mussolini (Pound)
Je Suis Partout; Faÿ as chief American correspondent of; Faÿ published in; Jews criticized by; as proponent of anti-Semitism; as proponent of fascism; Stein featured in
Jeune Europe movements, of 1930s
Jew(s): American; businessmen and; Cain as; census of, during World War II; deportation of; Faÿ’s denunciation of; foreign, in France during World War II; France purged of; Freemasons and; good, Stein as; Je Suis Partout’s criticism of; and money; Nazi persecution of; as “Oriental” (Stein); wandering. See also Statut des Juifs
Jewish affairs, advisory committee for, Faÿ on
Jewishness, of Stein
Jewish prophets
“Jewish” reformist spirit, Freemasonry in relation to
Jewish student Union, of Switzerland
joie de vivre, of Stein
Journal Officiel, Freemason names in
joy, of Stein
“Judeo-American” politics
Keller, Hans K. E. L.
Kellogg, Frank
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
Kruss, Hugo, Faÿ’s relationship with
La Bataille et L’Action Antimaçonnique (Faÿ)
L’abomination américaine (Kadmi-Cohen)
labor, farm and written
La Fayette
La Gerbe
La grande eclipse franco-américaine (Henry-Haye)
La Gruyère
“La langue française” (Stein)
La Lumière, Faÿ denounced by
“La Manille aux Enchères” (Faÿ)
“L’apothéose de Gertrude Stein” (Faÿ)
La Question Juive
La Revue Anticommuniste
La Revue Universelle
La Suisse
Laughlin, James
Laval, Pierre
League of Nations, denounced by Faÿ
Leahy, William
Le Bugiste
lecturer, Faÿ as
Lectures in America (Stein)
Lee, Henry
Lefebvre, Marcel
Le Français d’Europe (Drieu la Rochelle)
L’église de Judas? (Faÿ)
Le Monde
Les Documents Maçonniques (Faÿ)
Les Forces Occultes
Les précieux (Faÿ)
“L’esprit revolutionnaire en France et aux États-Unis à la fin du XVIIIème siècle” (Faÿ)
“Letter to Hitler” (Daniel-Rops)
“L’Europe nouvelle” de Hitler: Une illusion des intellectuals de la France de Vichy (Bruneteau)
Levin, Harry
l’homme intégral
liberation, of France
Life: Faÿ in; Stein in
Liste Otto
literalism, of Pétain translation project
literary fascism
“Look and Long” (Stein)
“Louis XI and Madame Giraud” (Stein)
Louis XVI, ou la fin d’un monde (Faÿ)
Loy, Mina
Luceau, Faÿ’s home in; Masonic archives in; Stein in
Making of Americans, The (Stein)
Malcolm, Janet
“Manifesto of French Intellectuals for the Defense of the West,” 157
“Manifesto to Spanish Intellectuals,” 158
Maratier, Georges
Marc, Alexandre
Marques-Rivière, Jean
Marrus, Michael R.
Masonic archives: in Faÿ’s Luceau home; in lodges
Masonic brotherhood. See Freemasonry
Masonic materials, in Bibliothèque Nationale
Masonic New World Order
“Masonic Lie, The,” 171
Massachusetts Historical Society, Faÿ’s expulsion by
Maurras, Charles
Maurrassian ideas, Faÿ’s dissemination of
Mazower, Mark
Medal of Honor recipient, Faÿ as
megalomania, of Stein
Mein Kampf (Hitler)
Melanctha (Stein)
membership, of Grand Orient of France
Ménétrel, Bernard; as anti-Semitic; Faÿ’s relationship with
“Messages from History” (Stein)
militarism, American, during World War I
miracle of Vichy
modernism, reactionary, of Stein
Modernism and Fascism: The Sense of a New Beginning Under Mussolini and Hitler (Griffin)
modernist eccentric, Stein as
modernists, female, and fascist ideologies/regimes
“Modern Jew Who Has Given Up the Faith of His Fathers Can Reasonably and Consistently Believe in Isolation, The” (Stein)
modern world, Freemasonry’s transformation of
“Money” (Stein)
money, and Jews
Moritz, August
Mother of Us All, The (Stein)
Mrs. Reynolds (Stein)
Munich Pact of 1938
Naissance d’un monstre: L’opinion publique (Faÿ)
national hero, Pétain as
National Revolution, of Pétain; Faÿ’s support for; Stein’s promotion of; Uriage as ideological center of; vision for France’s future offered by
National Socialism, French
National Zeitung
Nazis: Bibliothèque Nationale used by; books banned by; Faÿ in service of; French collaboration under occupation of; German-dominated New Europe goal of; persecution of Jews by; pogrom of; propaganda of; publications of; rise of; Soviet Union invaded by; Stein’s art collection and
Némirovsky, Irène
New Deal, of Roosevelt
New Europe: America as model for; German-led
New York Times
New York Times Magazine: Faÿ’s essay in; Stein interview in
nineteenth century: language of; progressivism of; Stein’s thoughts on
Nobel Peace Prize
Odile (saint)
Ordioni, Pierre
Ordre Nouveau
organization, Stein’s writings about
Pact of Perpetual Friendship
paranoia, of Faÿ
Paris France (Stein)
paternalism, of fascist dictatorship
patriotism, of Stein
Paxton, Robert O.
peace, importance to Stein
Pearl Harbor
Penser pour agir
personalist philosophy
Pétain, Philippe; as American founding father; anti-Masonic sentiment of; anti-Semitism of; armistice with Hitler signed by; Christlike power of; dictatorship of; Faÿ as dinner guest of; Faÿ’s letter regarding; Faÿ’s support of; French support for; heroism of; Hitler and; imaginary community of; as national hero; pronouncement of; recovery plan of; as saint; speeches of; Stein’s letter to; Stein’s support of; as Victor of Verdun; as war hero; Washington compared to. See also National Revolution, of Pétain; Vichy regime
Pétain-Hitler handshake
Pétainiste, Stein as
Pétain translation project, of Stein; introduction to; literalism of; rationale for; speeches in relation to; Toklas’s corrections of; as unpublished
Philippe Pétain, portrait d’un paysan avec paysages (Faÿ)
Phoney War of 1939–1940
Physiology of Taste (Brillat-Savarin)
Picasso, Pablo
“Pilgrims, The. Thoughts About Master Pieces” (Stein)
Pithiviers affair
political and social upheavals, of interwar period
political leaders, Freemasonry associated with
politics in 1930s and 1940s, of Stein
Popular Front
populist convictions, of Stein
posthumous fear, of Stein
postwar purge, of France
postwar stance, of Stein
Pound, Ezra
“presidential timber,”
prison, Faÿ in
privileges during World War II, for Stein, letters pertaining to
proletarian art
propaganda: of Nazis; Vichy, Stein’s writing of
prophecy beliefs, of Stein
protection, during war, of Stein
Protestant Revolution
publicity, Stein’s desire for
Publishers Weekly, Stein on cover of
purge: in France, of collaborators; of France, postwar; of Jews from France
Q.E.D. (Stein)
racial views, of Stein
Rassemblement National pour la Reconstruction de la France
Reactionary Modernism (Herf)
reactionary modernism, of Stein
Real America
recovery plan, of Pétain
rediscovery, of Stein, after World War II
Red and the Black, The (Stendhal)
repression, of Freemasonry, by Vichy regime
Resistencialist myth, of French people
“Reverie of the Zionist, The” (Stein)
Revolution: American, Freemasonry and; Protestant. See also French Revolution; National Revolution, of Pétain
Revolution and Freemasonry, 1680–1800 (Faÿ)
revolutionary spirit, of America
Reynaud administration
Rive Gauche bookstore
Rogers, W. G., Stein’s letters to
Romania’s Treaty of Friendship with France and with Italy
Roosevelt, Franklin: as Anglo-Saxon demagogue; Faÿ’s critique of; Faÿ’s writings on; New Deal of; Stein’s critique of; Stein’s writings on; Vichy regime and
Roosevelt and His America (Faÿ)
Rosenberg, Alfred
Ross, Marvin Chauncey
Russia’s Treaty of Friendship with Afghanistan
safety, of Stein
saint(s): Godfrey; Odile; Pétain as; Stein on
Saint Gertrude
Salamanca, Spain, Faÿ’s visit in
salon: of Faÿ of Stein
“Salzbourg d’été” (Faÿ)
Saturday Evening Post
Saturday Review of Literature, Stein on cover of
“Say It with Flowers” (Stein)
“Scenery and George Washington” (Stein)
Schivelbusch, Wolfgang
Schmitt, Carl
secrecy, Freemasonry and
secret societies: dissolving of; prosecution of. See also Service des Sociétés Secrètes
Service des Sociétés Secrètes
Sevareid, Eric
Sex and Character (Weininger)
sexual masochism, of Stein
Siegfried, André
Sivan, Maurice
Sontag, Susan
Sorbonne, Faÿ’s denunciation of faculty members of
Soviet-style communism, and American-style capitalism
Soviet Union, invasion of, by Nazis
Spain’s Treaty of friendship with Italy
speeches, of Pétain
Stanzas in Meditation (Stein)
Statut des Juifs
Stavisky, Serge
Stein, Gertrude; Allied effort aided by; American GIs and; American lecture tour of; American life and language loved by; America rediscovered by; anticommunism of; art collection of, Nazis and; assimilation of; with Auntie (car); belief in greatness of; Bilignin home of; Catholicism, in relation to; celebrity of; Culoz home of; Daniel-Rops as friend of; death of; de La Laurencie’s relationship with; deportation risk of; disciples of; double consciousness belief of; eighteenth century, attachment to; faith of; fathering attacked by; Faÿ, as publication advisor to; Faÿ’s candidacy support from; Faÿ’s joy about; Faÿ’s letter from; Faÿ’s relationship with; as femme de lettres; French Medaille de la Reconnaisance awarded to; on French Right; on French rural life; on friendship; genius claim of; as good Jew; Hitler comments by; on holiness; homosexuality of; identification with children by; in Je Suis Partout; Jewishness of; on Jews and publicity; joie de vivre of; in Life; life during World War II; in Luceau; megalomania of; as modernist eccentric; National Revolution of Pétain promoted by; in New York Times Magazine; nineteenth century, critique of; patriotism of; peace in relation to; as Pétainiste; Pétain’s letter from; as Pétain supporter; politics of, in 1930s and 1940s; populist convictions of; posthumous fear of; postwar stance of; principles of modernist writing; prophecy beliefs of; protection of, during World War II; publicity sought by; Publishers Weekly, on cover of; racial views of; reactionary modernism of; rediscovery of, after World War II; renewed celebrity of, after World War II; Roosevelt critique of; safety of, during World War II; on saints; salon of; on Saturday Review of Literature cover; seeing politics from Faÿ’s angle; and “talking and listening,”; on Time cover; Toklas and, Hemingway’s views of; Toklas and, meeting of; Toklas and, Paris salon of; Toklas and, sexual masochism; in Vichy regime’s census of Jews; Vichy regime supported by; violence legitimated by; vulnerability of, during World War II; on “wandering,”; Weininger read by; as writer; writer’s block of. See also Pétain translation project, of Stein
Stein, Gertrude, writings of: American; on “organization,”; on Roosevelt; Vichy propaganda; on Washington
Steinian experimentalism
Suite Française (Némirovsky)
survival, of France, after Occupation
Switzerland; Fribourg, Faÿ in; Jewish student Union of
Tardieu, André
Tender Buttons (Stein)
Third Republic France
Third Europe, The (Keller)
Thompson, Virgil
Three Lives (Stein)
“Three Sisters Who Are Not Sisters A Melodrama” (Stein)
Time, Stein on cover of
Toklas, Alice B.; Allied effort aided by; with Auntie (car); at Bilignin; census of Jews in relation to; conversion to Christianity of; deportation risk of; Faÿ’s escape aided by; Faÿ’s relationship with; French Medaille de la Reconnaisance awarded to; Pétain translation project’s corrections by; and Stein; Stein and, Hemingway’s views of; on Stein’s death
transition magazine
trauma, of World War I
treaties, of friendship
Treaty of Paris, the
Trois Contes (Flaubert)
twentieth century, eighteenth century compared to
Two Lives (Malcolm)
United States, Vichy relationship with
Uriage: as example of French fascism; as ideological center, of National Revolution; men of
Van Dusen, Wanda
Verdun, France
Versailles negotiations
Vichy ambassador, to America, Henry-Haye as
Vichy ideologue, Faÿ as
Vichy propaganda, Stein’s writing of
Vichy regime; anti-Jewish ministry of (CGQJ); attentisme and; census of Jews of; defeat of; deportation of Jews under; emergence of; Faÿ in; as “miracle” (Stein); as model for America; as police state; and repression of Freemasonry; Roosevelt and; Stein’s support of; terror of everyday life under; United States’ relationship with
Victor of Verdun, Pétain as
victory parade, after World War I
von Ribbentrop, Joachim
Voorhies, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Wahl, Jean
wandering Jew
war: Pétain as hero of; protection of Stein during. See also interwar period; Phoney War of 1939–1940; World War I; World War II
Wars I Have Seen (Stein)
Washington, George: Faÿ’s writings on; Pétain compared to; Stein’s writings on
Weber, Eugen
Weininger, Otto
“What Is English Literature” (Stein)
Whitehead, Alfred North
Will to Believe, The (James)
“Winner Loses, The, A Picture of Occupied France” (Stein)
“Winning His Way. A Narrative Poem of Poetry” (Stein)
World War I; American militarism during; armistice of; changes after; friendship after; trauma of; victory parade after
World War II
Yeats, William Butler
Yes Is for a Very Young Man (Stein)